Saving Avery (20 page)

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Authors: Angela Snyder

BOOK: Saving Avery
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My lips pull into a frown as I see Nathan's BMW in the driveway. I try to steel my nerves for the confrontation that's bound to happen. I tuck the burner phone Max gave me into a little zippered compartment inside my purse. The charger is safely hidden inside the house, and I left the box at Max's house. I don't want Nathan to ever find any connection to Max.

I pull out my anti-anxiety prescription and pop two pills in my mouth, swallowing them quickly. I haven't had the need to take my pills in almost a week, and I'm sure the numbing effect that will eventually kick in will hit me like a ton of bricks. However, I know I'll need to feel some numbness after my talk with Nathan.

Taking a deep, calming breath, I climb out of the car, grab a few bags of groceries and carry them up the sidewalk. With a trembling hand, I open the front door. Nathan is nowhere in sight, but I see his car keys hanging on one of the hooks on the wall. I know he's in here.

"Nathan?" I call out with a tremulous voice.

The moment I step into the kitchen, I can sense him. Every muscle in my body begins to tense. It's almost like my mind is trying to prepare my body for the inevitable pain.

He walks from the living room into the kitchen. His eyes never even glance in my direction as he takes a bottle of water out of the fridge. He practically tears the cap off, and I can almost feel the anger radiating off of him in waves. "I called the phone company," he says in a low voice. "They said there's no problem with the line. Cell phone company said the same thing. So I know you were ignoring my calls and texts on purpose."

I swallow hard. "I was sick. I didn't even hear the phone ringing half the time," I explain, sticking with my lie. I place the grocery bags and my purse on the counter, stalling for more time.

He slowly turns to look at me. His eyes peruse my body. "Funny how you don't look sick. You told me you were practically on your deathbed, and yet not one single phone call to Dr. Seiger."

I realize Nathan has been checking up on me even from afar. I wonder who else he called. Closing my eyes, my tongue darts out to lick my suddenly dry lips. "I started to feel better a couple of days ago, so I didn't bother making an appointment."

He takes a long drink of water and sets the bottle down on the counter. "I didn't know you could still volunteer at the hospital if you were that ill. I would think they would want you to stay home and get some much-needed rest. You know, not infect the other patients." His eyes dart to me, and the look is murderous. "I almost came home early. But then your sister said she had lunch with you the other day and that you appeared fine."

My stomach twists into one giant knot.
He talked to Allison? Why?
My heart pounds hard against my ribcage.
Did she tell him what I said? Did she tell him that I want a divorce? Does he know?

"Did you not worry at all if I made it to Seattle in one piece? Did you not worry if I was all right, Avery?" When I don't answer, he continues by saying, "You are so fucking selfish. You always have been. You only think about yourself." He shakes his head solemnly. "Sometimes I wonder if I married you before you were ready. The age difference has definitely come into play more than once in the past several years. You are so immature,

The way he says my name is like a curse on his tongue. "I'm sorry," I say, because it's the only thing I can do to try to placate him.

"Sorry," he spits. "You're sorry?" I watch the rage suddenly build within him, and I automatically take a step back. My move irritates him. "Come here," he whispers.

A shiver runs up my spine as I stay where I am. My emotions drain from my body, and I can almost feel them pooling at my feet and bleeding out onto the floor. All of the happiness that Max has created over the past week is gone within an instant.

"Come. Here," he demands, menacingly.

It's a double-edged sword at this point. If I go to him, he'll hurt me. But if I turn and run, he'll hurt me perhaps even worse. I'm screwed either way, and my feet refuse to budge. I can't willingly walk to pain. I just can't.

"I won't ask you again, Avery." He folds his arms in front of his chest, his muscles clenching under his t-shirt with pent-up anger.

"Please, Nathan. I'm sorry for not answering the phone. I told you I was sorry. How many times can I apologize?"

He stares at me in disbelief. I usually listen to him the first time he tells me to do something, and I think he's shocked that I'm not obeying his commands. "Avery." He jabs his finger towards the floor in front of him. "Come here. NOW!" he screams.

"No." I hear the word leave my lips, but I can't believe I said it. My time with Max changed me. I know that now. A small part of the old me has been rebuilt, and I'm standing up to Nathan just like I did years ago.

Nathan stalks towards me, and I quickly back myself away from him to the wall. "I think my time away was a mistake. You are reverting back to your old ways, Avery. And I don't like it," he hisses.

"I don't care what you like," I hiss back.

The smack from his hand hits my cheek before I can even blink. The force of it causes my head to whip around, and the back of my head smacks hard against the wall. My hand instantly goes to the hot skin on the side of my face. It's painful to touch, and something inside of me instantly changes. Instead of crying, instead of wanting to tell him that I'm sorry, I get angry. In fact, I'm seething as I stand before him. My brain is screaming for me to fight.
Don't just stand there and take it! Fight!
I glare at him and scream, "Fuck you!"

Nathan stares at me for a few moments, unmoving, and the room grows eerily quiet. "Say it again." He's breathing hard, and I know he's trying to control the beast inside of him. "I. Dare. You."

I stand my ground, not backing down this time. "Fuck. You." I spit out the words with as much gusto as I can manage. I find myself feeling suddenly empowered. This has been a long time coming. I should have never stopped standing up to him. I should have never let him lay a hand on me. But the past is in the past. I can't change what was.

His eyes never leave mine. "Oh, I see you've grown a backbone while I was gone." His lips curl up into a sinister sneer. "Well, I guess I'll just have to break you down all over again."

The blows come in succession. One hit to my face has me crumbling against the wall behind me. One punch to my stomach has me doubling over in pain. His hands keep striking me, and I can feel my resolve slowly leaving me piece by piece.

I'm cowered down on the floor from the last punch to my ribs, and I desperately hold my trembling hands up. I can't handle any more. "Please. Stop," I sob.

He smiles. "There she is. There's my Avery." He crouches beside me and strokes my hair. I recoil under his touch. "You always were so easy to fucking break."

He pulls me against him and holds me tightly. I struggle against him, but he's too strong. The more I struggle, the tighter his grip gets until I can't breathe. My bruised ribs scream out in pain, and I suddenly grow limp in his arms as the room around me fades away.




The sunlight is creeping in the windows and shining onto my face. For a moment I think I'm in Max's bed, and it makes me smile. But when I open my eyes and see where I really am, my contentment dramatically switches to pure and utter terror. The memories of Nathan coming home and hitting me flash through my mind. He squeezed me until I passed out from the pain. That's why I can't remember getting into bed.

A sob threatens to escape my lips, but I hold it in. Slowly, I try to sit up in bed, almost screaming in pain from the movement. My stomach rolls, and I almost retch from the feeling. Groaning, I lie back down and close my eyes.

Even with my eyes closed, I can sense him. My hair stands on end. And as if right on cue, Nathan strolls into the bedroom carrying a tray of food. I glare at him as he walks over to me. He smirks as he places the tray down on the nightstand and then moves to the bed. I recoil when he reaches towards me. "Easy," he says softly. Placing some pillows behind my back, he asks, " Can you sit up?"

I try to move, and that's when I feel the excruciating pain wracking my body. I cry out as he helps me to sit up.

Once I'm propped up on the pillows, he places the tray of food on my lap. He points to the two white pills beside a tall glass of water. "For the pain," he explains nonchalantly.

I stare at the smorgasbord of eggs, toast, bacon and strawberries in disbelief. "What…why are you doing this?" I ask.

He says nothing, but instead grabs the remote control for the television and taps the power button. He turns it to a news station, and immediately a breaking news story runs across the screen. I see my father's name, and my heart stops beating. A reporter is on the screen, and I listen to her every word while my entire body quivers in disbelief.

"It was a close call for Mayor Andrew Bennett this morning. The Mayor was giving a speech at the opening ceremony for the new downtown historical society when an unknown suspect fired a shot into the crowd. The bullet grazed Mayor Bennett's arm and earned him a trip to the hospital. We are told that the Mayor is now at home and resting. He is said to be in excellent condition and in high spirits after the scare. The shooting suspect still remains at large. Mayor Bennett recently announced that he is running for Governor of North Carolina, but police do not believe this incident was politically motivated. Please stay tuned for more on this story later today on our twelve o'clock news hour."

My head slowly turns to look at Nathan. He has a smirk on his face, and suddenly I know exactly who's responsible. "You. You did this!" I hiss.

"Now, now, Avery. Don't start making accusations you can't back up with any real evidence."

The telephone rings, and Nathan picks it up before I can even reach for the receiver. His conversation is brief and ends with, "Of course. We'll be there as soon as we can." He hangs up and looks at me. "Eat, take your pills and get ready. We're going to see your father."

I stare at him in disbelief by his candor. "Why did you do this? Why did you try to have my father killed?"

"I didn't try to have anyone killed, Avery," he scoffs. "I respect your father and want him to be governor of this state. If anything, this little stunt will gain him even more popularity. An otherwise dull and not so known event turned into quite the news story." Then he leans down and stares into my eyes. His voice lowers as he says, "Your sister told me you're questioning our marriage, thinking about leaving me." His words turn the blood in my veins to ice. "I did this to prove a point. When you disobey me, I will hurt the ones you love," he sneers. "Next time it could be your sister. And I won't hesitate to tell my man to blow her pretty little brains all over the pavement." He stands and straightens his tie. "This was all an act to show you how far I'm willing to go, Avery. How far I will go to show you that I own you. I will always own you. And I will never let you go. Never," he says, stressing the last word. "I hope we have an understanding of how things are going to go from now on." The smile on his face falters when I say nothing in return. "Do you understand?" he asks through gritted teeth.

I nod once.

He points to the tray. "Eat. We have a busy day ahead of us."

And with that, he leaves. After he's gone, I allow the tears to fall freely. Nathan tried to have my father killed. My own sister betrayed me. And all I can think of is what he would do to Max if he ever found out about us. My dreams of being with Max are suddenly evaporating before my eyes. No one can help me. Not even Max. I know that now. I would never risk his life for mine. I'll be stuck in this prison forever.
Until death do us part.




After going through a rigorous security check at my father's estate, I am finally able to enter the office where my father sits at his desk. He's working, of course. The sleeve of his shirt is rolled up to his shoulder, and his arm is bandaged. He stares at the computer screen and looks tired, stressed.

"Dad," I call out from the doorway.

"Sweetheart," he answers, turning and opening his arms wide for me.

Nathan stays in the doorway as I rush to my father, gently embracing him. I fall apart in his arms as he hugs me tight and soothes me with whispered words while stroking my back. It's been such an emotional day already, and I can't hold back my tears any longer. "Nathan, would you give us a minute alone, please?" he asks.

Nathan hesitates before saying, "Of course, sir."

"I'm fine, Avery. Everything's all right."

I give him one last gentle squeeze before pulling back. I dash the tears from my eyes. "I was so worried."

"It was a close call and it scared the hell out of me, but I'm okay." He brushes a strand of hair away from my face. "Avery, I've been wanting to talk to you about something. I just didn't know how to begin. But I guess now is as good a time as any." He takes a deep breath. "Your sister told me you came to her asking her for help. She said you were making some pretty wild accusations about Nathan." His face grows worried. "I want to know the truth, Avery. What is going on between you two?"

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