Savannah Past Midnight (15 page)

Read Savannah Past Midnight Online

Authors: Christine Edwards

Tags: #'vampire, #deep south, #georgia, #plantation house, #alpha male'

BOOK: Savannah Past Midnight
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I don’t miss a beat. Leaning in, I offer my neck.
“So, do whatever you need to do.”

She scrambles off the bed so fast that she nearly
trips and falls in the process. Her arms are wrapped around her
waist as I sit up and say in an exasperated voice, “Woman, get back
here and drink from me. The solution is right here.” I pat the
empty space beside me and wait.

She looks longingly and then shakes her head. “No, I
don’t trust myself. I already shared that I could
Doesn’t that mean anything to you?”


“Nope? That’s your only reply when it comes to your
life, Colton?”

“Yep. Know you wouldn’t let it get that far. I trust
you, Cosette.”

She looks away, seemingly ashamed. “Well, you
shouldn’t. I lost control once and killed someone, an innocent guy.
I swore that it would never happen again.”

“Darlin’, people wind up dead for loads of reasons
with every passing second. I wouldn’t offer myself up as your
late-night snack if I thought for one instant you weren’t in total
control. Besides, you look pretty healthy to me.”

“And what is that supposed to mean, exactly?”

“Means that you get your nutrition somewhere, baby,
and I’m guessin’ it’s not all from others like you. So, why can’t I
be what you need in all ways? I want that, Cosette.”

She’s touched by my persistence and says hesitantly,
“Well, there
be a way.”

Now we’re getting somewhere.
“Tell me.”

“If you could restrain me it might make things
easier; then if I lost control you could easily back away until I
got myself back together.”

“You mean tie you down? ’Cause I think I really like
where this is goin’, angel.”

“It’s not a joke, Colton. It’s for your safety.”

“Sweetheart, I don’t need jack shit holdin’ you down
’cause like I’ve already told you, repeatedly, you have more
control than you think, but you wanna go that route, I got lots of
gear around here that might work for that idea of yours. This bed
frame is solid iron. I could tie you to that. Like it. Kinda kinky,

“You’re unreal.”

“You just remember that, wildcat. Feel free to scream
it to me next time I’m riding you. It’s so fuckin’ hot.”

She rolls her eyes in mock exasperation and asks, “Do
you have steel?”

I think for a minute. “Got some galvanized steel
cable downstairs that I use with my winch.”

“That might work. Can you find a way to secure it to
the frame, I mean, so I can’t get loose?”

“Yeah. I can handle that. Hold tight, don’t go
nowhere. I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.”

I hop up and tag my boxer briefs off the floor, slide
them back on, and rush out of the bedroom to get the supplies I

If someone would’ve told me a month ago that I’d be
strappin’ my vampire lover down to keep ’em from eatin’ me alive, I
would’ve laughed my ass off. Now it’s become a sexy as hell


I’ve just finished trying to finger-comb my wild hair
into some sense of order when an excited shiver goes through me.
Colton is standing there in the thick shadows of the doorway,
silent and watchful, with two lengths of cable dangling from his
clenched right fist.

His voice is deep, nearly unnerving when he glances
down to murmur, “They’re coated, so, yeah, that’s better, I guess.
Won’t rip into your wrists.”

“All right. Do you have anything to secure them

His left fist opens, producing an unopened twin pack
of padlocks. “Was thinkin’ I’d use these to secure the door on the
shed out back. Like your idea a lot better.” He always knows how to
break the tension as he continues playfully, “Arms overhead like a
good girl so I can tie you up.” His devilish grin widens,
displaying his white teeth. I have a flash of him with fangs,
biting into me. The erotic vision makes my breath hitch.

“What is it?”

I shake it off and raise my arms, murmuring,

Lying on the soft bed I suddenly feel shy and a bit
awkward that he’s about to restrain me in order for me to eat from

The weight of his knee makes the bed dip as he drops
the hardware at the base of the mattress. Planting both palms next
to me, he comes down in a push up-like stance to brush a kiss
across my lips. “Promise you’ll take what you need, ’kay?”

“Yes, I will,” I answer quietly, trying to recall the
last time I was so excited to taste someone’s blood.

I come up with the answer immediately:

“All right. Let’s get this party started. Now grab
hold of the metal.”

I’ve never had a relationship with a human before
now, mostly due to their fleeting mortality, seeing it as pointless
unless they are turned, and that is rare. It’s worked out well for
Ambrose and Alina and apparently Severin is incredibly happy with
his mate Calla—same for Case and Kiana. But they were all turned
under dire circumstances. What if you give your heart to someone
and they eventually decide that vampires are vile or worse? What if
they are killed in the crossfire of territorial violence, too weak
in their human state to adequately defend themselves in the
dangerous world you selfishly dragged them into … what

“Hey.” His index finger presses against the underside
of my chin. “What’s goin’ on in that gorgeous head of yours? Second
thoughts already?”

I shake off the grim thoughts. “Not at all. See?
Hands in place.”

“Good girl. You know how I like it when you listen to

Mmmm … and his dark rewards are always so
impossibly sweet.

He straddles me and swiftly and efficiently twines
the first cable twice around my wrist. Tight enough that there is
no way my hand could slip out. There are loops with clamps at the
base of each cable, the kind that a hook or clasp would slide into.
He opens the padlock and slips both into the loops before hooking
it over one of the thick swirls of iron. The lock closes with a
crisp ‘snick’ sound and he wastes no time doing the same with the
opposite hand. I know that I could instantly trace away and if I
really strained, break the cables along with the ironwork of the
bed, but this is a very effective precaution should I completely
lose control and try to ravage his neck. It would buy him enough
time to get away from me—not much, but enough. It passes as a
safety measure.

“Gonna need to take you tied up like this sometime
soon. Think you landed yourself a deviant sex fiend, darlin’, but
then again, I think that it’s
who brings it out in

“Come closer, Colton.”


“Oh yeah.”

He leans in and his scent crashes over me. My hands
clench tightly—I’m so desperate to taste him. He’s not four inches
away when I stare intently into his eyes. The act of glamouring
masks the sharp sting of my fangs before I plunge them into his
skin. It’s like a sedative of sorts, only one that acts on your
of pain, guaranteeing that the experience is
mutually satisfying. When his eyes glaze over I whisper
seductively, “Closer, and tilt your neck to my lips.”

The heat of his skin brushes against my lips and I
nearly moan at the mouthwatering contact. I strike fast, my mouth
opening wide as my fangs penetrate his skin in one swift motion.
The first taste of his rich blood stuns me with its intoxicating
flavor. I knew he would taste amazing, but his blood is so complex
and flavorful, like a perfectly blended, rare Cabernet Sauvignon.
I’m immediately grateful that I’m strapped down. He gives only a
little start at the initial unfamiliar pressure when I begin to
drink from him in deep pulls. Our bite offers another
benefit … mind-bending sexual arousal. He moans restlessly as
his hands fist into my hair. His cock, now rock hard and on the
verge of orgasm is straining against his boxer briefs as his hips
press aggressively against my stomach.
Damn … if my hands
weren’t restrained, I would so take care of him ….

His voice is a raw whisper. “Shit, so good,

He’s being pounded by wave after wave of need and
lust as I draw deep from him.
Not too much … retain
control. Nice and easy, Cosette.

After two more pulls I reluctantly release my fangs
and swiftly lap twice at the wound, knowing that my saliva contains
healing properties that will cause the punctures to rapidly clot
and heal.

He’s panting hard as he stares down at me. “Holy
hell, why were your holding that shit back from me, wildcat? Don’t
think I’ve ever been this turned on in my life. That was kinky as

“Shhh … scoot closer and lower the band of your
shorts, Colton.”

Time to repay the favor.

He looks shocked for a second before grinning like
the Cheshire Cat, using both thumbs to pull the waistband of his
shorts out and down. His thick shaft springs forward.

“Let me take care of that for you. Put yourself
between my lips, Colton.”

Part of me wishes that my hands weren’t tethered, but
being bound definitely adds a sinful edge to our dark play. His
chest is rising and falling rapidly as he moves his hips in,
touching the wide head to my parted lips.

I flick my tongue out in an eager swipe, tasting the
essence of his pre-cum.

My eyes never leave his as I demand, “More.”

He tips his hips in and gasps as his cock disappears
between my lips. I love how he feels like silk wrapped around
molten steel. I hum appreciatively around him, hoping to encourage
him to move, to fuck my mouth in a way that precisely meets his
needs. He plants his palms down possessively on the top of my head
as his hips find their rhythm, swaying back and forth until he
bumps the back of my throat.

“C’mon, Cosette, release the beast in me. He wants
out so damn bad.”

His wickedness spurs me on. I’m licking and sucking
with everything I have, determined to please him. His tempo speeds
up and he’s staring down at me with a look of such savagery that
I’m tempted to break his stare. I feel consumed by him, as if
somehow he can see right through to my very soul.

His constant rhythm suddenly breaks, turning frantic
and choppy before he finally stills, gripping me tightly against
him. Cum floods the back of my throat. His violent roar is so
deafening that it bounces off the walls, shattering the calmness of
the night.

He releases his hold, collapsing back onto his ass.
Propped up on his elbows, he pulls ragged drags of air into his
lungs. He looks at me and shakes his head in astonishment.


I grin across at him.

“You fuckin’ slay me, Cosette. Everything about you.
Ah hell, let me get you out of those restraints. Hold up a sec,

He fumbles for the keys on the bedside table and in
no time has me released and folded securely against his hot

Callused fingers brush the hair away from my forehead
as he asks, “You get what you need?”

“Mmm hmm, that and more. Thanks.”

“Tasty?” There’s an edge of wry humor in his

I push up and twist to look at him. “Oh yeah, cowboy,

His lips press together in a smug smile. “Good, come
back anytime.”

“Thanks for the invite. I plan on it.”

“Excellent. I like that. A lot, actually. Stay with
me tonight. I can’t say I’ll be much company … fuckin’
destroyed after that session. The things you do to me, woman.”

“As much as I’d love to, I promised my uncle Severin
I’d return before dawn. They’re busy following up leads on the
latest attack. Until we get to the bottom of why someone wants me
wiped from the planet, I’ve promised to stay away from my home here
and closer to their protection. I’m not happy about it, but it’s
the rational move, considering the circumstances.”

He’s mulling over what I just said and says, “I’m
gonna install those shades in here tomorrow. Next time we’re
together I want you to stay wrapped tight in my arms, at least for
a little while, before you go. Don’t like you taking off all the

“Thank you, Colton.”

“No need for thanks.”

I hope that he’s up for what I’m about to toss
I begin casually, “So, I was thinking. I’d like for you to
meet my family in Charleston. My last relationship put a major
strain on our once close bond, and it would mean a lot for them to
see me with someone like you.”

“Someone like me?”

“Yes, someone who is strong and intelligent, and most
important, trustworthy.”

His eyes glow at the compliment. “Yeah, all right,
wildcat. You name the night and I’m there.”

“Are you off this Friday?”

“Nah, always scheduled to work the door on the
weekends, but I got a buddy who owes me, can call in the favor to
him, so consider it done.” He finishes by dropping a kiss on my

Reluctantly I slide out of his heat and begin to get
dressed. “It will be dawn soon. You’d better get some rest. This
house needs your attention.”

His gaze is hot as he stares at me. “House can wait.
I need you more.”

Caught off guard by his comment, I merely watch him
watching me for a long moment before whispering, “I’ll pick you up
at nine on Friday. Sweet dreams, Colton.”

With that I trace away, already missing the

p.m.—Present Day
24 Miles South of

he red light on the overhead
security camera blinks several times before the stately steel gate
swings wide, providing us access to the eerie, oak-lined road.

“Better slow it down to a crawl, wildcat,” I tell
her. “This unpaved shit is gonna do some hardcore damage to your

“Relax, cowboy, I’ve got it covered.”

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