SEDUCTIVE SUPERNATURALS: 12 Tales of Shapeshifters, Vampires & Sexy Spirits (253 page)

Read SEDUCTIVE SUPERNATURALS: 12 Tales of Shapeshifters, Vampires & Sexy Spirits Online

Authors: Erin Quinn,Caridad Pineiro,Erin Kellison,Lisa Kessler,Chris Marie Green,Mary Leo,Maureen Child,Cassi Carver,Janet Wellington,Theresa Meyers,Sheri Whitefeather,Elisabeth Staab

Tags: #12 Tales of Shapeshifters, #Vampires & Sexy Spirits

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“No. But I’ll find a unicorn and ask it to summon our fairy. Then I’ll ask her to help me locate a dagger. Once the deed is done and Mathieu is dead, all gen-vamps will be free of our jewelry bonds and will return to being vampires.” She slanted Anthony a glance. “Except those who are already mortal.”

He said to her, “What if your plan fails and you’re stuck on Mathieu’s realm as his slave? How will you tolerate that, Simone?”

“My plan won’t fail.”

“Mathieu might sense your deception.”

“I’ll keep him too sexed up to notice anything but how good I’m making him feel.” She arched her shapely body. “The idea of fucking Mathieu repels me, but I can fuck anyone when I have to.” She turned and looked at Marie. Stark. Head on. “I was a lady of the evening when I was mortal. And if I do say so myself, I was a brilliant whore.”

No doubt she was. “I’ll be forever in your debt if you save Nicholas.”

“All of us will be,” Anthony said, with Tessa and Darrin in agreement.

Simone shrugged. “Just bid me well if Mathieu accepts my bargain. That’s all I want from any of you.”

“I’ll do better than that,” Marie said. “I’ll pray for your safety. And I’ll pray that you kill that bastard as painfully and brutally as possible.”

Simone smiled. “Oh, my darling. Those are the type of prayers I like. As a reward, I’ll cut off his pretty head and bring it back to you on a platter.”

“Cut out his heart, too,” Marie said, feeling vicious.

“I will.” Simone laughed. “I’ll chop it into little pieces, right along with his cock.” She stood up and motioned to Darrin. “Let’s return to your mystic shop and summon Mathieu.” To everyone else she cooed, “
au revoir

Before she left, she airily kissed Marie’s cheeks, then turned and planted a salacious one right on her mouth, leaving Marie with a hot and erotic feeling.

Making her even more desperate to have Nicholas back.


The Vampire Bracelet: Chapter Thirteen



Anthony and Tessa offered to stay with Marie, but she gently declined. She preferred to wait alone. She didn’t have a clue how long it would take for Mathieu to consider Simone’s offer, if he considered it at all. He might turn her down flat.

Somehow, though, Marie couldn’t imagine anyone saying no to Simone. The long-ago lady of the evening, the fierce female, was wildly persuasive. But Mathieu was rich and spoiled and powerful, with a harem full of slave girls at his disposal. If anyone rebuffed Simone, Mathieu would be the one. Hell, he could lock her inside her ring for suggesting a bargain. He could do whatever he wanted.

Marie sat on the front stoop with her cell phone beside her, in case Darrin called with bad news. Bad news? No, she shouldn’t think that way. Clinging to hope, she glanced up at the night sky, with its scatter of stars. If she wasn’t so leery of wishes, she would wish upon those twinkling little lights. But as it were, she couldn’t bring herself to take the chance. Maybe she should go back inside. Maybe—

Suddenly a car approached. Darrin’s car. He pulled into the driveway and parked, headlights disappearing with the kill of the engine. Marie stood up, her pulse thudding in her throat.

Her uncle remained in the vehicle, but a tall shadowy figure got out of the passenger’s side. Nicholas? Oh, God. Was that him? She couldn’t tell. It could just as easily be Anthony. From this distance and in the dark, the brothers’ resemblance was enough to fool her nervous senses.

Too afraid to approach him, to jinx anything, she remained on the stoop. He moved closer, and then she knew. Or she thought she did. The amber glow from the porch light made him look like a mirage. She had to rub her eyes to be sure he was real.

“Marie,” he said.

Her knees nearly gave way. Nicholas, with his messy hair and faded jeans, striding toward her. A rebel
a cause.

She dashed forward, and he embraced her, spinning her around. They kissed, more times than she could count. And when he released her, she roamed her hands over his face, his strong sturdy shoulders, his arms. He felt wonderfully warm.


Darrin started the car and backed out of the driveway, leaving Marie with the man she loved. Tears flooded her eyes. Nicholas was roaming his hands all over her now.

“I never thought I’d see you again.” His voice all but broke. “But here you are.”

“Here we are.” She took him inside, where they could gaze at each other in brighter light.

They stood in the living room and stared and stared, awed by the moment.

“I don’t know where to start,” he said. “I have some things to show you, to give you.”

“Start anywhere.”

“How about this?” He lifted his T-shirt and tugged his jeans past his navel. “Do you see it?”

“Yes.” More tears. More happiness. His hernia scar. She traced it with her finger. “That’s the most perfect scar in existence.”

His stomach muscles jumped. “Next to yours.”

They kissed once more, long and slow. Dreamlike. Then he removed the emerald bracelet from his jean’s pocket. “Mathieu returned this to Darrin and your uncle gave it to me. Now I’m really anxious to sell it.”

She understood. After what he’d been through, after the torture it represented, she would be anxious, too.

He put the bracelet on the coffee table and dug into his pocket again. This time he produced a dazzling ring with blue diamonds in the shape of a cross.

“Oh, wow. Is that Simone’s?”

He nodded. “She wanted you to have it. She suggested that we use it as your engagement ring. But if it makes you uncomfortable, I’ll buy you a new one.”

“I want that one.” It was beautiful and meaningful, and she was wonderfully overwhelmed. “I want the ring that belonged to the woman who saved you. Without her, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation.” She extended her hand and he slipped it on her finger. “Does Mathieu know she gave it to us?”

“She had to ask his permission.”

“I’m surprised he agreed.”

“I guess he figured it didn’t matter. Technically Simone is still a gen-vamp, but she won’t be granting wishes or living inside her jewelry anymore. She’ll be part of his harem instead.”

“Did Darrin tell you that she plans to kill Mathieu?”

“He told me everything.”

“Did Mathieu whisk Simone off right away?”

“Yes. He didn’t hesitate to accept her bargain. Having her at his beck-and-call was far more compelling than continuing my punishment.”

Marie reached for him. “I would’ve mourned you for the rest of my life.”

“And I would have spent eternity thinking about what I’d lost and how much I love you.” He lifted her into his arms, holding her with wonderment, with reverence, letting her know how cherished she was.

Hungry for him, she buried her face against his shirt. “Be with me now.”

In response, he carried her to bed.


* * *


Nicholas placed Marie on the mattress and followed her down. He couldn’t rely on magic anymore. He couldn’t strip her with the wave of his hand. So he went about it the mortal way, one second at a time, and like a boy who was about to get his cherry popped, he fumbled. The hook on her bra gave him the most trouble. He struggled a bit with her panties, too. He was all thumbs.

She lay there, looking up at him, with her hair fanned across the pillow, her nipples standing at beautiful attention, and her pussy a delicate V between her legs.

His heart reacted. His pulse jumped, too. And his cock? Stiff in his pants. He leaned forward and laved her nipples, going back and forth. She gently moaned. But when he moved his mouth to her neck, she gasped.

“Don’t worry,” he said. “I’m not going to try to bite you.”

“Then what are you doing?”

“Just playing.” He scraped his teeth along her skin. “I can smell your perfume. That’s way better than blood.”

She relaxed, going pliable in his arms. “I’ll bet you were dangerous in bed before you became immortal.”

“Maybe a little.”

“Maybe a lot. I wish I could have known you then.”

“No more wishes.” He skimmed his hands down her luscious curves. “And you know me now.”

“You’re right. No more wishes. I told myself that earlier. And I love knowing you now.” She arched to get closer to him. “I love everything about you.”

“And I can’t wait to marry you.” They rolled over the bed, relishing the power that came with commitment. His body temperature was rising. So was hers. They could have easily been outside on a summer day with the sun wrapping them in its all-consuming rays.

“Why do you still have your clothes on?” she asked.

“Hell if I know.” He sat up to peel his T-shirt over his head.

Once he was naked, they kissed and kissed, skin to glorious skin. Then he said, “Kneel over my face.” He wanted to taste her pretty pink cunt. He wanted to give her as much pleasure as possible.

She went shivery. “Only if you kneel over mine.”

He wasn’t about to refuse. “It’s a deal. But you first.”

She went for it. Getting up on all fours, she crawled over him, leaving enough space for him to look before he touched. Enthralled, he spread her nether lips, steeped in the most thrilling moment of his life, mortal or otherwise. He rubbed the hood of her clit and made the little gem pop out.

She breathed softly. “The last time I was in this position with you, I was restrained.”

“And tonight you’re free. No ties that bind.”

“Only in my heart.”

“Mine, too. Who knew love would be this sappy?” He’d never imagined himself behaving like the star of a B-movie. But it made him smile, too. “It doesn’t get any better. Sappy is hot.”

“And sticky.” She lowered her hips. “Eat me, Nicholas.”

Fuck, yes. He pulled her the entire way down and buried his face in her honeyed warmth. His greedy mouth. Her damp, clit-swollen sex. She rotated her hips, sizzling with excitement.

He knew she was watching. He’d made a self-voyeur out of her. Wild with desire, she played with his hair; she made primal sounds; she coated his tongue with her cream.

The wetter she got, the more he licked, bringing her to the height of orgasm.

She came in a pool of pollinated warmth, and the spasms that shook her body ricocheted off his. His cock strained from the pressure.

Catching their breaths, they switched places. And, oh, what a switch. Nicholas was already leaking at the tip. She lapped it right up, gathering the moisture on her tongue. He looked down at her, enjoying the view. She toyed with him, making little circles around the head. He continued leaking, and she couldn’t lick the beads of fluid off fast enough.

Finally, she sucked him.
Sweet mercy
. She took him as deeply as she could, encouraging him to use her as his feel-good vessel. Pumping his hips, he fucked her hot, willing mouth.

But that wasn’t enough. He needed to make love with her, too.

He moved down her body, pushed her legs apart and entered her, taking possession. They moved in perfect unison, a rhythm only they could share.

Human bonding in its purest, most beautiful form.

As the tempo built, as the motion increased, his heart machine-gunned in his chest. Her pussy caressed him, and the familiarity of her touch nearly shattered his mind. His Marie. His future wife. Nothing would ever separate them again.

They came at the same time, lust surging through his loins.

In the barely lucid aftermath, he tumbled onto the sheet. Being mortal was amazing. Exhausting, too. He was slicked with sweat. She was also damp with perspiration.

Together, they gazed up at the center of the mosquito netting that draped the bed. Silent, they held hands, their fingers emotionally entwined.

Immersed in the magic of home.





Dear Reader,


Thank you for reading my vampire novellas. Just to let you know, the third Blood Genie story is in the works and will be called The Vampire Captive. In the meantime, I’d like to invite you to read an excerpt of another novella of mine called
Beautiful Musician
. This novella is free (and hopefully will remain that way), so grab it while you can! It’s the prequel in my Room 105 series. There is a link to Beautiful Musician after the excerpt.


About the Author


Sheri Whitefeather



Sheri Whitefeather is an award-winning, national bestselling author. Her novels are generously spiced with love, passion and sinfully hot heroes. She has also written under the name Cherie Feather. She enjoys traveling, art galleries, libraries and museums. Visit her website at
where you can learn more about her books and find links to her Facebook and Twitter pages. She loves connecting with readers.





Additional books by Sheri Whitefeather











Prequel in the Room 105 Series



Chapter One



I stood outside her window in the dark, my heart filled with angst. I considered her my everything, and I was certain that I was hers. But we hadn’t told each other how we felt. Neither of us knew quite how to say it. Loving each other was dangerous. Someday we would be separated, and we might never find our way back together again.

I fanned my hand against the pane of glass. Was she asleep? Was she nestled in her bed, the covers drawn tight?

Her name was Abby Winston, and she was nineteen years old. Currently, she lived in a treatment center called The Manor, and I paid secret visits to her.

They claimed that she had been schizophrenic for most of her life, and that I was one of her hallucinations. According to the rest of the world, I didn’t exist. But to her, I was real. As much as I hated to admit it, I knew she was mentally ill and that I was a component of her disease. But I would never, ever tell her that. It was my job to keep her warm and safe, to let her believe in me.

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