Second Chances (21 page)

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Authors: Claude Dancourt

BOOK: Second Chances
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They sat in the waiting room, Arthur holding her as closely as he could, and she lost track of time, cradled by the steady beating of his heart against her cheek. At some point, he rested his chin on her head, listening to her calmer breathing and closed his eyes. Maya slipped her arms around his waist to stay warm and fall asleep too.

At six AM, Tristan and Isobel left, but they promised to stop by again later. Some nurses entered the surgery block and others came out. None talked to them.

At seven AM, Colin and Gavin showed up with muffins, coffee and a change of clothes for Arthur. He used the employee’s quarters to shower and dress, while Colin kept Maya company.

At eight AM, they were still waiting, no one explaining anything; Arthur lost his temper and Maya calmed him down with a single touch. She thanked the tired attendant with a smile and the woman nodded. She said the doctor would come by soon to answer all their questions. They sat back to wait.

The surgeon showed up forty minutes later. The middle-aged woman pulled off her mask and sighed. Arthur shook Maya gently.

“Are you the parents?”

“I’m Arthur Pendleton, his guardian. Please, tell us how is he doing?”

“The boy is stabilized. He will stay under observation until he wakes then we’ll allow him back to his room. Some tests must be run to make sure all the intrusive tissues were removed. Perhaps later this week, if he is strong enough.”

“Matthew. His name is Matthew. Not “the boy”.”

The tired woman waved her hand to dismiss Maya’s stern comment. She too had had a long night. “Yes. I suggest you go home now, and take a good rest. He won’t be allowed visitors until late this afternoon.”

Arthur squeezed the surgeon’s hand before Maya argued further. “Thank you Doctor.”

The young woman collapsed in his arms. He feared she would start crying again. “I want to see him.”

“Soon, Edana. He is resting now.”

Arthur tried to loosen his grip on her but he realized he too was shaking. He held her (to her) for what seemed an eternity, before he could feel his heart beating normally again.

“Come with me.”

Gavin, who had started his shift, led them toward the south aisle where Matthew had his room.

The second bed was still empty. Arthur lay down and pulled Maya to him, her back on his chest, tying his arms around her to link their hands against her chest. Her hair smelt of roses and he bathed in the scent in silence, taking comfort from the softness and the warmth of her body cuddled against his. Her still labored breathing told him she was not sleeping.

“Why didn’t you tell me from the start about the Foundation and Moira?”

Her question threw him off balance. He hadn’t expected her to ask about that now. Arthur answered quietly. “You would not have believed me.”

The bare truth hung in the air, heavy above them. After a minute, Maya turned on the narrow bed to look at his face. Her eyes were still a little puffy for the crying, but the light in the vivid stare gave him strength to go on.

“When the hospital called me, I panicked. I had to be here with you and Matthew, my only thought was that you needed me. I couldn’t think of anything else. I probably ignored a lot of red lights coming.”

The joke fell flat; Maya kept searching his face with serious eyes. “I need you to need me too.”

“I do.”

She considered his answer for a moment before she asked another question. “Do you love me?”

His heart spoke before he did and Maya probably heard it, for she freed one hand from under them, to caress his face gently, his nose and his lips, before she pressed her mouth to his. Her kiss tasted wonderful and Arthur didn’t want it to end, but he let her break the contact without a move.

“I love you too.”

She nestled back against him, burying her face in his chest like a kitten seeking caresses. The touch unleashed something deep inside him…Love, pain, and need fused together to create a hunger so violent he couldn’t or didn’t even try to resist. Arthur cupped her neck to pull her face up and he deepened the kiss as soon as their lips touched. Pinning her down on the mattress, he devoured her mouth, her neck, her throat before capturing her lips again when he felt her arch under him.

His hands fisted in her hair became almost painful. The skin of his throat was deliciously hot under her mouth. His heart was hammering against her hand. She briefly wondered why layers of clothes between them were still in her way, stopping her from having more of him to taste. She wanted more.

When he slid one hand under them to find the soft skin of her hip under her blouse, Maya tried to take a hold of him, looking for something solid in the raging feelings his passion was arousing inside her. Her elbow hit the hard rail of the hospital bed when she reached for him. The sharp pain sobered her instantly and a soft moan escaped her. Arthur recoiled instantly misunderstanding her whimper. “Sorry…I’m sorry…We’ll take it as slow as you want. I…”

Maya touched his forehead with hers, finally able to circle his chest with both arms. Something was missing, though she was unable to name it just yet.

A dangerous gleam flashed in his stare when the movement crushed her curves deeply into him, but this time he kept the slightest grasp he had on the beast roaring in his blood, the craving laboring his breathing while his fingers hooked onto the tender flesh of her waist. She giggled softly; delighted to know she could shatter his control so easily.

“I’m not a blushing virgin, Arthur…I want to be with you. With. You.”

Saying this, her eyes slid toward the empty space beside them and the young man understood instantly. She would answer kisses for kisses, caresses for caresses. But she wanted to give him everything, no holding back, and she couldn’t because her heart was still trembling for Matthew. He loved her even more for it. Arthur crushed her into his chest, breathing deeply to calm himself.

“We have time.”

A lifetime. He grinned.

“But stop tempting me.”

Her playful little pout against his throat nearly bested him.

“And how will I do that?”

Arthur shifted off her and enfolded her in his arms again.

“I have no idea.”

Maya closed her eyes and let sleep take her, a content smile on her lips. Arthur stayed awake, guarding her dreams while he waited for the child to come back to them.



Four months later…

The young boy waved happily and her heart skipped a beat. Maya quickly swallowed back her shout for Matthew to keep his hands on the reins. He was so small, perched on the enormous animal.

Something pressed on her back and she had to take one step forward to keep her balance. Arthur trademark smirk welcomed her when she turned. He was bent forward on his saddle, caressing the neck of the grey horse, and murmuring into its small ears. The animal had soft brown eyes, and if it hadn’t been so big, she would have found it adorable. Arthur offered his hand.

“Come on…”

Maya instantly backed off.

“Oh no, no way.”

“Come on, she’s harmless.”

The grey mare whined softly.

“You don’t have anything to fear, I’ll ride with you.”

Childish laugher erupted from the paddock where Matthew had switched from walk to trot. She turned toward the paddock, ready to use the child as an excuse. “Matthew is having the time of his life. Leon will show him how to take care of the horse after his lesson. Come on; there’s something I want you to see.”

He grinned.

“You’re not going to let a nine-year-old boy beat you, are you?”

The tease earned the laughing young man a haughty glare, but it worked. “Fine.”

Arthur grabbed her wrist and pulled her upward, helping her to settle sideways on the saddle in front of him. “Ready?”


He laughed some more when Maya fastened her arms around him as the horse started to move. Arthur took both reins in one hand, guiding the horse with his knees. Maya gasped when his free hand slipped around her waist. “Can you keep your hands on the horse?”

“Are you worried?”


“That makes a lot of “no”…”

He hurried their pace. She screamed, “Yes!”

Arthur laughed.

“You need to hear the question first, Edana…”

Eyes widened in surprise, she forgot about the horse and turned to meet the smiling blue eyes set on her. Arthur slowed his mount then stopped. They had reached the main house, and the entrance to the library. He jumped down and secured his hands on her hips to help her off the horse.

“See? You didn’t fall.”

Maya pulled a face at him and followed him inside. The bay windows were wide open, and the room was filled with the light scent of early flowers and that special smell spring brought to the air. Easter sun rays were dancing in the room. Arthur picked up some papers and a pen on the desk.

“Here. You have to sign this.”

“What is it?”

“We, Arthur Pendleton and Maya Finnegan, by affixing our signatures below, do hereby take responsibility of the child known as Matthew Wolf. Any and all requirements, including but not limited to food, clothing…”

She looked up instantly.

“Arthur, this is…”

She didn’t finish her sentence and pulled him to her. His scent was made of fresh air and of horses, warm and strong and intoxicating. The papers escaped her hand to land back on the desk when she lost herself in the kiss. Maya pulled him even closer, unable to repress a sigh of pleasure. Arthur murmured against her lips.

“Matthew will need a mother.”


“And I need a wife…”


“I want more kids.”


“We’ll live here.”


“You’ll wear white at every ball from now on.”

“I said yes, Arthur.”


He kissed her again, and Maya briefly wondered if it was that bad, that the curtains were wide open and the door unlocked.



The end is only the beginning

February 2011

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