Saving the Beast (21 page)

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Authors: Lacey Thorn

Tags: #Shapeshifter Erotic Romance

BOOK: Saving the Beast
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“You are,” Zane agreed. “I was waiting for the perfect time to tell you.”

“And you thought you’d have time with a house full of shifters who would be able to smell the change in me?” she demanded and laughed at the sheepish glance he gave her.

“I don’t seem to think at all around you,” Zane admitted, tugging her into his arms. “Unless it’s about how to make you scream with pleasure again and again.”

“Hush,” she said, placing her palm over his mouth. “You should have told me as soon as you suspected.”

His tongue traced her palm, making her gasp as heat shot a straight path down between her thighs, forcing her to clench them together. His teeth nipped her then he placed a kiss before moving her hand from his mouth.

“I should have. I’m sorry,” Zane offered. “Are you angry?”

“A little,” she said then smacked him hard on the chest at the devastated look in his eyes.

“Over you not telling me immediately,” she stated. “Not the baby. Never a baby.” A smile played at the edges of her lips before she finally gave in to it again. “We’re having a baby,” she said, and Zane nodded.

“Are you angry?” she asked.

He shook his head. “Not only have I been blessed with the perfect mate, but the gods have blessed our union with a child. I love you.”

“I love you, too,” Diane whispered and stretched up to meet him, their lips brushing and clinging in a kiss of joy.

When their mouths parted, Orsai stepped forward and hugged them both. “You have a strong woman for a mate,” he told Zane. “You will make strong children.”

“Thank you,” Diane said and kissed Orsai on the cheek before he stepped back once again.

“Gideon is in the storage basement,” Orsai informed them. “I’d be pleased if you’d meet me there as soon as you can,” he told Diane.

“They’re prisoners here?” Zane asked while Diane’s eyes widened. Clara must be beside herself.

Orsai shook his head. “He is there by his choice. I’ll let Tah explain everything to you. Abby is in her room resting. Amia is with her. Everyone else is in the front room except for us, David, Vic, Holt and Kenzie. I believe they’ve been waiting for you.”

“And I’m losing patience,” Tah called with a rumble.

Diane shook her head. Even private conversations weren’t always private, not around here.

“On our way,” Zane called.

“Check on Abby after,” Tah said, walking down the hall toward them. “She’s resting and so is our daughter.”

Happiness radiated off him. He was the most relaxed Diane had ever seen him. She’d known Abby’s pregnancy was taking a toll on him, too—with the stress and worry over Abby’s safety and the newness of dealing with a shifter pregnancy. Still, she hadn’t realized how much, until now. It was good to see him looking so…at ease.

“Congratulations,” he told Diane and Zane. “At least we know how to ensure your health during pregnancy, now. You shouldn’t suffer with the discomfort and extreme fatigue my Abby did. You’ll be well taken care of.”

“I know I will,” Diane agreed, glancing at Zane again. How did she get to be so lucky? The amazing man beside her and now they were having a baby.

“Come.” He waved them to go ahead of him. “We have a lot to discuss and many decisions to make.”

Diane took in the room when they entered. Finn and Murphy were over by the window engaged in a conversation that seemed as if it could lead to an argument. Reno and Logan stood off to one side, heads bent in conversation, as well. Clara sat on one of the sofas with Ariel and Griffin—the two shifters who had been travelling with Gideon. Orsai didn’t follow them in and Diane figured he was heading back to the storage area where they used two of the rooms for makeshift cells. One held Lydia, the other held Dillon.

Finn looked up as they entered the room and crossed to them. He took Zane in a hard hug.

“Thank you for what you did for me. Not just for coming after me with Murphy, but for keeping him levelheaded and out of trouble along the way. I owe you,” Finn stated.

“You owe me nothing,” Zane countered. “I know you both would have done the same for me.” He glanced at Diane. “You did when you let my mate come looking for me.”

He glanced around the room, pulling Diane close to his side. She cuddled into him, loving that she could.

“All of you. You all could have stepped in and forced Diane to stay.”

“They would have had to lock me up,” Diane muttered and felt the reassuring squeeze of his fingers where he held her.

“So thank you all for caring enough to let her go.” He turned back to Tah. “Thank you. I’d like to make a request, too.”

“What is it?” Tah asked.

“That you go easy on Kenzie,” Zane said.

Diane watched Tah and saw the flash of pain in his eyes. He knew. Angel must have been there. But did Angel tell him everything?

“We’ll discuss Kenzie later,” Tah said. “I will say this here and now in front of all of you. There will be no secrets. We are family. We are only as strong as we allow ourselves to be. Secrets build walls of isolation. No one here is alone.” He nodded to Diane and Zane. “Go ahead and take a seat. Abby, the Professor and I spent a lot of time last night discussing everything I’m going to bring up. So when I speak to you, I speak on behalf of the three of us.”

Diane followed Zane across to one of the empty chairs. He dropped in it and tugged her into his lap, wrapping his arms around her so that she was snug against his chest. Clara stood and walked over to Logan. He immediately turned to her and pulled her back against his front. Diane shared a look with Clara and smiled when the other woman winked at her. It was nice to be one of the mated couples there. She wiggled on Zane’s lap and felt his cock twitch under her. There were definitely amazing perks to it.

“First off, I want you all to welcome Ariel and Griffin. They traveled here with another shifter searching for Clara. They have both requested permission to stay and join our pride. After speaking with them, Clara, the Professor and Abby, I see no reason why they shouldn’t. Is there anyone here who feels differently?”

No one said anything, and Tah nodded.

“Then it’s settled. Welcome to the pride.”

Ariel and Griffin both seemed to relax then smiled.

“What about Gideon?” Diane asked and Ariel’s gaze met hers.

Diane had no problem seeing that the other woman was still upset that Zane had refused to bring Gideon back with them or to let Diane look at him.

“Gideon isn’t much of a joiner,” Ariel said, and Clara snorted a laugh.

“Gideon walks the fringes. He doesn’t like large groups and has a tendency to leave when the mood strikes him,” Clara said. “He’s here for now, but I don’t expect him to stay.”

“Orsai and the Professor would like your input on the poison he was hit with,” Tah told Diane. “The Professor said there was something familiar about it, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. He thought you might be able to.”

“I can head down now,” she offered, but he shook his head.

“Stay,” he ordered. “Gideon demanded he be placed down with Lydia and Dillon. We wanted to put him in the labs, but he was adamant, and I refused to have him pushed. I think he’s apprehensive there might have been more than poison in him.”

“Like what?” Zane asked.

“The something familiar, but not quite?” Diane asked and her mind worried over the possibilities. Was it another form of feral cat fever? The ramifications of that in the hands of a hunter were mind-boggling! Then she shook her head. Hadn’t Clara said her uncle had stolen the virus Dillon had managed to get his hands on from a group of hunters who’d captured Thomas and pumped it into him? Diane was pretty sure her memory was accurate. What if the hunters were still working on it?

“Diane.” Tah called her name, jarring her from the roller coaster of her thoughts.

“Yes?” she asked.

“I can see your mind spinning. What are you thinking?” he asked.

“Maybe nothing,” she warned.

“The light in your eyes says otherwise,” Reno stated.

“I was thinking if the Professor thought it was familiar… Well, I thought about what we’ve been dealing with—”

“Feral cat fever,” Clara said, and Diane saw Logan’s arms tighten around his mate.

Diane nodded. “Didn’t you say your Uncle Thomas brought it back when a group of hunters tried to use it on him?”

Clara nodded.

“Jesus,” Tah grunted. “This is all we need.”

“Clara’s aunt was still alive then,” Diane reminded everyone. “Imagine the amount of time they’ve had to research and work on ways to mutate it, ways to hide it within something else.”

“Like poison,” Reno stated.

“This will rip Gideon apart,” Ariel said and started to rise from the couch. “He doesn’t have a mate.”

“Sit down,” Tah said.

“I need to go to him, tell him what you guys are thinking,” Ariel argued.

“Sit down!” Tah roared, and Ariel’s ass hit the couch again, her mouth dropping open.

“If you want to be a part of this pride, you will learn to listen and obey when I give an order. I will discuss things with the council. I will consult with everyone when it is needed. But I will not be disobeyed when I give a direct order. Is that clear?”

Ariel nodded, as did Griffin when Tah turned his gaze on the other man.

“I’m betting Gideon has already guessed as much and that’s why he requested to be put where he is. He’s a smart man, one I would prefer to have at my side. We will do everything we can to help him,” Tah stated. “Have faith in Diane and the Professor just as we do.”

Ariel’s gaze locked with Diane’s again, and she could see the uncertainty in the other woman’s eyes.

“I know you’re still angry I didn’t look at him when you asked me to, but I believe part of you understands. This is a dangerous world. As a shifter, you know that even better than I do. I’m just learning, just beginning to belong. I’ve done nothing to earn your trust, yet, but I promise you, I will do everything I can to help Gideon,” Diane vowed.

“Diane has the trust of this entire pride,” Zane said in a tone that dared any to argue.

“Diane is family,” Tah said.

Diane blinked rapidly to hold back tears. She’d always wanted a big family. Now she had one, and she’d be damned if she’d lose one member while she was the one taking care of them. She felt renewed purpose surge through her.

Maybe it was Tah’s statement or maybe Ariel just saw some of the conviction on Diane’s face, but the other woman finally nodded.

“Dillion might know more about all this. I say we use whatever means necessary to get answers from him,” Murphy said.

“Agreed,” Tah said, surprising most of them.

Logan and Reno just nodded as if they’d already known what Tah would say.

“This is war. We didn’t declare it, but we are fighting it.”

“And we’ll win the fucker,” Murphy grunted.

“Yes, we will,” Tah agreed. “Dillon came here with the intention to hurt us. We’ll hurt him back to get the answers we need. Not because of what we fear might happen as we did in the past.” His gaze skated to Reno in apology. “But in direct retaliation for what Dillon has already done, attacking two of our numbers and injecting them with a virus. I’m putting you in charge of interrogation, Murphy.”

“It will be my pleasure,” Murphy assured, and the light in his eyes sent a chill through Diane that had Zane tightening his arms around her.

“Gideon will be a fountain of wisdom when it comes to Dillon,” Griffin offered. “He never trusted Dillon. Lydia, either.”

“She’s another story. Her cells continue to break down no matter what measures are taken. If something isn’t discovered soon, she’s going to die.”

Clara turned and buried her head into Logan’s chest at Tah’s words. Diane’s heart ached for her friend. Clara had been through so much, lost so much, and here she was dealing with it again.

“I’ll keep searching,” Diane promised.

Clara nodded but didn’t turn from the comfort of her mate’s arms.

“Zane, I’d like you to fill us in on your take of the hunting party you ran into and the man who stopped by to see me,” Tah said.

“There’s a hunting party?” Murphy asked, tensing up.

“They’re dead,” Tah answered and crossed his arms waiting for Zane to speak.

Diane felt Zane tense under her and knew he was struggling with the desire to protect Kenzie and the responsibility to tell Tah everything. She rubbed her palm over his chest, trying to offer him both comfort and support. He eased back again and began to talk.

“I smelled them while Diane and I were alone. I managed to get Diane to safety and made the choice to go look for Kenzie, to make sure she was okay. It didn’t turn out to be so bright an idea, though.”

“He was still being ravaged by the fever,” Diane interjected. “He was okay as long as we were together, but the farther away he went and the longer time passed, the fever spiked.”

“I would have been too far gone to save myself much less Kenzie if help hadn’t arrived,” Zane added. “I knew they had Kenzie and was trying to figure out how to help her. My beast was fighting me, and it was hard to think of anything but getting back to Diane.”

Diane almost moaned at the heated look he sent her. As it was, she did her best to sit still and not twitch her ass against the growing erection under her.

“Angel found me and brought me to Zane,” Diane said.

“Wait,” Clara said, turning around. “Angel?”

“He said he’s sometimes referred to as ‘the Angel’,” Diane offered.

“No fucking way,” Griffin muttered.

“You saw him?” Ariel asked.

Diane nodded.

“He brought Diane to me then went in and saved Kenzie,” Zane finished with a shrug.

“How many hunters were there?” Reno asked.

“Thirteen,” Zane said. “I killed one of them when he came after Diane.”

“Are you telling me this Angel took out twelve hunters by himself?” Logan demanded.

“He did,” Zane agreed.

“He’s a liger,” Diane added and felt all eyes turn to her. “I saw him shift.”

Zane rumbled behind her at the reminder.

She patted him. “He’s huge.”

Tah nodded. “From what I’ve gathered, he’s some type of avenging angel for our kind.”

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