Saven Defiance (The Saven Series Book 4) (21 page)

BOOK: Saven Defiance (The Saven Series Book 4)
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My soul mate. My eternal love. The other half of me. The person I will share everything with in life and in death.

Logan runs his hands up and down my arms, suffusing my body with warmth and vitality. His fingers brush across my collarbone, up and down my neckline, and weave a seductive path through my hair. Carefully, he eases me down on the ground, as his hands outline the contours of my body through my gossamer dress.

I lift my hand and run it over the naked flesh of his chest. My fingertips trek up his arms, across his strong shoulders, and down along his muscular back. He leans down and kisses me, and sparks of electricity rip up and down my body, coursing through my veins, highlighting all the hidden, previously unseen parts of me.

This is unlike any other kiss we’ve shared. It’s building me up and breaking me down. Molding, shaping, and changing.

“It is time,” the High Elder says. “Follow me.”

I feel a strong urge to go ninja on his butt. I don’t want to get up. I want to grab Logan to me and meld his body to mine. Claim his lips and barely come up for air. Logan chuckles quietly.
“I feel the same, babe, but we need to take this to more comfortable surroundings.”

“You heard me think that?”
I say as I let him pull me up.

“Not quite, but I sensed it or felt it. You try it with me

We follow the High Elder up a few steep steps and into a hidden chamber at the rear.

It takes practically nothing to tap into our newly enhanced connection. My cheeks darken the instant I feel all his feels.
“Stars. You … I … I can’t even form words.”

Chuckling, he pulls me into his side and kisses the top of my head. The High Elder leads us down into a cozy cave. Luminous shapes waltz majestically across the walls from the multitude of tiny tea lights scattered around the floor. A large circular bed rests low to the ground, enclosed in flimsy, white curtains and lined in gold-patterned bed linen, awaiting us. A small table holds platters of food and drink off to the side. Soft floral notes scent the room from the little bundles of white and purple flowers embedded into the walls. Reverent music filters in the background.

It’s the most romantic setting ever, and I’m high on a love-buzz. Or it could be whatever the hell was in that cloudy stuff or the potent sweet liquid Elder Runa gave me before. But, whatever the reason, I don’t feel an ounce of discomfort or fear.

I’m totally ready for this. I want this.

I want to feel Logan fill all of me.

High Elder Jaxa bows to each of us individually, and it’s getting ridiculous, but I say nothing because I’m far too giddy and horny to get serious. “Thank you for allowing me to administer your mind-mapping ceremony tonight. It was an enchanting occasion. Your escorts will come for you in the morning.”

He quietly exits.

Logan leads me to the bed and I sit down. My eyes locate the small package by the bed, and I blush scarlet. “We, um, don’t need that.” I twirl a strand of my hair as my foot taps anxiously off the floor. “I had an annual contraceptive shot administered before I left for Thalassic City.” I can’t even look at him, which is ridiculous considering what we’ve already shared tonight and what we’re about to do.

He drops down beside me, tilting my chin up until I’m facing him. His expression shows nothing but love, as he takes my hands in his. “Are you sure you’re ready for this? It’s not too late to put it on hold.” I don’t answer him out loud, letting my thoughts and feelings flow through the line between us, so he can feel how much I want him. And how much I love him for his willingness to put my needs above his own.

“I love you so much.” He gently holds my head to his chest.

“I love you too.” I lean up and kiss him, surprising even myself with the intensity of my passion.

And that’s the last talking we do for a long time.

I hold my arms aloft as Logan peels the dress off my body. With adoration in his eyes, he eases me back on the bed. His lips commence an exploratory journey around my body, kissing, licking, and cherishing every part of me. My hands creep over his soft, smooth skin, doing some investigating of my own. The rest of our clothes come off, and we move against each other with nothing separating us.

Nothing or no one can ever come between us again.

Nothing can break this bond or destroy the love that is imprinted as one solid guiding light in our hearts.

Our thoughts are cohesive as we bridge the last gap.

Our love and desire unites us forever, and everything gels perfectly as we make that final journey to one.


Logan wakes me with a feather-soft kiss very early the next morning. Lifting my head, I shove masses of tousled, knotty hair out of my eyes. Our limbs are still entangled, and my muscles ache deliciously as I move. “Alma, Sadie.” Logan clamps his arms around my waist as if he can’t bear to let me go. “How are you feeling today? Oh, wait, I’ll just check for myself.” His cheeky chuckle does funny things to my insides.

A couple of seconds pass before I peer up at him. “Well? What’s the verdict?” I tease.

“I think someone’s happy. More than happy.” He smirks and I slap his chest in good humor.

“Does this mean you have a direct line to my thoughts and feelings all the time now?”

“If you keep the line open, yes. But you can snap it shut if you want privacy,” he explains. “Just because we’re Eterno bonded doesn’t mean you can’t take time for yourself.”

That’s good to know. Easing out of his arms a little, I stretch flat on my back so I can look at him properly. I reach up and touch his lips. “It doesn’t feel like an invasion of privacy. It feels …” I pause, searching for the right word.

“Natural,” Logan interjects. “Invasive but not at the same time. Intimate and personal and—”

“Like a welcome extension of myself,” I jump in and add.

“Perfect.” He kisses my lips. “Like you.”

“I didn’t expect to feel so comfortable with this,” I admit truthfully, wondering why I ever had any doubts.

“Studying it doesn’t come even close to this feeling, and we still have to undergo the last ritual, the actual bonding ceremony.”

As if on cue, a gentle knock echoes on the outer wall. Logan hops up and pads naked to the door. He opens it a tiny bit, blocking his body with the expanse of the door. Conversing in hushed tones with whomever is outside, he nods once before quietly shutting the door. Striding toward me without an ounce of self-consciousness, he winks as he notices my lingering gaze. “See something you like, Angel?” He jumps on the bed, sprawling over me.

“Plenty,” I reply with a suggestive look in my eye.

“Hold that thought for later.” His kiss is intense, his actions at odds with his words.

“Resisting you has always been hard for me, but now, after what we’ve shared? I think I may have to keep you chained naked to my bed.”

His lips wander to my neck, and he deposits a trail of delicate kisses over my skin. My back arches off the bed as a moan slips out of my mouth.
“That might prove challenging, but I can’t say I dislike the idea.”

Logan groans, and I sense the moment his dutiful nature kicks his playful persona to the curb.
“You’re right.”
I rip my mouth away from his.
“We have somewhere we need to be.”

Logan smiles as he lifts off me, extending a hand to help me up.
“I used to think it was handy that we could silently communicate, but this is even better. I don’t have to utter a word, you can just tap into my thoughts and feelings.”

I swat his naked butt as I tap into what he’s thinking right now.
“Stop it, or we’ll never manage to get dressed.”
He laughs vociferously, and I can’t help joining him. I didn’t believe it was possible to feel such complete and utter joy. Like I could conquer the world. I commit these feelings to memory, wanting to bask in the blissful glow of happiness for eternity.

Logan retrieves new clothing from a small closet behind the bed. “We have to wear traditional attire to the ceremony.” He helps me into the elaborate, ornate white dress emblazoned with red, black, and gold jewels. It trails the ground on my petite frame, and I have to lift the hem as we make the journey to the chamber. “You look so beautiful.” He kisses my cheek, and my grin is so wide it threatens to split my face. Sending the same sentiment back at him, I rake over him with unashamed admiration. He is wearing a suit made of the same material as my dress, and he cuts a dashing figure.

High Elder Jaxa greets us warmly before asking us to sit down on two gold-painted chairs in front of a small makeshift altar. Elder Runa and Elder Manta smile discreetly at us from their position in the alcove. The High Elder places his hand over my heart and smiles. Then he does the same to Logan. He nods. “All is in order to deliver the ceremony. We will begin.”

The Elders encircle us, weaving large silver containers, which spew spicy, hazy smoke into the air. It’s the same stuff the High Elder used last night. Except this time, the smoke forms a boundary around us, sealing us into our own enclosed space. The High Elder spouts many foreign words in his alien tongue, and we each repeat them after him. I’m gobsmacked when I recite the words with perfect clarity and cadence, as if I’ve been a native Saven speaker my entire life. Logan’s pride fills me to bursting point.

“Close your eyes and breathe deeply.” We both do as instructed. “Open your heart and mind and relax your body. Use the line to connect to your Alma.” My line whizzes out and wastes no time in heading for Logan’s bright inner light. “Bury yourself in the light,” the High Elder commands. “Swim in the essence, allow it to infuse that inner most part of you. Drink it in, ingest it, inhale it until you are consumed by the light.” It comes effortlessly, and I luxuriate in the most heavenly, intimate feelings churning at the very center of my being. “Yes,” the High Elder says in a reverential tone. “Like that. Tuanta.” His tone is breathless. “Your souls are now joined forever more. You may embrace your soul mate. Your Alma.”

Logan’s lips brush mine subtly at first, planting a hint of a kiss on my mouth. But every part of me feels it deeply, as if this is our first real kiss. An intense tingling spreads over every inch of me as he angles his head to extend the kiss. Our tongues dance a customary yet new dance: a sensual tango that ignites hidden parts of me.

Standing up, we wrap our arms around one another, our bodies meshing until there’s no room between us. The kiss develops, stirring a flurry of uber-heightened sensations within both of us. I know, because I feel it in him as I feel it in myself. Like a double hit of the finest espresso. I don’t know how long we worship each other, our lips and tongues blending seamlessly as one, but it seems like forever before Logan disrupts the cloud of contentment and desire. We break apart as one.

All three Elders are seated on the steps, looking up at us with emotional, awestruck expressions. They are clasping hands as they grace us with beatific smiles. When they kneel before us, with their heads bowed, it’s one of the singular most surreal moments of my life.

The High Elder rises before us. “Thank you for the honor of presiding over your bonding. We are all extremely moved by the experience.”

Logan bows at the waist. “Thank you for handling our bonding with so much understanding and grace.”

“Your connection is strong —we all felt it. As time passes, it will strengthen and grow. Always trust in yourselves and channel your love to feed personal growth. You are never more powerful than when you act as one. Today has truly been a blessing.”

“Indeed it has,” Logan concurs. “Now I have a request to make of you all.” His gaze hops around the room. “The news of our bonding must remain a secret for the time being. Can I be assured of your confidentiality?”

“That request does not need to be spoken, Your Royal Highness. Consider it done.” The other Elders nod in agreement. Logan acknowledges him with a grateful smile.

The High Elder turns his focus on me. “If I may be permitted to speak, Alma Sadie.” I nod, and he reaches out and takes my wrists in his. He fingers my cuff bands. “You have a strong will.” He throws his eyes to mine. “A unique soul. Do not fear her, you
defeat her. The ability resides within you. Learn to fully trust your instincts and your emotions, and you will unlock the power. Allow your Eterno connection to feed your soul and strengthen your body. No one or nothing can harm you then.”

His words weigh on my mind as we pack our belongings. I’m wondering what he has foreseen, what type of future awaits, and how Griselda’s obsession with me fits into the overall scheme. Most importantly, I’m wondering how exactly I can unlock the power to defeat her. Answers aren’t forthcoming, but at least it has given me a much-needed boost of confidence. The High Elder has clearly seen something in the future that leads him to believe I can overcome her control, and I cling to that assertion.

Redressing in our original clothes, we travel back to the king’s palace, arriving before our friends have even gathered for breakfast. No one has a clue we were missing or what we were up to during those precious hours.

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