Second-Time Bride (3 page)

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Authors: Lynne Graham

BOOK: Second-Time Bride
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The limousine had stopped. She hadn't noticed. She gazed out at the elegant Georgian square and simply knew that she could not bear another single minute in Alessio's company. There was too much pain and confusion biting at her.
‘I'm going to catch a cab back to the office and say you cancelled,' Daisy told him abruptly. ‘Then you can come back on Monday if you like and see the house with someone else.'
‘I don't think your boss would swallow that story.' Alessio's shrewd gaze lingered on her and his expressive mouth took on a curious quirk.
‘I don't care!' Daisy stared back at him defiantly.
‘So you
make stupid decisions on the spur of the moment.'
Colour ran up in a hot, betraying flush beneath her fine skin. She knew exactly what he was getting at. ‘Shut up!' she hissed back.
‘And you still blush like a furnace around spite of your advanced years,' Alessio chided with lazy enjoyment at her embarrassment. ‘And, in spite of
advanced years, you still turn me on hard and fast. Now isn't that fascinating?'
Daisy couldn't believe he had said that. The tip of her tongue stole out in a swift flick to moisten her lower lip. Involuntarily she connected with eyes that now blazed passionate gold, his ebony lashes low on his lingering scrutiny. The heavy silence stretched like a rubber band pulled too taut for safety.
‘If this is your idea of a joke...' she began unevenly.
Alessio surveyed her with slumbrous intensity and a slow, devastating smile curved his mouth. ‘Don't be pious. You're feeling the same thing I'm feeling right now.'
Her breath was trapped in her throat. Daisy could not tear her bemused eyes from the potent lure of his. And it was not an unfamiliar sensation that was creeping over her, she registered in dizzy disbelief; it was an old but never forgotten sensation of quite incredible excitement. The whole atmosphere had a wild, electric charge. Her heartbeat was thundering in her eardrums, her whole body stretched and tight with every nerve-ending ready to leap.
‘Curiosity and excitement,' Alessio enumerated with purring softness.
It was fatal to be so easily read but Daisy couldn't help herself. Slowly but surely she was sinking back to the level of maturity she had reached at the time of the party at which they had first met, and she remembered the sheer, terrifying
of emotion and response which Alessio had evoked in her even at a distance of twenty feet. One look and she had been trembling, pitched on such a high of breathless, desperate yearning that she had felt slaughtered when he'd looked away again. ‘Stop it...' she muttered shakily.
‘I can't. I like to live dangerously now and again,' Alessio revealed huskily.
‘I don't...' But her wretched body was not so scrupulous. She was devastated to feel her breasts, now full and heavy, surge against the lace barrier of her bra, the swollen nipples tightening into shameless, aching peaks.
‘How would you feel about an afternoon of immoral, erotic rediscovery?' Alessio murmured thickly, his scorching golden eyes, as hot as flames, dancing over her heated skin. ‘I'll take you to a hotel. For a few stolen hours, we leave the anger and the bitterness behind and relive the passion...'
Daisy was stunned, and on another level she was recalling the end of that long-ago party when Alessio had finally deigned to speak to her and make the smoothest pass she had ever encountered. She had been stunned then too by his sheer nerve. His brazen disregard of what she had naively seen as normal courting rituals had shocked her rigid. He had planted a drink in her hand and asked her to go to bed with him that night. She had slapped his face.
He had grinned. ‘Tomorrow night?' he had asked with unconcealed amusement in his beautiful eyes, and she should have known then that it would take more than one slap to dent that ego.
‘Daisy...' Alessio breathed.
This time she came back to the present with a sense of intense pain. Her violent eyes were starkly vulnerable; she veiled them. All of a sudden she felt horribly cold and lost. ‘I don't want to relive the passion,' she told him tightly. ‘Yes, you were quite incredible in bed but I wouldn't let you use me like that again. Once was enough. You're trying to put me down this time too. That's one advantage of being a grown-up: I can see the writing on the wall.'
The endless silence pulsed with fierce undertones.
believe I am even having this conversation with you!' Alessio gritted with ferocious abruptness.
‘I suppose it's comforting to know that you haven't changed. You're still a two-timing, oversexed, immoral rat,' Daisy muttered in a choky little voice, valiantly fighting off the threat of the tears damming up behind her burning eyes, ready to spill over.
‘I am none of those things!' Alessio blistered back at her.
‘Creep,' Daisy spat, making a dive to get out of the car. ‘You really are one lousy creep to do this to me! Do you think I'm a whore or something? Do you think I don't know you're trying to humiliate me?'
A strong hand suddenly whipped out to capture one of hers, holding her back. ‘It was an unfortunate impulse. I don't know what came over me. Call it temporary insanity if you like,' he growled savagely. ‘I'm sorry!'
‘Let go of me!'
He did, and Daisy wrenched open the door and almost fell out onto the pavement, sucking in a great gulp of fresh air as she did so. She was shaking like a leaf. She took a tottering step away from the limousine, her gait that of someone who had escaped a traumatic brush with death.
‘And it's really pathetic to still be shooting the same lines at your age!' she slung back at him for good measure.
...will you keep your voice down?' Alessio roared at her, causing an elderly lady walking an apricot poodle to step off the pavement with a frown of well-bred disapproval and give the two of them a very wide berth.
Daisy stole a glance at Alessio, took in the shaken look of uncertainty currently clouding his normally sharp-as-paint gaze and grew in stature with the knowledge that he was handling their unexpected encounter no better than she was. Memories from their volatile teenage years and the effects of shock were driving a horse and cart through any effort they made to behave like civilised, intelligent adults.
‘Look, do you want to see this house or don't you?' she asked stiffly.
‘If you will control your tongue and stop hurling insults, I see no reason why we should not deal with this on a normal business footing,' Alessio drawled with icy control.
N HOUR and a half later, Daisy surveyed the elegant hall of the Georgian house for the hundredth time and wondered how much more time the owners would spend entertaining Alessio. Her presence had not been required to give the grand tour, oh, dear, no!
The Raschids had stayed in specially when they had leamt that Alessio Leopardi was coming to view their beautiful home. Mr Raschid was a diplomat and apparently had met Alessio at an embassy dinner last year. Eager to renew that acquaintance, the couple had lost no time in telling Daisy to wait in the hall, while assuring Alessio that they would give him a far more interesting tour than she could. Well, she
have been rather out of her depth in a three-way conversation taking place in Arabic.
Alessio hadn't looked at her again. Suddenly she had acquired all the invisibility of a lowly maid. And that was how it should be. Like the Raschids, he was a client, just another client, and clients, particularly very wealthy ones, frequently treated the agency staff as something slightly less than human. When she thought about it, their romance thirteen years ago had broken all the class and status rules—Alessio the adored only son of the Leopardi banking dynasty and Daisy the au pair working down the road from his family's palatial summer villa.
They had not one single thing in common. Alessio had grown up as part of a close-knit, supportive family circle but Daisy had lost both her parents by the time she was six. Her elderly grandparents had brought her up. Her entire childhood had been filled with loss and death and sudden change. She had never had security. Illness and old age had taken everyone she cared about until her mother's sister had taken her turn of guardianship when Daisy was sixteen. A career teacher in her late thirties, Janet had encouraged her niece to be more independent than her own parents had allowed. But she had been dubious when Daisy had initially suggested spending the summer before her final year at school working as an au pair.
‘I bet you land a ghastly family who treat you like a skivvy and expect you to slave for them day and night,' Janet had forecast worriedly.
In fact, Daisy had been very lucky. The agency had matched her up with a friendly, easygoing couple who owned a small villa in Tuscany and went there every summer with their children. The Morgans had given her plenty of time off and Liz Morgan had gone out of her way to see that Daisy met other young people. The very first week, Daisy had been invited to the party where she'd met Alessio.
He had roared up on a monster motorbike, sheathed in black jeans with a hole in one knee and a white T-shirt. Tousled, curly ebony hair had been blown back from his lean, vibrantly handsome features and an entire room of adolescent girls had gone weak at the knees with a collective gasp. What was more, his own sex had clustered round him with equal enthusiasm. Alessio had been hugely popular, the indisputable leader of the pack.
Even then he'd had an undeniable golden aura. One had had the feeling that even on a rainy day the sun would still shine exclusively around Alessio. He'd had the immense and boundless self-assurance of a being who had always led a charmed life. The angels had not been having forty winks when Alessio was born. Alessio had been young, beautiful, academically brilliant and rich. And Daisy's greatest attraction could only have been that she was different from the girls he was used to dating. The new face, the foreigner, who had to work to get a taste of the sun, had stood out from the familiar crowd.
But she hadn't known who he was then. His name had meant nothing to her. And even after being slapped Alessio had still trailed her all the way back to the Morgan villa on his motorbike when she had walked out on the party. Since losing face in public was every teenager's worst nightmare, she had been upset. The more she had told him to grow up and get lost, the more he had laughed. She had been convinced that he was sending her up for her shocked response to that proposition of his, embarrassingly aware that she had overreacted and that a smart verbal rejoinder would have been infinitely more adult.
‘Anyone will give me a reference. I'm a really wonderful guy when you get to know me,' he told her, with a shimmering, teasing smile that made her vulnerable heart sing. ‘And I'm delighted you're not the sort of girl who gives her all on a first date. Not that I would have said no, you understand...but the occasional negative response is probably better for my character.'
‘You really like yourself, don't you?' she snapped.
‘At least I don't lurk behind the furniture, scared to speak to people, and react like a startled rabbit when they speak to me,' he retorted, quick as a flash.
And she fled indoors, slunk up to her bedroom and cried herself to sleep. But Alessio showed up again early the next morning. Liz brought him into the kitchen where Daisy was clearing up the breakfast dishes. The whole time Alessio was with her the older woman hovered, staring at Alessio as if she couldn't quite believe he was real.
‘I'll pick you up at seven...OK?' he said levelly, quite unconcerned by his audience. ‘We'll go for a meal somewhere.'
‘Smile,' he said, cheerfully ruffling the hair of the two-year-old girl clinging to his leg. ‘She can smile at me...why can't you?'
‘I wasn't expecting you.'
His mouth quirked. ‘You're not supposed to admit things like that.'
Liz cornered her the instant he departed. ‘Daisy, if I acted a little weird, put it down to me being shocked at the sight of a Leopardi entering my humble home.'
‘Why?' Daisy frowned.
‘We've been coming here every summer for ten years and I still can't get as much as nod of acknowledgement from the Leopardis! His parents are mega-rich—as well as their villa here they've got a huge mansion in Rome, where they live most of the time—and they are very exclusive in their friendships,' she explained uncomfortably. ‘And Alessio has a reputation with girls that would turn any mother's hair white overnight. But he usually sticks with his own set. Please don't take this the wrong way, Daisy...but do you really think you can handle a young man like that? He's seen a lot more of life than you have.'
But Daisy didn't listen. Alessio did not seem remotely snobbish. And Alessio's unknown parents interested her not at all.
He rolled up in a low-slung scarlet sports car to take her out that evening. Daisy was impressed to death but Liz grabbed her husband in horror as she peered out from behind the curtains. ‘I don't believe it! They've bought a
a Ferrari! Are the Leopardis out of their minds?'
All the trappings of fantasy were there—the gorgeous guy who had miraculously picked her out of a wealth of beautiful, far more sophisticated girls, the fabulous car. That night they dined in a ritzy restaurant in Florence. Daisy was overpowered by her surroundings until Alessio reached across the table and twined her tense fingers soothingly in his, and then she quite happily surrendered to being overpowered by him instead.
On the drive back, he stopped the car, drew her confidently into his arms and kissed her. About ten seconds into that wildly exciting experience, he started teaching her
to kiss, laughing when she got embarrassed, laughing even harder when she tried to excuse her inexpert technique by pleading cultural differences. But surprisingly he didn't attempt to do anything more than kiss her. He was
different away from his friends. Romantic, tender, unexpectedly serious.
‘Do you know I still haven't asked you what you're studying at college?' Alessio remarked carelessly at one point.
‘History and English. I want to be an infant teacher,' she said shyly, and if he hadn't kissed her again she might have told him that she was already worrying that in a year's time she mightn't get good enough grades to make it onto the particular teacher-training course which her aunt had advised her to set her sights on.
‘You wouldn't believe how relieved I am to hear that you're studying for your degree,' Alessio confided lazily. ‘I was afraid you might still be at school.'
And she realised then that there had been a misunderstanding. She attended a sixth-form college for sixteen- to eighteen-year-olds,
a college of further education which would equip her with a degree. ‘Would it have made a difference... if I had been?' she prompted uneasily.
‘Of course it would have made a difference.' Alessio frowned down at her in surprise. ‘I don't date schoolgirls. It may be only a matter of a couple of years but there's a huge gap in experience and maturity. You can't have an equal relationship on those terms. It would make me feel as if I had too much of an advantage and I wouldn't feel comfortable with that.'
And Daisy felt even less comfortable listening to him. She realised that Alessio would never have asked her out had he known what age she was. And that if she told him he had been given the wrong information he wouldn't want to see her again. So how could she admit to being only seventeen?
Choosing not to tell him the truth didn't feel like lying that night. It felt like a harmless pretence. She had not thought through what she was doing in allowing Alessio to believe that she was older than she was. It did not once cross her dizzy brain that there would come a time of reckoning and exposure... and that Alessio would be understandably outraged by her deception. By the end of that evening, she was walking on air and fathoms deep in love...
Daisy emerged from that unsettling recollection to find herself
taking up space in the Raschids' spacious hall. The sound of voices alerted her to the fact that she was about to have company again. She stood up just as the Raschids and Alessio appeared at the head of the staircase. Her uneasy eyes slid over him and lowered, but not before she'd seen his frown of surprise.
‘I assumed you would have returned to the agency,' he admitted on the pavement outside.
‘My boss definitely wouldn't have liked that. Have you any queries?' Daisy prompted stiffly, ignoring the chauffeur, who had the door of the limousine open in readiness.
‘Yes...were you sitting in that hall the entire time I was looking round the house?'
‘No, I was swinging off the chandelier for light amusement! What do you think I was doing?'
‘If I had known you were waiting, I wouldn't have spent so much time with the Raschids. Did you even get a cup of coffee?'
Daisy's head was pounding. She was at the end of her rope. ‘Are you trying to tell me that you care?' she derided. ‘One minute you're calling me a—
' she gasped incredulously as he dropped two determined hands to her tiny waist, swept her very efficiently off her feet and deposited her at supersonic speed in the limousine. ‘Why the heck did you do that?' she demanded breathlessly as he swung in beside her.
‘If we're about to have another argument, I prefer to stage it in privacy,' Alessio imparted drily. In the time he had been away from her, he had reinstated the kind of steely control that mocked her own turbulent confusion.
‘Look, I don't want another argument. I only want to go home.'
‘I'll take you there.'
Daisy froze. ‘No, thanks.'
‘Then I'll drop you back at the agency. It's on my route.'
‘You're being all polite now,' she muttered, and it infuriated her that she sounded childish.
‘We both overreacted earlier.' Shrewd, dauntingly dispassionate eyes rested on her hot cheeks. ‘I'm prepared to admit that I threw the first stone. Calling you a greedy bitch for accepting a settlement on our divorce was inexcusable. You were entitled to that settlement. Unfortunately, after a very few minutes in your company, I regressed to being nineteen again. But I can't see why it has to continue like that. Thirteen years is a
long time.'
So why all of a sudden did it feel like the fast blink of an eyelid to her? Yet she had only to look at Alessio to know how much time had passed. He no longer smouldered like a volatile volcano. Alessio now had the ability to turn freezingly cool and civil. She moistened her dry lips. ‘If you're interested in the house, you won't have to deal with me again. I was standing in for someone else today.'
‘And you're not a great saleswoman around me.'
‘I don't even know what kind of property you're looking for.'
‘You didn't ask.'
‘Not much point in asking now.' Daisy sat on the edge of the seat in the corner furthest away from him.
An uncomfortable silence followed.
‘I wasn't lying when I said that I still find you attractive,' Alessio breathed grimly.
Daisy tensed, her head high, her neck aching with the stress of the position.
‘Nor was I trying to put you down,' Alessio drawled with an audible edge of distaste. ‘But some lustful urges are better suppressed.'
A lustful urge? In her mind's eye, she pictured a sleek wolf circling a dumb sheep. And with shrinking reluctance she recalled her own response to Alessio's sexual taunting in the car earlier. Thinking about that response devastated her. For a few terrifying seconds Alessio had somehow made her want him again. And, worst of all, Alessio
what he had achieved. He had resurrected an intense sexual awareness that was stronger than anything she had ever expected to feel again and she hated him for doing that—hated him for forcing her to accept that he could still have that power over her.

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