Second Chances: The Bold and the Beautiful (10 page)

BOOK: Second Chances: The Bold and the Beautiful
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Forbidden Affair
by Amy Andrews


Steffy is back.


A year in Paris has cemented her resolve to get over Liam and her miscarriage. Resigning from Forrester Creations is her first step.


She is surprised when Bill offers her a job as head of marketing and PR at
Eye On Fashion
. Is this what she wants?


Hoping to convince her it is, Bill joins her volunteering at Daisy’s. 


They are alone, late at night, when an earthquake strikes, and the building collapses around them. 


Frightened and trapped in the rubble, they become closer, and Steffy realizes she’s falling in love with the last man she should.


But is this an attraction born from fear, or is it something much deeper?


 for more information about 
Forbidden Affair
by Amy Andrews.


Collision Course
 by Shannon Curtis

Bill can’t get the plane crash out of his head. 


Flashbacks and nightmares plague his sleep, and his only escape is a bottle of Scotch. 


He’s fooled everyone with his bravado—everyone except Taylor, who realizes he has post-traumatic stress disorder. 


She tricks him into accompanying her to a PTSD clinic and, slowly, Bill begins to see that he needs Taylor’s help.


Brooke is furious they are spending so much time together. How dare Bill confide in Taylor, not her! 


For Bill is finding Taylor – a woman who seems to be his antithesis – generous and loving.


But can Taylor ever trust Bill with her heart?


 for more information.


 by Shannon Curtis

She’s jinxed when it comes to relationships.


That’s what Hope believes as she ends yet another engagement. She jumps at the chance to travel to Australia for a fashion shoot – even if that means getting up close and very personal with former flame, Oliver.


For Oliver, a sailing trip in a tropical paradise is the opportunity to convince the woman he’s always loved to give him a second chance. 


But when Hope and Oliver are caught in a storm and stranded on a desert island, they are soon battling the elements, and their passion for each other. 


 for more information. 


First published by Momentum in 2014
This edition published in 2014 by Momentum
Pan Macmillan Australia Pty Ltd
1 Market Street, Sydney 2000

Copyright © BBL Distribution 2014
The moral right of the author has been asserted.

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A CIP record for this book is available at the National Library of Australia

Second Chances: The Bold and the Beautiful

EPUB format: 9781760080761
Mobi format: 9781760080778

Based on the television series by Bradley P. Bell
Story Editor, Rhonda Friedman
Cover photo by Art Streiber

Cover design by Carrie Kabak
Edited by Vanessa Lanaway
Proofread by Dianne Blacklock

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