Scary Cool (The Spellspinners) (33 page)

BOOK: Scary Cool (The Spellspinners)
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I got about five steps before he caught me, laughing. “I’m not going
anywhere without you.”

“You already did.”

I was still mad because I’d been so scared. But I was already a lot less mad than I was five seconds ago. And when
he turned me around and held me, locked against his chest, I looked into those green, green eyes and was lost. All my anger melted away, forgotten.

“I’ll never go anywhere without you, Zara,” he whispered. “Never again.”

And I believed him. Because he meant it. Maybe it wouldn’t always be true, but he meant it right now.

When his mouth touched mine the world fell
. I wasn’t cold anymore, or hungry, or tired, or mad, or scared. My entire being, everything I was, shot right to my lips and our kiss became the center of the universe. It was beyond electric. It was like nothing on earth. The connection between us was a miracle,
and power through our veins like a drug. But more than that, this was definitely a kiss, with all the sensations and pleasure that a kiss should bring.

It was shattering.

His lips slid along mine and the feeling was almost a burn, it was so intense. His mouth was a marvel.
was a marvel. I was a marvel, too, experienced through him, because his perceptions echoed and doubled and ricocheted off my own; I could feel what he felt. I knew what he thought. I knew where he was taking the kiss next and could meet him there, perfectly in sync.

He lifted his face from mine and cupped my cheeks with his fingers. We stared into each other’s eyes, watching the light pulse there, green and violet.

An image of
kiss flitted briefly across my memory. What a joke that had been.
I thought.
I’ve never been kissed before.

The corner of Lance’s mouth quirked up into a half-smile. In his mind, I read a blur of half-remembered kisses from
more girls than he could easily count.
Me neither,
he told me.

In the end, he had to force-
me to where his motorcycle was. Even held in Lance’s arms,
and even cooperating as much as I could,
it was brutal. But I made it.

He thinks we’re about four hours from Cherry Glen

I’m on the seat behind him, with my arms around his waist and my cheek pressed against
his upper back
. The wind roars past us. We’re gliding and swooping through the turns, leaning together, flying. With my body pressed against Lance, I am already home.

But we’re heading to
. Where my power stone is.

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