Scandalous Arrangement (3 page)

BOOK: Scandalous Arrangement
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I read the warrant and it said that they were able to take my computer and cell phone for evidence just in case the evidence was saved on one of them. They ransacked my room, my stuff was all over the place, and they finally told me that I needed to come with them downtown. I said am I under arrest, the cop said “no we just need to question you about what we just found on your computer.” My words were ok let me get some shoes while I thought to myself, Damn it they found the video I saved! I walked outside with a detective and got into his car.


As we drove down to the station; I was trying to figure out what to tell them, I guess I couldn’t make up something else since they obviously had the recording. I needed to call my mom. So many thoughts were racing through my mind. When we got there they sat me in a room and closed the door. I sat there alone and cold not knowing what to expect. I waved my hands and motioned for a phone call, since that is what they say in the movies. Someone popped there head in the room and said someone would be with me shortly. I think they dodged my request. After a few minutes 2 people came in with a folder and a tape recorder. I sat up straight in my chair. I asked for my phone call again, the female officer said “oh you only need a phone call if you are under arrest, we are just asking you some questions about the incident with professor Tenley, and it would be wise to cooperate since my voice was on the tape.” I told her, well since you put it like that then I guess I have no problem answering your questions.


We went forth with the interview and she asked me to explain why I recorded Professor Tenley and myself in his office. I told her that I was failing the class and that I genuinely needed help with extra credit. I overheard from someone that was a former student of Professor Tenley’s’ about how he conducts himself with them. He solicits sex from the girls in exchange for a passing grade.


The other cop told me that they had enough evidence on him to arrest Tenley for sexual solicitation. I was speechless. I was asked if I would testify under oath in court on these charges brought against Daniel. I said that I would since I knew there would be a chance that he would do it again, and heaven forbid that it would be to a minor. I signed a few pieces of paper and I was on my way. As I walked out of the interview room I had this overwhelming feeling of seeking a safe place of refugee. I needed to escape this town of bad memories.


I got outside to call my mom; I needed a ride back to my place. She picked me up within 20 minutes. As soon as I got in her car I just went off the deep end. I told her how I can’t believe what just happened in there. My mom asked me if I was actually going to be a part of ruining someone else life for the betterment of my own.  “I just wanted to put a little fear into him, not have the man arrested I said.”

Daniel should not have been asking those girls to sleep with him just to pass his class. That is lower than low, any man that partakes in situations like that should spend a little
time in jail. You should never take advantage of someone just because you can. I told my mom that Professor Tenley was even engaged to be married, and he pulls a stunt like this. If he goes down for this crime then karma was served up just right.


Chapter 5
It has begun

I read the newspaper a few days later and I found out that Profess
or Tenley was fired from SMU, he was officially arrested, and that there would be a court hearing within 2 weeks. After I read the article I showed it to my mom, she just looked at me with a blank face and asked what I was going to do. I told her it was time for me to leave. I needed to relocate to another city and start fresh. I didn’t want to have any connections with that entire ordeal. I withdrew from school, quit my job and was ready to set up somewhere else. I am still young; I know that I will find another job, a better one. I didn’t like the idea of going to school and work at the same time anyway. It was too hectic for me; I prefer the slow and steady lifestyle. I can understand working hard; my motto is work smarter not harder.


My mom turned on the TV, and it just so happens that the news was on and they were talking about the big university scandal. That’s when I knew I had to really get out of here and establish a better name for myself. They showed professor Tenley and his fiancée, I recognized her from the office photo. Hopefully he explained everything to her about sleeping with his students and how he cheated on her numerous times. I told my mom who the lady standing next to professor Tenley was and she said, “Well she is a pretty lady and I hope she gets the entire truth from him. No one should have to find that the man they love has a secret lifestyle.” I thought to myself, I would leave his lying ass if I were her. I can’t stand liars and cheaters.


A week or so went by and then I found out from Mike that he had some info about Professor Tenley and the investigation. Mike had to be my ears and eyes on campus now that I no longer attended SMU. He told me that it wasn’t just hear say that he heard it from the administration, they made an announcement on campus for the people taking microeconomics. It was said that they are in the works of finding a replacement teacher for the spring semester. So for those who are trying to sign up for economics please wait until a new professor is assigned to that department. Now the next piece of information Mike had was hearsay he said he heard it from a student whose sister teaches at the elementary school Professor Tenley fiancée teaches at. He told me her name was Angela Summings and that she lost everything, apparently Professor Tenley had a nice house and car you know like luxury stuff. Angela was struggling to pay for everything on her salary alone so she just moved out of the house and started over. Mike jokingly said “it’s not like Professor Tenley is going to use all of that stuff in jail.” We laughed it off but it was true and that was the bad part about it.


I was still shocked that he went to jail and was awaiting his sentence hearing. I asked Mike “I wonder how long they would send him to jail for?” Mike said “probably like 2-5 years since it’s his first offense. Mike was a criminal justice major so he was more knowledgeable in that department. It was finally time to move out of my mom place, again. This time I was ready. I saved up a good amount of money from working at the bar this past semester, I had a job lined up and everything. I was at my mom’s house a little over 3 weeks and within that time I managed to find a new apartment and a job at a law firm. I would be working at Howard, Sperry, and Blackwell. One of the most prestigious law firm in the state. I start working in 2 days which gives me enough time to move into my new place and set everything up. I would be working as a temporary legal assistant, through a temp agency.


It was an easy gig, my mom has a male friend that golfs with some of the men at Howard, Sperry and Blackwell; he got me in the door. It’s not always about
you know, it’s about
you know. Everything is based on politics no matter what people say. I was glad my mom had cool friends in high places. This was just the right start that I needed especially on the opposite side of town. I would be about a 1 hour and 30 minutes away from my mom now. Which still wasn’t that far away, she could easily come to visit and I know this time she would actually schedule regular visits to make sure things were running smoothly with me. In fact have a little of my loan money left over from this past semester. I will use that to furnish my new place, call in a few favors and my new place will be just how I need it to be; fit for a princess.

I got a call from one of the arresting officers notifying me about not having to testify in court they had enough evidence on Tenley to convict him for more than 2 years. I had mixed feelings about it for a few minutes but then I relived it all over again in my mind and I thought that justice was served.


Time for something new

I got
my mom to help me move this time, since my guys were in school; the spring semester had started. I was thrilled about where my new life would take me. My mom will finally get to see my new place and my neighborhood. It was a quiet, safe part of town, about 20 minutes from my job, it was perfect. My mom and I went shopping for groceries and supplies, grabbed a bite to eat and even got a chance to walk around downtown. It was a great day. She helped me unpack and put away my things. I was glad that she was here, she apologized for not being able to be there last time. My mom asked me if she could spend the night since it was late and she wasn’t quite ready to go yet. I told her I would love it if she spent the night. We stayed up late reminiscing and giving thoughts about how the future would go for me.

We woke up around 9 am, got dressed to get some breakfast and start the day. We did some shopping for work appropriate clothes and just got a chance to really hang out and bond. I wanted to start my new job on the right foot.
As our day came to end we said our goodbyes and I returned home to prep for work in the morning. My alarm blared super loud to my favorite station, I needed to wake up to some good music to start my day. I got that tip from my mom, I usually wake up to the usual cell phone alarm. Come to think it that sounds does make you wake up grouchy. I fixed myself a quick breakfast and grabbed my things and headed out the door. I get to my car and there is virtually no traffic on my way in. Not bad for a morning start, I wonder what the rest of the day holds for me. I get to work with ample time to spare. I checked in with the front desk to get my orders on where to report. I found my desk and put my things down and headed in to see whom I would be assisting throughout the day. His name is Jerry Freeman, he was a 2
year lawyer and he was just promoted to having a secretary. So this was a trial basis for the both of us. I knocked on his door to let him know that I was ready for the day. I had my notepad and pen in hand, he told me to come into his office and take a seat.


He introduced himself, and gave me a quick rundown of his background. We talked for a little while longer, he asked me about myself, you know the usual corporate office talk. I put on a façade, the nice office girl looking to move up in the company to expand my career. First impression of Jerry; he was a decent guy, seemed like a dedicated hard worker. He wasn’t married and he didn’t have any kids, just a dog. He was also bettering himself for his career and what he really wants. I can respect that. Seems like Jerry and I will have a great work relationship. I did a few errands for Jerry in and out of the office. 5 o’clock finally rolled around and I was super tired.

He told me great job today and that he would see me tomorrow. I grabbed my things and went home. By the time I made it home I was starving, I hoped that I had something quick to eat. Before I even got inside I took my shoes off, if I would have known that I would have been running around all day in heels I would have worn cute flats, or brought a change of shoes. Point taken, I will bring a spare pair, office friendly of course
for tomorrow. I don’t want ugly feet by the time I am 50 years old. Toes all bunched together from years of stuffing them in tight heels; No thanks.

So I finally sat down to eat and relax in front of my TV. I called my
mom and told her how my day went, deemed it a night and went to bed. The next 3 months of work went on just like that; business as usual. I guess this was what it felt like to be average, just go to work, come home, eat and get ready for the next day. I wasn’t complaining or anything but I did feel the need to break up the routine a little. Throw in a movie or hang out with some co-workers from time to time. I was actually thinking of settling down, I missed the companionship of a man and I needed that stability and financial security in my life. I feel like I have matured a great deal since I left college and started a turned a new leaf. Going to work and paying your own bills somehow makes you more mature.

I have been out of the dating scene for a while, I hate to admit it but I am kind of rusty. I didn’t want a guy that was just starting out, I wanted someone established and kne
w what he wanted out of life. Two dreamers can’t be together, they will never get anything accomplished. I had dreams but I also had goals that I actually finished. Since I was always working I would never have time to go look for “Mr. Right”, which left me with the perfect idea; to seek for “him” at my job. Now I know that there is a rule against dating in the workplace, so I would have to be extra careful. I have noticed a few guys at work checking me out. Tomorrow at work I will go in looking extra cute, all while being professional.

When I got to work there were some flowers on my desk waiting for me.
I acted all casual, I didn’t want to overact just in case the person who sent the flowers was watching. I guess someone had the exact same idea I did, go figure. The card said “meet me for drinks at Carl’s lounge at 8pm tonight, I will be wearing the red neck tie.” I didn’t know how to react so I put the card into my purse and carried on with my busy day as usual. Once I left work I needed to go home and freshen up. Am I actually going to meet someone at a lounge? I wonder what he looked like, if he worked on my floor, or if I had seen him before.

I just needed to get dressed and head on over there to answer these questions that were running through my head.
When I got there, I went to the bar to grab a drink, I needed to calm my nerves. I noticed there was a guy in the back of the room wearing a red neck tie. That was my mystery guy. So I grabbed my drink and headed over to where he sat.

The closer I got to him the more familiar he looked. He called out my name, I answered Chad is that you. He said “yes it’s me, glad you could make it, please have a seat. I thought oh great its Chad, the mailroom guy.
He would drop off mail 3 days a week to my desk. I knew I saw him somewhere in the office. I stayed just to be nice. Chad was your average guy next door, just a little more on the geek side. Don’t get me wrong he had decent conversation but he was the guy who was in the friend zone with the ladies. I told him how sweet it was for him to send the flowers, they brightened up my desk. I told him that it was getting late and that I needed to get ready for tomorrow. He understood and walked me to my car. We said goodbye and that was it. I got home just in time to see my favorite show. I went to bed right after that, 6:45am comes too early.

I got to work the next morning and
found out that I needed to pull double duty. Double duty is very common at this law firm. It was when a temp or a secretary had to work for 2 people until they sent the next temp for the day. Apparently there weren’t any temps available until 2pm which meant I would be running around like a chicken with the head cut off. One of the temps came to work, and had to leave for a family emergency. So that meant I had two phones to manage, mail, file paperwork, faxing etc.… My boss told me that I would be covering for Michelle; she was the temp for Andrew Burton. I told him no problem; I said let me report over to his office to see what he needs and to bring Michelle’s phone over to my desk. I had never personally met Mr. Burton, but I had seen him around the office.

When I got over to Mr. Burton office he was on the phone, giving me the hold on finger. I stood still and patiently waited.  He beckoned me into his office and said “hey glad you are here, I will need you to just answer the phone and take messages today, since you are pulling double duty.” I told him well thank you for being so generous I appreciate it.
I grabbed the phone that his temp uses and took it back to my desk. Mr. Burton was actually a nice guy. Some of the rumors I had heard sounded farfetched. Nevertheless I went on with my work day until 2pm. I was waiting for someone to say they were sent to replace Michelle for the week or something. 3o’clock showed up but just as I suspected no one showed up from the temp agency. So I had another 3 hours at double duty. I don’t get off till 6pm and that’s on a good day. If there is a huge case that the lawyers are working on then we all have to be there to pitch in with different duties. I was getting just a little burned out. I seriously needed a vacation soon. Being a responsible adult was hard, I needed my prince charming to come and take me away, and provide for me. A girl can dream can’t she? 6 o’clock finally showed up and I was winding down for the day. I wrapped up the extra phone to take it back to the receptionist area for Mr. Burton. I saw him coming down the hall toward me.

He said
“I appreciated all of your hard work that you did for me today. You really stepped up and went above and beyond for me. Thank you Julie.” I said no problem Mr. Burton. He said “I would like to take you for a drink sometime to show my gratitude. I didn’t hesitate to say yes. “That sounds like a plan Mr. Burton”, “Please call me Andrew” he said. “See you tomorrow Julie”, I walked away with a huge smile. I have to admit Andrew was a very smooth, laid back guy. I thought he was a hard ass, maybe he was to everyone else. There was defiantly some chemistry between us. I needed to go home and do my “homework” on Andrew. I checked the company’s website and it gave a great description of Andrew. He has been a part of Howard, Sperry and Blackwell for 10 years, he was at the top of his game. This is the kind of man I needed; good looking, funny, smooth with words, and best of all financially secure.

At work the next day I found out that I was assigned to Andrew as his secretary. This man wasted no time in getting what he wanted and I wasn’t complaining either.
Since Andrew outranked Jerry, I wonder if this meant that I got a raise in pay, which would be absolutely amazing if I did. They gave Jerry a temp to hire, I got a chance to meet her when I went to clear the things off my desk. I spoke to Jerry on my way to my new workstation. I told him it was cool working for him, hope his temp does an ever better job than I did. Jerry replied “We can always hope, but I doubt it, see ya around Julie.” I walked away laughing, I guess I was better than I thought at this job. It wasn’t hard work really it just took a little bit of dedication and attention to detail. Since I was like that with almost everything else in my personal life, this was a piece of cake.

I made it to
Andrews’ office and sat my box of items on my desk before I went in. I said good morning and asked him what happened between yesterday and today. He told me “well good morning to you to Julie, have a seat so I can explain.” He walked over to close the door and said here is the deal. “I have noticed the work you do around the office and I like what others have said about you. I just have to have you all to myself.” There was an awkward silence for a bit. Then he said “your attention to detail is phenomenal and that I need someone of your talents handling my day to day for me. I have authorized a pay increase starting immediately, so you will need to go down to H.R. and settle all of that on your lunch break. You will be getting a personal cell phone to take my calls anytime of the day or night. This is the big league Julie are you ready for this?” I chimed in yes sir, Mr. Burton. I had enough common sense to call him Andrew outside of work. He said “great, if you have any questions at all don’t hesitate to ask. When I take business trips you will make all the arrangements and if I need my clothes dry cleaned you will drop them off and pick them up. Think of yourself like my work wife. My go to person for everything.” 

That was a new term to me “work wife” I guess that meant that since he would be seeing me day in and day out, I would be at his beck and call literally, I was likened unto a wife. Someone who helps meet the need of the partnership.
I was all good with that, as long as the money was good. He said “glad to have you on board with me Julie.” I responded, happy to be a part of the team sir. I went to my desk and arranged my things and got ready for the day. I took a few calls, filed a few papers and then it was time for lunch. I needed to get down to H.R. and get my finances in order. Once I got to H.R. they said they were expecting me. They handed me my corporate cell phone, and a few papers to sign for the pay increase. The lady told me congrats on the increase and good luck in my new position. I said thanks and walked away.

When I got outside the door I had a better chance to process the total increase of my raise. I was
paid on an hourly basis at $15.50; the paperwork said that I will now be paid on an annual basis of $58,000 plus benefits. This is not real, it just can’t be; how can I go from making an hourly wage, to making well over 4 times as much in a day. I had to remain calm I didn’t want my facial expressions to give me away. I guess it really does pay to work for the top level executives. Having to be available to them all times of the day and night was worth it. All I have is myself to support so my money will go a lot further. Now this is the kind of money a girl can get used to making and then some. I will be 21 years old in a few weeks, what a great way to bring in my birthday with a promotion.

Of course I call
ed my mom to give her the amazing news. She told me how proud of me she was and that the sky is the limit for me. After my lunch break was over I headed back to my desk to get back to work. As I walked to my desk Andrew signals me to come into his office. He tells me that he will take me for that drink we discussed after work, to celebrate my new promotion. I said sure, just tell me the time and place. He said “I will send a car to pick you up for 8pm, wear something white, it’s an all-white affair.” I said sounds like a plan, thanks for the invite.

Was it just me, or was I really impressed with how he gave orders with such authority. It was like he didn’t ask for me to attend, he basically said be ready. Guys my age didn’t have that ability,
it was nice to see a change in men for once. The rest of the day went by smoothly, until Chad came to deliver the mail. I guess he had heard from around the office of my new promotion. He looked as if he had been searching for me for a while. He stopped for a quick chat, said congrats on being promoted and that he hopes to see me around. I guess he just instinctively understood that we were just friends, nothing more. Glad he got the message because that would not have been fun to explain.  The work day had finally ended and I got home to get cleaned up and changed. I have never been in this situation before, being invited out for a drink with some very important people was a bit out of my league. I mean I was always the most important or at least the most known person in the room, now it was a complete 180. I would have to learn about people instead of them learning about me. I just wanted to be a fly on the wall and observe how these “rich” people behaved in their own environment.

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