Saved by Submission (24 page)

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Authors: Laney Rogers

Tags: #Erotic Romance, BDSM

BOOK: Saved by Submission
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While Jacob drove, he told Megan everything that had been said between Natalie and himself; everything, that is, except him not being able to have children. Somehow, he just couldn’t bring himself to say the words. Only his grandmother knew, and he wasn’t ready to share the fact with anyone else. Not even Megan.

When he pulled into the parking lot and switched off the car, Megan turned to face him for the first time since the journey began.

This time, it was Jacob who was staring out of the windshield, not able to stand the sad look on her face.

She reached out and touched his cheek with a cold finger. He’d had the heater on full heat all the way back to the kennels, but she was still soaked through.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I ran away without giving you a chance to explain. It’s just that when I saw the kiss…it hurt so much, and she’s so beautiful and everything. I couldn’t stay, and see her with you.”

Jacob shook his head. “Beautiful? If she is that, it’s certainly not on the inside. You’re beautiful inside and out, Megan. You just lack the confidence to see it.”

She took her finger away, and he turned to her and undid her seatbelt.

“I’m sorry Megan. I should have just walked away. She’s so unstable, I didn’t want her to cause a scene and upset you. She can be poisonous, sometimes. I thought she’d leave when I showed no interest at the table, but then she started with the whole pregnancy thing.

“When you saw us, she was kissing me. I certainly didn’t reciprocate, and if you’d come in maybe five seconds later, you’d have seen me put her out of arm’s reach.”

He saw her shivering and frowned. “Do you want me to come in with you, or is your safeword still standing?”

“You’re sure you want to?” she asked, the cold making her voice shake.

He sighed, but she interrupted him before he could say a word.

“I mean, yes, please, Sir.”


Chapter Fourteen




She handed him her keys, and when they got into the apartment, Jacob turned on the lights and put her jacket and bag on the nearest chair.

Then he stripped his sub naked, and sat her on the bed while he grabbed a towel from the bathroom and rubbed her briskly all over. After finding a tee shirt, he put it on her, and then tucked her under the comforter.

When he was satisfied that she was beginning to warm up, he went into the tiny kitchen, and rummaged around in the cupboards. He put the kettle on, and made two mugs of tea, and then went back to Megan, handing her a mug, before sitting on the edge of the bed.

“You’re still wet, Sir,” she said. “Don’t you want to get dried off?”

“I’ll take a shower when I get home,” he replied.

Obviously he wasn’t planning on staying the night, and her heart sank. She’d pissed him off with her stupid outburst and everything was ruined now.

“Megan, do you trust me enough to know that I will never hurt you intentionally? If we are going to carry on as a couple, we have to have that trust, no matter what. I made a bad decision tonight, and because of that, you ran away from me. I’m sorry I hurt you, little one, but I need to know that, in the future, if you’re in doubt about anything, you’ll come to me and tell me how you’re feeling.”

The relief that he still wanted her was almost overwhelming. “I’ll come to you, I promise,” she said with a smile. “No more running away.”

“Good,” he replied, “Because if you don’t, I’m going to have to track you down, and paddle that curvy ass of yours until its black and blue; and the only reason I’m not doing that right now is because I screwed up and hurt you.”

He turned off the lamp, and then leaned down and kissed his submissive long and hard. “I figure you’ve had enough of me for one night, and I know you need to be independent in your own place. So tonight, I’m not going to make you stay with me.”

She stared down at the comforter, in dismay. This didn’t feel right to her at all. Yes, she had gone on about her independence, but she was still a little shaky about what had happened tonight.

Still, apparently he had made up his mind to go, and that was that. “Oh…Well goodnight then, Sir. I guess. Will I see you tomorrow?” she asked, upset at his decision to leave, but determined not to show it. She’d made a big enough spectacle of herself already.

He nodded. “I’ll call you in the morning, sweetheart.” Then he closed the door, and she lay there in the dark, hearing his car start, and then pull out of the parking lot.

Had he left because he felt guilty about hurting her? Or, even though he’d implied that everything was okay, was he really not sure? Why hadn’t he wanted to stay?

Megan tossed and turned for what seemed like an age, and then gave up trying to sleep. She took the mugs of untouched tea back to the kitchen, and washed them up, and then paced around the apartment for a while, playing the events of the evening over and over in her mind.

Finally, after a couple of hours, she’d had enough. Pulling on a long sweater over the tee shirt, she grabbed her bag, and some boots, and headed out of the apartment, and into the office area. It took her a couple of minutes to find the keys, but she tracked them down, and then headed out to the truck.

It was still pouring with rain, but she didn’t care. She lost her way twice, but eventually, she found the right road. She steered the vehicle up his driveway, coming to a stop by the front door.

Jacob had been unable to settle. After a hot shower, he had pulled on a pair of jeans and then paced around his house, trying to decide whether to call her, or just go back over there, and get into her bed, so he could spread her legs and screw her long and hard, like he should be doing right at this moment.

What the hell had he been thinking? Fuck her independence. He needed to be inside her, especially after the events of the evening. He was a stupid, fucking jerk, and he wouldn’t blame her if she was pissed off with him all over again in the morning.

He spun around at the sound of someone knocking on his front door. When he looked out of the window, and saw Mat’s truck there, he swore under his breath and pulled open the front door.

His little sub stood there in the rain, getting soaked all over again in a giant sweater and boots.

“I don’t really want to be independent tonight, Sir,” she said softly.” Can I stay with you, please?”

Her big, hazel-green eyes filled with tears, and without saying a word, Jacob picked her up and held her against him, her feet right off the ground and her breasts pressed against his chest.

Then he backed up into the hall and kicked the door shut. He took her upstairs, walked into his bedroom, and after switching on the light, proceeded to strip her naked once again.

This time he led her to the bathroom and stood her in the bath. He turned on the shower, letting the hot water cascade over her body. He soaped her all over, rinsed her off, then dried her thoroughly with a huge towel.

When she was under the comforter, he stripped naked and got in beside her.

They faced each other, warm and comfortable.

“Hello,” she said, with a small smile.

“Hello, beautiful,” he answered.

Taking her wrists in one of his hands, he pulled her arms above her head, and, holding them there, spread her legs with his foot.

No words were necessary. He was her Dominant, and to get things back to where they should be his cock needed to be inside her. That was all there was to it. He needed to own her, possess her, to dominate her until she cried out in ecstasy.

When he pushed himself inside her, she moaned, wrapping her legs around his waist, holding him to her. She wanted more of him, and her hips pushed upwards, allowing his erection to penetrate deep into her pussy.

There were no ropes, or cuffs, just his hands restraining hers, but she had never felt more dominated.

When she’d been pacing up and down at the apartment, it had been more than his physical presence that she’d needed; it had been the emotional dominance that he had over her, which she knew would make things alright again.

He had found her on his doorstep and had immediately taken over both her body and her mind. She was safe again now that he had control.

He moved slowly and thoroughly within her, possessing her at such a deep level that an orchestra could have started to play, right there in his bedroom, and neither would have been aware of any change. Her arousal built slowly until it became a throbbing, sensual desire that demanded to be released.

Jacob lowered his head and took one of her swollen nipples between his lips, letting his tongue swirl around it. He did the same with the other, and then sucked gently, pulling more of the taut bud into his mouth.

When his tongue flicked over them, one at a time, her hands fought for release and her breath caught in her throat. But her Dom was not about to release her.

He shifted position, just slightly, and his cock rubbed against a particularly sensitive place while he rammed into her hot cunt, again and again.

The two of them came together, Megan feeling his seed fill her as her scream mingled with his deep, guttural roar.

* * * *

The second he set her hands free, she wrapped them around him, and they lay there, with Jacob still buried deep inside her, and Megan’s legs around his waist, his body heavy on hers.

Jacob eventually pulled out of her, and she gave a whimper of protest, at the loss.

He stood up, tucking the comforter around his sub. “I’ll be back. I just have to lock up.”

When he returned, he turned the light out, and lay down beside Megan. She was almost asleep, but when she felt him get in next to her, she opened her eyes.

Her voice was soft and husky. “Everything’s alright now, Sir. I knew it would be, once I was with you.”

Jacob was silent. Megan waited a few seconds, and then, as if a little uneasy, she sat up in the darkness. “What’s wrong, Sir?”

While he’d been checking the house, it had occurred to Jacob that, really, he was a damn coward. Here Megan was, taking a huge chance at life, and putting her body and her emotions entirely into his hands, and he hadn’t even had the courage to tell her about the real reason why he couldn’t be the father of any child Natalie might be carrying.

He took a deep breath and turned to face his submissive. “Megan, I didn’t tell you everything about what was said between Natalie and myself.”

Megan frowned, and her heart skipped a beat. She thought of all that could just slip away, like it had never happened, and she braced herself for what he was about to say.

“There was no way I could ever have been the father of her baby, Megan, because I’m not able to have children.”

He lay there, in silence, and then felt her warm hand on the side of his face.

“Why didn’t you tell me before, Sir?” she asked, quietly, wanting to pull him into her arms and comfort him, just like all the times he’d done so, with her.

“I guess I’ve always kept the emotional stuff under wraps,” he said, his voice strained. “But I owed you an explanation after tonight. You came over here, and showed me that you trusted me enough to share how lost and vulnerable you felt, I realized that I was doing you a disservice by not trusting you the same way.”

“That’s what you meant by total honesty and communication,” she said.

“You’re right,” he agreed, “and I feel better now that you know, little sub.”

“Sir, it may not be possible to father biological children, but there are a lot of kids out there who are crying out to be fostered, or adopted. Had you ever thought about that?”

“It’s crossed my mind, but I’d have to have a willing partner to take on that kind of commitment.”

“Yes, Sir, you would.” She snuggled down next to him, and he put his hand over her, letting it rest on her soft breast. “I’m glad you felt you could tell me, Sir. It really helps to talk, you know.”

With that, she closed her eyes, and within a minute her breathing evened out, and she drifted off to sleep.

Jacob smiled, and kissed her forehead. “I couldn’t agree more, sub.”

Then he lay back down, and let sleep come.

* * * *

They both woke early and shared tea and toast in the warm kitchen. The early morning sun came through the easterly facing windows, making the stained glass in them cast warm colors all around the room.

Jacob fed his sub small pieces of toast and honey, and then licked her lips clean. She sat, naked on his lap while he fed her, and knew that she had never been as happy as she was at that moment.

He would have to get to work, and she had commitments at the kennels. But the reassurance that she had been given after she turned up on Jacob’s doorstep had healed something within her, and she recognized a new strength growing inside that she had thought she would never possess. Confidence.

Real, honest to goodness confidence—not the act she had been putting on for years so other people would think she was strong. She had Jacob to thank for that.

When he dropped her off, still in the tee shirt, sweater and boots, he slid his hands under the sweater, and clamped his hands down on her bare ass, pulling her in for a long, thorough kiss, his tongue pushing into her mouth and his hands caressing her soft, round bottom.

When he released her, he unlocked the front door of the building and followed her in. “I’ll see you this evening,” he said, putting her keys on the counter. Then he kissed her mouth, gave her a hard swat on her ass, and walked back out to his car.

she thought to herself with a smile as she rubbed her bottom.

The second he drove out of sight, her cell rang. Megan picked it up, grinning. “What, you forgot to spank the other cheek?”

“Megan, is that you?”

Megan froze in her tracks when she heard the tearful voice. “Nicky? What’s wrong, are you alright? You sound terrible.”

“I didn’t know who else to call. I haven’t even got a phone any more. AJ trashed it, so I’m using the payphone in the foyer. I’m back at our apartment, but nobody knows I’m here.” She than began sobbing.

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