Read SEAL The Deal Online

Authors: Sharon Hamilton

SEAL The Deal (17 page)

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Devon announced they’d made nearly fifteen thousand dollars, which would be more than enough to cover four months’ payments, late fees and reinstatement costs that Sophie had finally confessed were piled up, including the notice of default she’d received the day she’d called Nick for help. Devon knew he was relieved that he wouldn’t have to add any money from his own savings in order to buy his sister more time.

The SEALs were going to leave tomorrow, so they ordered takeout and everyone ate together at the large plank table one last time. It had been a very successful day. They were all in good spirits, but Sophie couldn’t eat and went to bed early, saying her farewells and thanking the team guys for all their hard work. Marc joined her for a bit, and then came back out.

Kyle’s phone went off. He answered, and then quickly held it away from his ear. Someone on the other end of the line was yelling at him. He put the phone on speaker and set it on the table for everyone to hear.

“And I couldn’t believe when he walked in and showed me this goddamned Facebook posting by this Devon Brandeburg. You know this person?”

“Yes, Chief. She’s right here. You want to talk to her?”

“Fuck no! Don’t you guys understand this little caper was a shitfaced idea?”

“Just helping out Nick’s sister.”

“Fuck Nick’s sister.”

A collective “wooo” went through the group.


“You listen to me, Lansdowne, you get your butts back to Coronado, and I don’t want to see anything else on the Internet or anywhere. What about face recognition software do you not understand?”

Devon panicked. Had her postings gotten them all in trouble? It had never occurred to her. Of course, they would have to keep a low profile, and that’s exactly what they hadn’t done today.

“I’m sorry sir. We didn’t know about that.” Kyle made a face at Devon in mock anger. He waved his hand to indicate he was just joking. “And we didn’t ask for the TV crew either.”

Several of the guys began shaking their heads as they anticipated the reaction they got.

“What? What the fuck? You had TV cameras out there? Are you fuckin’
, Kyle?”

“Sorry, sir. We didn’t give our names. We wore sunglasses all day. I doubt they’d be able to identify us from our naked torsos.”

The expletives on the other end of the line were escalating. Devon heard rustling and what sounded like furniture being forcibly relocated. Then she heard a tinkle of shattered glass.

“He break a window?” she whispered in Nick’s ear.

“Chief, you okay?” Kyle asked.

“Oh, I’m okay. I’m just fine, but your fuckin’ frog statue is in pieces.”

“I’m sorry it got knocked down. We’ll get you another one.”

“Don’t fuckin’ bother, Lansdowne. It didn’t fall. I threw it.” He abruptly disconnected the phone.

“Looks like we need to take up another collection,” Rory said.

Nick explained to Devon, “We bought a frog for Chief Timmons when we joined Team 3. We’ve had to replace it four times now, I think.”


They built a bonfire again out back, by the hot tub and water tank, and Devon sat on Nick’s lap as the team sat around the fire and told stories about the customers and the day. One by one men peeled off, said their goodbyes to Devon and Nick, and hit the rack for the long trip home tomorrow.

Left alone with Nick under the night sky, she realized she wanted to discuss future plans.  Although she didn’t want to initiate it, she had to.

“You never said when you were going back. I’m guessing you have to leave tomorrow as well?”


Her insides tightened. She was glad she’d have to throw herself into making sure the escrow went smoothly. It might help with the missing him part. She wanted him desperately to say something she could hang on to.

Her wish was granted.

“Devon, after this closes, I’d like you to come down to San Diego and stay for a little while. Try the place on. See if you could find yourself—” Nick’s eyes sparkled.

She leaned into him and kissed him on the lips.

“Find myself what?” she teased. She wanted to hear him say it. Her sanity depended on it.

“See if you could wrap your head around maybe being with me.”

She could tell he was struggling with the words. It delighted her to needle him further.

“But, Nick…” she said as she slid her hands down to his crotch, “I’ve already
with you. Almost more times than I can count. I think that part of us works just fine.” She kissed him again and saw him crack a smile.

“Little did I know when I met that kid with the braces and scrawny arms that I’d feel this way.”

“Feel what way, Nick?”

He sighed. “Devon, I’m in love with you.”

She wanted to wait, to savor the echo of those words in the night air. But she couldn’t hold it in any longer.

“Thank God!! ‘Cause Nick, I fell in love with you five years ago. My brain just figured out what my body knew way back then. And nothing would give me more pleasure than to be with you in San Diego.”

“I warn you, it’s a different world down there.”

“I’m up for it. As long as you’re there.”

“I don’t deploy until next year, but I start workup in five months. Doesn’t give us much time to—”

“It doesn’t matter. We have what we have. I’ll get the property closed, and then I’ll come down and—”

He cut her off with another kiss. “And then we’ll see what happens.”


Chapter 19


Devon got a text from Nick the next afternoon after he’d left for San Diego with the Team.

Miss you already. My bed sucks.

Devon smiled as she looked at it in the middle of her office meeting. She didn’t care that her cheeks felt hot and her panties were damp. She crossed her legs and enjoyed it. All kinds of fantasies went through her mind. She texted him back.

I like sucking. I like watching you suck. You got someone else in your bed Nicky?

Not thirty seconds went by before she got his response.

Okay, I’m on the next plane up there. I’m going to prove to you no one else is in my bed.

She smiled and crossed her legs the other way. God in Heaven, she missed him. How would she be able to abide the weeks before the escrow would close and they could be together?

And then she thought of Sophie. She hung her head in shame, felt her whole body go limp. Nick’s happy text pulled her out of the sad mood she’d sunk into.

Baby, did you hear me? I’m going to come up there and suck you dry?

She sighed so loud a couple of the other agents looked at her with concern. She lovingly looked at the phone and rubbed her finger over the screen.

Wish it were so, Nick. I don’t think I can last thirty days without you.

He was right back at her.

Then don’t. Come down here. I suck just as good here as up there…

Her response was given before she’d had a chance to think about it.
Done. I’ll make some arrangements. But Nick, you do everything perfectly. You don’t suck at all. Will be in touch.

He instantly sent back,
I like the in touch thing too. Plan to do some of that when you’re here too. Let me know the instant you arrange it. Make it soon, baby. OXOX 696969 Nick.


She went over the inspection dates with Sophie that afternoon.

“God, I sort of feel like my little property is naked in the doctor’s office, waiting for a PAP smear. They going to look everywhere?” Sophie scowled.

“Better for you that way. We want to give them full access to everything so they are making informed decisions. You’re more protected if other professionals give their opinions as to the condition of the property.” Devon had delivered that line hundreds of times over the years, but it was even more important now than ever before. She wanted to protect Sophie the only way she knew how.

“Not that I’d be around later on to get sued.”

Devon felt her stomach clench. “You have time.”

“Not much, sweetie. But time enough. Guess it wouldn’t be good to land the two of you in a mess when I go, though.”

“Don’t even think about it, because it’s not going to happen, Sophie.”

“Well, Devon, they always say there are two things certain in life, death and taxes. I don’t think any of us will escape either of these two. My time will come soon enough, and thank you for doing a good job for me.”

She decided to bring up her planned trip to San Diego.

“Ah, that’s nice, Devon. I like the two of you together. See, I told you Nick would show you his good side, if you’d just give him the chance.”

given him the chance. She’d always wondered if she could feel anything sexually for anyone, the way her past kept creeping up into her future. But with Nick, she felt safe. She trusted him, probably more than she loved him. That was a good thing.

“I am planning just a short trip down there, and I’ll be back for the inspections next week. You be okay with Emma and Charles?”

“They’re great. Yes.”

“And you’ll call me if anything changes, right?”

“Absolutely. Besides, if I don’t, I know Emma would call you.”


Devon made her reservations and texted Nick.

Coming Thursday Flight 2469, arrive 6:21 pm. That work for you?

I like the coming part. Plan to do some of that too. Works for me, baby. Can’t wait.


The San Diego airport was three times the size of Charles Schulz International, but she wasn’t interested in anything about the beautiful space. She scanned the crowds and found him standing in a pair of blue jeans and light blue shirt, his hands tucked into his pants shyly. He beamed when their eyes connected and Devon’s heart pounded. Her mouth was dry but her panties were good and wet with anticipation.

She ran to him, her bag slung over her right shoulder.

His big arms encircled her waist and he squeezed so tight, lifting her off the ground. His lips were all over the side of her face, her neck, his strong fingers rubbing through her hair, sending her clip onto the floor somewhere at their feet. When at last they kissed, his tongue went deep and she had to restrain herself not to jump her knees up around his waist. She could hear the chuckles of some onlookers, but she didn’t care.

He’d made arrangements for them to stay at the Hotel Del Coronado. Devon knew what that must have cost him. She’d started to ask when he put his forefinger to her lips.
“Remember what I told you about us SEAL types?”

Yeah, how could I forget?
“When they offer, just let them do what they do.”

He responded with a full smile that made her heart glow. “Exactly. I’m glad to see you’re learning.”

She wanted to learn everything about loving this man.

The little room was in the vintage section of the hotel, but it didn’t matter. Once the door was closed, it could have been a closet, for all she cared. He’d leaned against the door, holding the keycard in his hand and flipping it against the fingers on his other one. She dropped her bag and purse and just watched him, allowing the delicious wave of anticipation to take her away. Postponing what they’d be doing shortly, but enjoying the excited pause between them. After taking in a deep breath and letting it out, he slowly perused her body from the ground up.

“God, Devon, I’ve never wanted anything more in my whole life. I’ve been a mess these last two days,”

It thrilled her to see the spark in his eyes, the lust behind them, even as it was a bit scary. He was a powerful man and he would always do everything with that same intensity and power.


Nick closed the distance between them in seconds. She felt his kisses on her neck, the feel of his coarse hands as they peeled the layers of her clothing away to expose her flesh to him. It sent shudders down her spine to feel how tender, but how urgent he was. His breathing was controlled, but his masculine scent, the way his muscles bunched and flexed under her palms, and his soft growls, sent her into outer space.

“Missed you,” she whispered before he covered her mouth, sliding his tongue over her lower lip.

“Me too, baby,” he returned and accepted her little sigh, pressing her harder against him. “Me, too.”

She whimpered again and he answered with a deep growl from somewhere deep inside his chest. His hot kisses traveled under her chin and past her collarbone to between her breasts.

She wanted him deep inside her, but she was loving that he built their anticipation by taking his time. The ache between her legs throbbed and left her deliciously breathless.

It drove her nuts. And she loved him all the more for it.

“God, Devon, I’ve thought about this, dreamed about—” He squeezed her ass with one hand, the other slipping underneath her lace bra. Then he sank to his knees, worshiping her, placing his mouth over her knotted nipples, teasing first one and then the other with his tongue, biting down just enough to make her jump with pleasure. The sucking sounds he made with his lips fueled the fire of her libido.

“Me too, Nick, I dreamed of this every night before I went to bed.” She wanted to say more, but held back. She answered his kisses softly with a long moan.

He moved his palms between her thighs and spread them apart, watching her face as his fingers breached the elastic of her panties, caressing, teasing, and asking for permission to invade. She answered him by moaning, rocking her pelvis back and forth to the gentle strokes of his fingertips against the pink satin fabric of her panties. Slowly the fingers found her flesh. Her breath hitched and she stood still as he bent forward and kissed her opening while his two fingers tucked inside her wet channel.

She was going to explode. As he lapped her clit and stroked her insides, her breathing got ragged and her knees began to wobble. When his fingers pulled out she felt hollow and even more needy than before his ministrations.

He peeled down her panties, kissing her thighs all the way down, exposing her nude sex to the cool air. Gripping her hips and pulling her towards him, his hot lips found her core, no longer impeded by her lacy satin panties.

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