Secret Historian: The Life and Times of Samuel Steward, Professor, Tattoo Artist, and Sexual Renegade (66 page)

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Authors: justin spring

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Social Science, #College teachers - Illinois - Chicago, #Gay authors, #Literary, #Human Sexuality, #Novelists; American - 20th century, #General, #Sexology - Research - United States - History - 20th century, #Psychology, #Artists; Architects; Photographers, #Body Art & Tattooing, #Authors; American, #College teachers, #Gay authors - United States, #Steward; Samuel M, #Tattoo artists, #Pornography - United States - History - 20th century, #Novelists; American, #Gay Studies, #Authors; American - 20th century, #Education, #Art, #Educators, #Pornography, #20th century, #Tattoo artists - New York (State) - New York, #Sexology, #Poets; American, #Literary Criticism, #Poets; American - 20th century, #Biography & Autobiography, #Teaching Methods & Materials, #Biography

BOOK: Secret Historian: The Life and Times of Samuel Steward, Professor, Tattoo Artist, and Sexual Renegade
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Peyrefitte, Roger


Phil Andros fiction; “Ace in the Hole,” “Arrangement in Black and White,”
Below the Belt and Other Stories
; “The Blacks and Mr. Bennett” (“Sea Change”);
The Boys in Blue
San Francisco Hustler
); “A Collar for Achilles,” “Death and the Tattoo,”
Greek Ways
Blow for Blow
); “H Squared,” “I (Cupid) and the Gangster,” “Love Me Little, Love Me Long,” “Mirror, Mirror,”
My Brother, the Hustler
; “Once in a Blue Moon,” “The Peachiest Fuzz” (Andros); Perineum Press republication of; “Pig in a Poke,” “The Poison Tree,”
Renegade Hustler
The Joy Spot
; “Tattooed Harpist, The,” “Two-Bit Whore,”
When in Rome, Do…
Roman Conquests
); “World Rat #111,”

Phil Sparrow’s Tattoo Joynt

physique magazines

Physique Pictorial

Picasso, Pablo

Pick, Witold

Picture of Dorian Gray, The

“Pig in a Poke” (Andros)

Pilgrim Hawk, The

Pittinger, Norman

Pius XII, Pope


Playing the Game: The Homosexual Novel in America

“Plight of Gay Novelists, The” (panel discussion)

Poetry Society of America

“Poison Tree, A” (Blake)

“Poison Tree, The” (Andros)

Pomeroy, Ralph

Pomeroy, Wardell; SMS correspondence

Pompes Funebres

“Pool Cue, The” (Stames)

pornography and obscenity laws

pornography business; as work for hire

Porter, Cole

Porter, Katherine Anne

Post Office, U.S.

Potomac News Company

Pound, Ezra

Pratt, John

Preston, John

Prokosch, Frederick

prostitutes, male,

“Provocatives of the Oxford Movement and its Nexus with English Literary Romanticism” (Steward; dissertation)

Provoo, John David

pseudonyms: author’s use of; of SMS

psychedelic drugs

pulp fiction, homosexuals as portrayed in, ix

Purdy, James


“Pussies in Boots” (Bishop)



Things As They Are
; Stein)


Quebec, Canada


Querelle de Brest
(Genet); SMS’s translation of



Rame, Knud (Kim Kent)

Raven, Cliff (Cliff Ingram); SMS as mentor to

Raven, Simon

Rechy, John

Reginato, George

Reichenbach, Francois

Reigen, Der
La Ronde
; Schnitzler)

Reik, Theodore

Renaissance Group

Renegade Hustler

Renslow, Chuck; as pimp; police raids on; pornographic filmmaking by; as sexual dominant; “slave compound” of; SMS’s sadomasochistic encounters with

Reyes, Johnny

Richie, Donald

Riley, Emmet

The Joy Spot
; Andros)

Road Wolves

Robbins, Jerome

Robinson, Roy

Rocky Mountaineers Motorcycle Club

Roeg, Nicolas

Rofes, Eric

Rogers, Mildred Weston

Rogers, William G.

Rohan, Princess Dilkusha de

Rohan, Rudolph de

Röhm, Ernst

Rojas, Pete

Rolland, Romain

Rolling Stones

Roman Conquests
see When in Rome, Do…

Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone, The

Rome, SMS in

Ronde, La
Der Reigen
; Schnitzler)

Ronde, La

Rood, John

Roosevelt University

Rops, Felicien

Rose, Beryl

Rose, Cyril Stanley

Rose, Elizabeth

Rose, Francis; Anger and; Crabb scandal and; Luis and; mental illness of; SMS and; Stein

Rose, Francis (
) and; Toklas and

Rose, Frederica

Rose, Minnie

Rose Tattoo, The

Roth v. United States

Rouy, Laetitia

Rubin, Gayle

Ryan, Patrick



Sade, Marquis de


Sagarin, Edward (Donald Webster Cory)

sailors: as sexually available; SMS’s fascination with; tattoos and

Saint Genet

Saki (H. H. Munro)

Saklovitch, Tommy

San Francisco, Calif.: AIDS in; leather movement in; SMS’s trips to; tattooing in; YMCAs in

San Francisco Examiner

San Francisco Hustler
see Boys in Blue, The

San Francisco State College

San Jose Gay Liberation Front

Saroyan, William

Sartor Resartus

Sartre, Jean-Paul

Saying Life

Saylor, Stephen

Schmidt, Danny

Schnitzler, Arthur

Schoen, William P., Jr.

Schuler, Ralph

Scorpio Rising

“Sea Change” (“The Blacks and Mr. Bennett” Andros)

Seale, Bobby

Sebree, Charles


Second City Motorcycle Club

Senemaud, Lucien

“Sergeant with the Rose Tattoo, The” (Stames)

Seven in a Barn

Sewanee Review

sexual inverts,
homosexuals, homosexuality

sexually transmitted diseases

Sexual Response in the Human Female
(Kinsey); public response to

Sexual Response in the Human Male
(Kinsey); homosexuality in; public response to

Shakespeare and Company

Shelley, Percy Bysshe

Shropshire Lad, A

Signoret, Simone

Si le grain ne meurt

Simon, Linda

Simon and Schuster

Simpson, Al

SIR (Society for Individual Rights)

Sisson, Ginger

63: Dream Palace

Skelton, John

Smith, Bruce

Society for Individual Rights (SIR)

Society of Janus


Song of Aaron

Song of the Loon

Songs of Experience

South State Street, Chicago

Spanish Civil War

Sparrow, Phil (pseud. of SMS)

Sparrow, Philip (pseud. of SMS)


Speer, Albert

Spicer, Jack

: SMS’s use of term;
see also
Steward, Samuel M., sex life, group sex parties

Sportland Arcade, Chicago

Sprague, Gregory

Squires, Ellen

Stames, Ward (pseud. of SMS)

Stanford Court Apartments, San Francisco

Steegmuller, Francis

Stein, Allan

Stein, Gertrude; art collection of; Bilignin château of; death of; lesbianism of; mentorship of SMS; Paris salon of; Rose and; on SMS as writer; SMS correspondence, v; SMS’s meetings with; SMS’s telephone call to; Wilder and

Stein, Leo

Stein, Michael

Stein, Roubina

Steiner, Ralph

Stekel, Wilhelm

Stephen (artistic pseud. of Orejudos),
Orejudos, Domingo Stephan

Stevens, Hal

Steve’s Health Club

Steward, Mrs. (mother)

Steward, Samuel M.: aging as concern of; alcoholism of; as ambivalent toward homosexuals; autograph collecting by; ballet and opera interests of; Berkeley bungalow of; book reviews by; Catholicism rejected by; Chicago apartments of; childhood and adolescence of; conversion to Catholicism of; correspondence of,
see individual correspondents
; death of; depression and emotional breakdowns of; dogs of; drug addictions of; duplicity and bad behavior as attractive to; food allergies of; good luck amulet of; health problems of; hoarding by; homophile journalism by; isolation and loneliness of; Steward, Samuel M. (
) lifelong sexual statistics of; mentoring role assumed by; as outsider; paintings and drawings by; Peterson-Schuessler murders and; popularity among students; prolonged intimacy avoided by; pseudonyms of;
see also specific pseudonyms
; psychotherapy career considered by; religious upbringing of; risk-taking by; robberies and assaults on; self-awareness of; self-destructiveness of; self-esteem of, v; sobriety of; societal norms rejected by; suicide attempt; Swiss bank accounts of; syphilis contracted by; testicular cancer of; truthfulness as important to; use of Latin terms by; as voracious reader; will of;
World Book
job of

Steward, Samuel M., academic career; Carroll College; Davis and Elkins College; DePaul’s firing of; DePaul University; growing contempt for; homosexual topics addressed by; as jeopardized by tattooing business; Loyola; “Mutability in Spenser” (master’s thesis); Ohio State; PhD dissertation; as popular teacher; “Provocatives of the Oxford Movement and its Nexus with English Literary Romanticism” (dissertation); State College of Washington at Pullman

Steward, Samuel M., European trips of: 1937; 1939; 1950; 1952; 1957–58; 1958–59; 1961–62; 1963; 1964; 1966

Steward, Samuel M., fiction and poetry;
Angels on the Bough
The Caravaggio Shawl
; “Libation to a Dead God,”
Love Poems: Homage to Housman
Murder Is Murder Is Murder
Pan and the fire-bird
Parisian Lives
A-Hunting We Will Go!
translation by; Stein on; unpublished Chicago novel; “Virginia to Harlotta,”

Steward, Samuel M., homoerotic writings; “Baby Tiger,” “Bargain Hunters, The,”
Bell-Bottom Trousers
; early stories; “Jungle Cat,” “The Link,” “Little Lamb, Who Made Thee?,” Lynes correspondence; as Phil Andros,
Phil Andros fiction; “The Pool Cue,” “Sergeant with the Rose Tattoo, The,” “toilet correspondence,” “A Trap for Tigers,”

Steward, Samuel M., journals and diaries; European trips; San Francisco; tattooing/sex journal

Steward, Samuel M., nonfiction;
articles by;
Bad Boys and Tough Tattoos
; “Bull Market in America, The,”
Chapters from an Autobiography
Dear Sammy: Letters from Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas
; “Detachment: A Way of Life,” “George Platt Lynes: The Man,” “Homosexual’s Adjustment, The,”
Illinois Dental Journal
column; “In Defense of Erotica,”
column; “The Negro Homosexual in America,” “Pussies in Boots,”
Understanding the Male Hustler
; unpublished memoirs; “What’s New in Sodom?,”

Steward, Samuel M., sex life; with black men; diminishment of; disciplinary devices collected by; discovery of homosexual identity by; early experiences; erotica collection of; fantasy photographs of; as focus of SMS’s life; group sex parties; with hustlers; “latriniana” collection of; as male prostitute; memorabilia of; ongoing relationships; with pickups; Polaroid photographs by; record-keeping by;
see also
Steward, Samuel M., journals and diaries; rough trade as appealing to; sadomasochism of; sailor/uniform obsession of ; sex devices created by; Stud File; in Tattoo Joynt back room; unrequited passion for younger men of; with Wilder; working-class partners as appealing to

Steward, Samuel M., tattooing; academic career jeopardized by; Anchor Tattoo Shop;
magazine article about; Cliff Raven mentored by; as dangerous lifestyle; early business; entrepreneurial talent revealed by; as full-time career; Hells Angels and; and lawsuit threats; Milwaukee parlor of; personal tattoos of; Phil Sparrow’s Tattoo Joynt of; record-keeping and;
see also
Steward, Samuel M., journals and diaries; relationship of sex to; rose imagery in; sailors as particular focus of; as seasonal business; Sportland Arcade booth of

Steward, Samuel Vernon; as absent father; as abusive spouse; Bible class taught by; death of; drug and alcohol addictions of; SMS’s break with

Steward, Virginia,
Harper, Virginia

Stewart, Junior

Stone, Idella Purnell

Straight to Hell/The Manhattan Institute of Unnatural Acts

Strange Confession of Monsieur Montcairn, The

Streatham, Gregory

Stroh, Gerhard “Gary,”


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