Saved by Submission (23 page)

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Authors: Laney Rogers

Tags: #Erotic Romance, BDSM

BOOK: Saved by Submission
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Then he let her hand drop and replaced it with his own, pushing two fingers straight into her soft wetness. “You’re so tight and hot, sub. You don’t know how much I missed being inside you, last night.”

His words made her whole core throb with an urgency that she knew couldn’t be pacified unless they pulled off the road. But they were almost in town now, and the restaurant had to be close by.

She instinctively spread her legs wider for her Dom.

“Good, girl,” he said.

Megan gasped when he pulled his fingers out of her and then thrust them back into her aching cunt. She grabbed the handle above the door and leaned her head back against the head rest. She felt the car turn off the main road, and she could hear the crunch of gravel under the tires, but she didn’t want to open her eyes.

“Put your feet on the dash, sub.”

She obeyed, keeping her legs wide apart, not caring who was out there, just so long as he made her come.

Jacob plunged his fingers in and out of her relentlessly, and a couple of seconds later, the car came to a standstill. He leaned right over, and, while he fucked his needy little sub with his fingers, he put his lips around her clit, and flicked the swollen nub.

Her leg muscles tensed; he flicked again, and she cried out, the lower half of her body shuddering with release. Her juices ran over his fingers, and when he took them out of her, letting his tongue suckle her sweetness, she fisted his hair, trying not to scream.

He pressed on her clit with his thumb, and she spasmed each time he did so. It was all she could do not to beg him to pull her out of the car and bend her over the hood and bury his rock hard cock where his fingers had been.

The rain beat down on the car, and when Jacob finally raised his head, Megan let go of him, her breath coming hard and fast, and her legs trembling with the last aftershocks of her orgasm.

When she opened her eyes, and glanced around her, she could see, through the rain, that he had parked the car in a quiet corner of the parking lot.

“Don’t worry, sweetie, I don’t like people staring at my submissive when she comes, unless I’ve invited them to, of course.”

She controlled her breathing, and he helped her lower her legs, and then handed her a bottle of water from the drink holder in the center console.

After she’d quenched her thirst, she went to retrieve her underwear from her purse.

Jacob shook his head. “No, Megan, I want to know that your pussy is bare while we’re in there. Now, straighten you dress, and we’ll go and join the others.”

“Yes, Sir,” she answered, and he smiled, and got out of the car while she tidied herself. After grabbing an umbrella from the back seat, he opened her door, and she slid out of the car, and the two of them hurried into the red brick restaurant, spying Mat and Rachel sitting at the bar.

Megan and Rachel hugged, and then Mat kissed Megan on the cheek. “Mmm, flushed cheeks, and the car parked right over in the corner.”

The statement hung in the air, and then Jacob put his arm around his sub, squeezing her shoulder. “Well, she begged me, what can I tell you. Just a single night away from me, and she was desperate.”

“Oh! I don’t believe you just said that,” Megan spluttered, trying to pull out of his embrace, her face hot with embarrassment.

The men were laughing, and even Rachel was grinning, and then she leaned over towards Megan. “Let it go, hon, we all know who was desperate,” she said, quietly.

Mat turned to his sub and put a finger under her chin. “Would you like to repeat what you just said to Jacob?” he asked.

“No, Sir, I wouldn’t,” she replied, innocently.

His eyes narrowed. “Our car is parked right under a street light, sub, so be careful, or I might take you out there for a few minutes.”

The meaning behind his words was obvious, and Rachel went very quiet.

After they were settled at their table and had ordered a feast of tacos, enchiladas and quesadillas, the conversation moved to the question of a name for the kennels.

Mat had ordered enormous strawberry daiquiris for the women, and both he and Jacob had stuck with beer.

“Well, the kennels is on Southbridge Road, so what about Southbridge Kennels,” Mat suggested.

The two women grimaced. “God, how very sensible, and grownup,” Rachel said with a groan, and the two of them giggled.

Megan grabbed Rachel’s arm. “Hey, what about Camp Canine, now that’s pretty good,” she said, taking a huge sip of daiquiri.

“No, No, The Dog House,” Rachel cried, and they broke into laughter.

“Which is exactly where you’re going to be if you keep carrying on like that, sub,” Mat growled.

He glanced at his friend, but Jacob was sitting there, grinning.

“Oh, what the hell,” Mat said, and took a swig of beer.

All four of them were in high spirits, and the names for the kennels got more and more ridiculous.

“When did you two eat last?” Jacob asked, seeing how fast the women’s glasses had emptied.

“About eleven thirty,” Megan answered.

“Yeah, around that time,” Rachel added.

“I guess the faster the food gets here, the better,” Jacob said, drily, and Mat nodded in agreement.

Rachel started to protest her sobriety, but the words died on her lips as she glanced across the room.

All three of them looked at her, and then Megan’s eyes followed her stare. She saw a woman walking towards their table. She was gorgeous, with long, straight, blond hair that swung when she moved, huge almond shaped eyes, and full bright red lips.

Eyes followed her from all sides of the room, as she walked, until she came to a stop at their table.

When she spoke, her accent was had a southern drawl. “What a nice surprise.” She glanced at Mat and Rachel, and nodded a greeting. Treating Megan as though she were invisible, she turned her full attention to Jacob. “Baby, it’s so good to see you. You’re looking real fine, as always.”

Jacob’s expression could have cracked an ice berg. “Hello, Natalie. This is my girlfriend, Megan. Megan, this is Natalie. We dated for a while, a couple of months ago.”

His words were brisk and business-like, and Megan nodded once at the woman standing way too close to Jacob.

The woman didn’t even acknowledge the introduction, and if Megan hadn’t felt instantly threatened by this Barbie doll bitch, she might have enjoyed the fact that Jacob had referred to her as his girlfriend.

Natalie pressed herself against his side, her huge, fake breasts almost spilling out of her blouse. “Call me soon, darlin’, I miss you.”

Without waiting for a reply, she sauntered off, leaving a gaping silence behind her.

“Well,” Rachel said after a few seconds. “If I’d known it was drag night, I’d have worn my sequined dress and fake eyelashes.”

It broke the tension at the table, and soon afterwards, their food arrived.

Megan couldn’t help noticing that Jacob was quieter now. He joined in the conversation, but in a restrained way, like he was thinking about something else. She stamped on her doubts, trying not to think about how Natalie had draped herself over him, in her expensive clothes, and jewelry. She couldn’t help feeling drab, by comparison, but when he slung an arm around her, letting his hand rub her shoulder, she tried hard to pull herself together.

After they had all eaten their fill, Megan excused herself, and headed for the bathroom. When she opened the door to go back into the dining area, she caught sight of Natalie, heading over towards the counter where Jacob was standing, paying the bill.

Megan’s feet had frozen to the floor, and she watched as Natalie came to a halt beside him and whispered something in his ear.

He didn’t react, but he also didn’t try to remove her hand when she put it on his arm, in a possessive, clinging manner.

Megan’s stomach turned over when she saw the two of them move out of sight, around the corner, to the bar area. Her heart thumping in her chest, so differently from earlier, she walked slowly to the counter and then followed them to the bar.

The bottom dropped out of her world. All she could focus on were Natalie’s hands wrapped around his neck while they kissed.

Jacob had his back to her, and just before Megan turned to leave, Natalie opened her eyes and looked directly at her. It was a triumphant look, and it was more than Megan could bear.

Megan turned around, walked out of the bar, past the counter, and through the entrance doors, into the rain.

Jacob pulled away from Natalie, and put his hands on her upper arms, pushing her back a step. “Have you finished making a total fool of yourself now?” he asked, forcing himself to stay under control. “You should have gone along with the threat you whispered at the counter. Everything you told me could have been said in front of my friends, and my girlfriend.”

Natalie’s composure was knocked off balance for a second, and then she gave him a smile. “Aren’t you glad about our news, honey? I was just trying to do the right thing. I mean there was no point in deliberately hurting your little friend, back there. I just couldn’t stop myself from kissing you, darlin’, I’m that excited. Just imagine, a baby!”

Jacob took a deep breath, and then spoke, firmly and clearly. “If you are, indeed pregnant, then you have my congratulations, Natalie. Unfortunately, you’ve broken the news to the wrong man. I have no idea how many contenders there are, but I’m afraid I’m not the father.”

Natalie’s face changed to a scowl. “I told you, if you didn’t listen to what I had to say, then I’d get a lawyer involved. I can still do that you know. One little test, that’s all it takes.”

Jacob’s face was completely impassive. “Go right ahead. But before you make a fool of yourself, let me help you shorten your list. I can’t have children, Natalie. Now, I’m going to return to my girlfriend and enjoy the rest of my evening.”

Leaving her standing there, with her mouth open, Jacob walked calmly back over to the table.

When he saw that his sub had not returned from the bathroom, he frowned. “Where’s Megan?”

Mat frowned. “I thought she’d used the bathroom and then stayed with you.”

Jacob saw that her purse and jacket were still there, but when he glanced around, there was no sight of her.

An uneasy feeling started in the pit of his stomach. “Natalie came over when I was paying the bill, and threatened to make a scene with Megan if I didn’t go with her to the bar. When we got there, she told me she was pregnant, and kissed me. When she finished her little act, I sorted the matter out, and came back here.”

He glanced over to the other side of the room. “Fuck, you can see the counter from the ladies room. If Megan saw her with me…”

Rachel stood up. “I’ll check the bathroom,” she said, and hurried over there. Returning a couple of moments later, she shook her head.

Jacob grabbed Megan’s jacket and bag, and the three of them rushed to the front entrance.

“If you’re looking for the lady who was with you, she left about five minutes ago.”

Jacob swung round, almost bumping in to the waiter who had spoken. “Did you see which way she went?” he asked.

“No, I’m sorry. The rain’s coming down so hard, that you can hardly see a hand in front of your face.”

All three of them turned towards the doors again. Megan was out there, in this, and as if on cue, a huge clap of thunder sounded overhead.

Jacob and Mat exchanged a look. No words needed to be spoken.

When they drove out of the parking lot, Jacob turned left, and Mat turned right.

* * * *

Megan had her arms wrapped around herself, the cold going through her right to the bone. Anger was the only thing keeping her going at this point as she staggered down street after street, soaked through, and miserable, with the endless torrent of rain beating down on her head.

She should have known it was all too good to be true. They’d never talked about exclusivity; she’d just assumed it after their conversation about taking things further.

How stupid she’d been. How naïve and pathetic.

Her anger didn’t stop the hurt, though. Seeing them in the bar, and then the look of triumph that Natalie had given her…

Megan felt her tears mixing with the rain. And now, to add insult to injury, she’d managed to get herself completely lost. Nobody else was crazy enough to be out in the rain, so she couldn’t even ask for directions. Not that she wanted to talk to anybody.

Still, if she’d turned right, instead of left, when she ran out into the rain, she would have found shelter in another restaurant or store by now. The way she’d gone, had led straight out of town, in a direction she’d never been before.

When a sleek, black car pulled up a few yards ahead of her, her heart skipped a beat. She didn’t want to face him. Not in the restaurant, not here, not anywhere.

When she saw him walking towards her, she turned and tried to run.

He caught up with her easily, and spun her around to face him. But there was no way she was going to listen to him.

“Purple! Do you hear me? Purple, Jacob. Just leave me the fuck alone!”

He dropped his hands from her for a second; just enough time for her to turn and try to run again. He caught her again, only this time he picked her up into his arms, and strode back to the car.

“Get off me!” she screamed, but he ignored her, opening the door and tipping her into the front passenger floor. Then he slammed the door shut. While she worked at crawling out of the tight space into the seat, he quickly opened the driver’s side and got in, flipping the child-protection switch on his door as he closed it so he had control of the locks.

Realizing that fighting any longer would be futile, they both sat there, dripping wet, for a couple of seconds, and then he picked up his cell and called Mat. After a brief conversation, he put the cell on the dash, and looked straight at Megan.

“You’ve used your safeword, and I’ll respect that, but you’re going to listen to what I have to say while I take you back to the kennels. If you still want to enforce it after that, I won’t argue.”

He waited for a response, and she gave a curt nod, refusing to look at him and keeping her eyes firmly to the front.

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