Saving The Cowboy (BWWM Pregnancy Romance)

BOOK: Saving The Cowboy (BWWM Pregnancy Romance)
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To All The Readers Who Are Making My Dreams Come True




This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Copyright © 2015 Tasha Jones
. All rights reserved. Including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof, in any form. No part of this text may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the author.

WARNING: This book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language. It may be considered offensive to some readers. This book is for sale to adults ONLY.

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Other Titles By Tasha (Free on Kindle Unlimited)

African Attraction

My Caring Cowboy

Books By Friends (Free on Kindle Unlimited)

Violet Jackson

Heart of Fire

Country Vibes

Doctor's Love

Falling For The Doctor

The Billionaire's Bodyguard

Jamaica, I Love You

City Vibes – Complete Series


About Tasha Jones


I'm Tasha and thank you so much for taking the time to take a read through my book. I'm a young mother of one, with a loving husband, currently living in Jacksonville, and am a big reader. I've decided to turn my love for books into something more, and have started to passionately write more and more. I recently went on a trip to Africa with my fam, and got many ideas for stories on that trip. I also love traveling and cooking and hope it shows in my writing. I really hope you enjoy my writing and I can bring just a tiny bit of joy into your day.




About This Book

Jasmine's life was not where she expected to be.

A young, aspiring actress, Jasmine Turner had decided that moving to New York would be the best way for her to catch a big break and become a star.

But after two years in the city, she found her savings completely depleted and she was working at a diner living paycheck to paycheck. On a night where she didn't even know how she was going to make rent, she got lucky and an extra shift came up at the diner, effectively keeping her off the street.

But when she came home after her shift, her room was a mess and she realized her roommate had a party with a bunch of people over. Looking through her tip stash she realized someone had taken all the cash she had been saving to cover rent.

With her back against the wall, she searches through the paper, looking for any acting gigs which could give her some quick cash. But a rather unusual ad catches her attention instead. The ad was looking for healthy females her age who would act as a surrogate to wealthy clients. With no other options she decides to contact the agency and see what they can offer her.

After going through the proposals she finds one potential surrogacy match with a single male in Texas. Only this surrogate contract is a little different, in that the client is also looking for a "paper marriage" as well. She wonders why, but considering how much they are offering she agrees.

A week later she finds herself on a flight to Texas headed towards a ranch to become the surrogate and wife to a wealthy Texas cowboy. She arrives and the lady of the house fills her in on the current situation. It seems like the cowboy's father had passed away, and left him their family ranch on one condition, that he get married and have a child within the year.

Jasmine finally meets Parker, her soon to be husband and client, and he lets her know this is strictly a business relationship. After the baby arrives and the ranch is transferred over to him they can dissolve the marriage and he would raise the child on his own.

But what he wasn't expecting was that love had bigger plans for them. While at first they were very formal with each other, as the days went by their infatuation continued to grow.

Their love grew stronger day by day, until a terrible accident threatened to keep them apart...

Will the power of love overcome adversity and bring them back together?

This hot and steamy BWWM romance is for adult audiences 18+ only

Chapter One – Jasmine

Jasmine Turner was exhausted.

She glanced around at the diner silently calculating how long it would take for them to finish up and let her go home.

She smiled at Carl. Somehow he was always popping in from time to time when she was working. He tipped his hat at her and went back to his coffee. Somehow he felt responsible for her, ever since she had started here he always had her back. He was probably in his mid-fifties and was a truck driver. His routes were scheduled the same and she always knew he would be around on Monday and Wednesday mornings. She had worked the night shift last night and she was tired.

At 25, she had been in New York for two years. She had high hopes of becoming the next Kerry Washington or even better, Halle Berry, but so far it hadn’t come to pass. She was attractive enough, her caramel-colored skin and light brown eyes made her stand out. She had long straight hair, something she took great pride in. It had taken her forever to get it just right. Now it was all being wasted as she had it pinned up while working in a diner.

              Ten more minutes and she was out of here. She grabbed up the newspaper from where a customer had been sitting a few minutes before. She put it behind the counter knowing she would take it with her as she headed home. You never knew when you were going to find some great audition in there. She started to clean up as Marie came into the diner rushing to put on her apron.

“Hey girl, sorry I’m running late, the traffic
!’ she rolled her eyes and headed to the back to clock in. Jasmine said goodbye to Carl and made her way in the back following behind Marie.

“It'sok, it’s been kind of slow anyways, I’m just happy I’m headed home.” She took off her apron and snatched up her things from the small locker in the back. She gave Anna a hug and left through the back door.


              People often complained about the city. There was always something to say about the sounds, smells and the people, but Jasmine loved it. There was an ever present excitement in the air and she loved the vibe. She walked the short distance to her apartment. She had found this spot by luck, one of the girls at the diner had gotten a commercial spot and had moved, leaving an open spot for her. The place was costing her a fortune, but what place didn’t in New York?

Her neat little apartment was off of Broadway and Newtown in Long Island City. It wasn’t the best of neighborhoods, but was far better than some. Fortunately, she had a roommate she trusted and cared for. She threw her keys into the bowl by the front door.

              “Marie, you in here?” she glanced around the main part of the room but there was no answer. The apartment was a one bedroom, off to one side. The main part of the room was open with an eat-in kitchen and a place for a living room. They had hung a curtain in the room and blocked off an area that Jasmine used as a bedroom, leaving a small area where they could put a loveseat and a television. Her roommate was eccentric and creative. She had done all of the decorating and had lived there for years. Jasmine knew she had a role on Broadway from time to time, but mostly it was her family money that kept things going for her. She had lived there for years before Jasmine had moved in and she loved being in the city more than Jasmine did.

              It seemed like only yesterday when Jasmine had left her family home in New Jersey. Her father worked in construction and her mother had died in a car accident when she was 12.

Recently, her father had been injured on the job and they were struggling to make it, especially with her little sister still at home.  She liked to think of her as little, but she was, in fact, 15. Jasmine had shared her dream with him and he hated to see her go, but respected her dreams to try. She had lived out here now for two years and her savings were depleted. Right now she was living day to day. She remembered the way he had looked at her when she left, as if somehow Jasmine were carrying her mother’s lifelong dreams as well. Her mother had been a singer, but never made it big. All she knew was that she couldn’t go home, she couldn’t fail.

She especially couldn’t add her troubles to the ones her father was already dealing with.

She changed into her pajamas and climbed into her bed and was soon fast asleep.














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