See Jane Love (11 page)

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Authors: Debby Conrad

BOOK: See Jane Love
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“Who, me?“ he asked all innocent like.

“If you don’t get some ice on your cheek soon you’re going to look like an eggplant. If you want, you can follow me home, and I’ll make you an ice bag.” It was the least she could do, since the reason he’d gotten hurt was because he’d tried to rescue her from Roving Hands Kurt.

She hopped in her yellow Bug and pulled out of the parking lot, Gabe following her all the way to her townhouse.

Once inside, she made an ice bag for Gabe, then pushed the Play button on her answering machine. There were two messages. Sure enough Brad had called to tell her he
his father would be late.

The second message was from Gertie. “Hi, Janie!” she said. “I hope you don’t have plans for tomorrow night because I’ve invited every bachelor I can think of over to my place for a picnic supper. Don’t worry, I warned them that you’re not interested in anything permanent, that you only want to have hot, steamy sex. And they’re all excited about meeting you.”

“Now, why doesn’t that surprise me?” Gabe said, scowling at the answering machine.

“I don’t know how to get in touch with that stud muffin, Gabe Montero,” Gertie went on, “but if you see him, tell him he’s invited, too. If you want my opinion, he’s the one I’d be trying to seduce. In fact, if I were a few years younger, I might go for him myself.”

Janie offered Gabe an apologetic shrug as she listened to the end of the message.

“Oh, and I thought we could have a little kissing contest after supper. You can sample the goods, so to speak. That way you can eliminate the ones that don’t make your heart go pitter-patter. See you tomorrow night at seven.”

“Jesus,” Gabe swore when Janie hit the erase button on the answering machine. The woman sounds like she’s your pimp, and you sound like a . . .”

“Like a what?” she asked, lifting her chin a notch.

“You know exactly what I mean.” He paced the floor of the small kitchen, looking like a restless, caged tiger planning his escape. “Just tell me why this is so damn important to you. I know you’re not the type of woman to sleep around, so why in God’s name are you trying to act like one?”

“I’m not!”

He stopped, pinning her with a menacing look, then leaned his backside against the kitchen counter. “Like hell you’re not.”

Janie met his look, then lowered her eyes, feeling slightly ashamed of herself. She couldn’t possibly tell him she was only interested in sleeping with a stranger in order to write better love scenes in her books. He’d not only think she was a whore--which is what she knew he’d been about to call her earlier--but he’d think she was whacko, too.

“You don’t understand,” she said, meeting his gaze once again.

“You’re right about that,” he said on a sigh. “But my main concern right now is that Gertie doesn’t realize what could happen tomorrow night.”

“Don’t blame Gertie. This is all my fault. She’s only trying to help.”

“Yes,” he said. “And, so am I.”

“How so?”

“I’m trying to keep you from getting yourself hurt.” He pushed away from the counter and came to stand near her.

“I can take care of myself. Thank you very much.”

“Maybe you’ve forgotten the way half those guys in that bar tonight looked at you with their tongues hanging out of their mouths. Not to mention the jerk who had his hands all over you.”

“And I took care of him.”

His mouth puckered with annoyance. “Janie,” he said, “men like that are only after one
thing. They’ll take what they want, and they won’t give a damn whether or not you get hurt in the process. Why can’t you get that through that pretty little head of yours?” He looked deep into her eyes and then went on. “What happens if you’re alone with one of those bozos and things go a little too far, and then you change your mind? Do you actually think they’re going to stop?”


“We’re not talking about me.”

“But why did you stop last night?”

He lowered the ice bag from his face, and his dark eyes showed the tortured dullness of disbelief. “Because you asked me to,” he said, pausing briefly. “Because I didn’t want to take advantage of you. I know you deserve better than a quick toss between the sheets.”

Janie was strangely flattered that he cared about her and her feelings. Swallowing tightly, she stared up at him. His nearness made her senses spin. Her pulse fluttered wildly and the air around her seemed electrified. A small shiver ran up her spine.

Her own feelings for him had nothing to do with reason and everything to do with lust and need. After wetting her lips, she asked, “What if I told you I regret stopping you last night? That after you left I’d had a change of heart?”

He came a step closer, took a strand of her hair between his fingers and lowered his voice. “I’d say that the next time you let me kiss you, you’d better be damn sure about what it is you want. Because I’m not so sure that I’ll be able to stop the next time.”

Dropping his hand from her hair, he pressed the cold ice bag into her palm and backed away from her. “As a matter of fact, I think I’ll be on my way before I get any stupid ideas about kissing you again.” With that, he headed for the front door. Stopping in front of it, he turned, giving her a long lingering look.

“Will I see you tomorrow night at Gertie’s?” she asked, breaking the silence. Then, seeing the look on his face, she regretted asking.

“That’ll be a cold day in hell! If you think I’m going to be part of some stupid kissing contest, you’re crazier than I thought you were. And I’m not about to stand around watching all those other guys trying to grope you and stick their tongues down your throat either.”

“So, come and act as my protector then.” She searched his face, looking for a sign that he was actually considering her suggestion.

“I don’t think so, Janie. In fact, I think it would be a good idea if I stayed away from you altogether.”

Her heart sank with the news, but it sank even more when he opened the door and closed it behind him. “Oh, God. What have I done now?” she mumbled.


Fourteen men and only one woman, was all Gabe could think about as he filled his plate with Gertie’s fried chicken and homemade potato salad. And all those men, including him, wanted nothing more than to get into Janie’s pants.

It was disgusting, and yet, here he was. He told himself he’d only come to the picnic because he didn’t want to disappoint Gertie, but the real reason was, he couldn’t have stayed away if he’d tried. He sure as hell wasn’t about to let some horny bastard put the moves on Janie and then take advantage of her. Even if that’s exactly what Janie wanted. Or at least, that’s what she
she wanted.

Of course, Gabe knew better. She wasn’t the one-night-stand type. No matter how many times she’d tried to convince him otherwise. He wondered why having an orgasm was so damn important to her. What could it possibly change? Then again, he’d hate to be in her shoes. He couldn’t even begin to imagine how she must feel. Frustrated? Curious? Humiliated? Insecure?

But dammit, none of those things was reason enough for her to hop into bed with some bozo she barely knew. And if Gabe had his say, she wasn’t about to. Not tonight. Not ever.

Standing in Gertie’s backyard, he watched the parade of men fighting for Janie’s attention, and it was all he could do not to go to her side and play the protector. Although, that was exactly what Janie wanted him to do. But he was nobody’s fool.

So, he’d let the guys flirt with her. It was no big deal. But none of them was going to take her home that was for sure. Because they’d have to get past him first.

Gertie had invited every man she could think of, from her butcher to her auto mechanic. Right now, the woman’s orthodontist was explaining to Janie why she should consider braces. There wasn’t a damn thing wrong with her teeth, at least not as far as Gabe could see. So what if one of her eye teeth was slightly crooked? Gabe liked it. It added to her charm. And the man obviously didn’t recognize perfection when he saw it. “Idiot,” he mumbled around a mouthful of chicken.

There were only two men that had him concerned. One was Sam DeVito, Gertie’s auto mechanic, and the other was Tyler Sherman, Gertie’s stockbroker. Sam seemed like a decent guy, which bothered Gabe. He was exactly the kind of guy Janie would be attracted to. He was hardworking, and he owned his own garage. Tyler was a different story. The man had been born with a silver spoon in his mouth. And, Gabe knew he was the kind of guy who was used to getting any woman he wanted. Why was it that women were attracted to that type? Rich, successful, and a new babe on their arm every few months or so. He’d have his way with Janie, show her a good time and buy her a few niceties, and then he’d be on his way.

Gabe swore silently, shaking his head.

“Hi,” a male voice said from behind him. Gabe turned around to see Pierre, Gertie’s hairdresser, smiling at him. The man had thinning blond hair and wore it pulled back in a ponytail. “Isn’t Gertie’s potato salad to die for?” he asked, then pushed a forkful of it into his mouth and chewed.

“Uh, huh,” Gabe agreed, cleaning the last of it from his plate.

“You know I almost changed my mind about coming tonight. I don’t like crowds. I’m usually kind of shy at parties.” The man smiled and blushed. “But now I’m glad I came.”

“Uh, huh.” Gabe tossed his empty plate into the plastic garbage can on the patio.

“That’s a nice shiner you’ve got there. It adds to your macho appeal, but I bet it hurts like the devil.”

“It’s not too bad today. Although, last night was another story,” Gabe said truthfully.

“Are you seeing anyone?”

The question surprised him. Gabe stared at the man, not quite sure he’d heard him correctly. Pierre was supposed to be trying to win Janie’s affections, not his. “Excuse me?”

Pierre blushed again and smoothed a loose strand of hair into place. “What I mean is, I was wondering if you might like to grab a cup of cappuccino together sometime?”

Not knowing how he should answer that question, Gabe asked, “Have you had any of Gertie’s brownies?”

“No, not yet.”

“Let me get you one,” Gabe offered and excused himself. But instead of heading for the buffet table, he made his way across the lawn toward Janie where another contender had already moved in on her. Eddie Sanchez, manager of the Burger Buddy. Eddie wasn’t much taller than Janie’s five-feet-two, had curly black hair, and wore enough gold chains and bracelets to open his own jewelry store. Since the man couldn’t seem to talk without using his hands, it was hard to understand him over the constant clatter of metal banging against metal.

But what Gabe made out as he approached Eddie and Janie was, “I’ll give you free fries for a whole month if you go out with me Friday night.”

“That’s really sweet, Eddie.” Janie said with a polite smile. “And I’ll think about it. But like I already told you, I think we should wait until after the kissing contest.”

“Well, maybe the following Friday then?” Eddie asked with a look of desperation. “I don’t work on Friday nights.”

“Let me think about it, and I’ll call you.”

Gabe pushed his way between them. “Hey, Eddie, I need to talk to Janie alone for a minute. Do you mind?”

Eddie shrugged. “It won’t do you any good, man.”

“Well, at least let me try, huh?”

Shrugging again, Eddie said, “Yeah sure, man.”

“Hey, I promised Pierre I’d bring him a brownie. Would you mind taking him one? He’s on the patio,” he said with a nod.

“Yeah, I guess I could do that,” Eddie said. Then, with a frown, he turned and headed for the buffet table.

“You’re not seriously thinking about going out with any of these yahoos, are you?” Gabe asked, taking Janie by the arm and steering her away from the crowd. He didn’t stop until they reached the side of the four-plex.

“Of course, I am. They all seem very nice, especially Pierre. He offered me free
haircuts and pedicures for six months if I go out with him.”

Gabe snorted and dropped her arm. “Well, I hate to disappoint you, but Pierre just hit on

“So,” Janie said with a wave of her hand, as she leaned against the brick wall. “He’s bi-sexual.”

“Yeah, well,” he said, then paused, not knowing how to respond to that one. “Well, at least tell me you’re not considering the orthodontist. There’s something about that guy that I don’t trust.”

“Carl?” she asked, clearly surprised. “He’s harmless. And he offered to clean my teeth for free if I--”

“Go out with him,” Gabe finished for her, rolling his eyes at the same time. “Janie, be reasonable. These guys will promise you anything to get la--” He cleared his throat and decided on a better choice of words. “What I mean is, they’ll promise you anything in order to get you to go out with them. But that doesn’t mean you can trust them.”

She looked up at him with those bright green eyes and held his gaze. The breeze blew a
strand of curls in her face, and Gabe reached out and tucked it behind her ear. “Don’t you want to be able to trust the guy you’re sleeping with?” he asked in a low voice.

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