Seduce (17 page)

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Authors: Lexi Buchanan

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Business, #Adult

BOOK: Seduce
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I opened the door for her then ushered her into the lounge, w
here my four brothers were lounging around.  Lily was about to sit down when she spotted a cluster of photographs sitting on the piano by the window. My mother loved to look at our photographs on nearly a daily basis.

don’t want to miss those, Lily,” Sebastian advised while I tried to pull her into a chair.

I groaned.
  “Yes, she really does.”

“Okay, now I’
m really curious.”  She winked at me and walked over to have a look at them.

The photographs were of me and my brother
’s from childhood straight through to adulthood.  My brothers snickered in the background until they saw mother standing in the doorway watching Lily.  She had an odd look on her face.

“Do you like my photo
graph gallery?” she asked Lily.

I do, although when they were younger, it’s hard to decide which one’s Michael.”

“Don’t worry
, Lily. I had that trouble when they were running around.  In fact, sometimes I’d put them in different colored shirts.  Anyway, Michael said you would like a coffee, so get comfortable and Michael can come collect your coffee for you.”

“Oh, that’
s fine. I’ll come and get it myself.”  She followed my mother out of the lounge and I collapsed on the chair opposite Lucien.

Sebastian, Ruben and Ramon stood and started to walk out of t
he room.  “Just remember, Lily’s mine.”

“Yeah, we know,” Sebastian

I loo
ked back to Lucien.  “Was there a departure planned?”

“What do you think
, brother?”

“Get on with it t
hen because I’m presuming they have gone to distract Lily in the kitchen while we have this chat.”

“Have yo
u told Lily?” Lucien asked me.

I could
play dumb and pretend I had no idea what he was talking about, but if I did, eventually I’d have to give him the same answer.  “No,” I whispered.  “You do not tell her, it’s up to me.”

“She needs to kn
ow, Michael.  I’m not blind. I can see the way she looks at you and I’ve seen the way you look at her.  Whatever is between you both is more than just a passing fancy.  It isn’t fare to keep something this important from her.”

y temper started to rise.  The last thing I needed was a lecture from my big brother.  “This has nothing to do with you Lucien.”

“I know that, but I like her.”

I started to rise.

“That’s all
Michael.  She’s more like a sister.  I can talk to her and she listens.  All I want from her is friendship and so you don’t get the wrong idea, I’ll tell you, that the next time I’m in town, I plan on taking her out for coffee, during lunch.  I figured you would go mental if I suggested after work.”

I trusted my
brother and realistically I’d started to trust Lily.  She was nothing like Viv, so I could handle Lily being friends with my brothers.  But there was no way I was going to have the conversation with Lily that Lucien wanted me to.

I’ll tell her when I’m ready and not before, and certainly not when you order me to.”

“Is it safe to come in here?  Sebastian told me you two were having a discussion.”

I was still pissed at Lucien and couldn’t quite rid my face of the scowl.

“Lily, ignore Michael, he’
s a bit out of sorts.  Come and sit here.”  Lucien patted the seat to the side of him.

She walked over to the sofa w
here Lucien was sitting and hesitated slightly before taking a seat.  I realized I should have sat somewhere that she could  join me.

Not liking the look on Lucien’s face, I stood up
, walked over and sat beside her, pulling her to my chest, just before my other three brothers walked back into the room, followed by my mom.

“Where’s D
ad?” I asked.

“He’s outside, insisting on supervising the

was my dad, he always had to have control.  Probably where me and my brothers got it from.

My mo
ther sat in the seat by the window and every now and again I would catch her looking over to me and Lily.  I knew what she was doing.  She wanted me to admit Lily was more than a colleague.  She’d seen how I reacted when I brought Lily here a couple of weeks before.  I couldn’t claim her as my woman back then.

I kissed Lily on the back of her head then faced my mom
.  “Lily’s with me now.”

My mother
burst into tears.  Well, I sure as hell hadn’t expected that.  Lily started to stand to go to her, but my mother waved her back down.

“I’m sorry.
I’m not sure where that came from.  After all these years of worrying about him, he finally has a lovely girl.”

“Mom, Lily’s a bit bigger than a girl,” Sebastian pointed
out, only to have Lucien kick him.  He was sitting the closest.

“Sebastian Elias
McKenzie, you will not embarrass Lily.  She is a guest in the house and Michael’s girlfriend. I don’t want her frightened away by you.”

ma’am.”  My brothers laughed until mother glared at them.

“Well, on that note, I think Lily and I will head off.  The security p
eople know what they have to do, so tell Dad to leave them to it.  That’s what they are getting paid for.”

Lucien stood and held his hand out for
Lily.  She placed her hand in his as he pulled her up from the sofa.  I joined them and pulled her back to me.

She grinned up at
me.  “Stop acting jealous,” she whispered.

“I’m not acting.
I am!”  She rolled her eyes.

that we have established Lily’s your woman, do you think we could hug her goodbye without you throwing punches?”

“God, just get it over with.” I just wanted Lily to myself.

She hugged my brothers, but when she got to Lucien, they hugged and Lucien gave her a card with his phone numbers on it.

“If you ever have a problem
or just want to talk, my cell number is on there,” he said to her.

“Thank you. 
I’ll see you soon for a coffee,” Lily replied.

“You sure will.”

At that point, I just took hold of Lily’s hand and practically dragged her out of the house to my car.


Chapter 37

~~ LILY ~~

in Michael’s car, I rested my head against the seat and looked out of the window.  Not seeing anything, my mind drifted back to the picnic.  It was a really good day and being with Michael, made it all the more special.

hadn’t been expecting the orgasm he gave me in the garage, actually make that two.  I thought I was going to end up a puddle on the floor.  The pleasure that had shot through me was indescribable.

His brothers were
great, and Sebastian was obviously the flirt of the family, but it was Lucien who had fast become my favorite of his brothers.  He was scarred, although I could only see his hand, he had talked to me about them and about the accident he was involved in.

fterward, he’d been shocked that he’d opened up so much, but I’d told him he could talk to me anytime without it getting back to anyone, including Michael.

When Lucien
asked me if I would meet him for coffee, I’d told him I would, but as a friend.  He’d told me that since the accident it was all he had to offer.  I wasn’t too sure what he’d meant by that, because he only mentioned his upper body being scarred, not down below.  Then again, I suppose it wasn’t something you would discuss with a woman.

’d teased me a bit about his brother until Ramon interrupted.  Out of all Michael’s brothers, I would say that Ramon was the reserved one.  The other’s liked to flirt, not as much as Sebastian, but the flirting was there, except for Ramon. It seemed as though he had a lot on his mind.

’d wandered over and ate some delicious food. I ate a lot more than I normally would have done during the day, but when standing in front of dishes and dishes of my favorite foods, I hadn’t been able to resist.

Oh, I was
aware of Michael keeping an eye on me and never too far away.  A few times he’d started walking over to me and ended up getting waylaid by Jacky, Dale or someone else.  He seemed to be popular with the staff.  I also noticed all the single women giving him the eye, and I was proud to say that he never once glanced in their direction.

Being in his arms on the dance floor for all
to see had been amazing.  He had claimed me and our relationship in front of everyone we worked with.  I knew it was the start of our relationship, but it had felt right being in his arms and not having to hide anymore.

’d been so aroused in his arms and wouldn’t have given a rats ass if he’d picked me up and impaled me on his cock in the middle of the dance floor. When he’d dragged me into the dark corner and I’d seen the head of his penis peeping out from the waist of his jeans, I’d been hit with a surge of lust so strong he was damn lucky I hadn’t dropped to my knees then and there.

I cough
ed and wriggled around in my seat to try and get into a more comfortable position, because I’d managed to arouse myself and the ache between my legs throbbed.

“Are you okay?” Michael asked.

“Aching and wet!” I replied without any hesitation.

He cursed and swerved slightly.

“I think you need to concentrate on where we’re going.”

“I think you need to think before you speak.”

I laughed.  “I was…. I was thinking about when we were dancing in the barn and how hot it was seeing the head of your penis peeping out from the top of your jeans, all wet.”  I licked my lips.

“Fuck, please stop.”  He adjusted his jeans.  I looked down and could see he was fully aroused again.

“How far away are we?”

“It doesn’t matter because we’
re not being intimate again until we have a bed.”

“Michael,” I whined.

“Ten minutes.  Just wait ten minutes.  Think about something else for now.”

about something else.  How did he expect me to think about something else when I was sitting so close to him?

I grinne
d.  “I like your brothers.  They’re really nice and good looking.  Don’t tell the others, but I have to admit Lucien is my favorite.”

“Lily,” he growled.

“Michael,” I said in a sarcastic voice.  “I said I liked your brothers.  They’re your family.  Don’t you want me to like them?”

He cursed. 
“Lily, you would test the patience of a saint.  Yes, I want you to like my brothers.  I’m trying to accept you have a friendship developing with Lucien…. But it isn’t easy because of what Viv was like.  I know you’re not like her, but she really screwed me up, for a long time.  This is the first time that I’ve taken a chance on someone again.  Please, just be patient with me, and kick me back in line when you have to.  Okay?”

I wiped the tears away
that escaped from my eyes when I listened to him.  “Okay.”

Michael made a turn on to a narrow tree-
lined road.  With how the trees had grown, they’d made a tunnel and looked really pretty.  I could only just make them out as early the evening dusk had started to turn to night.

We came to a stop at the foot of a large rustic cabin which looked absolutely amazing.

“Home,” Michael announced.  “Now, I only have to work out how to climb out of this car without embarrassing myself.”

“I don’t have a problem.”  I grinned and climbed out
. I walked around to open Michael’s door.  “You coming?” I asked.

“I’m about to.”

I started to laugh and didn’t stop the whole time he pulled me towards his cabin.  I decided it might be best to change the subject.  “This is a gorgeous cabin.  Did you build it?”

He r
aised an eyebrow.  “Yes, I did.  Drew up the plans and then put McKenzie Brothers on the job.”

“Well, they did a marvelous job,” I said as I walked inside.
  “A really marvelous job.”

He laughed.  “Although
a McKenzie was responsible for the inside, my brothers and I can’t take the credit.  That goes to Ma McKenzie.”

“Ah, she has great taste.”

Still holding my hand, Michael walked towards a set of large double doors.  He pushed one open and…wow.  He did this room, it was his.

“This is the only room in the house that I decorated and furnished,” he said.

“Oh, Michael!  It’s wonderful.  Look at all those books…. and someone likes Apple technology.”  I laughed.  Not only did he have a desktop computer, but a laptop, iPad and, if I wasn’t mistaken an iPod docking station too.

“I like the best.”
  He wrapped his arms around me from behind and snuggled into my neck.  “You smell good….like my aroused woman.”

I moaned and sank
into him.  He felt so good standing behind me. I could practically feel every inch of him, including his fully enlarged penis.  “I think we need a bed.”

He picked me up in
his arms.  “Then let me show you were it is.”

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