Season of Desire: Complete Edition (26 page)

BOOK: Season of Desire: Complete Edition
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Stop it! It’s nothing like that. Be calm and see what happens.

I pull the image of Miles to the front of my mind: tall, handsome, that straight nose, those cheekbones, the dark eyebrows and the sparkling blue eyes underneath with their sardonic expression, and the perfect lips made to be pressed on mine. I want to see his shoulders, stroke my finger down his chest and run it into the trail of dark hair that leads down to his fantastic cock. The thought makes my own heat turn dewy inside my sex.

As I’m thinking this, I feel the towel around me move. I give a small gasp as it’s pulled gently away, exposing my entire body. The hot air engulfs me. The steam has almost subsided now, leaving the hot, cutting air behind that pulls the perspiration from my body so that I feel simultaneously wet and dry. My hair is sticking in tendrils to my face and I guess that my body is beaded with the cleansing pure sweat of the sauna. Now I can feel him close to me, the added heat of his body almost too much to bear. He’s leaning over me, breathing softly on my face, a steady stream of cool air playing over my cheeks and tickling my eyelids. Now he’s taking it down my neck and over my chest, stopping to blow the stream on my nipples, cooling them deliciously in the broiling atmosphere. The jet plays over the damp skin of my belly and down to my mound.

I moan lightly.

Oh Miles, don’t play with me too much. I want you so badly.

As if he can read my thoughts, the stream of air stops. Now he’s very close to me his flesh brushes lightly against mine and I realise that he’s naked too. Delight courses through me. That body, the one I’ve dreamed of and longed for, for so many hours now, is close to me, without the frustrating barrier of clothes. I reach up to touch him, to find that smooth, muscled flesh in all its tantalising hardness, but his hands at once clasp themselves around my wrists and push my arms back over my head onto the smooth wood of the bench. As they do so, Miles’s body presses down on mine, and his lips find my mouth. With a sigh of pleasure, I open my lips to him and his tongue pushes hard inside, finding mine with a questing strength. We kiss hard and wet, as though the steaming atmosphere has made us reckless with moisture. His whole weight lands on me, the hard square chest pressed on my own softness, his firm belly on mine, his thick hard thighs heavy on my legs. But best of all, I can feel that thick girth digging into my stomach.

His cock.

God, it’s delicious, that long, hot, velvety length pressed hard against me. I moan again, the sound disappearing into his mouth. He’s still holding my hands above my head as he moves firmly against me, driving his erection into the softness of my belly. So close to my longing sex, and yet so far . . .

The heat is so intense and so tropical, it sends me wilder than I thought it possible for hot air to manage. I move against his delicious weight, revelling in the sensation of his huge maleness against me. Oh, that body. It’s broad at the chest and narrow at the hips, firm and smooth. I want to feel its power driving into me, I want to know that the strength in his thighs and back is dedicated to driving that glorious length deep inside me.

We carry on kissing, our tongues embracing wildly, and now I can feel him take his weight on his knees, lifting his cock away from my belly, and then he’s pressing my legs apart with his thigh so that one leg is pressed against the wall, and other dangles over the side of the narrow bench. It ought to be uncomfortable but it’s not, it feels wildly erotic to be taken like this in the hot intensity of the sauna, pressed against hot wood on one side, and the fierce warmth of Miles’s body on the other. Then, suddenly, his erection is at my entrance.

Oh God, yes, I remember now . . .

The moment the tip of his shaft plays at the way into my sex, I remember that exhilarating feeling of his girth stretching me to accommodate him, and just as I remember it, it begins in reality. The probing smooth head is between my lips and then pushing forward into the hot wetness. As he enters me, he releases my wrists at last, taking his weight onto his arms, and I’m able to put my hands onto the bulging muscles of his upper arms, pushing myself downwards to force him deeper inside. His thighs press against mine and their hardness is deliciously exciting: I love the contrast between his solid masculine body and my own soft curves. I want to open to him as far as I can but the narrow bench restricts me. Even this gives me new, unexpected sensations of pleasure: I feel that his body is more joined to mine somehow, as though I’m squeezing tighter around his incredible girth as he pushes in hard, making me gasp with every thrust home. With my blindfold on, my other senses are heightened and I’m aware of every way that his body touches mine: the thrill of the grind of his pubic bone on my clit, the press of his balls against my buttocks as he goes as far as he can. I want him in the very heart of me, as deep as he can go. I want us to be joined into one thing, each experiencing these exquisite sensations in magnificent unison.

‘Oh Miles,’ I gasp, as that incredible cock plunges inside me again, fulfilling a hunger within me I never knew I had until now. I feel almost drunk on the pleasure he’s giving me in this hot, wet room, our bodies growing slippery against one another.

‘Don’t speak unless I ask you to,’ he says. ‘Who is the tutor here?’

‘You are. Oh,

‘What are you learning about air, Winter?’

‘Fucking in the hot air is amazing.’

‘Fucking you anywhere is amazing, Winter.’

‘Oh God,’ I moan, as he hits home again. Is it legal for someone to have such a glorious cock? It’s too much, it’s driving me wild. I had no idea I could take something of this size and length, but I can, and love it too. I want him to go harder, faster, to go on giving me these waves of delight that are making me moan and buck my hips to meet him. Despite my blindness I feel as though I can see him, his blue eyes turned dark with lust, his mouth tight, not with anger but with the extreme sensations he’s experiencing in my hot, tight depths.

Suddenly I feel his head at my chest and his mouth closes over one of my nipples, sucking it in a rhythm with his thrusts, so that as he hits home he tugs firmly on it, making pleasure sizzle from my breast to my clit in a gorgeous sharp ripple.

Oh God, this is almost too much.

I’m trembling on the brink of beginning my climb to an orgasm, but I want to stay on this wonderful ride for longer. I’m not ready for it to be over yet, I can’t get enough of Miles’s body. I run my hand over his bulging forearm and under it to the hard curve of his chest; then over the broad, muscle-hard surface of his back and down to the dip on the side of his buttocks where I can feel his muscles flexing as he fucks me.

I had no idea that touching someone else’s skin could be so exciting.

This is the kind of elemental experience I’ve been longing for: the simple, fierce union of our bodies.

Elemental. Appropriate somehow.

He seems to be swelling inside me, and I gasp. I didn’t think he could get any bigger but he’s thicker now, moving faster, as though he’s not far from a climax himself. I wonder if we’re going to come together: I know I could, in an instant. It’s taking an effort to stop myself flying off wildly into ecstasy as it is. Then suddenly, he pulls out of me, leaving me bereft. I want his cock back. I reach out my hand for it, desperate to feel its length slick with my juice. Miles grasps my wrist and pushes my arm back over my head.

‘Not yet, Winter,’ he growls. His body moves away from mine. I lie there, unseeing, panting with everything I’ve just experienced, knowing I’m totally exposed to him, my sex wet and swollen. It makes me throb with pleasure to think of him looking at me, enjoying the sight of my naked body open to him. I feel his huge hands at my waist. He’s turning me over. I help him, moving on to my hands and knees as gracefully as I can, my palms flat on the smooth wood of the bench. I know my back is slick with sweat: I can feel trickles of it running over my lower back and my buttocks. He’s kneeling behind me, and I can tell that he has one leg on the bench, the other foot on the floor. He’s running his hands over my skin, round the curves of my hips and buttocks, letting them slide in the moisture on my flesh. His finger begins to follow the trails of the droplets as they run with a delicate tickle over the surface and into the cleft between my buttocks. He takes his finger further and further down the cleft, exciting me as I feel him approaching my eager sex. He smoothes downwards with his fingertip, and then I feel it at my entrance, pushing gently inside, first one finger and then two. Then he takes them out again, running them over my lips and rubbing the juices up and over my electrically charged clit. I moan as his fingertips rub and play at my bud, taking my own lubrication to massage and tantalise it. His hand disappears entirely and to my astonishment I find it at my face, his fingers on my mouth. He inserts them, wet and tangy with the flavours of my sex between my lips, pressing them in. I close my mouth around them and suck hungrily, tasting my own arousal and becoming more excited in the process. I can’t help pushing my bottom backwards as I suck and I find the tip of his jutting cock with a kind of exhilaration. I want to manoeuvre it home somehow but I know that Miles is the one in control and if he doesn’t want to enter me yet, then I will just have to wait in the kind of delicious torment he loves to inflict on me.

I suck on his fingers hard, letting my tongue roll and play on them just I would love to do to his cock and I can hear his breathing thicken and come faster. He pulls his fingers out. Then the velvety head of his cock is at my entrance and I press back again, helping it find the place where I can welcome it in. He lets it ram gently against my lips and then against the little valley between my vagina and bottom, and it touches my bottom for one strange but unexpectedly exciting moment, before returning to the entrance of my sex.

I want to moan and beg him to take me at once, but I daren’t say a word in case he decides to punish me by removing his cock altogether and I couldn’t bear that, so I bite my lip hard to keep quiet.

One large hand is on my waist. I try to move my thighs apart as far as I can on the narrow bench and then, at last, he thrusts hard, making me take him in one push. I cry out as his length forces itself into my depths, further than it did when I was lying down. The sensation is rapturous and yet almost unbearable as he uses all his strength to plunge hard in and out, making me gasp with the painful pleasure as he rams inside. He seems to be reaching almost to my ribcage, forcing the air out of me in a loud moan.

It’s beautiful and terrible at the same time. Oh God, don’t stop, please!

I hear him grunting as he rushes his cock into me, one hand still on my waist and the other on my shoulder, forcing me back onto his length. Then that hand is reaching round me, finding my clit, rubbing it hard and yet with masterful, arousing strokes that are going to take me all the way to the edge of pleasure. He strums me as that magnificent cock fucks me as hard as I could desire, and I feel the bliss building up in the velvet darkness.

Oh yes, my wonderful, my gorgeous Miles . . . That’s so beautiful. I can’t bear it but I need it so badly. Oh, touch me there, rub me harder, right on the tip of it, make me come . . .

I can’t speak aloud, my panting is too fierce even if I wanted to, but I’m begging him to keep up that exquisite movement, working in my sex and on my clit at the same time until I begin to wail with the strength of what I’m feeling. He thickens inside me again and I know that this time we won’t be able to stop. His thrusts become shorter – faster and more fierce, if that were possible – and he flicks hard on my clit and I can feel the torrent rushing up to take me with it. I collapse forward as my orgasm explodes inside me and his grasps him at the same time. We whirl wildly into pleasure, his orgasm pouring out inside me as I convulse with mine, crying out with its force as his weight lands on me and we lie panting as the sensations subside.

It’s some time before either of us can move.


‘It’s late.’

Miles is looking at me with a tenderness I’ve never seen before. I’m sitting across the table from him, wrapped in a fluffy white robe and eating a plateful of delicious food.

‘Is it?’ I say, smiling broadly at him. ‘I hadn’t noticed.’

He laughs, pushing his own empty plate away from him. ‘Well, it is.’

‘And we’ve only covered two of the elements,’ I say mischievously. ‘Where did you get this dinner from, by the way?’

‘Dominic’s chef left it here. All I had to do was put it in the oven. I’ll pass on your compliments.’

‘Do. Or maybe all food tastes better after amazing sex.’

‘I expect it does.’ Miles glances around the dining room, where the wood burning stove emits a cosy heat and the windows look out over the valley below. ‘A little different from our last billet, eh, Winter?’

I laugh and nod. ‘You better believe it. Decent bathrooms.’ I’ve already showered off the effects of our sauna session, which is why I’m folded up so cosily in this white robe.

‘I thought you’d appreciate that.’ He takes a sip of his red wine and then says idly, ‘So how long can you stay?’

‘As long as I want,’ I reply.

He fixes me with one of those looks. ‘Really?’

‘Well . . .’ I don’t want to talk about circumstances outside this charmed chalet where I’m experiencing such bliss, but I suppose we have to face reality. ‘I can’t really be away for too long. My father will be wondering where I am. He thinks I’m with Lola at the moment but if he discovers I’m not, there’ll be hell to pay.’

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