Saven Defiance (The Saven Series Book 4) (22 page)

BOOK: Saven Defiance (The Saven Series Book 4)
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Logan takes his usual place at the end of the table, while I plop into my regular seat in the middle of Fern and Dali, but it feels as if we are seated side by side and physically touching. Our connection—that magical line linking our two souls—vibrates like a thick invisible band stretching and flexing between us, connecting us at a cellular level. I feel closer to him than ever before. As his happiness radiates through me, I couldn’t be any more comfortable in my body, any more at peace. It’s like coming home after a lengthy absence to realize a piece of you was there the whole time. With the strength of our bond, it feels like nothing is insurmountable. That the future I thought was lost has been rediscovered.

After breakfast, we head to our respective rooms to prepare for our impending trip. Shedding my impractical light dress for a more appropriate shirt, pants, and jacket combo, I gasp as I notice something for the first time. Drawn over my left breast, in the spot where my heart resides, is a small raised tattoo of a naked flame. Ocher, gold, and brown blend perfectly in the shape of a fiery heart. “Logan!” He comes rushing out of the bathroom. “Look!”

“I wonder if I have one,” he ponders, ripping his shirt off. My fingers trace the line of the identical fiery heart on his chest.

“What does it mean?”

“It’s a symbol of our Eterno bond. From what I’ve read, the symbol can take any number of forms, but the twin flame indicates purity of the soul and the connection.”

I flatten my hand over his heart, and he does the same to me. We stare at one another, basking in the formidable emotion buzzing through the connection. I’ve never felt more alive, or more content, so completely comfortable in myself.

An hour later, we’re holed up in the lobby waiting to be escorted to the hangar. It’s time to put our plan into action. Edgy excitement fizzes in the air.

Ax rocks up with a backpack slung across one shoulder, and I scowl. Izzy skids to a halt beside him, slightly breathless as she clutches a bag to her chest. She glances my way, shrugging apologetically. They are supposed to be staying here with Dali and Win to gather intelligence, while the rest of our friends—fortified by a dozen heavily armed Narik soldiers—travel with us to the drop-off point on the outskirts of the western Saven fringe. From there, we will make the two-day trek to the Mendalla Mountains on foot.

I stride toward him, tug on his elbow, and pull him to the side. “What’s going on?”

“Change of plan. I’m coming with you.”

My forehead crinkles in confusion. “But I thought you wanted to move things forward with regards to Torc, and”—I lower my voice—“that you didn’t want to be around me.”

He shakes his head, and his hair tumbles forward into his eyes. “I never said I didn’t
to be around you, only that it’s painful.”

“So, what’s changed?” I cross my arms.

“This plan is fraught with danger, and anything could go wrong. I can’t stay here while I know you are out there, vulnerable and exposed. It’s easier if I’m with you.” His eyes bore into mine in a way that’s far too intimate.

I squirm a little. Logan—clearly feeding off my discomfort—sends a flurry of exasperated emotion flowing through our connection. I expel a frustrated sigh. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, and I don’t need you to protect me, I have—”

“I don’t need you to say it,” he snaps, uncharacteristic anger flaring in his eyes. The Ax I’ve come to know has a tighter rein on his emotions. That he’s losing control is my fault.

Logan’s frustration at my thought process virtually slaps me in the face. I scrunch my hair in my fists. Getting used to this new version of us is going to take some time. I channel my thoughts toward Logan, beseeching him to let me handle this on my own.

Immediately respecting my privacy, he retreats, and the line snaps back. The sensation is strange—a mixture of relief and bereavement. Ax frowns as he watches me, and I realize he’s waiting for my response. “I was going to say we have a contingent of the best-trained Narik soldiers coming with us, that’s all.”

“While that is somewhat reassuring, it still wouldn’t stop me from worrying about you.” His hands flex at his side.

My stomach creases. “What if I stayed in regular communication with you?”

“It’s not the same. I’m coming, Sadie. I already informed King Coryn.” He folds his arms sternly across his chest, matching my stance.

Crap. Things are about to become more complicated, but I don’t see how I can stop him. He’s a grown man, and I can’t dictate what he does or doesn’t do. I wish he was staying here, but I can’t force it if he wants to come, and I know he’s only doing it because of me. “Fine,” I relent. “Once you realize what you’re getting yourself into. I’m with Logan, and I’m not going to hide that fact.” Not now that we’ve Eterno bonded.

He flicks strips of ash-blond hair out of his eyes. Apart from the odd strand of black, his hair has almost returned to his standard silvery-blond look. “Like I said before, I’m not a fool. I know the lay of the land.”

“Okay, if you’re sure.” I rock back on my heels.

“I am.”

“Um, thanks. I’ll let the others know.” I walk off.

A hand yanks on the sleeve of my jacket, holding me back. Izzy presses her mouth to my ear. “I’m sorry, I tried to talk him out of it, but he’s as stubborn as you.”

My lips curve into a smirk. “It’s okay. I know you can’t force him to comply. It’s going to be difficult, and I’d rather have spared everyone the tense atmosphere, but he’s adamant.”

She links her arm in mine. “I’ll stick to his side and try to distract him.”

Circling my arm around her shoulders, I pull her into me. “You’re the best. Sorry I haven’t been around much, but hopefully we can find some time to catch up on the journey. Are you doing okay with everything?”

She coolly shrugs her shoulders. “I’m good. Don’t worry about me. Hot stuff is calling.” She gestures toward Logan. His gaze is fixated on me, concern emanating from him in waves. I give her a quick hug. “Later.”

I slip my hand in Logan’s as I sidle up alongside him. We swap emotions and thoughts, and I’m startled at the extent of the jealousy pouring into me from him. He’s been holding back on my account. Well, there’s no hiding now. Vaulting on tiptoe, I give him a quick peck.
“There is no reason to feel jealous. At all.”

His eyes flit over my head as he tilts down, sweeping his mouth against mine.
“I can’t help it. It would’ve been easier if he’d stayed here, but I’d want to do the same thing if I was in his shoes. So, I can hardly criticize him for that. Or for caring about what happens to you. I’m never going to say no to extra protection.”
He caresses my cheek.

A soldier arrives then, doling out sturdy boots. Slipping off my sneakers, I bend at the waist to tie my laces. Red splotches spread over my chest, up my neck, and across my face. Internally, I writhe with churning hormones. Standing up, I smack Logan across the arm.
“Oh. My. God. Please stop thinking what you’re thinking. We have to focus!”

He snickers and I feel like thumping him again
. “Not my fault when you leaned over right in front of me. Get used to all the feels, babe!”
He reaches around and swats my butt, and I stare at him open-mouthed. Torn between outrage and desire, I’m a quivering, jittery mass of nerves, and I’m struggling to concentrate. Neve looks at me strangely, as I try to blink away the distraction.

“Not that I’m not loving all your feels,”
I tell him. “
But we both need razor-sharp focus. Perhaps we should retract the line, at least, until we’re more experienced at managing the flow between us.”

I absorb Logan’s response. He doesn’t want to agree, but the logical, practical side of his brain has no choice but to concur.

Thirty minutes later, we are all in position on the shuttle that will transport us to the western edge of Saven. The king bids us farewell and wishes us luck. We will liaise with him and his senior officers once we reach the Server Control Center to coordinate maneuvers. The Narik Commander has explained that the mute-shield hides us from view and neuters all comm signals, so we can travel in the knowledge that we won’t be detected. It takes the edge off my trepidation.

The journey to Saven is quicker than anticipated. Once we land, in a clearing in the middle of a dense forest, we exit the craft in single file. Necessary supplies are divided among us, and my backpack is now crammed to bursting point, the weight of it feeling like a dead body as I stagger out of the craft, practically toppling over on myself. “Give me that,” Logan says, snagging the straps of my bag.

“You already have one. I’ll be fine once I get used to it. I’m going to play my part, same as everyone else.”

“If it gets too much, let me know,” he relents, zipping my jacket up under my chin. Ice-cold winds rattle around us, chilling my skin every place it touches. I shiver under my clothes. My hair lifts up, swirling around my face like it has a life of its own. Scrunching it up, I tie it into a messy knotted bun on top of my head. Logan hands me a pair of mittens before turning around to face the group in front of us.

“Can I have everyone’s attention, please.” Everyone mutes at once. “Officer Rox is in charge of this mission, and Commander Nixen is second in command. We are crossing some treacherous terrain, and as you’ve already seen, weather conditions are less than ideal. Do not wander off on your own, and stay with the group at all times.” Logan scans the group and then gestures for Haydn to step forward.

“Our aim is to reach the Server Control Center in the heart of the Mendalla Mountains within forty-eight hours. We are presently on the peripheral of the Eon Pass. Winds are strong at this elevation, so it’s critical to stay the course, remain on the main pathway, and avoid the farthest edge of the mountain. It’ll take us about four hours to exit these woods. Stay alert for wildlife. We will stop for food and short rest breaks, but other than that, we need to maintain a steady pace. Hopefully, we will shelter tonight in my home village of Talla. King Coryn is trying to send a coded message to them, so they should know to expect us by early nightfall. Unless anyone has any questions, let’s move out.”


Fern scoots alongside me as the group heads out. Logan walks ahead of me with Haydn and Rylan, while Izzy and Ax, and Alex and Neve are somewhere behind us. The soldiers split up and cover us on all sides.

We move out of the clearing into the density and darkness of the forest. The trees here are not as tall or multicolored like the trees back in the Saven old district. These trees are thinner on top and chunkier at the base with leaves that are a mix of navy and purple in muted, understated tones. Wind whistles through the branches emitting an eerie foreboding tune. The ground crunches underfoot as we advance forward.

“This place gives me the creeps,” Fern says, coiling her arm through mine.

“I know what you mean.” I look anxiously around.

“Hey,” she adds, keeping her mouth close to my ear, “Did Logan mention anything to you about Jarod?”

My head whips around. “No. What about him?”

“I overheard Rylan talking with him after dinner last night. Logan asked him to try to discover where Dante was keeping the president and his cabinet and to send a message out via the underground comm network to see if he could locate Jarod.”

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