Scandalous (18 page)

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Authors: Donna Hill

BOOK: Scandalous
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Crystal let out a breath and released Vaughn's hands. “Now that we have all the mushy stuff out of the way, I have some news, girl.” She maneuvered around to the small work table and sat down. Vaughn took a seat opposite her. Crystal slapped her palms down on the table and broke out in a sunshine grin. “The Lucus Stone camp wants to go head-to-head on television!”

Vaughn's eyes widened. “Why all of a sudden? That seemed like the last thing Stone wanted to do.”

“Apparently, he feels you're getting too much press. You know my opinion—I think he's starting to feel the pressure.”

Vaughn slowly nodded in agreement. Her expression grew serious. “I don't think we should give in right away. We set the parameters for the debate, we set the when and where.”


The wheels began to turn in Vaughn's head. She felt energized, like she always did when confronted with a challenge. “I need a synopsis on every bill Stone has voted on or against, and a recap of all of the polls.” Her eyes grew pensive as she planned her strategy. “We need to get Imani Angoza, the image consultant. I want to make sure that the camera picks up the differences between us—not just color—not just male-female.” She pursed her lips as she continued to think. “I want to lose that hard-edged image that I've been known to have. But I don't want to come across as a fluffy female, either. Getting the assembly seat was a whole different ballgame. We're in the big time now.”

Crystal jotted everything down and nodded in agreement as Vaughn continued to map out their plan. She looked up and saw the same fire in Vaughn's eyes that had won her the assembly seat four years earlier. Just being in her presence at times like this was awe-inspiring. You couldn't help but catch the energy, Crystal thought in admiration. Vaughn was like the sun, radiating strength, determination, and power to everyone who came under her influence. This was the winning team, and she was happy to be a part of it.

Vaughn paced rhythmically across the hardwood floor,
the heels of her blue suede pumps clicking a steady beat. “We'll need at least a month to prepare.”

“Do you want Imani to do the mock interviews on video?”

“Perfect,” Vaughn concurred. “Oh, and another thing,” her finger cut through the air as she spoke. “We need to pull out our best slogans and put together two thirty-second commercials.”

“That's going to dig real deep into the campaign funds.”

Vaughn shrugged. “That's what it's there for. So let's use it.”

“It's your call. But you may want to think about replenishing the pot with another fundraiser.” Vaughn nodded. “I'll start working on the details and put together a schedule of when we set each step into motion and I'll start contacting all the players. We're going to need a top-of-the-line film crew and a producer.”

“Check in the
Big Black Book.
I'm sure we can find a black-owned film company that can do the work and would jump at the opportunity. I really don't want to use the crew that's attached to this office. After a while, all their stuff looks the same.”

“I know what you mean. We need a fresh approach.”

“Exactly.” Vaughn took a long, deep breath and let it out with a smile. “Well, girlfriend,” she said, easing out of overdrive, “looks like we're in there!”

Crystal smiled brightly and held her hand up for a high-five. “You damned right!” They slapped palms and laughed like the friends they were.


Lucus Stone glared at the man who stood on the safe side of his desk with his hands clasped behind his back. “What's Hamilton's answer about the television
appearance?” He cracked the knuckles of his right hand while he tapped cigarette ashes with his left.

Winston McGee pressed his lips together before he spoke. “I've spoken with her chief of staff. She said she'd get back to me in a few days with an answer.”

Lucus squinted in disbelief. He was sure they'd have jumped at the chance. “Stay on top of it. If we don't get a positive response by the end of the week, set up a meeting with
friends from the press. We'll peg her as afraid to meet me head-on—that she's worried that her record won't stand up to mine—that she has something to hide.” He leaned back.

“I have a feeling we'll be hearing from her,” Winston offered. “I can't see her backing down.”

“You're probably right. But I want to keep all my bases covered. She has until noon on Friday.”


Crystal returned to her desk after her meeting with Vaughn just as her phone began to ring. “Assemblywoman Hamilton's office. Crystal Porter speaking,” she answered crisply. She deposited her notes on the desk and hugged the phone between her shoulder and her ear as she sat down.

“Hey, baby. I'm back in town.”

“David.” For an instant, the suspicions raised by Vaughn reared their ugly heads, but she quickly discarded them. She got comfortable in her seat. “How are you? When did you get in?” she asked in one rushed breath. They hadn't seen each other in two days. To Crystal, it felt like a week. He'd left late Friday night for business in D.C. They hadn't spoken since.

“In answer to your first question, I'll be doing better when I see you. And to your second question, about ten minutes ago.”

Crystal grinned. “When can we get together?”

“I was hoping tonight.” He thought about the phone call he'd just received from Lucus and knew that he'd better get some new information, and quick.

Crystal's heart sank. She had so much work to do. She couldn't see getting out of the office before midnight. “Oh, David, I wish I could, but I'm swamped. We're right in the thick of things for the campaign.”

David thought quickly. He needed to know what she knew. “Tell you what—why don't you bring your excess work home and leave at a reasonable hour, and I'll help you out at your place. You have a computer, that's half the battle.”

She mulled it over for a minute. It could probably work, she thought, growing excited over the prospect of seeing him. She could make all her business calls from the office, set up the agenda on her office computer, and put the information on a disk. Then she'd just pop the disk into her PC at home and finish up her paperwork there. If she mapped it out right, she'd have plenty of time to spend an intimate evening with David. The reality was, there were so many distractions and interruptions at the office that it would take until midnight to get finished.

“Sounds like a plan,” she said finally. “But I'm holding you to your offer to help.”

David let out a long held breath. “I'll even pick up dinner and bring it over,” he added solicitously.

“Great. So I'll see you about eight?”

“I'll be there. ‘Bye, babe.”

David hung up the phone and laughed out loud. This was going to be easier than he'd thought. All he had to do was put his own disk in Crystal's computer and copy her information.

Chapter 17

t was just great,” Simone said to Jean over the phone. “Everyone was wonderful, and Ms. Hamilton was as nice as I thought she would be.”

Jean stretched out on Simone's bed. “Looks like you really lucked out,” she said. “But what I want to hear about is this Chad Rushmore.”

“Mmmm,” Simone sighed dreamily. “He's fine, intelligent, fun to be with…”

“Sounds almost too good to be true.”

“Don't I know it. But we got along so great together. I can't wait to get back. He promised to take me around to see some of the sights in Richmond.”

“Well, find out if he has a brother, or at least a friend. My love life could sure use a boost.”

“Girl, if you'd get your nose out of those science books for a minute, you might be able to find somebody.”

“Some of us have to study,” she said wearily.

“Anyway,” Simone continued, taking the barb in good humor. “I have to get my final approval from my professor and take the letter back with me next Monday.”

“When are you heading out?”

“Late Friday afternoon. I need to call my folks and let them know, and I need to make travel arrangements. Mr. Montgomery said he'd arrange for me to stay at the Ramada Inn. It's not too far from the office, and I can take the train to work.”

“How are you going to pay for all of this?”

Simone hesitated, deciding whether or not she should tell Jean about her involvement with Child-Link and the money that would be hers in a little over a week. Instead she said, “I think he and Ms. Hamilton have something going on,” she said, sidestepping Jean's question.

“Get outta here!”

“That's what I think. But they're real cool with it.”

“I wouldn't go spreading that around if I were you.”

“Don't be silly. Of course I wouldn't. But suppose they are. Wouldn't that be something? I think they'd make such a fabulous couple.” Simone slid her hands in her jean pockets, shuffled her feet for a second, then looked at Jean. “Listen,” she said finally. “There's something I need to talk with you about. But you have to swear that you won't tell


Vaughn lay stretched out on Justin's couch with her feet propped up on his lap. “Oooh, that feels good,” she sighed heavily as Justin expertly massaged her stockinged feet. “I feel like I walked a million miles today.”

“How is everything going?”

“Well, Crystal is working out the details. Things are really beginning to heat up with Stone. This television debate is going to be crucial.”

“What's your plan of attack?” He moved his hands up from her feet to massage her calves. Vaughn closed her eyes and let herself float with the soothing sensations.

“Lucus is weak in the areas of housing revitalization and making a difference with the small-business owners and minorities. He may have a track record on some of the bigger issues, like foreign affairs, but I have him beaten hands down when it comes to direct contact with my constituents.”

Justin nodded in agreement. “So that's going to be your platform,” he stated more than asked.

“Umm-mmm, ‘Vaughn Hamilton, a woman of the people, by the people, and for the people.'”

“I like it. It sounds hokey enough to be believable,” he chortled.

Vaughn sat up and popped him on the top of his head. “Not funny. This is serious, Counselor.”

Justin rubbed the spot on his head and grimaced. “I know, I know. Can't you take a joke?” he chuckled. He adjusted his position and slid up on the couch until he was lying next to her, then took one of his legs and locked it across her body to get comfortable. “If there's anything that I can do, let me know,” he said earnestly. “I'm willing to help.”

“Thanks.” She kissed his forehead. “But what about your plans? What are you going to do about Simone—your practice?”

“First, I want to get to know Simone better—discreetly get some background information and then feed it to Child-Link and see what they come up with.”

“Do you really think that Janice would have given your daughter up for foster care?”

“Anything's possible. I just want to be sure. At the very least, maybe we can find Simone's natural family. I got
the feeling from her that it's something she really wants. It seems she has never accepted the fact that her parents gave her up.”

Vaughn digested the information without further comment.

“As for the firm, I'm letting Sean and Khendra take on more responsibility. I'll oversee the Harrison trial, which will probably start shortly. But I want to spend more time on speaking engagements and working more closely with the organizations I've set up. I can't do that trapped in a courtroom.” He turned his gaze on her, cupped her face in his hand, and spoke in a rough whisper. “Most of all, I'm going to work on us. I'm going to work on this relationship. I intend to get it right this time.”

“I'd say you already had it right,” she answered in a silken breath.

Justin's dark brown eyes warmed over her face. His lips met hers in a feather-light kiss, one so tender that it made her ache with longing. He threaded his fingers through her hair, pulling her deeper into the kiss, sending sparks of yearning through every nerve of her body. The honey-sweet heat of her mouth enveloped him as his tongue sought out and met hers in a sensual dance.

There was no denying it. She was in love with this man. Deeply, irrevocably in love. She hugged him fiercely to her, relishing the sensations his mouth created. The tip of his tongue danced across her lips, then plunged deeply inside her mouth. When this campaign was over, she thought dizzily, she would tell him everything. All of it, from the beginning. But for now…

Their low moans of desire blended together in harmony, heightening their need. Vaughn's fingers splayed across the expanse of Justin's chest, making enticing circles that spread shock waves through him. He reached behind her
and unzipped her red dress, easing the soft fabric over her shoulders and down to her waist. His heart thudded wildly when his palms cupped her breasts and found them scantily clad in a red demi-cup bra that barely contained her fullness. His breathing stuttered. Just the thought of what she wore beneath her clothes drove him wild with desire. She was the most sensual woman he'd ever known and he couldn't get enough of her.

He adjusted his position, pinning her beneath him. He pressed his hips firmly down against her, desperately trying to relieve the hardened pressure. Vaughn arched her body, offering up her breasts as sweet sacrifice to Justin's caress. Her body shuddered as the excitement of his touch built a maddening sense of urgency in her body. Hungrily, her mouth covered his, cajoling, controlling the titillating kiss. Her tongue danced across his teeth and darted in and out of his hot mouth in deep thrusting motions, an invitation of what was to come.

She pressed her body closer. She wanted, needed more—to find a way to get closer to him—all of him—have him with her, beside her, inside her, filling her.

“Vaughn…” he groaned against her mouth. “I want you up here.” His eyes burned savagely into hers. Their gazes locked and held.

She smiled a slow, sexy smile. Easing from beneath him, she stood up. In a slow, methodical dance of foreplay, they tantalized each other with the simple act of disrobing. Justin stretched out fully on the couch and unbuckled his belt. Vaughn unfastened the front clasp of her bra and let it fall away. He pulled down the zipper of his slacks and pushed them and his briefs down over his hips and off. She stepped out of her dress and half slip and stood nude except for a tiny red garter belt, sheer hose, and three-inch heels. Her lids lowered in sexy invitation.

“Oh, God,” he moaned raggedly. “You don't know what you're doing to me.”

She stepped provocatively toward him. “I think I do,” she breathed. She leaned over his reclining form and touched her lips to his. The tips of her breasts grazed his smooth chest. The contact sent thrilling shocks through her body and she moaned audibly as she straddled him.

For several breathless moments she braced herself, motionless above him. She took the tiny packet from his fist and tore it open with her teeth. Slowly she placed the condom on his tip and rolled it slowly downward. Justin tugged on his bottom lip to keep from shouting out as her hot hands stroked him up and down. He grabbed her round derrière and pressed his fingers into the supple flesh.

“You're not going to make me wait—not a minute longer,” he hissed through clenched teeth. In one upward thrust he pushed the length and breadth of him deep within her.

Vaughn arched her neck and cried out in unintelligible pleasure as the impact of his entry burst through her. Justin raised his head so that it rested on the arm of the couch, giving him easy access to her tempting breasts raised enticingly above him. His tongue laved one firm nipple and then the other, drawing the tip into his mouth. He suckled hard and long while running his tongue in maddening circles over his treasure.

Shudders ripped through her and radiated out. She dug her fingers into his shoulders to keep from collapsing above him. She rocked fiercely against him, driving forward to the rapturous release that they both craved.

She felt weightless and wanton, totally free, and thoroughly loved. There was no hiding from her emotions. She loved him more than she'd thought possible. And every act of loving they committed only solidified her
feelings. The steady warmth of fulfillment began to pulse through her belly. The first contraction slammed so hard and sudden within her that the cry of his name hung in her throat until the next onslaught of his thrusts pushed her mercifully over the precipice of sweet release.

Justin held his breath when the first grip of her climax captured him. He wanted to go with her, but more—he wanted her to experience completion with the full power of him buried within her. When he felt the final shudders trigger through her, without breaking the connection between them, he lifted her and lowered them both to the carpeted floor.

For a little longer than a heartbeat, he looked into her sleepy gaze, slid his hands down the length of her thighs, and raised them high onto his back. “Look at me,” he growled. Vaughn's eyes flickered across his face and she held her breath as he plunged again and again. The powerful eruption of his release pulsed convulsively within her.

“Yes!” she cried as ecstasy swept through her in an unending symphony.

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