See Jane Love (14 page)

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Authors: Debby Conrad

BOOK: See Jane Love
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Her hips bucked off the table and she grabbed at his hair, moaning with tormented pleasure. With a volition of their own, her legs opened wide. She’d never experienced anything so sinful, yet so wonderful, in all her life. And suddenly she didn’t want him to stop. Not now. Not ever. “Yes!” Her head moved from side to side as the pressure built inside her. “Omigod, Gabe. I think I’m going to . . . come,” she said shyly, feeling her face heat up.

“That was the plan,” he mumbled against her, then took her over the edge.

She called out his name, closing her eyes and giving in to it. When she finally settled down, the last shudder wrenched from her body, she opened them and found Gabe staring at her.

“Are you okay?” he asked, looking at her with lust in his eyes.

“I--” she started, then
hiccupped. “Yes,” she managed between the spasms. “This is so--hiccup--embarrassing.”

Gabe grinned at her.

“Did I do--hiccup--okay?” she asked.

“You were fantastic.”

Janie smiled, feeling smug and sexy and beautiful all at the same time. “I guess I’m not--hiccup--defective,” she said with a dreamy sigh.

“No. You’re not.”

Lying naked in the middle of her kitchen table, and not feeling the least bit shy now, she closed her eyes again, held her breath, and willed her hiccups away. “Thank you,” she said once she could talk normally. Then, realizing that Gabe hadn’t . . . Her eyes popped open. “What about you?”

The corner of his mouth turned up. “Don’t worry, I’m not finished with you yet.”

“You’re not?”

“Far from it,” he said.

Janie felt her insides quiver. “Do you want some help with your clothes?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” he said, holding his hands out to his sides in invitation.

Sitting up, she started with his shirt, her fingers trembling so badly she could barely get the buttons through the buttonholes. When she’d finally reached the last one, she slid the soft blue cotton over his muscular shoulders. His chest was hard and masculine, and covered with a whorl of dark hair. She kissed one flat brown nipple, then nibbled lightly.

“Janie,” he murmured, threading his fingers through her hair and kissing the top of her head. “I love how you smell. Sweet, like cotton candy.” He took her hands and wrapped them around his waist, encouraging them to explore.

Trailing tickling fingers up and down the length of his back, her breasts tingled against his hair roughened chest and her senses oscillated from the scent of his freshly showered body.

Gabe toyed with her nipples, pinching lightly, tugging at them, until they were hard peaks.

Looking up at him briefly, Janie kissed his bruised cheek and then lowered her mouth to meet his. She could taste herself, a sweet musky taste, as she succumbed to the domination of his lips, her thoughts spinning, her emotions skidding out of control.

When the kiss ended, she planted tiny, open-mouth kisses on his chest and abdomen and worked her way toward the waistband of his jeans, a spurt of hungry desire urging her on.

Gabe sucked in a noisy breath when she clumsily reached for his belt buckle. After struggling with it for a moment, she finally managed to open it and slide the belt from the belt loops. It fell to the floor with a loud clunk. Then, she popped the button on his jeans open and slowly tugged the zipper downward.

Glancing up at him, she waited for him to direct her.

“Take it out, Janie,” he whispered, folding her hand over his erection.

She fondled him for a moment, then reached inside his briefs and freed him. He was velvety smooth, yet long and hard. Moistening her lips, she leaned forward and placed a wet kiss on the tip.

Moaning, he pushed her back gently by her shoulders. “No,” he said firmly. “Tonight’s for you.”

His words made her feel like a princess. He’d already shown her what ecstasy was, and yet he’d said he wasn’t finished with her.

Janie watched with wonder as he dragged his jeans and briefs over his hips, then reached for the bag with the condoms. He was so beautifully proportioned. Especially that part of him, she thought.

Once he’d covered himself, his mouth swooped down to capture hers again. He kissed her with savage intensity, taking from her, encouraging her to give back. Running his hands over her naked body, he urged her closer to the edge of the table.

His mouth left hers and with his lips against her ear, he whispered, “Wrap your legs around me, Janie. I’m going to take you for a ride.”

Janie threw her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips as he lifted her up a few inches from the table, seeking entrance into her center. Her passion soared higher as he filled her, pushing deep, deeper inside her. “Oh, Gabe,” she cried out.

He dropped sideways into one of the kitchen chairs, holding her in place, and then he guided her hips to move over him. “That’s it, sweetheart. A little faster now.”

Janie had never felt anything this intense and overwhelming before. She felt gloriously alive, and yet helpless at the same time. Her pulse raced and her body began to vibrate with
liquid fire.

“Look at me, Janie. I want to see you when you come.”

Unable to deny his request, she met his gaze and held it. Gabe Montero was inside her. It wasn’t a dream. As she watched the intense pleasure on his face, the fire quickly spread to her heart. The feeling was much more than sexual desire. It was something much, much stronger.

It was love, she decided as she shattered into a million glowing stars. “Gabe,” she shouted.

His face took on a tortured look and then she felt him pulsate inside her.

Janie dropped her head to his shoulder and sighed in pleasant exhaustion. After a moment, she said, “That was so--hiccup. I’ve never been more--hiccup.” Embarrassed, she lifted her head and smiled at him. “You know what I mean.”

“Yeah, ditto for me.” And then he kissed her. Slowly. Seductively. As if he were savoring the taste and feel of her mouth. It was ecstasy being held against his warm, strong body. She was a glowing image of fire, passion and love.

Love. There it was again. Sara had been right. She’d fallen for Gabe. And she could admit it now, if only to herself. She just didn’t know what she was going to do about it.

* * * * * * * * * *

Gabe lay on his back in Janie’s bed, listening to the soft whir of the ceiling fan. His eyes were heavy with sleep and there was an egotistical smile on his face.

He’d actually done it. He’d made love with Janie, and not just once, but several times. First, in the kitchen chair. She’d been magnificent. The way she’d looked at him with a mixture of uncertainty and desire in her eyes. Yet, she’d followed his every lead.

When she’d asked shyly if they could do it again, he’d bent her over the kitchen table and taken her from behind. That had been the ultimate in sexual experiences for him. Seeing her spread-eagle across the table. Naked, hot and wet, and begging him to satisfy her. He could still
see her freckle-dusted skin, her small breasts with firm nipples and the thatch of auburn curls between her legs. He’d never be able to look at a kitchen table again without thinking of Janie.

Of course, making love in the shower had been a close second. And then they’d finally made it to the bed, where they’d done it once with Janie on top, and once with him on top. He’d satisfied her every time; he’d made damn sure. There was no way in hell the woman was defective. It just took the right man. And he was that man, he thought, his ego as large as the Grand Canyon.

Gabe smiled again, recalling the smoldering passion between them. The way she called out his name right before she climaxed, and the cute little way she hiccupped afterward.

She’d been a wildcat at times, compliant at others. When he’d bent her over the table, she’d looked over her shoulder at him and said, “Go ahead, Montero, have your wicked way with me.”

Gabe had plunged into her and exploded almost instantly. Janie had followed right behind him. It had been sheer ecstasy. Only he hadn’t been wearing a condom at the time. It was something he hadn’t bothered to mention to her, although she wasn’t stupid. She knew.

Turning onto his side, he reached for her. Maybe this was a good time to talk about the possible consequences of his careless behavior. Patting the cool sheets, he expected to find her naked body next to his, but she wasn’t there.

Gabe’s eyes popped open. Where the hell had she run off to at four in the morning? he wondered, tossing back the sheet and getting out of bed. Wherever she was, he was going to drag her back to bed and maybe have his wicked way with her one more time before dawn. That thought brought another smile to his lips.

* * * * * * * * * *

Janie’s fingers flew over the computer keys. Never had she written about love and passion with such ease. And never once had she sat naked at the keyboard. Gabe had ruined her. She was now a sexually crazed woman who couldn’t seem to get enough. Even after six orgasms, she was thinking about sneaking back into bed and attacking the man.

Deciding that’s just what she’d do, she typed faster, wanting to finish the scene in her book first.

“You taste like heaven,” Gage said, his lips vibrating against her.

Jasmine’s hips bucked off the table and she grabbed at his hair,

moaning with tormented pleasure. With a volition of their own, her legs

opened wide. She’d never experienced anything so sinful, yet so

wonderful, in all her life. And suddenly she didn’t want him to stop.

Not now. Not ever. “Yes!” Her head moved from side to side as the

pressure built inside her. “Omigod, Gage. I think I’m going to . . . come,”

she said shyly, feeling her face heat up.

“That was the plan,” he mumbled against her, then took her over

the edge.

Jasmine called out his name, closing her eyes and giving in to it.

When she finally settled down, the last shudder wrenched from her body,

she opened them and found Gage staring at her.

“Are you okay?” he asked, looking at her with lust in his eyes.

“I--” she started, then hiccupped. “Yes,” she managed between the spasms. “This is so--hiccup--embarrassing.”

Gage grinned at her.

“Did I do--hiccup--okay?” she asked.

“You were fantastic.”

“What are you doing?” Gabe asked from the doorway of the spare bedroom.

Janie’s pulse kicked up. Quickly, she clicked the “Save” button and closed the file. “I just wanted to write this one scene while it was fresh in my head,” she said, turning to face him. Oh, God, he was as naked as she was. And thoroughly aroused, too. She swallowed tightly. “Is that for me?”

Gabe laughed. “You’re totally insatiable. And my kind of woman. Come back to bed, and I’ll take you to Hiccup Paradise.”

Janie rolled her desk chair back and stood. “What’s wrong with right here?” she asked boldly, nodding at the floor.

“The condoms are in the bedroom.” He paused a moment, dragging his appreciative gaze from her face to her breasts and then lower. After a brief moment, he looked into her eyes and said, “Janie, when we were downstairs in the kitchen . . .”

“I know,” she said, interrupting him. “Don’t worry about it.”

“You’re on the pill?” he asked hopefully.

“No,” she said, and saw his expression change. “I just meant it’s my safe time.”

“There is no safe time.”

She didn’t bother to respond to that. She supposed he was right. But still . . .

“You’d tell me if--”

“Of course,” she said, then walked into his arms. She didn’t want to spoil the moment by talking about something that was so highly unlikely to happen. She kissed him thoroughly, pressing her naked body to his and he responded with gusto.

When he broke away from her mouth, he said, “I’ll go get those condoms. Don’t go anywhere.”

Like she’d do anything that stupid, she thought, smiling and breathing deeply. Minutes later, Gabe was buried deep inside her and it was all she could do not to tell him she loved him. She wondered, though, if he could possibly see it in her eyes. And prayed that he could.


“And then when I, you know,” Janie said, blushing, “I got these embarrassing hiccups.”

Sara vigorously shook her head . “Janie, stop. I don’t want to hear this.”

“Mommy,” Livvy yelled from the swing set in the backyard, “Twavis hit me.”

Getting up from the folding chair on the deck, Sara placed her hands on her hips and yelled, “Travis, what I have told you about hitting your sister?”

“I’m sorry, Mom, but she was bothering me.”

Janie grinned while listening to Sara give Travis a lecture on hitting people, members of the female species in particular. “Sorry,” Sara said finally, sitting down again. “Where were we?”

“I was telling you about how I got the hiccups when I--”

“Stop!” Sara shouted, raising both hands. “I really don’t want to hear any more of this.” Leaning forward in her chair, she lowered her voice. “This whole business of you sleeping with Gabe has me nauseous. And you can’t even imagine what keeping it from Alex is doing to me.”

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