Read Scandalicious Online

Authors: Allison Hobbs

Scandalicious (30 page)

BOOK: Scandalicious
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“A male whore! I should know what you are; I paid for your stud service!” Solay shouted. “And being a personal trainer to middle-aged woman sounds like prostitution to me!”

There was dead silence for a few moments. Deon looked at her, bewildered, and then rubbed his forehead, his hand moving circularly. “So we’re back to that same ol’ shit again,” he said through clenched teeth, voice low to show his restraint. “I thought we’d moved past it. I thought we were all right.”

“How can we be all right? Accepting what you do for a living is awful…it’s demoralizing. I want a real relationship, Deon. One that’s exclusive.”

“We are exclusive. I’m not seeing anybody else. I’m not making love to any other woman.”

Wiping tears, Solay shook her head.

“Think of it like this…if I was making a movie, and had to do a love scene, would you consider that as cheating? If I had to do a naked love scene that required twenty takes or more…would you think of it as male prostitution?”

“But this isn’t a movie. It’s real life, and you’re delusional if you really think you’re going to have a film career. That’s nothing but
a pipe dream. The only way we’re going to make it as a couple is if you get a real job, making a regular salary.”

There, she’d said it, and Solay had no regrets. Deon had thought that cutting back his days would solve the problem, but it hadn’t. The fact remained that Deon was in intimate situations with too many women. He was supposed to be hers and hers only. Sharing him with a pack of desperate cougars and other horny bitches was taking a heavy emotional toll.

“You’re the only woman that I ever had sex with on the job.”

Solay held up a hand. “Deon, please.”

“For real. The agency said that you just wanted to stay home. My intentions were to give you an erotic massage or some kind of romantic fantasy. I was going to play it by ear, since I never had a client that wanted to stay home before.”

It seemed like he was speaking from the heart, but she wasn’t sure, so she kept her head down, biting her lip, stubbornly refusing to meet his gaze.

“There was this chemistry between us…instant attraction,” Deon went on. “One thing led to another and we ended up in bed. Think about it, Solay.”

Finally, she raised her head.

He tapped his chest. “I know what’s in my heart. I could have kept it strictly business between us…but I’m not that dude. No matter what you think, I’m not a male hoe.”

“I don’t like behaving like this…acting jealous and resorting to name calling. It’s ugly…and I apologize. All I want is the reassurance that I’m the only woman in your life. and it’s hard to feel that way if you’re out with another woman on your arm.”

“I can dig it. I’d feel the same way, if it was the other way around.” He pondered briefly. “Tell you what…let’s slow down. We can fall back for a minute. That audition that I was telling you about is coming up in a few days. I’ll be in on Wednesday,
and I’m staying over until Thursday. If I don’t get it, we can go our separate ways.”

Solay cringed at the idea of them splitting up for good. She merely wanted Deon to realize she couldn’t put up with him escorting or personally training women.

“I don’t want this to end. You know that, but I don’t like seeing you upset like this and looking so unhappy.”

“So, what you’re saying is…that the future of our relationship depends on an acting job?”

“Pretty much.” With his fingers intertwined, Deon nodded his head. “Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. You want a man with a job and a regular pay, but acting is my passion, and there are no guarantees in that profession.”

If she didn’t know any better, she’d think Deon was simply crazy, thinking that he could go to New York and get an acting job just like that! She loved him, and she wanted to believe in him. But being realistic, his chances seemed slim.

Deon stood up. “It’s been a long night, and I have to get up early, so I’ma bounce, baby.” He walked toward the front door.

Solay was right behind him. He turned the doorknob and stood with the door cracked open. “I wanna say that I’ll hit you up tomorrow, but we need some distance—some time to think and get our minds right.”

Solay nodded. “Call me when you get back from New York, okay?”

“I love you, Solay. I mean it,” Deon said softly.

“I love you, too.”

“We’ll figure something out,” he said.

The women’s fragrance that lingered on his clothes and on his skin put a barrier between them, and Deon didn’t try to kiss Solay. Instead, he kissed two fingers and held them out to her, before he closed the door gently behind him.


ith the assistance of an army of students, two thousand cupcakes were baked, frosted and carefully packaged. The gorgeous and scrumptious cupcakes were picked up by a city employee and placed in a city-owned van, and then delivered to the venue.

Anita Blalock called Solay to thank her and to also invite her to the event. “The media is going to be in attendance, and from one sistah to another, I don’t want you to miss out on a photo op.”

“Oh, thank you for the invitation. And thank you for selecting Scandalicious for your event.” Solay hung up and smiled. She had a big check from the city and now another blessing…possible promotion.

She’d been so busy managing the students and getting two thousand cupcakes baked, that it hadn’t occurred to her until this moment, that she hadn’t spoken to Deon since the night he’d left her apartment. No phone calls and no texts. She’d never gotten around to telling him about her opportunity to showcase her cupcakes at a huge charity event. She wished he could share this moment with her, but he was in New York, right now, auditioning for a part. He was obviously giving her some space to analyze their relationship.

She didn’t want to attend a semi-formal occasion without a date, but what could she do? Hmm. Pretty boy Vidal would make a perfect escort.

“Are you free tonight?” she asked Vidal as she stocked the bakery case.

“Depends.” He scowled as if expecting Solay to ask him to work overtime.

“I’ve been invited to the mural event and I need an escort. Do you have a suit?”

Vidal’s eyes lit up. “Of course I have a suit—I have a collection of suits: Armani, Marc Jacobs, Gucci, Prada—”

“Great,” she interrupted. “Can you meet at the Radisson downtown at seven-thirty?”

“Okay, but can I leave early?”

“No, I need you out here working the front.”

“Listen, I have to get my hair and nails done.” He suddenly smoothed the silky hair of his eyebrows. “Oh, Gawd, I need my eyebrows waxed, too! I can’t show up at a high-profile event looking any ole kinda way.”

Solay sighed. “How early do want to leave, Vidal?”

“In order to catch my hairstylist, I’ll have to be out of here…um…no later than three.”

Solay sighed again…this time, long and loud. There was no getting around it. She had to give Vidal his way or got to the mural event alone. On second thought, she could call Rent-A-Man. Nah, she didn’t want to come off of all that money for a hired escort. Also, calling Deon’s employer didn’t sit well with Solay—she’d feel like she was cheating on Deon. Vidal was the perfect escort. He would enjoy the black-tie affair. Mingling with artists and ritzy corporate people would be right up his alley. He’d also take pleasure in seeing those two-thousand Scandalicious cupcakes that he helped create, prominently displayed.

While most women planned and shopped and took forever to prepare for an important event, Solay had always been low-maintenance. She wore minimal makeup, her hair was styled in a basic wrap, and she maintained her own nails, filing them neatly and applying one coat of clear polish. Tonight she wore a basic
black dress, understated jewelry, sensible heels, and a black clutch. Though the end result looked spectacular, it actually took less than an hour for Solay to pull her look together.

With their arms linked, Solay and Vidal entered the grand ballroom of the Radisson. With his long hair flat-ironed to silky perfection, Vidal was catching the eye of both women and men, and he reveled in all the attention.

The well-heeled guests mingled and gazed at the artwork that was hung, but the real show-stopper was the cupcake display. A gigantic Plexiglas case that was shaped like the Liberty Bell dominated the ballroom.

In awe, Solay and Vidal approached the cupcake exhibit.

“This is amazing,” Solay murmured.

“Our cupcakes look like little works of art,” Vidal commented as he gazed at the array of colorful cupcakes. “Let’s get some pictures before the vultures swoop down on our edible art.”

Alongside Vidal were professional photographers, snapping away. Dressed casually, the photographers stood out from the black-tie crowd.

“Are y’all from
The Philadelphia Inquirer
?” nosey Vidal asked.

“I’m with
Philadelphia Magazine
,” said a man wearing Dockers and a T-shirt and had an awful, scraggly red-gold beard.

“We baked all those cupcakes,” Vidal said proudly, motioning to himself and Solay.

“Oh, are you the owners of Scandalicious?” the bearded man wanted to know.

“I am. My name is Solay Dandridge.” Solay stepped forward and extended her hand.

“Jack Grover…
Philadelphia Magazine
. I’d like to get a picture of you with the display if you don’t mind.”

“I don’t mind at all,” Solay said, smiling broadly.

“Umph, just knock me out of the way. I guess you don’t need
me to baby-sit you any longer,” Vidal said huffily. “I might as well go mingle.” He skulked off, mumbling discontentedly.

As Solay posed, the photographer asked a million questions about Scandalicious. “Maybe we can do a separate story featuring your shop in our Christmas issue.” He gave her his card and merged into the crowd.

Now Solay needed a drink to steady her nerves. One amazing thing after another had been happening for her. She couldn’t believe her good fortune. Taking a risk, along with hard work, was really starting to pay off.

After ordering a martini, she caught up with Vidal on the other side of the huge ballroom. He was sipping from a martini glass that was filled with a blue concoction. He seemed to be engrossed in a conversation with an artsy-looking guy. Though he had on a suit and tie, the young man Vidal was talking with was wearing a pair of sneakers. His long locks were tied in two ponytails.

“Excuse me, can I speak to you for a moment, Vidal.”

Vidal frowned, aggravated by the interruption.

“He’ll be right back,” Solay assured the man wearing sneakers as she pulled Vidal away.

In private, she told Vidal everything about the possible magazine feature. “Vidal, can you believe it? Can my life get any better?” She realized that she sounded full of herself, but she was too over the top with happiness to tone it down.

“Your life may not get any better, but it looks like somebody just got upgraded.” Vidal nodded his head toward the right. When Solay looked in that direction, she gasped in surprise and nearly choked on her martini. She stared across the room in silent horror for a few moments, refusing to believe her own eyes. Among the illustrious guests was Deon, handsomely dressed in a black suit and tie.

“Mmm, look at your man. He’s wearing the hell out of that suit. I like his swag,” Vidal murmured.

As if Deon’s presence wasn’t shocking enough, hanging on his arm was a black goddess—a forty-ish woman with a complexion so flawless it looked like dark silk. She was stunning and every eye was on her. Her hair was in an elegantly twisted bun and surrounded with dazzling jewels. She was blinging like crazy with diamonds sparkling around her neck, her wrists, and her fingers. A black lace, curve-hugging gown with a short train was the show-stopping dress of the evening. She had a long and graceful neck, long arms and legs for days. And the fluidity of her movements gave her the presence of a prima ballerina.
Black swan bitch!

Solay felt utter and passionate hatred for the elegant vixen. Deon had delivered a sucker punch to the gut that was staggering.

“There’s something so appealing about a thug in a suit.” Vidal was being extremely mean-spirited, going for the jugular. “That diva that’s hanging on to him is dripping in diamonds. She must be loaded; I wonder who she is.” With his chin resting upon his palm, Vidal stared at the mystery woman.

“I don’t know who she is, Vidal. But it really doesn’t matter. Deon and I are not exclusive. We both see other people,” Solay said as calmly as she could, trying to hold on to her last shred of dignity. Pretending to be disinterested, she stared into her drink, putting a lot of effort into stirring it with its cute little stick.

“I didn’t know you were seeing other guys, Solay. They must be imaginary friends,” Vidal said with a taunting chuckle. He was paying her back for pushing him out of the picture at the Liberty Bell display, she presumed.

Though she made a great effort to not look in Deon’s direction, Solay caught another glimpse of him and his date. The bejeweled diva and Deon were deep in conversation. When Deon bent and
whispered something in her ear, the woman touched his face in a very intimate manner. Solay felt her heart rate speed up when she noticed Deon slide his hand around the woman’s waist. She felt faint. Sick to her stomach. It was too much to bear; her heart couldn’t take any more.

BOOK: Scandalicious
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