Secrets of War: A Military Romance (12 page)

BOOK: Secrets of War: A Military Romance
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“Ohhhh…this is gonna be my kind of car ride,” Mercer retorted sarcastically as he and Geri followed them out.





amie wasn’t about to sit in the waiting room all night while Suzy was in her room alone. He waited about an hour before finally sneaking into her room. The sight of her lying there, tubes coming out of what seemed to be everywhere her skin pale, with obvious bruises and swelling on her face where that monster had hit her; made him angry enough to march down the hall and finish killing that asshole, all over again.

Feeling down and deflated by her appearance and condition, he stepped to her bedside and sat down next to her, wanting desperately to pick her up and hold her in his arms. He tried to imagine his life without Suzy in it ever again, and he couldn’t. She had to be okay, and she had to marry him. There was just no other option.

“Don’t you go trying to leave me,” he whispered kissing her cheek. He sat there holding her hand talking to her for hours. The evening nurse came in to check on her and rather than make him leave, she made him promise if she woke up, he wouldn’t upset her. Which was an easy promise to make.

It was in the wee hours of the morning when there was finally a stirring from Suzy. “Uhhh…” she said wincing in pain as she opened her eyes, slowly blinking.

“Baby? Baby can you hear me?” Jamie asked her.

“J-Jamie?” Suzy whispered in a raspy breath. “Throat dry…”

Jamie jumped up and poured her a glass of ice water, then grabbed a straw. “Here’s a little water for you baby,” he said helping her hold her head up long enough to take a sip of water. “Is that better?”

She only nodded.

“Suzy? Suzy honey, can I tell you something before your go back to sleep?” he asked her.

“Mmmm…..hmm,” she replied nodding with her eyes closed.

Jamie chuckled at her spaced out behavior. “I love you Suzanne Stephenson and when you are better, I’m going to make you my wife.”

“Love you too,” she replied patting his hand before falling back to sleep.


* * * *


It’d been three days since the AIDS ball and Suzy was doing a lot better. The doctors were going to move her out of the ICU the following day with the hope that she could go home three days later.

Jamie had hardly left her side, leaving only twice. Once to change and a shower and then take Tuck to Geri and Jade who’d graciously agreed to take care of him. Then, once to go to the court the morning of his mother’s arraignment to inform her attorney they would pay no bail for her and even his attorney’s fees would be limited, so it would be to his best interest to get his client to take a deal. He’d left his father to talk to her and explain the way things were going to work from now on, having no interest in seeing or talking to her. He felt he might never wish to do so again. When he’d stated she was done to his father, he meant it.

Both times, Izzy sat by her side, holding her hand and making sure the nurses were taking care of any need Suzy might have.

He was walking down the halls of the hospital on his way to Suzy’s room reading his emails, not really paying attention to where he was going. Then was reminded of what a bad idea it was when he ran into someone in the hall. To his surprise, it was Sarah Mae and Jessip Henderson. “I’m sorry! I should’ve been watching where I was going.”


* * * *


“It’s okay. I was hoping I would run into you here,” Sarah Mae said with her arms draped around her son.

“Yeah? Why is that?”

“I wanted to apologize to Suzy. I just didn’t think she would want to see me. So I wanted to tell you, not everyone in my family thinks like Rich. As a matter of fact we’ve gotten his second test results saying he doesn’t have HIV. I’m just so sorry for what I’ve said and done in dealing with this whole thing.” Sarah Mae looked away in shame from Jamie’s intense gaze.

She almost felt too ashamed to come here today but she had to make her part in all this right, and the sooner the better. She’d moved out of the house she’d shared with her husband the night of the ball, and gone back to her parents’ home. Thanks to Ms. Geri, she was going to be living in the apartment above Suzy’s shop and working there full time. She only hoped Suzanne would approve. She felt so grateful to her for her kindness, especially after what’d happened to her granddaughter. She’d told Sarah Mae if Suzy was well she would have insisted on them helping her.

“Thank you for the apology Sarah Mae, but you’re not responsible for what Rich does. I know Suzy would tell you the same thing. I know she’ll be happy to hear that Jessip is going to be okay. If you want, you can go in with me now,” Jamie finally said.

Sarah Mae looked to him in such relief cracking a half smile. “Can I? That would be so great. I just feel so ashamed of the person I’m married to,” she replied.

“Well, I too, am ashamed of a relative of mine, so I can understand. Come on let’s go see Suzy.” He gave her his elbow to escort her into Suzy’s room.


* * * *


The two ladies talked for the next hour like they were old friends, and Jamie fell even deeper in love with his Suzy. After all that this family had put her through, she held no animosity toward Sarah Mae and actually was very concerned for her and Jessip.

“I’m so glad that she was able to get away from Rich,” she told him when Sarah Mae and Jessip had left.

“Yeah, she’s a nice lady. But enough about her. How are you really feeling today?”

“Physically fine, a little sore but I’m starting to feel a lot better. Emotionally…well, that is another story.”

“Why?” he asked sitting next to her.

“Momma told me you aren’t willing to help your mother, and that you’ve had her moved out of the ranch. Jamie this isn’t you. What are you doing?”

“I’m taking care of
family!” he sternly. “I have every intention to move you, Geri and Jade out to the ranch as soon as you are able to leave this place and I will not have her anywhere on the property.”

“Jamie, she’s your mother,” she replied finding that was the only real argument she could come up with.

“I think that is in question,” he said pausing to chuckle with her. “But if that’s what we are going to go with, then I’m going to have to remind you that very soon, you are going to be my wife.”

“I love you so much for that,” she said stroking his cheek. “The way you want to love and protect me. But I don’t want us to start our family this way. Separated. I need you to figure out a way to forgive her.”

“I never thought I would hear those words coming from you,” Sally said from the doorway, surprising them both.

“MOTHER WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?” Jamie said jumping up off the bed, to act as a barrier between her and Suzy.

“Hear her out son,” Mercer said stepping into the room behind his wife.

Jamie stood staring at his mother. Anger, hurt and resentment shining in his eyes like the flames of an inferno.

“I know I’ve been terrible to you, and I have no defense. I can’t even say I would be doing this if my husband wasn’t divorcing me and my son cutting me off. I don’t really know what has happened to me. But I can honestly say, I had no idea Rich was going to hurt you. I know that’s not an excuse but I need you to know that I’m sorry and I hope that you can forgive me.”

“You think that is good enough after all you have done to her, mother?” Jamie started to yell, “I warned you—”

“Jamie! Jamie!” Suzy said cutting him off. “I think she was talking to me. I don’t suppose you would give me a minute alone with Sally, would you?”

“NO! Absolutely not!” he replied while crossing his arms over his chest.

“Good Afternoon….” Izzy said walking into Suzy’s room with a huge bouquet of flowers. “Wait, did I take a right at bitch village?” she was looking at the name on the door.

“Izzy!” Suzy greeted her. “Can you please give me ten minutes, and come back?”

Looking to Jamie, Izzy realized Suzy had all the protection she needed. “I don’t like it, but I’ll be back in ten minutes.”

“Okay, so I guess we will have to do this another way. Sally, I love Jamie and I’m going to spend the rest of my life loving him and doing the best I can to be everything he needs. You are his mother, you love him and you want to protect him. I understand that, but I don’t trust you. I don’t know if I ever will. I guess time will tell. I hope over time, you can change that. But I don’t want you out of what will now be
family. So, I really hope your apology is real.”

“Thank you,” Sally replied humbly. Wiping tears from her face. “I’m glad that you are okay.”

“I on the other hand, am not as understanding as my beautiful bride. Mother, you are to stay away from my family. That’s it.”

“Jamie,” Suzy said reaching for his hand. She stroked his cheek lovingly and whispered, “It wasn’t long ago, you had to ask forgiveness for something you’d done that in your eyes, was unforgivable. Be the man I know you are, and show your mother a little grace.”

Jamie rested his head against hers, her presence in his life giving him patience and faith in a happily ever after that he’d never had before. “Pops, I will have you and…her set up in the mansion in town. Make sure you have everything you need. I will not pay legal fees; I’m not bending on that.”

“Thank you, son. I knew I raised a good man,” Mercer said stepping forward.

“Thank you Jamie,” Sally whispered.

“Don’t go thanking me yet. You have done enough so much hurt over the years, mother. I can’t promise I won’t change my mind. But for this woman. This life, this love. I’m willing to try,” he said seeing no one else in the room but Suzy.

“Well, no matter the reason, your mercy is appreciated,” Sally stated sadly.

“Well, we’re going to get out of here and give you two some privacy,” Mercer replied taking Sally’s arm.

“Thank you for coming by,” Suzy replied

“Of course,” Mercer said kissing her cheek.

“I am so very sorry Suzanne,” Sally said with tears on her cheeks.

Once they left. Jamie looked to Suzy, loving her more and more by the minute. “I can’t imagine taking my next breath without you. When I’m not with you, the air is so much harder to breathe. These past months were a living hell. You are my air and I thank God, he didn’t take you from me,” Jamie said kissing her.

Suzy scooted over in the bed, so he could climb in next to her. As they lay, finally happy in love, Suzy realized something and she gasped. “You know what?” she asked.


“Today is the anniversary of the day we first said I love you all those years ago,” she whispered.

“It’s like it was meant to be,” he said kissing her.


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