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Authors: Amarinda Jones

Seducing Celestine (19 page)

BOOK: Seducing Celestine
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Chapter Thirteen

Who knew breaking into someone’s home was this damn difficult? Of course it did not help that Celestine was still aching from her ordeal. But to be honest, even if she wasn’t it was doubtful that it would have made it any easier. She was pathetically inadequate at climbing ladders, let alone hoisting herself through a window even when totally fit. Having Tess and her fiancé holding the ladder and giving her a boost up did not make the experience any easier. But she was grateful for their assistance in getting her to Nick’s home and providing the ladder.

As Celestine fell through the open window she swore softly. Actually this whole operation had required a lot of swearing on her part. Thankfully she knew some excellent swear words to use. So much for Julia calling her a goody two-shoes.

Celestine looked over at the bed. She could see the naked male form of a man in the moonlight that shafted through the window. She hoped like hell this was the right bedroom and the right man and that no one else was staying over. Unlike Nick, she was picky who she took her moonlight rides with. Celestine crept forward. She was unable to see the man’s face. Her eyes traveled down his body. It was Nick. She’d know that magnificent cock anywhere. Celestine started to strip off her clothes.

As she approached the bed, Nick sat up and looked at her.

“I could hear you swearing all the way up.”

Oh! Damn man! Why couldn’t he have been asleep?

“This supposed to be a surprise.”

“Oh, trust me, I’m surprised, baby.” Nick flicked on the nearby bed light and grinned at her. “How did you get up the side of the house?”

“A ladder.” Suddenly Celestine felt slightly inadequate. Her body was covered in purple bruises and gravel rash. How appealing was that? Maybe this was a big mistake.

Nick nodded his head in approval at her words.

“You’re naked. What were you planning?”

Oh yeah…big mistake. If Nick had to ask why she was naked, it indicated a lack of interest. Celestine looked down at Nick’s rigid and ever-expanding cock. Or maybe not. Excellent.

“I want a moonlight ride.” Celestine approached the bed and looked down at him. She was wet already in anticipation.

“What makes you think I’m interested?”

“Ah, that.” Celestine pointed to his fully erect cock. She climbed onto the bed and slid her hand over it.

“I’m not easy.”

“Yeah, you are.” Celestine pushed him back on the bed. This was her ride and she would have it her way.

“Okay, you’re right, I am.” Nick lay back and watched her.

Celestine leaned forward and licked the tip of his straining cock. She wanted to give something back to Nick for the crap treatment she had dished out at the hospital. And sure, she would enjoy herself in the meantime but essentially she wanted Nick to know she loved him until she could say the words freely.

Nick growled as Celestine licked his cock with long, determined strokes.

“I thought you didn’t want me. You pretty much said that in the hospital.” His hips bucked under her mouth.

“Oh, I lied. I want you.” Celestine slid her mouth over his cock, taking him inside. She sucked hard and heard him groan. She felt powerful, in control and ready to ride.

“Oh, baby…” Nick squirmed under her, his hands on her head as she continued to drive him crazy.

Celestine let his cock pop out wet and shiny from her mouth. She licked her lips.

“Do you want me?” She leaned forward and licked the tip of his cock once. There was no answer. She licked again. Only strained silence was between them. She looked up at Nick’s tense face. The man was speechless. Excellent.

“Cat got your tongue?” Celestine certainly had a firm hold on his cock and she wasn’t letting go until she was ready.

“If I speak I’m scared I’ll explode.”

“Gee, I can leave if it’s all too much for you, Nick.” Celestine reluctantly let go of his cock and started a halfhearted crawl off the bed.

Nick grabbed her thigh.

“You’re not going anywhere, baby. I want you.” He looked at her skin. “What’s this?”

The small dark blue tattoo was an exact replica of the one Nick had on his chest and it still stung like hell. It had probably not been the smartest idea to get it done when her body hurt all over from the fall but Celestine wanted to get it done to show Nick how much he meant to her.

“Do you like it?” She watched as Nick’s hand gently caressed her skin.

“Why?” His eyes glowed with hope.

“Why do you think?” She reached for his cock again. Nick’s hips bucked with tension. Celestine smiled in lazy triumph. The man was putty in her hands. Well, not literally but certainly metaphorically.

“I think you love me, baby.”

“You could be right. Do you want to come now?”

“Hell, yes.”

Celestine took his cock into her mouth and sucked him dry.

Nick pulled Celestine into his arms.

“What changed your mind?”

Celestine rested her hand lovingly over his tattooed heart.


Nick looked at her in amazement.

“Your sister? She’s kind of weird.”

“Oh yeah, but so am I.”

“But in a good way.”

“And that is the correct answer to give.” Celestine felt incredibly at home in Nick’s arms. Why the hell had she been fighting this? “Anyway, she turned up and we attempted a sisterly bonding moment.”

“How did that go?” Nick’s lips lightly grazed the soft flesh of her neck.

“Not great, but okay.” Celestine shivered as his lips slid along her skin. “But I realized we are a lot like each other—scared to love, scared to let go of control.” She looked into his eyes. “I was scared of us.”

“I know.” Nick kissed her lingeringly as his hands started moving caressingly on her breasts.

Celestine sighed. The man had the ability to touch her like no other.

“I’m not scared now.”

Nick chuckled softly.

“I guessed that, baby.”

Celestine licked her lips and knew it was a now or never moment in her life.

“I love you.”

Nick pulled her tighter against him.

“I got that as well.”

“So…” Nick had better start saying something soon or Celestine knew she was going to feel awfully silly.

“What?” Nick looked at her as if puzzled. He wasn’t.

Celestine slapped his chest lightly. She knew the man was game playing.

“Haven’t you anything to say to me?”

“Are you going to be one of those women who want to hear ‘I love you’ all the time?”

“No.” It would be nice but she wasn’t that needy. “But hearing it now would be good especially as I have just committed myself to you.”

“Have you, baby?” Nick smiled softly at her.

“You know I have.” She felt Nick’s hands slide down over her stomach to between her legs. She automatically parted them to allow him entrance.

“You do know that means marrying me.”

“Scary but doable.” Normally the idea of marriage would have freaked Celestine out. But maybe it had something to with the fact she loved Nick or maybe because his fingers were massaging his clit slowly. Either one worked for her.

“I love you, Celestine Holt.”

“About bloody time.” Celestine rolled on top of Nick’s body and kissed him.

“Hey, I wasn’t the one who had a problem saying it.” Nick gently kneaded the flesh of her breast, smiling as Celestine moaned.

“Take me.” Celestine leaned over so Nick could lick her nipples.

“You’re hurt.”

“I’m not that bloody hurt.” She sighed softly as the suction from his mouth tightened the ache between her legs. “Or do you think you’ll have trouble keeping it up?” Nick’s cock sat like an iron bar against her stomach.

“Baby, I can keep it up as long as you can.”

Celestine smiled. It was going to be a long, interesting night then. She lifted herself slightly from his body and started rubbing the wet, open cleft of her pussy back and forward against the head of Nick’s cock.

“Come on down, Celestine Holt,” Nick murmured huskily as he grabbed her hips and directed her to slide on down the length of him.

As Celestine slid down over the hard heat of Nick’s cock, she knew this man was hers forever. She slowly rode up and down, not wanting this moonlight ride to end.

“This is for keeps.”

“I can do forever.”


“I got a postcard from Julia.” Celestine held up the card that had been redirected from her old house to Nick’s. The last three months had been the best in Celestine’s life. Despite her fears she and Nick had taken to living with each other pretty well. Oh, they fought and argued over silly things only to make up with great enthusiasm and dexterity in the bedroom later.

Celestine admired the view of Nick standing wet and naked behind the clear glass shower screen in the bathroom. She dumped the postcard on the floor and started stripping off her clothes. A girl could never be too clean. Besides, a wet, naked Nick was not something she could pass up.

“She’s in Morocco.” Celestine dropped the last of her clothes and opened the shower screen door to slide in behind Nick. She grabbed the soap and started lathering it between her hands.

“Where was she last week?” Nick groaned as her hands slid softly and slowly over his ass, massaging as she went.

“Spain. The girl gets around.” The muscles in Nick’s ass tensed and flexed. Celestine moved forward until the front of her body was tight and flush with his back.

“She’s a piece of work.”

Celestine slid her soapy hands down to the thick, long shaft of his cock. Already it was jumping with anticipation. She soaped him slowly, grabbing and releasing his cock every so often to drive him to the edge they both enjoyed jumping over.

“Oh hell, yeah, she’s a nasty cow but she’s really making that fifty thousand stretch.” Celestine herself was making something of her own stretch at that moment. To hell with money. Despite beliefs to the contrary, it could not give her an orgasm.

“She would have ripped someone else off by now.” Nick had totally given in to the hands that roamed gently between his legs, massaging his balls and gripping and releasing his cock.

“I wonder what she did with my car.” Who was swearing at it now?

“You’re kidding me? It was a piece of crap, baby.”

“I know.” Celestine slid her hands along the muscled skin of Nick’s thighs. She smiled as he moved her hands back to his cock. His wish was her command. She wanted the cock primed and ready when it slid in side her. “I heard Lester got a prison term and he lost his toe. Go the lizard!” Somewhere in Brisbane there was a blue-tongue lizard that was pretty damned pleased with itself.

“Isn’t Grace supposed to be coming over soon?”

“Along with Tess and Brad. What’s your point—apart from the one growing so nicely between your legs?”

“Should we be starting this now?” Nick personally could not care if he ever saw anyone ever again as long as he had Celestine.

“They know we have sex.” Celestine rubbed her pussy slowly against Nick’s ass as she continued soaping up his cock.

“Your sister always looks at me weird.”

“She probably still can’t believe you used to climb through windows and have sex with strange women.” Though that was most definitely the past.

“Yeah, you were strange.”

“Damn straight. If I wasn’t I would have yelled my head off and demanded you leave.”

“But you yelled and begged me to make you come.”

“I seem to remember you did all right out of it.” Celestine slapped his ass lightly.

“And I still do. You know if you continue doing that I’m going to have to spin you around, pin you to the wall and shove my cock up your ass.”

Celestine licked her lips in anticipation.

“Why do you think I’m doing it, moonlight man?”

“I love you, baby.”

“And I love you. Now spin me.”

About the Author

Amarinda Jones believes anything is possible and sometimes just asking for the impossible will surprise someone enough that they will give it to you. Writing is like that. Put it out there and wait for a response. There is always the possibility you may fall on your ass, but after all, that’s what cellulite is for. Amarinda believes in taking chances, speaking her mind and aging disgracefully. Twenty years from now she plans on being the neighborhood witch that all the kids are scared of. But then, everyone has to have a hobby.


Amarinda welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at




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Also by Amarinda Jones

Because I Can

Maid for Death

Thief of Mine


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BOOK: Seducing Celestine
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