Savaro's Honey Buns (12 page)

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Authors: Remmy Duchene

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Savaro's Honey Buns
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"Yes sir." Jamal gave a mock salute causing Laird and Rajan to burst into laughter.

When they walked off and Jamal climbed in beside

him, Savaro eased across the centre and kissed him. When he was satisfied for the moment he sat back. "You know the world is going to end right?"


Savaro grinned. "My brothers and I in the same place always means trouble."

Jamal smirked.


Leroy played on the empty basketball court while

Savaro had a quiet moment with Jamal after his game. It'd been a strange game because fans were still going through shock, for Jamal had actually chosen to play for the Moussa Phantoms. When he walked onto the court it was as if they didn't know if they should cheer or boo. When he began greeting his new teammates, the crowd erupted in a wild cheer. Leroy actually covered his ears and pressed his face into Savaro's shoulder. Smiling, he turned to watch his soon to be son for the papers hadn't been finalized yet.

"Sometimes it scares me, you know," Jamal said, shifting from where his head rested in Savaro's lap.

Savaro looked down into Jamal's face but he was

staring at Leroy. "What does?"

"Having a child," Jamal admitted. "I had all but given up on ever being a father and now—just look at him."

A soft chuckle escaped Savaro's lips. "I didn't think I would ever be one either. But Leroy was so small when I saw him and he was alone. He wouldn't survive that place. I should know—I've been there. I figured I have the money, the connections and the love to guide him and help him grow. With that thought I gave up relationships to focus on him."

"And now?"

"I didn't count on you. I thought out all the possibilities but I didn't add a man like you into the equation."

Jamal turned his head then and their eyes met. A

shiver danced down Savaro's spine. He caressed Jamal's cheeks with the knuckle of his index finger.

"But I do love you, Savaro," Jamal whispered.

"There was no controlling it. I pray every night that you will never count me out again—that you will think of me and remember it."

"I do remember. All I have to do is think of you and I feel it. Don't worry. The truth is I never thought I could love a man the way I love you, but here I am… gushing over you."

Jamal laughed. "Gushing eh… well, we'll see."

"You're a fruit, you know that?"

"Admit it. You know you want to gush for me,"

Jamal lifted his body to whisper. "And tonight, after Lee goes to sleep, I'll make you."

Savaro shivered.

"See? You love the idea. Who's the fruit now?"

Savaro grinned and kissed Jamal deeply. When he

could trust himself to pull back, he looked into his eyes.

"We have to go you know. I have to get that little one home since it is a school night."

"And I have to go talk to the coach before I head out. I'll see you when I get home?"

"I'm not going anywhere. I shall await your…


Jamal got up and laughed. "Fruit."

Savaro shook his head with a fake pout that Jamal happily kissed before rushing over to Leroy yelling something about being open. Tilting his head, Savaro watched Leroy hurl the ball to Jamal who shot for the basket. The ball fell through the hoop. Afterward, he scooped Leroy up, hoisted him into the air yelling, "And the crowd goes wild!"

Savaro laughed standing up. "Come on you two, knock it off. We have to get this little one home."

"Aww do we have to?" Leroy called.

"Yes, because some of us have school tomorrow,"

Savaro replied.

Jamal kissed Leroy's head and handed him over to

Savaro. Savaro kissed Jamal. "I love you. See you later?"

"Love you too. Don't wait up. You have to open Anatolis tomorrow."

Savaro smirked dropping a kiss to Jamal's nose.

"You made me a promise, remember?"

A smirk danced across Jamal's lips just before

Savaro had to kiss him.

"Oh… I remember. But I'll wake you up when I get home."

"Me too?" Leroy wanted to know. "You can wake me up too."

Jamal smiled before caressing a hand over Leroy's head. "How about I wake you up tomorrow morning for school? I'll make you some blueberry pancakes."

Leroy flailed an arm happily and reached over to

hug Jamal's neck.

"Okay, ready?" Savaro asked Leroy who released Jamal's neck and nodded. With one final kiss to Jamal, Savaro carried the seven-year-old boy to the car and placed him in the back seat. After ensuring he was buckled in, Savaro climbed into the front seat, started Leroy's movie and pulled the vehicle from the parking space. It didn't take long for Leroy to begin snoring softly from the back seat.

Savaro glanced at him through the mirror and smiled.

At home, he carried Leroy to bed, removed his

shoes and pulled the blankets up to his neck. Checking the temperature in the room, he then turned off the lights and pulled the door closed slightly. He didn't go to his room yet, he figured he could get some work done in the den while he waited for Jamal to get home. The moment he fell into his overstuffed office chair however, his cell phone vibrated and though against his better judgment, he answered it.

"Dude! You would not believe what my studio is doing!" Rajan sounded excited.

Savaro pulled the phone from his ears. "Whoa!

Keep it down a little. Okay, what are they doing?"

"Some movie people he was talking about. I think he even flailed a little," Laird said.

"Am I on speaker phone?" Savaro questioned.

"Well duh!" Rajan replied. "They are sending me to go job shadow a real life SWAT team!"

"Erm…" Savaro rubbed his temples. "So let me see if I get this right. You're going to have to be around an elite squad during take-downs?"

"Uh-huh," Rajan said. "When you say it that way it sounds all ominous and shit."

Laird laughed. "Ominous eh? That your word of the day, Raj?"

"Oh blow me," Rajan chuckled. "But it is a good idea. I'm a little nervous about it though."

"Nervous about what? Have you seen how sexy

those SWAT guys are? I want to do things to them…

naughty, dirty things." Laird commented before laughing.

There was a tumble sound on the other line, Laird stopped laughing and groaned.

"Hey horn dog! Chill out." Savaro laughed. He knew whatever Laird was sitting or lying on, he'd fallen off. "But that is pretty cool. I don't like it, but still cool."

"Thank you, Sav. So how is Leroy? I see Jamal's Phantoms won," Laird said.

Savaro nodded needlessly. "They did. And Leroy is fine. He's asleep right now. But I just know it's going to be hell waking him up tomorrow."

"Like you would have it any other way," Rajan said with a laugh.

"You're right… I wouldn't. Laird did you find anyone to fill that PR spot yet? I could make a few calls get someone to come in."

"Thanks. I have tons of people coming in but none of them have the personality that I want. It's a disaster. I am this close to telling them all to go sit on tacks." Laird sighed.

"All right, I'll make some calls in the morning,"

Savaro said scribbling that down in his day planner. "Oh and don't forget this Saturday I'm closing down Anatolis for Leroy's birthday."

"Oh right!" Rajan cheered. "I still have to get him a present. But what can you get the boy who in his eyes, has everything?"

"Everything?" Laird questioned.

"Yes. He has new parents and his basketball hero lives with him. Doesn't that count as everything?" Rajan pointed out.

Laird chuckled. "Yeah, you're right. This is why I hate buying presents. I'd rather give him money."

Savaro shook his head. "You two can argue about this later."

"Anyways I know it's late so I'm gonna let you go.

You have a good night," Rajan said.

"Love you," Laird called.

"Love you guys. Good night." Savaro laughed then hung up.

Savaro sat there, long after the conversation was over just staring out the window across from his desk. His brothers always left him feeling energized. If he wasn't going to sleep before, he definitely wouldn't be sleeping now. Rubbing a hand over his face, Savaro pushed to his feet and made his way up the stairs and into the shower. He turned the water on, lifted his face to it and groaned.


Savaro's eyes snapped open and he pushed his head around the curtains. "In the shower."

The door creaked and Jamal stepped in, peeling off his shirt.

"I thought you were going to sleep until I got home." Jamal stepped beneath the water with him.

"I was… but I knew I wasn't going to sleep. I then tried to get some work done but my brothers called."

"I see," Jamal whispered, inching in for Savaro's lips. He trapped Savaro against the wall beneath the downpour with a smirk on his lips. "Now, come here Baby… about that gushing…"

The End



Remmy Duchene is a Jamaican living and working in Canada. He loves hockey, CFL, and sitting on the banks of lake Ontario.




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Savaro's Honey Buns

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