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Authors: Amarinda Jones

Seducing Celestine (10 page)

BOOK: Seducing Celestine
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“Don’t be a smart-ass.”

“It’s a natural reflex when it comes to you.” Celestine did not want to fight with Nick Swan. She just wanted to fall down on her nice soft bed and sleep. Scratch that. Fall down on a blanket on the hard floor and be pissed off all night because she was too uncomfortable to sleep. Whatever. It would still be her choice and not an order she had to follow. “Where am I supposed to go? I have no money. You know the stuff that makes the world go ‘round.”

“Stay with me.” It was the perfect solution for Nick.

“Nuh-uh.” That was asking for trouble as sex was sure to follow and that would not help her confused state of mind—but it also wouldn’t hurt it. Decisions, decisions. Meditative, solitary contemplation of her situation or wild sex with the handsome man? In the long run Celestine knew the safest option seemed to be to sit with her back against the wall of her trashed home, cricket bat in hand, and wait for morning to assess her options. That was if she had any.

Nick contemplated her silently as if deciding on the best course of action.

“If you won’t stay in my house, I have a small apartment out the back of the house you can use until you sort yourself out.” He saw her eyebrows arch suspiciously at this suggestion. “No strings attached—just a friend helping a friend.”

“Are we friends?” Could she be friends with the gorgeous man who made her scream with wanting him? Was that friendship or just really fabulous chemistry?

“What else could we be, baby?” Nick smiled at her as if to indicate he knew exactly what they were. Lovers.

“I’m not sure on that one.” Celestine was but she wasn’t going there as she wouldn’t be able to get back in a hurry.

“You are but you won’t admit it.” Nick wanted to go there and as quickly as possible.

Celestine smiled up at the man mountain beside her. She was too tired to fight him tonight.

“No strings?”

“No, not unless you want them.”

Celestine wanted something but she wasn’t sure what.

“Shut up and show me this apartment if yours.”


“Wow, you’re rich!” One of the few things Celestine could remember her mother saying was always act as if nothing surprises you and then you will fit in anywhere. Of course, as an adult Celestine did not really care about fitting in. That was a needy high school thing she had dropped off years ago. But she did believe in remaining cool and aloof when out of her comfort zone. But sometimes it just wasn’t possible.

Nick Swan’s house in the northern Brisbane suburb of Aspley was, in a word, perfect. As they drove her piece of crap car up the long winding driveway she knew she was no longer in the trashed-out rental belt. It was almost sacrilegious that they were in her junky vehicle in such plush surrounds but Nick had insisted on leaving his pick-up at her house and driving Celestine’s car. As they approached the house, security lights instantly lit up as if to say, “Look at me, I am the house you want.” It was prime real estate and did not require the pest controllers to come out every three months to kill mutant cockroaches.

Nick got out of Celestine’s car and opened the door for her. It was not that he was he was trying to do the gentlemanly thing. If a woman wanted a door opened for her he would do it, if she didn’t that was fine also but in this case it was more that Celestine was stunned at her surroundings and needed to be shown the way. That made Nick Swan smile. Celestine Holt was not as tough as she made out.

“So, you think I’m a catch?”

“I think you’re many things but whether I want to catch you is up for debate.” She got out of the car and looked at the house before her. Big, brick, two-storied and you could just bet there were no roaches. It was the sort of home Celestine fantasized living in but knew she could never afford. The garden alone was amazing. Not a weed in sight. Was that natural?

“You love me, baby, and you know it.”

“All I know is I have to get out of these bloody shoes before my feet turn to pulp.” She followed Nick as he walked to the back of the house.

“This is where you’ll be staying.”

Celestine squinted into the shadows behind the house. All she could see in the darkness was the vague outlines of Australian bush land. Where was this apartment? Was “apartment” some cute euphemism for something else? She looked into the darkness and saw the shadows of large gum trees swaying in the evening breeze. A horrible thought struck her. If Nick thought she was camping out he could think again. Celestine hated camping. Her argument was if people were meant to camp why were hotels invented? She did not camp out ever. It was unnatural.

“I refuse to camp out.” That was just not up to discussion. She would sleep in a subway or on a park bench but among nature and the unknown—nuh-uh, not going to happen. Celestine was deadly serious about this. One disgustingly uncomfortable campout during her ill-fated career with the Girl Scouts at ten years of age cured her of the desire to venture out and enjoy the great outdoors. She was a woman whose feet did not leave concrete willingly. “I would rather eat dirt than camp out.”

“That’s dramatic.”

“You have no idea how dramatic I can be.”

Nick raised his eyebrows at her militant tone.

“No camping and no eating dirt tonight.” Strangely enough, not for one second did Celestine Holt seem the outdoorsy type to him. He moved further into the shadows and a light automatically illuminated the area around him. A small brick building appeared out of the darkness.

Okay, this looked better. It was a small house attached to the main house by a long covered walkway. Celestine followed Nick as he moved forward and unlocked the door on the apartment. He turned on the lights and waited for her to come and look inside.

Celestine peeked inside the abode. To call it an apartment was an understatement. It was like a mini hotel room with its small but practical kitchen, clean, efficient bathroom and startlingly huge bed that seemed to instantly attract her attention. Who needed a bad that large? Celestine looked at Nick Swan. Had he used this bed before? And why she should she care if he had anyway?
Change the subject

“So, how did you come by this house?” That safe subject alone could have her talking all night. The house and the apartment were picture perfect. It made her wonder about Nick. Other than Grace and the fact that Tess was marrying into money, Celestine didn’t really know anyone that had money. It would have taken a lot of money to have bought this house. Nick didn’t strike has as the typical renter.

“I built it.” There was evident pride in Nick’s voice. “Do you like my home?”

Celestine was impressed. She remembered how Tess had mentioned Nick had a construction company.

“From what little I’ve seen, I do. I’d be interested in having a look around tomorrow.” Of course Celestine had no intention of actually being at his home tomorrow. This was just a quick overnight stay. It was a pity, though, as she would have love to have the grand tour. “It seems like a big house for one person.” It had never occurred to Celestine until that moment that Nick may not be single. Tess had not come right out and said it, so Celestine just assumed he was, especially after having sex with him over the last couple of days. But then what did she know about the moonlight man other than his predilection for seducing women into having sex despite their best intentions not to? What if there was a wife or a girlfriend? What if she was just the bit on the side? If he was now going to tell her about a wife and kids she was going to puke. Celestine did not cut in on anyone’s relationship. It was just wrong. “Do you just rattle around in the big old house by yourself, moonlight man?”

“Is that a quaint way of asking if I am single?” Nick looked at her in amusement.

“Well, I assume you are, otherwise it would be tacky to be sleeping around with anyone who was not your wife or partner.”

“I take it you don’t believe in sharing.”

“Hell, no.” Was Nick going to tell her, or what? The longer he held off, the more worried Celestine became. “So have you got a significant other inside that house waiting for you to come home and warm the bed?”
Please say no

“Is it important to you?”

“I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t.” Celestine caught her breath and waited. It was not like she was waiting for the lotto numbers to be drawn but it was a lot more important.

“I only have you in my life, baby.”

Celestine let go the breath had been holding in. Okay, so she wasn’t a home wrecker and he wasn’t a heartless bastard who needed to be castrated for screwing around.

Nick smiled at her relief.

“You kind of like me, huh?”

“You have your moments.” Celestine looked again at the large bed that dominated the room.

“What?” Nick’s eyes were locked on her as Celestine turned away from the bed.

Look away

avoid temptation

you are too tired

“Nothing,” she murmured which actually meant everything but the less Nick knew or supposed the better in Celestine’s books. “So, you’re leaving now?” She assessed the man before her. Drop-dead gorgeous, stunningly delicious and but basically a stranger who made her feel safe. How could that be? Or was it just fatigue playing with her mind? The hungry look in Nick’s eyes made her feel instantly wet and aching between her legs. So it was definitely not fatigue then. What was it about this man who stole in through women’s windows for a moonlight ride? Was it just sex or something else? Celestine wanted to believe it was the former but she knew it was just more than sex. But to admit it aloud scared her.

“I can stay if you like.” Nick started removing his clothes.

Wasn’t she going to be allowed a chance to respond?

“You’re stripping off.” Was this a host-like thing to do? Barely show the guest around then start removing your clothes.

“You’ve seen me naked.”

Celestine had and she had enjoyed it but that was not the point.

“You said you could ‘stay if I liked’. That indicated that you were giving me a choice.” Nick was undoing his trousers and Celestine knew that any good-girl intentions she had of not having sex with Nick Swan were going to fly out the window in the space of a heartbeat.

Nick dropped his trousers and stood naked and erect before her.

Celestine gulped loudly. It would be insane to let that cock go to waste and she wasn’t a wasteful person.

“Do you want a choice, baby?” Nick moved toward her and started removing her clothes.

“I can remove my own clothes.” Though his hands felt awfully good on her body and she was tired after all. There was probably a bucket-load of other excuses she could use as well to justify him undressing her.

“You’re tired. I’m helping you,” Nick told her as her clothes started dropping at her feet.

Yes, she could have tried to fight him off but didn’t Celestine Holt deserve to feel good? That hard cock promised much enjoyment. And what would one more night with the moonlight man hurt?

“How does getting me naked help me?” She looked down as Nick gently removed the shoes from her battered sore feet. Okay, it was official, this man was a keeper. But could she or should she keep him?

Nick dropped her bra to the ground and placed his hands over her breasts.

“Do you want me inside you?”

“Are you this fast at getting to the point with everyone?” Of course she wanted Nick inside her but she did not want to come across as easy.

“You’re not just anyone.” Nick dropped his head to put his mouth on her nipple. He sucked down hard and listened as Celestine moaned in response. He smiled and let go her nipple with a smacking sound that made it bounce wet and pink before her. “You love it when I suck you, don’t you?” Nick said the words, not needing confirmation of a fact.

“Yes, God, yes…” Celestine pulled Nick’s head back to her breast. She almost said she loved everything Nick did to her. But she did not want to come across as pathetic or needy or desperate for sex with Nick. She may well have been all three of those but he did not need to know that. Though she suspected he may have a clue. Anyway, all coherent speech was beyond her when Nick’s mouth was on her breast. And yes, maybe she was easy. But was that a bad thing?

“So why fight me, baby?”

Why indeed? Celestine reached down and grabbed Nick’s cock as it lay hard and ready against her stomach. She slowly ran her hand up and down the softly coated hardness in a milking action. The man at her breast growled hungrily and sucked harder. Was she tired? It seemed not.

“Fuck me…” Who cared if she was easy? She wanted him. Celestine would wonder about semantics later.

“Aren’t I supposed to be a friend helping a friend?” Nick’s lips captured hers in a hot, insistent kiss.

Celestine whimpered in response. Yep, she was definitely over her tiredness.

“There is no law that I know of that states one friend cannot have sex with another.”

“I don’t want to take advantage of our friendship though.”

The overly sincere sound of Nick’s voice made Celestine look him in the eye. There was nothing friend-like between them at that moment and they both knew it.

“If you do not take me now I will scream.”

“Well, I can’t have you waking up the neighbors, baby.” Nick reached down into his discarded trousers and pulled out a condom and handed it to her.

Celestine ripped the packet open and grabbed Nick’s engorged cock and slowly rolled the condom on.

“How on earth do you find rubbers to fit you?” Was there a big and tall shop for condoms? That was an intriguing thought.

Nick chuckled and moved Celestine over to a curtained window. As he pulled back the curtains, a large picture window showcased the night sky.

“We can’t wake the neighbors but they can watch us having sex?” Not that Celestine gave a rat’s ass about what the neighbors thought at that moment. She just wanted to be hot and tight with Nick again. Celestine allowed Nick to position her facing the window as he stood and moved in close behind her. Oh yeah, this was going to be good. Stuff the neighbors.

“I want us to look at the stars as we make love.” Nick pulled her ass close to his stiff cock. “Besides, do you really care who sees us? Would it stop you from having my cock inside your body?”

BOOK: Seducing Celestine
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