Scarlet Masquerade (21 page)

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Authors: Jett Abbott

BOOK: Scarlet Masquerade
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“Are you alright, Ms. Graham?” a low rumbling voice asked.

Clarissa’s head was swimming. She felt herself begin to tremble as the electricity wound its way through her body. Arching an eyebrow, she looked back at A.J. and smiled weakly.

“I’m sorry. Do we know each other?” she asked, trying to release her hand from the strong embrace.
I am being held, aren’t I?,
she thought, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath to steady herself.

“No, I don’t think we have met, here.” A.J. reluctantly released Clarissa’s hand, a slow smile crossing her face. Clarissa noticed her twinkling blue eyes and felt like she was being enchanted by the exchange.

Clarissa let her gaze roam over the statuesque woman standing before her. The purple and black accentuated her features in such a way that Clarissa could almost image what lay behind the harlequin mask. The tight leather left little to the imagination and her gaze traveled lower wondering what lay beyond the velvet and leather. A blush crept up Clarissa’s neck and she lowered her head looking at her own gown, trying to avoid A.J.’s gaze.

“I couldn’t help but notice your rose. It’s beautiful.” Trying to redirect the conversation somewhere else, A.J. looked at both women.

“Someone left it for her. Romantic huh?” Shirley piped in before Clarissa could answer.

“Indeed. Very romantic.” A.J. smiled at Shirley.

“Yeah, we’re trying to figure out which guy it is,” Shirley said, looking around the room. “I told Ms. G he’ll probably show up when she least expects it.”

“Well, I hope that it isn’t someone dangerous, don’t you?” A.J. said, looking directly at Clarissa.

“We have security everywhere. So if someone does something stupid, we’ll get ’em.” Shirley’s animated demeanor made A.J. chuckle.

“I am sure Ms. Lockwood would like to mingle. I noticed you’re alone, but there were two tickets in the envelope. Will you be meeting someone here?” Clarissa suddenly found herself disappointed at the possibility.

“Yes, I hope to. Well, thank you, ladies, for the engaging conversation. I look forward to speaking with you another time. If you will please excuse me, I think I’ll find a drink.” A.J. smiled and bowed slightly towards Clarissa. Slowly, she raised Clarissa’s hand to her lips and gently placed a kiss near her knuckles and then turned it over and kissed her wrist. “I hope the night is a great success.” Turning, A.J. walked towards the crowd that was forming in the ballroom.

Clarissa felt as if her skin were on fire from the touch. The softness of Ms. Lockwood’s lips lingered on her wrist and she felt herself sway a bit.

“Professor, are you alright? Should I get you some water?” Shirley’s wide eyes and shocked expression almost made Clarissa laugh.

Steadying herself, Clarissa found it hard to respond. Her body ached for another touch of those lips and yet she didn’t know why. As she turned to watch Ms. Lockwood walk in to the growing crowd in the ballroom, she quietly answered, “No, I’m fine.”

“Wow, I’ve never seen someone kiss a woman’s hand like that. Let alone another woman. That was hot! Gosh, I wonder what she looks like under that mask.”


“What? I’m just saying, with a killer body like that, hopefully she isn’t a paper or plastic kind of girl.”

“What? Paper or plastic? What in heaven’s name do you mean?” Clarissa exhaled shaking her head.

“You know, as in bags, paper or plastic. The kind you put over someone’s head when you have sex with ’em. You know, ’cause it would kill the moment.”

“Oh my god. Are you kidding me? Okay, stop already. I can’t believe you.”

“What?” Shrugging her shoulders, Shirley laughed, “I’m just joking. Besides, did you see that body? She is a goddess, and I want to worship at her alter.”

“Okay, that’s enough, Ms. Hormone. I expect you to behave tonight. Understand?” Clarissa said, giving Shirley a disapproving glare.

“Fine, I’m just saying—”

“Stop now, or leave. It’s your choice.” Clarissa glanced at the retreating back of their newest donor and smiled. Clarissa had to agree, what little she could see was definitely sending something through her. Clarissa’s body thrummed again remembering the softness of Ms. Lockwood’s hands as they pulled her slightly towards the woman. The softness of her lips as they caressed her wrist. The blue eyes, though, had sent a chill through Clarissa. She felt as if she had been lost in them before. The square jaw and long black hair gave few clues to what laid under the mask, but maybe tonight when she presented Ms. Lockwood with the gift she had purchased, Clarissa would see her unmasked.

Chapter Twenty Eight



A.J. disappeared into the crowd and turned back to watch Clarissa unobserved. She had practically attacked Clarissa when she kissed her hand. She had felt herself start to lose control when Clarissa’s perfume drifted up into her nostrils, clouding her ability to think clearly. A.J. couldn’t believe she had done something as intimate as kiss Clarissa’s wrist, and right in front of everyone, too. This was going to be a long night if she didn’t regain control of herself and soon. The room was starting to swell as A.J. made her way to the bar.

“Scotch, neat,” she informed the bartender. Hopefully, a drink would relax her and she wouldn’t have to resort to her “safety” pill. Swirling the amber liquid, A.J. remembered the softness of Clarissa’s wrist. It had been a long time since she had kissed a woman there, and the last woman she had done that to was standing fifty yards away from her. A.J. was starting to feel penned in, like an animal going to slaughter. The noise, the bodies and all that blood pumping around her was starting to assault her senses. She needed air and quick before something unplanned happened.

A.J. noticed a door at the other end of the room, the room Clarissa had been in earlier. So, she weaved her way through the crowd, reaching it just as she felt a hand on her shoulder stopping her progress.

“Excuse me, but aren’t you Ms. Lockwood of Knight-Pharmaceuticals?” A masculine voice asked as he turned her towards him.

A.J. cringed. She had almost made it without a problem, but no such luck. Smiling her best smile, she looked up at the rather tall man standing before her. “Yes, yes I am. How can I help you?”

“Well, I would say you already have.” Sticking his hand out to shake, he continued, “I’m President Richard Woods. President of the university?”

“I see. Nice to meet you, President Woods,” A.J. said, shaking the president’s hand. She wasn’t in the mood to chit-chat so she didn’t say anything else.

“I wanted to personally thank you for helping Professor Graham with your generous donation for this event. I know you’ve made healthy contributions to our science labs and we are looking forward to making great strides in the research you’re funding. So…” Clearly A.J. wasn’t helping further the conversation and President Woods wasn’t much for platitudes so he stood for a minute more before continuing, “Well, I just wanted to say thank you again, Ms. Lockwood.”

“If you’ll excuse me, President Woods, I am finding it a bit stuffy in here and I’m afraid that I might pass out. Now that wouldn’t look good, would it?” Walking past him, she went to an open window and gulped several deep breaths before she felt calm. She hated being rude, it wasn’t something she did regularly, but she was afraid that she wouldn’t be able to control herself much longer if she didn’t get away from all the bodies squished together and all that blood pounding in her ears. The energy in the room was almost more than she could bare and add touching Clarissa to the equation and she was on overload.


A.J. practically jumped out of her skin when she heard the sound.

“Relax, it’s just me.” Selene edged out of the darkness of the shadow and peered into the room. “Anyone in there with you?”

“No. It’s clear. What’s up?”

Looking at A.J.’s glass and then back up at A.J. she asked, “Hey, why don’t you bring me one of those. That bar over there is fully stocked and I’m thirsty. You don’t want me going out and finding something to drink, do you?”

Smirking at the darkened Selene, A.J. responded, “No, I don’t want you finding something to drink, or someone to keep you company. Here, take mine.” A.J. handed the drink through an opening Selene had cut in the screen. “Could you please not damage the property here?”

“What?” Selene shrugged her shoulders then reminded her, “You just gave them one hundred thousand bucks. You don’t think they can replace a screen? Geez.” A.J. watched as Selene leaned further into the shadows. Suddenly A.J. heard a spurt and then a cough.

“Geez, what is this shit? It tastes like ass. You drink that crap?” Handing A.J. back the drink, Selene wiped her mouth on the cuff of her shirt. “God, when did you start drinking ass? Yuck.”

“Knock it off. It isn’t that bad. Besides, it’s an acquired taste.”

“Yeah, I guess you lick enough ass you can acquire a taste for it.”

A.J. raised her eyebrows and pinched her lips together. Selene was starting to get on that last nerve she had saved for the stupid people at the party. Now she would waste it on Selene if she wasn’t careful. “Look, you want something else to drink or are you just gonna bitch?”

“Red wine.” Selene raised her nose in the air and sniffed.

“Oh, knock it off. God, Selene, you’re so dramatic.”

“Someone’s here.” A.J. saw Selene’s back straighten and all joking was gone in her eyes.


“I don’t know. I’ll be back. You better go find Clarissa, now.”

A.J. practically ran to the door and scanned the room looking for Clarissa. The crowd had grown and now it would be harder to find her if she wasn’t at the front receiving guests. Looking at the entrance, the receiving line had ended and only a few security people stood there. Another scan of the room came up empty. A.J. needed another way to find out where Clarissa was and fast. She closed her eyes and let her mind start to look for her.




Clarissa worked her way around the large dance floor and to the bar at the far end of the room. The dance floor was so crowded that people were starting to bump into each other and the vibration of the music coursed through Clarissa’s body as she stepped past a huge speaker. Letting her eyes roam the room, she searched for one mask in particular, but it was the proverbial needle in a haystack. While no one had the purple and black geometric mask, everyone had something on and it was harder than Clarissa thought it would be searching for A.J. Finally, the band played a softer, slow song, and Clarissa’s heart started beating slower, too. A hand on her shoulder stopped her dead in her tracks.

A low throaty voice caressed her ear. “Ms. Graham, would you do me the honor?” A hand extended as she turned towards the sultry invitation. Taking the offering, Clarissa looked up into the purple and black mask she had been searching for.

“Ms. Lockwood, I’m not sure I should. I mean…” Clarissa stammered as A.J.’s touch sent a chill through her body. “I mean as the hostess, I’m responsible for the guests and well…”

“I understand.”

Clarissa watched A.J. turn and start walking towards the doors of the hall. “Wait.”

She couldn’t believe she almost let A.J. leave. Clarissa planned for this moment for the past two nights and now A.J. was right in front of her asking her to dance. What was she thinking? Slipping her hand into the crook of A.J.’s arm, she halted her progress to the door, “I would love to dance, but I have to warn you, I’m not that good,” lying, she smiled. Clarissa hoped that she could convince A.J. to follow her into the VIP lounge so she could convey her thanks and give her the small token of her appreciation.

Clarissa felt herself pulled into A.J.’s tight embrace and gently guided around the dance floor. Many had decided to sit this one out and so the swelling ranks of dancers had dwindled to just several pairs. Clarissa felt as if thunder were rumbling through her body, her hips making closer contact with her partner.

“Ms. Lockwood—”

“Please, call me A.J.”

Clarissa looked up into the mask that hid her dance partner’s features watching her eyes crease slightly in the corners as she smiled at Clarissa. A touch on her lower back sent tingles throughout Clarissa’s body, and she closed her eyes absorbing the energy. Nipples hardened as Clarissa was pulled closer into A.J.’s embrace. Her body was reacting so easily to A.J.’s touch she thought she might have to pull away to relieve the pressure, to douse the fire that was coursing through her. Yet, Clarissa couldn’t move. She found herself expertly guided around the dance floor, her feet barely touching the floor, or so she thought.

“Your rose, it’s beautiful. I’ve only seen it one other place…” Clarissa heard the soft intake of breath as A.J. gently sniffed the rose. “It looks beautiful on you, Ms. Graham.”

“Please, call me Clarissa.” Clarissa smiled back at her dance partner, slowing getting lost in beautiful soft eyes.

“Of course.”

Clarissa felt as if her skin was on fire everywhere A.J. touched her. Closing her eyes she felt as if someone was caressing her, a soft stroke brushing the side of her breast and then her cheek. As she melted into the caresses, Clarissa’s body started to respond. Her clit tightened and then hardened, her legs trembled and a tremor shook her body. She started to feel lightheaded, her body reacting to the gentle sensations. A slight stumble caused her to grasp A.J.’s strong arms to steady herself. A soft, low moan escaped Clarissa’s lips as she rested her head on A.J.’s broad shoulder.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s come over me,” she whispered softly against her dance partner’s neck.

Clarissa felt A.J. release her tight hold on her body. Putting some distance between them, A.J. whispered. “Clarissa, has anyone told you how beautiful you look in that dress?” Clarissa blushed at the question and lowered her head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to embarrass you, but you’re breathtaking.”

“You’re very kind, thank you.”

The question had been asked in French and Clarissa responded, without realizing, in her native tongue. Surprised, Clarissa looked back up into A.J.’s eyes, and then touched the rose in her hair. Confused, she waited. For what, she wasn’t sure, but something was very familiar in the way A.J. held her. Slow tendrils of energy started to surge through her body, A.J.s warm breath falling on her neck. A thought crept into her mind,
please don’t be afraid
. Clarissa jerked her head up and stared into the smile that lingered on A.J.’s lips. She had heard the voice and yet nothing was spoken out loud. It had been years since she had heard another voice like that, in fact centuries. A panic rolled through Clarissa’s body, she needed to get out of there and yet she felt trapped, almost secure, in A.J.’s arms. Clarissa was thankful that her mask hid the panic that she felt, yet she was sure if A.J. studied her long enough, her eyes would give her away.

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