Say It Strong (Say You Love Me Book 2) (20 page)

BOOK: Say It Strong (Say You Love Me Book 2)
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I reached up and took hold of his shoulders, kissing his defined chest and stomach. I pushed him down, and he followed my wordless request by kneeling in front of me.

“Say, ‘Liam, I want you to…’”

“Liam, I want you to…lick me.” There, I said it. At least I thought it was my voice, asking for something I’d never had before.

“That’s my good girl. Say please.” His smile was wide and mischievous now.

“Please lick me, Liam.”

“As you wish.” Pushing my legs up and back, making my bottom lift off the sofa seat, he kissed my inner thighs. I braced for first contact, anticipation making me quiver. And then his tongue slid from the very bottom of my hot, wet pussy up to where my pulsing clit was dying for his touch.

He settled in, licking me with strong leisurely strokes for what seemed like hours. I arched my back, turned my head, and closed my eyes, barely stifling a moan when he closed his lips around my clit and sucked it into his mouth. At the same time, he slid his fingers inside me. Then out. Then in. I bucked my hips, forcing his fingers deeper. The hot wet feel of his tongue against me, licking and flicking—coupled with the strong pressure of his fingers—had my release building so suddenly I wanted to weep. I didn’t want this to end. I wanted to feel his face between my thighs, his mouth on me, forever. But my body betrayed me.

I bit my lip as my orgasm hit and shudders wracked my body. Liam kept his fingers inside me and I rode them through my release. The whole time, I just barely managed to stop myself from screaming, and that effort as well as the strength of my orgasm left me panting and trembling in Liam’s arms. When I finally managed to open my eyes, it was to see him staring at me intently.

“What is it?” I asked.

“You’re just so beautiful,” he said. “Gorgeous. Your expression when I pleasure you…it makes me feel like the most powerful man alive.” His voice was deep and gravelly like he couldn’t get enough breath in to smooth it out.

“I want to feel your power. Come here,” I whispered, urging him up until he was straddling me, his erection resting against my breasts. I stroked it slowly, letting my thumb glide across the pearl of moisture at the tip. Liam moaned and closed his eyes. I stroked him harder. Faster. Spurred on by his moans, which only got longer and deeper. Finally, he grabbed my hands and kissed them. “I—I need to be inside you, Abby. Please.”

I nodded, and he quickly twisted to the side to grab the condom packet. He used his teeth to tear open the wrapper, tossed that aside, then rolled the condom on.

I trembled with anticipation, wanting to feel him inside me so bad. He pulled my legs up around his waist, then took my face in his hands and kissed me, letting his tongue languidly lick every part of the inside of my mouth. I felt the head of his cock pushing against my opening, and then he was inside, pushing steadily deeper. When he was only about half-way in, he kissed his way down my throat and chest, then took one of my nipples into his mouth and sucked hard. He licked and softly bit that nipple, then moved to my other breast to do the same. Finally, he pulled back, stared into my eyes, and pushed the rest of the way inside me.

I cried out softly and Liam moaned.

He slowly withdrew then immediately slammed back in. He did it again. Then again, keeping his pace steady. Determined to drag out the pleasure.

I couldn’t stand it. I felt out of control. I wanted to see him the same way. I reached around him, squeezing the tight muscles of his butt and pushing down while at the same time arching my hips up to meet his. He gasped and moved faster, then reached down to pull my legs over his shoulders. The position left me exposed and allowed him to penetrate me even deeper.

I loved it.

I writhed and mewed.

Liam moved faster. Plunged harder. Our bodies slapped together and tiny beads of sweat dotted his forehead and upper lip. I felt him grow and swell inside me. He was close. So was I. A fireball sparked in the pit of my stomach and within minutes grew into a raging inferno that could no longer be contained. I buried my face against his shoulder as I came again, and before I knew what I was doing, I bit him. He bucked and groaned, but instead of finishing, he pulled out and flipped me around so I was on my knees, my hands braced against the back of the sofa.

He slid into me from behind, feeling harder and thicker than he ever had. Big hands on my hips, he pulled me in to meet every one of his heavy, pounding thrusts. I could actually hear the slap of our flesh, the wet suction of my body clinging to his shaft, and my inner muscles squeezed him tight. His hips jerked, losing their steady rhythm just before he buried himself deep then froze. His every muscle taut, he didn’t make a sound, but as he came, I felt the strong, hot jets that burst from him through the condom.

He curled around me, his harsh breaths in my ear, and I rested my forehead against my forearms, trying to get my bearings. Trying to keep just a small part of myself safe from everything he made me feel.

Then he did something that made guarding any part of me impossible.

He whispered my name.

And for the first time in my life, I felt not only loved by a man…but adored.





I don’t know why it happened. It couldn’t have been waking up to see Abby lying next to me, naked, asleep, peaceful, innocent, and so incredibly beautiful. We’d already slept together several times, and none of those previous times had thrown me into a panic. Maybe it was the fact she’d brought up Giselle. Or that we’d talked about Vanessa. Or that after we’d fucked last night, I’d felt destroyed and yet reborn, like I’d finally experienced making love. Whatever the reason, when I woke with Abby beside me this time, I was overwhelmed by the haunting feeling I’d never be able to stay true to her. Not until I’d been tested. Not until I’d proven where I stood with her.

And this feeling only magnified when I read the text on her phone.

It wasn’t like I meant to, but her phone was vibrating right next to mine on the nightstand, all lit up, practically begging me to look at it. Last night, she’d texted someone when we first came into my hotel suite. It was a fast and furious exchange, accompanied by lip bites and giggles, so I was sure it was between her and her friend Rosemary.

Wondering what they both thought of me, I just happened to glance down at her screen while she snoozed and saw the last several texts from last night, plus the one from this morning:


Ya, you know me, just trying to bed the bachelor. How many points do I get for this one?

At least 100! Seriously, Abby, good for you.

Well, don’t be happy for me yet. I’m not sure how I feel about him yet.

I don’t blame you. I’d be scared shitless too.


I was almost positive it was only girl banter, and like us guys, they said shit to each other they really didn’t mean, just to keep up appearances. But something in her line—
I’m not sure how I feel about him yet
—threw me for a loop. On top of that, now I felt guilty that I’d looked at her phone when it wasn’t my business. Still, was that really where I stood with her? She was on the fence about me?


I shouldn’t have given it too much thought, but I slipped out of bed, got dressed, and left her a note hastily written on the hotel paper by her bedside.


I have a meeting with Robbie.

Stay as long as you like.

I’ll see you later. – L


I didn’t have a meeting with Robbie, of course, but I wasn’t about to tell her I was having a holy-shit moment. It wasn’t until I was outside the hotel in the early morning hours with no one around and the peach glow of sunrise peeking around the buildings that I was able to take a deep breath and let it out. What the fuck was going on? Wasn’t Abby what I wanted? Was she not the perfect combination of beauty and brains I always said I’d marry someday?

She was. Of course she was.

But I wasn’t supposed to meet her till two or three years from now.

Plus, there was unfinished business with Helen, and I knew, after our spat, that I had to talk to my best friend. I snuck out the back of the hotel through the pool gate, edged along the property on the sidewalk, and headed toward the venue and buses where the merchandise crew would be setting up. They always came out bright and early to make sure everything was good to go, then around midday, they lunched, took naps, and shot the breeze, coming back in time for the show.

At the corner of Rogers Arena, I pulled my slouch cap tight over my head, narrowly missed a group of fans camping out front to be the first ones let in, and swerved around the building to the back where the buses were parked and most everyone was still sleeping. I could hear the merch girls before I saw them, cackling, talking shit, carrying boxes. I turned the corner, and my stomach sank.

Helen wasn’t there.

Wes stood nearby, watching them, smoking a cigarette, blowing kisses, and making the girls laugh with his stupid faces. He was always good about staying friends with them, and it made me feel extra guilty that I rarely hung out with them anymore. In fact, since this tour began, I’d been all about Abby and hadn’t spent much time with my tribe. At least last year Giselle had had more in common with my friends than Abby did now.

Wes looked surprised to see me. “Good morning, sunshine.” He took a long draw of his cigarette. He was born to be a lead guitarist with the tall, lean, slouchy look he’d had since he was a baby. “What got you out of bed so damned early?”

“Your cigarette morning breath, lover. I walked all the way here just to give you this breath mint.” I fake-handed him a breath mint and instead gripped fists with him. He chuckled through the corner of his lips. Wes…my boy, my man.

“Fucking asshole.” He gave me a slap against the back of my head.

“That’s Mr. Asshole to you, Shit For Brains.” I turned and said hello to the merch crew who gave me some mumbles and all-around mediocre vibes. There could be only one reason. I turned my back to them, facing Wes. “Hey, have you seen Helen?”

Wes shifted his body so his mouth was out of their view. He blew out a puff of smoke. “Dude, she left yesterday after you supposedly had some tiff with her.”

“Where did she go?”

“I don’t know, but I heard some of the girls over there say that maybe, perhaps, she went to see…” He leaned his messy bed head toward me and whispered, “Giselle.”

“What? Why would she fucking do that?” I blurted, lowering my tone right at the end.

“Why?” Wes took on the tone of an older, wiser love sage. “Why do birds shit on windshields? Why do frogs cross a busy street? Why does Liam Collier have such a perfect body?” He raised his cigarette into the air poetically.

“Wes,” I said adamantly. “Why did she go see Giselle?”

Wes returned to his normal shrugging self. “You know how chicks are when they get together to talk shit about you. She probably wanted someone she could bond with. Giselle’s fucked you. Helen
to fuck you. You scorned both of them. That’s all.” He drew on his cigarette.

“In the ten years I’ve known Helen, why she has to go and get all clingy on me now, I don’t know.”

Wes shot me a look like I was quite possibly the stupidest, most naïve person in Vancouver. “Dude, she’s always held a candle for you. You broke her biggest high school rival’s heart at the height of her love for you, you douchebag. That left her feeling she had a chance…”

God, Helen had told me she’d always wanted a chance with me. And of course, I’d never considered how her hopes might have been affected by my break-up with Vanessa…or the fact I’d kept her close to me by offering her the merchandising job. Still… “Helen knew I broke things off with Vanessa before things got crazy. Because
I knew
things were going to get crazy.”

“That is true, my friend.” Wes nodded. “But she also knew you wanted to settle down some day. I think she was hoping to make her move on you during this tour. You’re not with Giselle anymore, you weren’t supposed to
with anyone…well, until the cello chick.”

“Abby,” I said.

“Yeah, her.” Wes smirk-smiled at me out of the corner of his eye. “Abby Chan, Mystery Woman.”

I smiled, not ignoring the fact that he was respectful instead of calling her names like Tucker. He didn’t tell me I shouldn’t be seeing her, just acknowledged her real, unavoidable presence in my life. Wes was a good guy that way.

“Thanks, man.” I bumped shoulders with him and headed off amid the disquieting whispers of the merch crew and Wes’s cloud of smoke.

“Anytime, buddy. Anytime.”

Against my better judgment, I spent the rest of the morning walking the old downtown streets of Vancouver, taking in the clean summer air, and narrowly missing groups of fans wearing
Feel the Burn
T-shirts. I wondered whether or not I should show up at Giselle’s house to find Helen and tell her I was sorry.

I’d never be with her romantically, but the least I could do was offer an apology for being so stupid. It was then, cutting through a park, that I realized what else was bothering me. Maybe the one I’d
the intention of being with, the one I
been holding a candle for was Vanessa. Maybe, in the back of my mind, I figured that once my wild side died down I’d try finding her again. When I was ready. Despite the fact she was married.

BOOK: Say It Strong (Say You Love Me Book 2)
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