Read Save Me From Myself Online

Authors: Stacey Mosteller

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

Save Me From Myself (22 page)

BOOK: Save Me From Myself
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“Is everything okay?” I ask him, not really sure what could be bothering him.

He just shrugs, “Everything’s fine, just waiting for you.” His grin still isn’t meeting his eyes and I frown, but I know that if he wants to tell me, he will.

Placing his hand at the small of my back, he leans in to kiss my cheek as he leads me out into the late afternoon sunlight. When we reach his car, he opens and shuts my door for me before getting into the car himself. When he eases into traffic, I turn to look at him. His jaw is tense he’s gripping the steering wheel with both hands, something that has never happened while I’ve been in the car with him. He’s either holding my hand, or his hand is on my thigh or playing with my hair. He seems really nervous for some reason, and again I try to find out what’s wrong with him.

“David?” My voice comes out much smaller than it normally would because he’s making me as nervous as he is. He must hear something in my voice, because when he turns to look at me, he looks more concerned than anything else.

“Yeah darlin'?” He asks me, still not touching me.

I have to clear my throat to rid it of the lump that’s suddenly settled there, “Are you sure everything’s okay? You look tense, and you’re worrying me.”

Taking one hand from the steering wheel, he pinches the bridge of his nose with two fingers before sighing, “I promise, I’m fine. I just have a few things on my mind tonight.”

Well, that wasn’t much help. But, since he is obviously not in the mood to talk to me, I’m not going to force him to. Leaning back into my seat, I cross my arms over my chest and look out the window instead of at him.

Not a lot of time passes before he mutters, “Shit.” Pulling over to the side of the road, he shoves the car into park and I can feel his eyes on me. I can see his reflection as he turns in his seat to face me, but I don’t turn from the window. I know that I’m pouting, but he’s always trying to get me to tell him what I’m thinking, or what’s wrong, and it hurts a little that he won’t do the same.

Gently, he takes my hand in his and links our fingers together. Tugging slightly on my hand, he says my name, but I refuse to look at him, continuing to stare stubbornly out the car window.

“Damn it Lyric, will you
look at me.” There’s a note of pleading in his voice, and rolling my eyes, I turn to look at him. He’s looking at me sheepishly, like he’s embarrassed by his behavior. Good, he should be!

“What?” I snap, really unhappy about the way the night is turning out. I was so excited to see him, to spend time with him, but now I’m wishing he would just take me home since he obviously doesn’t want to be around me. I spent entirely too much time trying to please Matt and it got me nowhere. I’m not going to make the same mistake again.

David sighs again, “I’m really fucking this up, aren’t I?”

“Fucking what up, David?” I ask wearily.

Running his hand through his hair, he answers, “This isn’t how I wanted tonight to go you know? I had it all planned. I’d take you to dinner, spend time with you, and at the end, I had a specific idea of how this would go.”

Uh, what? What is he talking about? “How what would go?” My voice is trembling, was he taking me out to dinner before telling me that he didn’t want to see me anymore? He’s just nice enough to do something like that. To try to let me down easy.

Before I have a chance for those thoughts to go any further, he answers my question, “How asking you to be with me would go.”

Holy hell. Considering the fact that thirty seconds ago I was convinced that he was getting ready to toss me to the curb, that answer was the opposite of what I was thinking. I don’t even know how to respond. The question is out of my mouth before I even realize I’m going to ask. “You want to be with me? As in, us, together? You being my

He cringes at the word boyfriend, “Yes, I guess I’d be your boyfriend.”

“What’s that look for?” Doesn’t he
to be my boyfriend? How can that not be what he meant?

He frowns, “Lyric, I’m thirty-one years old. Boyfriend sounds a little too much like high school.”

Oh, so that’s his problem. The terminology. A giggle escapes before I can stop it, and he gives me a hard look. “Oh, I’m sorry, am I amusing you?”

I’m full on laughing at the look on his face. “I’m sorry,” I gasp, “it’s just you’re such an old man. ‘Boyfriend sounds a little too much like high school.’ Do you hear yourself right now?” My free arm is wrapped around my middle trying to keep the laughter contained.

He practically growls when he says, “I
hate that nickname.”

“Well, stop acting like one and I’ll stop calling you one.” My laughter finally stops, and I grin up at him.

He shakes his head, “So, are you planning to give me an answer?”

“That depends, are you planning to ask me a question?” I love seeing him this way. He’s always so confident and sure of himself. Seeing him vulnerable and so nervous makes him seem a little less god-like.

He visibly relaxes, “Uh, yeah, I guess that would help wouldn’t it?” Then, he says with an evil smile, “Lyric, will you please take pity on this old man’s heart and consent to being my girlfriend?”

Just like that, I lose it again. He sounds so stiff and formal, like a true old man. I love the playful side of David. When I’m able to calm myself again, he’s staring at me with one eyebrow raised waiting for my answer.

“Silly boy, you know my answer is yes.” The word is barely out of my mouth before he grabs me, pulling me across the seat and crushing my mouth with his. I immediately open for him and his tongue darts into my mouth to tangle with mine. Gripping his biceps to keep my balance, I lose myself in his kiss. I don’t know how long we stay locked in this embrace, but finally, David pulls away from my lips and breathing heavily trails kisses down my jaw.

“Fuck darlin', you make me crazy.” He says gruffly, the heat in his voice making me shiver.

“Me too,” I manage to gasp when he reaches the juncture of my neck and shoulder, sucking hard. All I want to do is climb into his lap and get as close as we possibly can, but I think this car might be too small. That doesn’t stop me from trying to get as close to him as possible, and when his hands tighten on my hips, moving me away from him slightly, I whimper.

“Baby, we have to stop,” he says breathing heavily.

I can’t help the “no” that comes out of my mouth. I don’t want to stop! Now that I know he wants
, I don’t ever want to stop! Putting my hands on either side of his face, I bring his mouth back to mine and he groans before kissing me back. I could kiss David forever and never get tired of it.

Suddenly, I’m lifted off the seat and moved so that I’m straddling his lap in the front seat of his car. His lips never leave mine as his hands leave my waist and move up my shirt to cup my breasts. Moaning into his mouth, I arch my back to push my chest further into his hands. David kneads my breasts while he moves his mouth down my neck.

His mouth combined with his hands is driving me insane with lust. My hips are moving of their own accord against his lap, causing both of us to moan. Just feeling the hardest part of him against me makes me want to have sex with him, right here, in his car and damn anyone that comes by. Luckily, he’s the rational one in this relationship, and just the fact that this is officially is a relationship now makes me feel warm all over. Pulling back, he drops his hands to my waist and stills my movements.

His voice is gruff when he says, “Lyric, we can’t.”

“Please David,” I plead.

“Goddamn it,” he growls, “How am I supposed to tell you no?” His hands on my hips are gripping me tightly. He’s moving me back and forth over him slightly, and it’s scrambling all my thoughts.

“You’re not,” I breathe, grinning inwardly at the knowledge that he wants me just as badly as I want him.

“Darlin', as much as I want you, which is more than I want my next breath, I can’t do this with you in a car.” He sounds aggravated, and the tone of his voice makes me pay attention.

“What do you mean, you can’t?” Rolling my hips, I give him a wicked smile, “It sure feels like you can.”

David groans as his grip on my hips tightens, stopping my movements again. Then, he meets my gaze with a scowl on his handsome face, “Well obviously I
, but I shouldn’t. You deserve so much better than a quickie in the front seat of my car.”

I melt. I’m not sure how I haven’t turned into a puddle on his lap. “Where do you come up with this stuff? You can’t be real.”

David’s gaze doesn’t falter, “I’m not ‘coming up’ with anything. It’s true. I can’t do all the things I want to do to you in a car. I can’t make love to you here, and that’s what you deserve.”

My heart stutters when he says the word love. Neither one of us has said the words, but when he looks at me, I swear I see more than just lust. I don’t say anything further though, I don’t trust myself not to utter those three little words. I need him to say it first. David doesn’t say anything though, we just continue to look at each other, me on his lap in the front seat of his car.

Finally, he breaks the silence, “My place or yours?”

“Mine is closer,” I say, my stomach tightening at the glow of desire in his eyes.

After kissing me quickly, he moves me off his lap and back into my seat. Then, he takes my hand in his and lifts the back of my fingers to his mouth. I meet his gaze, and he smiles softly, “I’m glad you said yes, darlin'. More glad than you can imagine.”

“Me too.” I say quietly, because I am. This may be the last thing I was looking for, but it’s exactly what I needed.

David doesn’t release my hand when he starts the car and gets back on the road. We head towards my apartment, both of us lost in our thoughts, but it’s a comfortable silence. For once, I’m not obsessing about why he’s quiet or what he’s thinking. The only thing on my mind is him and what he’s planning to do to me when we get there.

We barely make it up the stairs and through my apartment door before my back is against the wall and his lips are on mine. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I put my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me. We both moan when his erection meets the apex of my thighs, and we’re oblivious to everything but each other.

At least, we are until a throat clears behind David. My eyes fly open to meet his, and he mouths “Shit,” making me giggle. Looking over his shoulder, I see Anna standing in the hallway with her hands on her hips frowning at us. It’s the absolute worst time for giggling, but I can’t seem to help it. Tonight’s been a roller coaster of emotions so far, and it just won’t stop. Burying my face in David’s neck, I try to regain my common sense.

David unwraps my legs from around his waist, but keeps me close to him as he turns to face Anna. Clearing his throat, he manages, “Uh, hi Anna. I didn’t know you’d be here tonight.”

“Obviously,” she replies with a snort. “I’ll be sure and let you know when I’ll be out. In the meantime, don’t let me stop your show. At least someone’s getting lucky in this apartment.” With that, she walks past us, grabbing her coat out of the closet, and says “I won’t be back for a while, feel free to have hot monkey sex, just stay off my couch!”

David finally laughs, “Have a good night, Anna!” he hollers at her back. She raises an arm to wave at him without turning back around.

Looking up I meet his gaze, and he grins, “You are so much trouble, you know that?”

I gape at him. “
trouble? You’re the one who likes putting me up against the wall.”
I move around him to walk further into the apartment and he grabs my hand, pulling me back into his chest.

David puts his mouth down to my ear and whispers, “I like putting you up against walls, in the shower, in my bed, your bed and many other places we haven’t even tried yet.”

Yes please
! It’s a good thing he has his arms around me because my knees go weak from the images that flash through my mind at his words. He nips my ear, and I whimper, collapsing further into his chest.

“So, should we christen Anna’s couch, or do you think you can make it to your room?” David’s voice is low and gravelly. The way it always gets when he’s aroused, and suddenly, I’m not sure we can make it.

Turning in his arms, I reach up on my toes to kiss him, murmuring, “Can you get us to my room before we’re forced to christen the couch?”

“Oh darlin', is that a dare? Because I do like dares.” With that, he swipes his arm under my knees, knocking them out from under me, and lifts me into his arms. Putting my arms around his neck, I can’t help but laugh at his antics.

When we get to my room, he shuts the door with his foot before using one hand to twist the lock.

“Just in case she comes back early,” he says before walking over to the bed. He tosses me down on it and I bounce, which makes me laugh harder. I don’t get to laugh for long though, he follows me down and leans over me pressing his lips to the skin right above the collar of my t-shirt.

Gasping, my hands fly to his hair as I say his name. He doesn’t respond, but trails his tongue along the tops of my breasts. When he reaches my collarbone, he bites down gently and I arch my back, just having his mouth on me brings me close to the edge. David shifts so he’s between my thighs and I’m really wishing I’d worn a skirt tonight. If he doesn’t move this along, I’m going to explode, and not in a good way!

BOOK: Save Me From Myself
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