Read Saved and SAINTified Online

Authors: Tiana Laveen

Saved and SAINTified (70 page)

BOOK: Saved and SAINTified
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Xenia, can you hear me, baby?

He heard a f
aint sigh. He knew that sigh. His Goddess.

I can hear her! This is good
. How do I make her hear me, though?

He concentrated harder. Inside his mind, he was screaming at the top of his lungs. She still didn’t hear him
, yet he could see her clearly, waiting patiently.

That’s it. I’m not supposed to concentrate even harder, just clearer

The revelation hit him like a ton of bricks. He dug deep, recalling the smallest of nuisances as he walked around their bedroom. He reached for the fabric of the bed and missed,
feeling his telekinetic stumble. Regrouping, this time he aimed higher and focused. He ignored his budding headache and went ahead, knowing that this was paramount. And there it was—the white, soft, silky sheets in his hand. Xenia looked down at the foot of the bed and covered her mouth with her hand.

Saint, are you doing that?”


He cursed inside, seeing that she still couldn’t hear him. He tried again.

Yes, I’m moving the sheets.

She looked around the room frantically, and he smiled.

You can hear me, baby?





Xenia watched the sheets continue to slowly sway back and forth as if a breeze had come through. Then, they suddenly dropped.  Her heart beat frantically as she waited—and then she saw it. The mattress dipped, an indentation at the foot of the bed, then another, as if someone was crawling across it slowly, like a tiger to its prey. She gulped and closed her eyes, almost afraid to watch. She knew it was her husband, but it still frightened her. He had become an invisible lover, and she had no idea what to expect.

Xenia, l
ie back down, baby.

Okay... ” She hesitated and opened her eyes to look around the room. His voice seemed to be echoing from all sides, all four walls.

I’m sitting right here beside you.
She could hear the grin in his voice.

Saint, this is freaking me

Baby, let me help you relax, okay? Now, stay down on the bed and close your eyes.

She followed his directives, rubbing her bare feet together nervously.  Then his fingertips were on her ankles, and running slowly but surely up her legs. She gasped. She hadn’t even felt him leave her side, but he had, and he was touching her—touching her delicately, as if he were right there. It felt no different than having him in person and his energy was so intense, he was heating her body from the inside out. Saint returned to her ankles, gently massaged them and her flesh up to her knee, then back down to the bottom of her feet.

is cologne drifted past her. “Oh my God, Saint. I can smell you, too.”

Good, baby. You’re still so nervous though.

“It’s … it’s a little creepy.” She laughed apprehensively, feeling shivers go up her spine. And then, he did what he always did to make her relax if all else failed. Humor.

You just let yourself go when I’m away, huh?

“Huh? What do you mean?”

You didn’t shave your pussy this morning. I can see the little sprouts of hair, and on your legs
, too. You know your shit grows like a damn chia pet. You’re prickly. You’re going to make me have to floss after I eat you. I’m going to get carpet burn just by brushing up against that cat.

covered her mouth to muffle her laugh. To her, it wasn’t even so much what he said—it was that he could see her, that he
She heard him laugh in response.

That’s okay, baby. I’ll excuse you, this one time. But when you do shave it, leave that little landing strip I like, please. I do like a little hair on that muffin
. You’re grown ’nd sexy. It turns me the fuck on.

He moved his fingers higher up her body, to her waist.
Xenia cried out when she felt him open her legs, his fingertips pressed firmly into her warm flesh. She couldn’t help it. She opened one eye, then the other, and peered down. She could see the indentations, feel his heavy hands on her inner thighs, pushing them even further apart, then his shoulders wedged securely between her thighs.

I see you looking, baby
. She heard him follow the statement with a slight laugh, then warm air ran along her legs as he kissed her, slow pecks, up and down her thighs.

“Oh my God
...” She wanted to relax, but it was just too much. Everything suddenly stopped.

Saint? Are you still here?”

Then, a flicker of light caught her eye. She watched in amazement as a black cherry scented candle floated across the room and landed on his nightstand.

I thought this may help you a bit. Some nice mood lighting.

Before she could respond, she screamed out as she felt thick, slick wetness and light pressure between her legs. He
expertly ministered to her fountain, making her scream and cream in his imperceptible grip.

“Oh my God
, oh my God, oh my GOD!”

, she slid her legs up and down the bed until she felt him grab them, press her down, manhandle her in the way she was accustomed to. She could feel his labored breathing, the warmth from his nostrils as he used his lips and tongue to make her fall seductively to pieces while she gripped the sheets so tightly, they threatened to tear.

, baby. I can smell you, taste you. I can see your wet pussy so clearly ... so fuckin’ beautiful, baby.

He moved faster and faster, gripping her thighs to him as she hugged his invisible face with her legs. He sipped from her

So good, baby
. I’m savoring your lovely honeyed cascade. That’s right, keep cumming, pour all of that down my throat.




Saint tried to keep his composure in the small restroom. Time was on his side; most of the passengers were fast asleep. To the unlearned eye, it would look as if he were tongue kissing the air – his body doing perversions that would make the late, great Elvis Presley’s controversial pelvic thrusts look fit for Disney. Now, he was surrounded with her essence. It had been previously stymied ... and he missed her, so he took in this substitute with open arms. He felt a bit disembodied, but he managed for he
it; he
to make it work.

He gently pulled back and tapped his fingertips along his lower lip
. His mouth was wet. He cracked a slight smile, which grew into a wide grin, then graduated into a full-sized energetic laugh.

“What’s so funny?”
Xenia panted, her orgasm subsiding as she snapped him out of his thoughts.

I just
... can’t believe it. I can really taste you, smell you. I have a terrible headache, but it’s working... It’s really working.

“On your end, does it feel like, well, how it normally feels?”

Yeah. I mean, I can tell it isn’t the same, but it’s close enough. It will do. I’m teleporting and the energy is a little off, but this will help me; it will take care of the problem. Definitely not a replacement for the real thing, especially since it seems to cause massive migraines, but yeah…”
He laughed again.
“Baby, this is just what I needed. Lie back down now.”




Xenia lazily lay back, smiling and he covered her with his body. He kissed the side of her neck and gently pulled her hair—ravenous, impatient, lust-filled. Urgent and simply beautiful.  Once she closed her eyes, her body would not have known that he wasn’t really there. He was an illusion, but her skin cells and flesh could tell no difference. And then, his whisper swayed the curls by her ear...

Are you ready?

“Yes ... are you?”

I was born ready, baby

And with that, she
screamed out with extreme pleasure. her back arched away from the disheveled bed while Saint pushed his cock deeply inside of her. Her secret lover moved steadily, shocking her senses, his lovemaking so pure, so right, and so seductively strange.

... was different. It had to have been his urgency. He poured all of his energy inside of her, the little bit that he’d said he had left, and it was exquisite. His long thrusts made her feel virginal as he stroked her inner core like violin strings. She felt him completely, filling her up as if she were an empty basin, and he was making sure she was well-fed. She heard him moan in her ear, louder and louder as he caressed her skin and kept her steady to his heavy, hot, long, muscular body.

. I love you so much, Xenia. Damn it, woman ... and you smell and feel so good, baby.

His voice didn’t lie
. He was being re-booted, recharged, going from his deepest valley low to his highest mountain high with each monumental pelvic thrust. The hefty bed shook with each of his powerful lunges, and to anyone that would walk in that room, they’d be sure she was being taken by a ghost—and in a way, she was. He could only share part of himself with her, and she was left with air, but the stratosphere became three dimensional, enough for her to hold and feel, regardless of her inability to see.

She cast her glance at nothing, but her body and soul at everything.

His skin felt warm to her touch, and he felt in the flesh. Even the softness of his hair brushing against the side of her face mimicked all the many times they’d made love in the past. Familiar, it fit like a puzzle piece in this strange yet sensual enigma of an encounter. He increased his speed—rough, firm, but protective and caring—and feasted off of her, like he would a gourmet meal.

Her energy began to drain as he continued to take and take and take
—a delightful death awaited her. He was the vampire in the night, stealing her essence, yet still, she reaped the benefits. Just as her eyes fluttered, her body began to tingle from the tips of her toes, past her calves, climbing to her navel, rolling past the dips of her hips to her swollen lips and there was where he planted a kiss. She became electric as he ground into her pelvis and continued to kiss her, sucking her bottom lip. His movements labored, his breathing heavy—she just wanted to die in his arms ... and she did. He was depleting her, only to leave the bare essentials.

Oh my God,
Saint... Please don’t stop ... don’t ever stop.




Saint’s pelvis twisted erratically as he clawed at the bathroom walls. His eyes burned from the changing colors of blood red to bright, Halloween orange as his teleportation reached a fever pitch. He could feel his body claiming hers, taking everything she had. The soulmate connection was real, and he needed this loan—his very life depended on it. He was breaking her down so that he could build himself up. He grunted and moaned loudly, pounding the wall  as he almost flew clear off the ground, his pelvis still thrusting wildly into thin air—his penis pointing straight toward the ceiling and thankfully, away from anything close or he’d surely drill a massive crater in whatever may have been near...




“Mmmm, baby!”

thrashed about beneath him, her third orgasm making a debut. She was surprised by her arousal during such a strange occurrence, but life with Saint was anything but ordinary and she’d learned to ride the wave of bizarre occurrences like a professional surfer, realizing, there would be no end to them in sight as long as she remained by his seashore.

You complete me. You are my everything. I won’t let anything happen to you
... to our babies. ...

“What about you?
” she cried out as she wrapped her legs around him, forcing him to drive into her at a deep side angle. If she couldn’t have him there physically, she was more than willing to accept
. A part of her believed this may the last time she would ever make love to her husband...

You don’t have to worry, baby
. I need you. Heaven is hell if you’re not in it with me. How could I go away and leave you here? That’s not an afterlife; it’s a twice warmed death.

began to shake.

Don’t you cry
. Don’t you dare cry, baby. Don’t mourn me! I’m alive, inside of you!

And with that, she fell apart again, her river flowing from her form, soaking the sheets like
Niagara Falls...




She forced his hand—that was all he had left. He was barely hanging on to that slippery slope he called Xenia’s hope. He couldn’t compose himself any longer and prayed his soul had feasted until he was completely full. Her walls compressed, slick and wet on his throbbing, thrusting penis as he released forcefully inside of her. Upon looking down at his pumping pelvis, he was slightly amused by his inability to stop gyrating. His body was on auto-pilot, going after what his spirit needed, with or without his assistance. He came harshly, gnashing his teeth and falling into the opposite wall, almost shattering the mirror to jagged bits when he bumped about from imaginary turbulence.

BOOK: Saved and SAINTified
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