Second Chances (15 page)

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Authors: Claude Dancourt

BOOK: Second Chances
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Maya grinned and winked at her sister, despite the sting Arthur’s silence created. In spite of his abrupt hanging-up two days earlier, she was sure he would keep his word and call. But he was still to do so…

One hand ventured low in her back and she glared at the man on her left. Cedric laughed, completely unashamed.

“Kitty Cat, you look ravishing tonight.”

“Thank you. Who wants more pie?”

Having no answer, she stood to clear the table. Moira’s fiancé laughed even more loudly, and squeezed her sister’s knee, letting his hand move up her thigh a lot more than etiquette usually tolerated. Moira returned his lazy sneer, to Maya’s growing displeasure.

Since the man was back in town, her sister was once again calm and smiling, clearly high on cloud 9. Moira didn’t even care her beau made passes at her baby sister and Maya wished she had an excuse to ask Tristan to drive her home. If Mighty Arthur could grant her a call…

Salvation came from her cousin, who returned with some good news.

“Isobel will fly back tomorrow morning; her parents are going to the Riviera for New Year’s Eve but she prefers to come here. Her flight is rather early so Maya, if you don’t mind, we’ll give the love-birds some privacy…”

God she loved that man. Arthur had a couple of lessons to learn, but Cedric could sign up for a full-time class and still need more. Pig.

Tristan left after one hot chocolate and several teases about Isobel (“I told you you’d like her” / “shut up, Maya”) with the promise to meet before the frenzy began at The Vallon Hospital to help with last-minute details for the event. She noticed her voicemail was blinking when she turned from the door and pressed the “play” button.

“Hi Maya, Arthur speaking. I…I wanted to…I wish you a Merry Christmas.”

Perplexed, she played the message again. They were supposed to make it look like they missed each other, so why on Earth had he called home instead of her cell? She checked it for missed calls for the hundredth time and, of course, found none, like the ninety-nine first times…Was there a problem?

Maya anxiously dialled Arthur’s number, uncaring about the late hour.


His reply sounded sleepy.

“Arthur? I just got your message…”

The allusion flew in the wind, probably because he was yawning. She looked for something to say, feeling ridiculous. Even half-asleep, he was faster.

“Did you have nice evening?”

“Yes, thank you. We were at Moira’s and Cedric’s. Tristan drove me back just a little while ago. Isobel is coming back tomorrow. What about you?”

“Dinner at the Castle Tower. Food was great. Company needs improvement.”

She heard the ruffle of sheets, as he certainly backed against his pillows. Maya chastised herself as soon as her mind wondered if he wore a shirt. He hadn’t the previous weekend…

“I should let you go back to sleep. Thanks for calling, and Merr…”


Arthur sounded fully awake now. Her heartbeat started to race, skipping a beat or two in the way, only to slow down again when he asked, “What time do I pick you up tomorrow morning? Is nine alright?”

She forced a smile into her voice.

“If you make that eight thirty, I’ll offer coffee.”

“Lady, add pancakes to that and I’ll be there at seven.”

Maya giggled.

“Are you bargaining again?”

“I never bargain about pancakes. Eight o’clock, toasts and coffee. That’s my last offer.”

“Eight it is, then…Good night, Arthur; Merry Christmas…”

“Merry Christmas Maya.”

Chapter 23


The pen scratched the paper clasped on the clip-board and Maya looked at the following item on her list: buffet arrangements. The caterer was already busy around the tables so she marked this one off as well.

A giggle forced her to look up and she caught sight of Isobel who was pulling Tristan under another garland. They were supposed to verify if the list of received presents matched the attendants’ one. Apparently, testing the mistletoe was far more interesting.

She grabbed the forgotten lists before she approached the giant tree on the opposite side of the room and the man in front of it. Arthur didn’t move when she stopped by his side. Maya glanced at him quickly then at the tree he was watching.

“They are beautiful, aren’t they? Each child made a card to decorate the tree.”

Arthur tore his gaze away from the Christmas cards hung in the branches to look at her. She smiled gently and he looked away. She liked the way light was playing on his hair to make it shine like gold. His blue eyes were always so serious, except when he seemed to forget himself and tease her…The way his casual sports-wear flattered his figure didn’t hurt the eye either. He was a handsome man. He looked…hot.

Maya felt warmth coming up her throat; some days, she really hated her skin, which revealed all her emotions…Arthur didn’t notice or pretended not to.

“Do you need some help?”

Tristan and Isobel were experiencing another mistletoe bunch. An itch of envy bothered her for a second, quickly dismissed. Her cousin and his new flame created a whirlwind of happiness around them and Maya was glad they had found each other (with a little help from her…). She stared at her so-called boyfriend and winked.

“The other elves are busy…Do you mind comparing the lists?”

Arthur nodded in agreement and returned his attention to the tree. Maya slipped one hand around his elbow to tug him toward a nearby table.

He thought about resisting. He was stronger and she would certainly lose her balance if he stood his ground. Catching her if she did was more than tempting. She had been torturing him since he reached her door with fresh pastries at eight o’clock, maybe on purpose, most probably not. Her dazzling smiles and inviting glances were stealing his breath away every time.

Maya felt his hesitation and turned her head toward him. One long strand of hair escaped her hairclip and his gaze followed the wild curl down her shoulder, brushing her bosom to fall on their now linked fingers. She smiled and Arthur wondered why he had not yet pulled her under one of those garlands to kiss her senseless. She would not deny him. He knew she wouldn’t. It was not his ego speaking. Her touch, her smile echoed deep inside him to tell him she was happy to be here with him.

Arthur stared at their entwined hands, unable to break free just yet, and cleared his throat. “Is coffee coming along with the burden?”

Maya took the repartee for what it was, a way to escape the troubling intimacy that was growing between them, going far beyond their pretending. She laughed and tiptoed to kiss his cheek, just because she wanted to, indulging in the caress, secretly thrilled when she felt him tense in return.

“I have to see Moira about the payment for the caterer and the entertainment. I’ll stop by the cafeteria on my way back.”

“Black, no sugar.”

“I know that.”

Her grin was addictive. Arthur stepped back to pick up her clipboard and scanned the lists while she walked out of the room. The smile on his lips felt nearly as good as her kiss.


Maya paused at the half-opened door. Moira had her back to her and was fumbling with her purse. Cedric was nowhere to be seen, which suited her just fine.

The young woman rapped on the frame and entered the office. At the noise, Moira turned briskly, beaming, but her hopeful welcome faded when she recognized her baby-sister.

“Oh, it’s you…”

“Hi Moira.”

Maya ignored the pang of pain from the gloomy greeting and smiled.

“Are you looking for something?”

Her sister quickly unclenched her fingers from her purse, pushing it away nervously.

“No. What are you doing here?”

The snap shocked Maya and she replied without thinking. “I’m very happy to see you too, Moira. If I need help? Oh, no, thank you, fortunately Arthur, Tristan and Isobel are giving me a hand. It’s so kind of you to ask.”

The blond woman frowned. “There is no need to be harsh.”

“You had no need to bite my head off either.”

Moira softened and came to slide one arm around her baby-sister’s shoulders.

“I’m sorry…I’ve got a headache…Too much drinking yesterday with too little sleep. Can I help you with something?”

Her explanation instantly deflated Maya, who enfolded her arms around her in turn.

“Do you want aspirin, or…”

“Now this is a fantasy come true…”

The sneer in Cedric’s voice made Maya tense at once. Moira abruptly moved from her embrace to grab his arm.

“Do you have them? Please…”

The distasteful man fished an envelope from his breast pocket, but kept it out of Moira’s anxious reach.

“Calm down, Moira, you’re worrying your mouth-watering little sister…”

“She is not well, Cedric, now is not the time for your stupid games…”

Her sister hungrily opened the seal and swallowed a pink pill; Maya bit back the other epithets, uneasy. She had seen people in pain craving relievers such morphine, opium, or other addictive substances, but Moira claimed she simply had a migraine… Aspirin didn’t…Moira was readying to pick another one when her fiancé stopped her.

“Only one, Moira, those are powerful. Wait for its effects…”

Her sister was leaning against her desk, eyes closed. Her face was slowly relaxing as the medicine acted. Maya took one step forward.

“Can I see these?”

Cedric pocketed the envelope again and approached her.

“Maybe…If you ask very nicely…”

How dare he be so sleazy with his fiancée in the room! Maya stepped back but he blocked her retreat, his lustful eyes running along her body. She swallowed hard, suddenly dreading how far he would go. And Moira apparently didn’t care! Her sister had reopened her eyes and fixed an amused glaze on them. Maya squealed when Cedric played with her hair.

She slapped his hand away and tried to pass by him toward the door.

“Now now, don’t be such a prude…You don’t wear that kind of skirt to have men behave around you…”

A decided punch on the door gave her the diversion she needed to escape. Arthur entered the room without waiting. He took in her distress immediately and moved forward, shielding her from the couple’s view. Moira hissed between her teeth as Cedric cast suspicious glances from him to Maya. Arthur ignored them and turned to the gentle woman standing so close he could feel her anxiety bouncing against him.

“The caterer asked for his payment.”

She nodded but made no move toward the desk and her sister. The blonde growled.

“Send him here. I’ll take care of it.”

Maya was all too happy to take her word for it and she grabbed her champion’s arm in a discreet beg for him to escort her out of the office.

Arthur led her to the cafeteria, ordering coffee. She appreciated the thoughtful gesture, which bought her time to regroup before facing their friends again. They sat in a corner, sipping their beverage in silence for a while, before she asked, “Do you think my skirt is too short?”

The question astonished him for a second, before he let his gaze rest on the green velvet which stopped a couple of inches above her knees, to bare her long legs. He’d never been such a goner for legs. But hers were really…Were very…

“I like it just fine.”

His grin was just one shade above wolfish. Maya flushed and chuckled.

“You’re silly…”

Silly or not, her blush calmed down the angry beast who wanted to rip apart the brute who had harassed her. Arthur didn’t want her wonderful face to be shadowed again so he changed the subject to one he was sure would please her.

“I thought we could go and fetch Matthew now…”

Maya beamed, and pushed on her feet.


Arthur drained the rest of his coffee and offered his hand. The lion inside his chest started to purr when she took it.

Chapter 24


Isobel tugged at Tristan’s sleeve to get his attention and the young man instantly turned away from Gavin to circle her waist and pull her closer. She laughed and allowed him one kiss before putting a finger on his chin to force him to look to his right.

“Aren’t they adorable?”

She was referring to the trio formed by Matthew, Arthur and Maya. All were seated on the floor near the tree. The kid was jittering his feet like mad, laughing his head off because Arthur was tickling him through his brand-new slippers. And Maya was trying to calm him down long enough to take the black hard-hat off his head.

She said something, visibly ordering Arthur to stop, which resulted in Matthew’s attacking her legs. Tristan glared, as Arthur immobilized Maya without hesitation so the child won the advantage in their battle.

“We should…”

“Absolutely not.”

Isobel grabbed her boyfriend’s hand, forbidding him to fly to his cousin’s rescue. They watched until Matthew’s interest in their game faded, his attention switched to the magician who had taken the stage with a white rabbit. Isobel had a satisfied glint in her grey eyes and Tristan an expression that was all but appreciative.

Arthur released his grasp slowly and stretched to recover a package from under the tree.

“Merry Christmas.”

Maya looked at the package on her lap then to him, her eyes widened in surprise and childish pleasure. After ogling it from all sides, she finally decided to pull on the scotch tape, slowly unwrapping her present. She was so cautious Arthur nearly took it out of her hands to finish exposing the objects inside for her.


The small clay figurines in the carved box were delicately painted. The magi wore bright colored cloaks, crimson red, deep green, and sunny yellow. One of the shepherds had a lamb on his shoulders. Another one held a stick. She carefully unwrapped two more sheep, and a camel. The box also contained empty shells for the characters of the nativity set she already possessed and for future purchases.

Maya put her presents back into their box before she leaned toward Arthur to brush his cheek lightly, and suddenly he couldn’t move. His arms stayed useless by his side while her lips curved into another of her mysterious smiles.

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