Sealing Death (5 page)

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Authors: Basil E. Bacorn

BOOK: Sealing Death
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Alternative Reality

      The van popped out and landed in a highly pixelated world. A sign popped up and read 'LEVEL ONE'. "This is not happening." Stella snipped, leaning forward to get Mr. Braddock's attention, "Backwards now please."

      As they went in the crack, Cassie counted all of the realms they were in so far. "How many realms are there?" she asked.

      Will remembered one of the books he glanced at that said the exact answer to that question, but that was it. It was a book, filled up with nothing but the number of realms in existence. One long number that made a trillion look like a zero. "A lot." he acknowledged, "Let's just hope we don't have to go through all of them." They plopped out into a realm that they all have a connection to. The Dream Realm.



      The cop car landed on a pile of pixels. "Turn around." Betty ordered and James did as she said. A sign popped up and read 'LEVEL ONE'. "I guess we should go forward and look." Susan began, "They could be here." James drove further into the Virtual Realm and hoped his wife knew what she was saying.


      As they drove, a loud voice boomed, "Welcome to the Virtual Realm, outsiders, this is your chance to win big! All you have to do is make it out alive!" Vander smacked his sister who shouted, "This doesn't look good!" They looked back and saw a wall of pixels surround their way out. "Have fun!" the voice taunted, "If you succeed, you'll be able to level up! Good luck!"



      The van drove out of the wreckage of the Dream Library and onto a busy street where they were swept away by traffic. "What are we doing?" Stella demanded to know, "Why are you driving us here!" Mr. Braddock defended, "I don't know! The van is driving itself! I even took the key out!"

      "That's the Dream Realm, always expect the unexpected." Will explained. The van sped onto the highway and passed a sign that read 'Welcome to the place where all your dreams come true. Once you enter you'll never want to leave!'. "That doesn't sound good." Stella muttered as the van flew up in the air, dropping everyone out onto a conveyor. "Dead people don't dream, so I'll be fine!" Sir Arthur called, "Just remember that we have to leave, and whoever makes it, meet at the crack. That's where the van should be!" The conveyor separated them. Mr. Braddock went one way. Charlie and Stella went another, and Cassie and Will went a third.


    "That's not gonna happen!" Stella snipped, grabbing Charlie and jumping on Will's and Cassie's path. Those two aren't going anywhere alone if she could help it! The conveyor split again, with Stella and Cassie together and Charlie and Will together. That's better.



      Stella and Cassie rode the conveyor. "This is nice, isn't it?" Stella sighed, "Just you and me and some girl time!" She didn't want Cassie to question her. "Do you know something I don't?" Cassie asked, "You're acting stranger than usual." Too late. Stella wished they would start doing stuff to them, but no. She looked around, trying to avoid Cassie's glare. "You do!" Cassie accused. Shoot. Stella gulped, "You know that realm with all of the secrets? I might have found a book that had some very interesting details about us." Cassie gawked, "Like what?"



      Charlie and Will stood in silence with the gentle hum of the conveyor in the background. Will was disappointed that Stella switched things up, but it was for the better. He shouldn't be kissing her anyways. He was supposed to be getting over her, not diving straight into her!


      Charlie trusted Cassie, but couldn't help that faint suspicion he had. Something was off, and he knew it. He just didn't know what. Charlie stole a glance at Will. He seemed awfully suspicious. There was a mystery here and he was going to find out. "Why did you kiss Cassie?" Charlie asked.


      Will jumped back. He knew! "You know!" Will shouted.


      "Of course I know, how wouldn't I, it was right in front of-" Charlie took a break to think. Why would he be surprised that he knew when he was with them? Unless, no that's not possible! Wait. Charlie glared at Will and screamed, "YOU KISSED CASSIE AGAIN IN THE LIBRARY!!!"



      Stella fiddled with her thumbs before answering her friend. Stella began to stammer, "Like the fact that you, and Will, kind of, like you know."


      "You know we kissed!" Cassie cried out, "You didn't tell Charlie, did you?" Oh no! If Charlie found out, he'd dump her for sure!


      "No," Stella explained, "but he might figure it out." Just then the two girls heard Charlie yell at the top of his lungs, "YOU KISSED CASSIE AGAIN IN THE LIBRARY!!!" "Uh oh!" Cassie blurted, "This isn't where dreams come true, it's where nightmares come true!"


      "Now that he knows," Stella began, "Would you tell me how that happened?" "Why not. Maybe it'll calm my nerves, since we can't do anything about those two." Cassie started, "I may have wanted one more kiss, because he is such a good kisser! When I kissed him in the van, I flashed through every good moment we had together, and then that day when he broke up with me. The end of ever. I couldn't take it, and I cried a bit, and pulled away. Ever since then I've been thinking about kissing him again, and that moment. He seemed so heartless when he looked at me and said that he guessed it was the end of ever and yanked his hand from mine. When he told me the paths changed in the Realm of the Untold, I lost it and told him I hated him, and for some reason, kissed him." Cassie sighed, "It was great."


      Stella slapped Cassie across the face and scorned, "Charlie!" Cassie frowned and rubbed her cheek. Stella looked at the red mark that matched the one Will got. "Sorry." she whispered.



      The Dream Realm shook as a thunderous howl echoed through reality once again. "The Scarrcedenhogg!" Cassie exclaimed, "We're wasting time! Hop on my back!" Stella did as she said and Cassie took flight.



      The cop car rolled over pixels and followed the arrow that was telling them where to go. Out of nowhere, a digital octopus plopped through Betty's window and landed on her lap. "Ah!" she screeched, pushing it off and getting a knitting needle out, "Take this!" She jabbed the utensil in the sea food and flung it out the window. When it landed, it exploded and a '100' popped up. More sea creatures fell from the sky and floated about. When a swordfish stabbed the top of the car, Betty ordered James to stop. She got out, and got in an action ready position. "En garde!" she shouted, holding up her titanium needle. The swordfish flew in to take her out, but she blocked it with the needle, redirecting it to a barrel of rum? The scene had changed to a pirate ship and the swordfish morphed into a hi-def pirate captain.

      The captain withdrew his weapon and rum leaked out. "Any bilge rat who messes with me grog must walk the plank!" he warned. Betty squinted her eyes and shot back, "Do ye scallywag of a pirate thinks ye can beat me!"


      James couldn't believe it. Betty was smack talking a pirate!


      The pirate jumped up and slashed the sword down on Betty, who once again blocked with her trusty knitting needle. "Oy!" she barked, slapping him across the face with her weapon. The pirate growled and swung the sword and it banged against the pointy metal stick with a clang. Betty grabbed the other one from her fanny pack and pinched his sword between them. She yanked and twisted the weapon and the captain was thrown over the side of the ship. The other pirates ran up to Betty and hoisted her on their shoulders. "Our new captain!" they yelled.


      "Ahem!" Vanessa coughed, "Aren't we supposed to be leaving! The portal reopened!"


      As Betty got back in, a loud roar thundered throughout reality. Susan looked at James and said, "We need to hurry!"



      Charlie stepped towards Will angrily, who was backing up. Will couldn't afford to get damaged, so he turned around and ran up the conveyor. "Help!" Will screeched, "I'm sorry Charlie, but you'd understand if you kissed her more!" Oops.


      Charlie plowed forward. Will was going to regret he ever laid a finger on her! He was going to regret the day he was born! Charlie roared, and a roar that wasn't his followed. "The Scarrcedenhogg!" he shouted.



      Cassie flew through the sugary air and searched for Charlie and Will. "There they are!" Stella announced, hanging on to Cassie for dear life. Cassie swooped down and landed between the two. "Before you say anything, Cassie," Charlie stuttered, "Did you kiss Will, or did he kiss you? The second time."


      Charlie was amazed he just said that. He never thought that he'd have to confront her about something like this.


      Cassie was speechless. Charlie was being so bold and confident. Sure it wasn't in her favor, but she still thought it was attractive. "Um," she murmured, "both. But it didn't mean anything." Will gaped.


      Charlie was furious. Cassie kissed Will? She'll have cheated on him with her ex! Sure he was a prince, but still! "Cassandra Smith, " Charlie said, "I think we should take a break for a while."


      "What!" Cassie yelped, "Are you breaking up with me? I only kissed him twice!" Cassie knew she wasn't helping her case, but she had to try. She couldn't lose Charlie! She loves him! "I don't think I can continue to call you my girlfriend when the person who you are kissing isn't me." Charlie explained, "So yes, I am breaking up with you."


      Charlie was shocked he actually did it. Why did he? He loves Cassie so much, but she kissed someone else. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be.

      Who is he kidding? Of course it's meant to be! Charlie started to say something and apologize when Cassie started talking again. "You're right Charles. You are absolutely right." she confessed, "We do need to break up. If you can't understand a little misunderstanding and trust me for real, you shouldn't date me."


      Cassie was depressed. She never thought this would happen.


      "One thing Cassandra," Charlie added, "were you planning on telling me at all?" Stella frowned and started twiddling her thumbs. "You knew!" Charlie yelled, "That's it! Clearly none of you are my true friends, keeping secrets and cheating on me! With that said, I'm done with all of you!" Charlie turned and stormed away. He hopped on a passing conveyor and marched away.


    "Char-Char!" Stella called. The conveyors jolted and then sped up. A voice thundered, "Dreams are made to make you happy! Unhappiness has been detected, and all unhappiness belongs in the Nightmare Mountains!" The conveyors all launched everyone into the air and they plummeted into a large, dark mountain range. Cassie, Stella, and Will landed on a mattress. Stella looked around and sighed, "This isn't good."



      The adults zoomed through the portal and into the traffic. The car drove along with the flow all by itself. "Everyone get out!" James commanded. Betty grabbed the twins and jumped out with James and Susan following. "What happened?" Susan questioned. "Something took over the controls and is driving the cruiser along with every other vehicle here to over there!" James explained, "I didn't think it would have been a good idea to stay inside."


Finding Charlie

      Charlie flew through the air, screaming. He was heading in the opposite direction as everyone else! He fell quickly and right before landing in the reality crack, he could've sworn that he saw his grandma marching past.



      Stella looked at Cassie. "This is all your fault!" she accused, "If you never kissed that oaf prince, we wouldn't be in this mess!" Stella couldn't handle it and slapped Cassie again.


      Stella must've been angry! That was the second slap Cassie got, and it hurt! Wait, it's so easy to get out of here! Flying! Cassie looked at Stella and grinned. She picked up her slap-happy friend and threw her over her

shoulder. "Ugh!" Stella grunted. Cassie grabbed Will's hand and smiled, "Hang on!" She rocketed them all up into the sky, with both passengers screaming like little girls.



    Betty walked across the strange land in the opposite direction of the traffic flow. "Where are you going?" Susan asked when she finally caught up. "All of those cars are being forced to go that way, but why?" Betty explained, "Whoever is controlling them is more than likely not going to set up base where they are dragging all of these people to. They are probably sending them away from the controls." "Nice work!" James congratulated, "Were you ever a detective?" "No, but I read mystery novels." Betty answered.



      Charlie looked around. Where was he? A man stood before him, but it was too dark to tell any features. A brisk wind blew, giving Charlie a chill. "Charles Myers." the man sighed, "You're so much bigger than the first time we met!" Charlie squinted. The man's voice was so familiar. No, it can't be! "I need you, Mr. Myers." he whispered, "I just can't wait to see Cassie again, and now that I have you, it's pretty much set in stone." The man walked behind Charlie and kicked him in the back. "Ah, Cassandra," he sighed, "the girl who'd go to extreme lengths to protect her loved ones. Even murder. Remember that Charles? I do. After all, I was the victim." Mr. Saxton grabbed a nearby tree branch and bashed Charlie over the head with it. "No more struggles this time!" he assured.



      Cassie landed by where she found the van. It was probably three miles from the portal. "Now for Mr. Braddock." Cassie said, snapping her fingers. The knight appeared in a poof of smoke. "Cassandra Alice Smith!" Stella scolded, "Why haven't you done that with Char-Char?" Cassie rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers. Nothing happened. She tried again with the same results as before.

      "Why isn't it working!?" Cassie yelled, snapping her fingers feverishly. Instead of making Charlie, they caught on fire. "That's not good." Cassie gasped, "He must have fell into a magical barrier of some sort!"


      "What are we waiting for?!" Sir Arthur hollered, "All of the Dream Realm has magic, and magical barriers can't exist here, so he must have fell in the crack! Let's go!"



      Betty and her gang were making excellent time. They already came to an old shack. "It's in there!" the twins concluded, "We sense it." They really freaked Susan out when they did it, but she was getting used to it. Betty picked the lock with a bobby pin from her pack. The lock came off easily and Betty opened the door.


      Sure enough, the shed was packed with tons of gadgets. Betty clicked the off switch and every vehicle was released from its controller. "What does that say?" Betty wondered. "I'll take a look." Susan volunteered, grabbing the machine with the writing. Susan read what it said and instantly dropped it.


      "What does it say?" Vander inquired. Susan looked at James and Betty. "It says," she stammered, "it says 'PROPERTY OF SID SAXTON'." Betty gasped, "He's the one Cassie killed!" Susan nodded. "They were saying that everyone who had died has come back to life." Susan expounded, "We need to find them! Now!"



      Mr. Saxton had tied and gagged the boy and was now dragging him to his lair. "Poor child, so young and innocent," Saxton cooed, "Unlike your murderous friend!" He threw Charlie down a hole and climbed down the ladder. Once inside, the latch closed, and he jumped the rest of the way down. He nudged his hostage to make sure he was still alive. He moved a bit. Saxton reached down and felt his skin. Yep, not dead, he's still warm.

      Sid Saxton bent down and picked up the kid. He probably weighed 150 pounds or so, but it was nothing for Sid Saxton. He had special powers, and carrying unconscious teenagers was easy with them.

      He tossed Charlie in a cage and slammed the door. The perfect Cassandra bait, according to the association. She will come, and Sid Saxton would get his revenge and then hand her over to his boss. Saxton chuckled at all of the things he could do.



      Betty's minivan bounced over the rolling hills of the Dream Realm and passed by a familiar looking cop car. They drove straight into the crack and out the other side.



      "That's them!" Betty announced pointing at her sad-looking van. James flipped on the lights and followed them. The van went through and so did they. A loud crash was heard in both realms when the cruiser rear-ended the van.



      Cassie tumbled out of the minivan, ready to defend if necessary. "Mom, dad is that you?" she called, "And the twins! And Charlie's grandma!" Susan nodded. Oh no! What would Betty do when she found out they lost Charlie!


      Susan ran up to her daughter and hugged her. "Sid Saxton is close." she informed, "We found his equipment in a shed. It was the reason for the traffic." Cassie got close to her mom's ear and whispered, "Me and Charlie broke up. And then we lost him."


      What! Susan glanced at the kind old lady they brought. Her grandson is gone! "He's here though, somewhere." Cassie explained.



      Charlie woke up and looked around. What happened? "Up already?" said a familiar voice. Sid Saxton. "What are you doing?" Charlie demanded to know. "Enjoying afterlife." Saxton answered, "I'm taking up fishing." Saxton pulled a lever and Charlie raised and popped up out of the ground above. That's when he saw them. Cassie, Stella, Will, Mr. Braddock, Susan, the twins, James, and his grandma! "RUN!" he blurted, getting their attention. Oops. They started running over to his prison.


      "Char-Char!" Stella squealed. "Charles!" his grandma called. "Stop!" he shouted, but it was too late. Charlie watched in horror as walls lifted up from the ground and surrounded them all. "What's going on!" Will yelled.


      Then he came. Sid Saxton appeared next to Will. "Me." he answered, "I certainly didn't forget you, Prince Will! You were so scared when we first met! Ha!"


      Cassie walked up to Saxton and gulped, "You're dead. I did it. Don't make me do it again." Saxton laughed and reminded, "Nobody can die, and there's something else. Your powers are subdued, and there are no daggers within a mile of here. You know, the trauma."


      He flicked her nose and whispered, "You're doomed, Cassandra."


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