Read Seeking Justice Online

Authors: Rivi Jacks

Seeking Justice (17 page)

BOOK: Seeking Justice
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Enough Cait, I scold myself.

“I need a drink. Now,” I shout over the music.

Holly motions for us to follow and we head for the bar. We’re standing in line waiting, and I jump when a pair of hands encircles my waist.

I can tell that Bryce thinks he’s funny, startling me that way, as I look up into eyes, filled with mischievous delight. As I shake my head in despair of his teasing, he reaches around me and taps Holly on the shoulder. When she turns, he motions for us to follow him.

Wherever he’s taking us, I hope he has alcohol waiting.

We follow as he leads us through the crowd to the reserved table that we sat at the last time I was here. I wonder why we aren’t going up to the balcony above, and I look up to see the railing lined with people looking down, watching the crowd.

Tansy, behind me, sees me looking and leans in close. “Private party,” she says.

Oh. I start to look away when the shimmer of long blonde hair and the flash of skin catch my eye.


I hold my breath hoping I don’t see Liam.

A guy suddenly appears before me, blocking my line of vision with his height. I focus on him; he’s really tall, blond and good looking. I can’t hear him, but I read his lips, and he asks me to dance. I think. I point toward Holly and Bryce’s back and shrug as I move on to follow them.

When we reach the table, there’s a stunning brunette already seated. I eye the two bottles on the table as I sit. I don’t care what they’re drinking as long as it makes me forget Liam.

Bryce takes the seat next to me, beside the brunette. He leans over to give her a kiss. Geez, two different women in one night. He and Liam have a lot in common.

Holly pours us each a shot of a clear liquid. I pick mine up and down it.


The potent brew takes my breath away, burning a path straight to my stomach. I almost gag on the taste of it. My eyes swim and Bryce thumps me on the back.

“Moonshine,” he yells.

“Vile,” I yell back as I catch my breath. He laughs.

It is the nastiest tasting liquor I’ve ever tasted. Do people really enjoy drinking that?

When Holly goes to pour me another shot, I cover the glass with my hand and shake my head, pointing at the other bottle. I smell the drink this time. Tequila, I can handle. I down the shot and push my glass toward the bottle, but when Holly goes to pour another shot, Bryce slides the glass out of our reach and shakes his head. Holly says something, and Bryce holds up two fingers, and then makes a slash sign with his hand. What? He can’t dictate my drinking to me; I’m not on duty.

I reach over and grab the tequila taking a swig right out of the bottle. Bryce grins and then shakes his head.

The same tall, blond guy from earlier appears before me and holds out his hand.

Why not? I’m here to have fun. I place my hand in his, and he leads me out onto the dance floor.

This is just the first of many dances with several different men. Bryce continues to take it upon himself to temper our alcohol consumption, which is probably a good move on his part. I’m quickly learning he is a control freak. I do manage to sneak a bit more than he’s aware of, and overall I manage to catch a good buzz and have an excellent time.

The night is winding down, and I’m slow dancing with Mr.Tall and Blond when I feel Liam. I can feel his hot stare without even turning around to look for him. Where has he been all night? A part of me has worried about him, knowing something seriously upset him earlier and the other part of me wants to—What? We agreed, no expectations. But I now know that I am telling him I do have the expectation of no lies between us. Wait. Can I do that and not tell him the truth about why I came to work at the Justice House? I honestly believe the right thing to do is to talk to Valerie before I expose her to Liam. I owe her that. But I owe Liam the truth too. Oh, this is way too intense for my buzzed state.

“I believe this dance is mine,” a deep voice interrupts my train of thought.

But it’s not Liam, it’s some handsy guy I danced with earlier, and I have no intention of repeating those moves.

The tall blond, Marc, smiles. “Sorry, friend, it’s the last dance and it’s mine.”

Living up to his reputation, handsy guy grabs hold of my arm, but Marc quickly delivers a blow to his forearm that makes handsy release me. Then Marc pulls me behind his back and steps into the other guy’s space, blocking the fist headed for his face.

“That’s enough!” Liam shouts as he pushes his way between the two men.

Bryce grabs my arm, pulling me away.

“Get her out of here!” Liam yells, leveling an anger filled glare my way. The crowd parts, staring at us as Bryce pulls me toward the exit. I look back to see what happens next and there’s already a security guard standing by Liam.


“Shut up, Cait!”

Startled I look up to catch Bryce’s hard expression. He leads me back into the mansion, and neither of us says another word until we reach Liam’s office.

“What’s going to happen now?” I ask as Bryce reaches into the mini fridge for two bottled waters, holding one out to me.

“No thanks.”

“Drink it, Cait.”

I take the proffered water and drink about half of it down while Bryce paces the room. My mind runs through several scenarios about what’s happening out in the club.

“This isn’t going to be good is it?” I ask softly.

Bryce’s expression is grim. “No. I’m afraid not.”

“So… what will be the outcome?”

Bryce studies me for a moment. “Both members will have their membership revoked.”

“What? Marc didn’t do anything!”

“It’s the rule, any altercation in Justice House calls for expulsion of the individuals involved.”

“But Marc didn’t do anything, it was the other guy. Marc didn’t throw a punch, he tried nice, but handsy guy wasn’t taking “no” for an answer.”

Bryce’s eyebrow shoots up in a perfect imitation of Liam’s. “Handsy guy?”

I blush as Bryce stares at me. “I danced with him earlier in the night and… he couldn’t keep his hands to himself.”

“You should have told me, Cait,” Bryce says quietly.

“I didn’t think anything about it; I just knew I wouldn’t be dancing with him again.”

Bryce sighs deeply and resumes his pacing.

“Bryce can’t you intercede on Marc’s behalf? You know how respectful he acted all night.”

“Cait… it’s not up to me. The rule about fighting is strictly enforced.”

“Well, it’s not fair, why would the guy defending the both of us against an attack be in trouble too?”

“The rules are clear, Cait.
—involved in an altercation—” Bryce falls silent as the office door opens.

Liam walks in, and I can feel the anger roll off of him. Well, I’m not happy either. It doesn’t help though that the now familiar tightening in my lower extremities and his spicy male scent, have me instantly wanting him.

“Everything sorted out?” Bryce asks.

Liam flashes me a quick hard glance. “Yes.”

“Okay. I’m headed back out there.” Bryce gives me a tight smile. “Liam.” Bryce lays a hand on his shoulder as he passes by. “It’s been a long night.” I see him squeeze Liam’s shoulder, and then Bryce is out the door.

I watch as Liam unloads his black leather jacket pockets, depositing everything into a desk drawer, shrugging out of the jacket before walking across the room to his liquor cabinet as my eyes hungrily follow him.

“Liam—” My breath catches when he turns eyes on me filled with an anger that rivals what I saw in them earlier in the evening. I instinctively take a step back, and then I’m instantly irritated at myself for letting him intimidate me.

“You know darlin’”—He knocks back the drink he poured and sets the glass down to pour another—“I do believe you have some explaining to do.”

Oh, good. I know I can make him understand the situation. “Well, I was dancing with Marc when the—”

“I don’t want”—he says harshly and turns, his eyes ablaze with anger—“or need your explanation of what happened. I was there. I saw!” He practically shouts. I frown, determined to hold my ground in the face of his anger but not sure what to say. “I want you to explain what you were doing inciting members of my club to fight over you!”

What? My mouth drops open. “I didn’t incite anything… I was dancing.”

He levels his gaze on me, and I realize he’s holding his temper under a tight reign.

“Yes, I’m well aware that you danced with every man in the fucking bar!”

“You’re… mad because I was dancing with other men?” Wait. “How long have you been back? How long were you watching me dance?” The thought that he didn’t join me in the club makes me think that he might have been up in the balcony area with Miranda.

“Were you with Miranda?” His eyes widen in surprise. “You told me you weren’t involved with her, but clearly, there is something going on between the two of you.”

I watch as his eyes narrow dangerously. “Excuse me,” he says softly, his jaw clenching tightly.

Whoa! He’s kind of scary when he’s this angry. And why is he so angry?

“Liam, I can dance with whomever I want. You really don’t have any say in the matter.” There. If he thinks he can lie to me and then dictate whom I dance with, he’s crazy. “And I did not cause that… altercation… and neither did Marc. The other guy was the problem.”

Liam gently sets his glass down on the bar top and then slowly paces toward me, never taking his eyes from mine. His smile chills me. “You’ve made a mistake, darlin’.” His voice is quiet, deadly quiet. His eyes, lit with a blue fire, generate stirrings of unease that flutter low in my belly. He slowly walks around me, and I have to steel myself from turning when he is at my back. “You don’t seem to understand.”

He’s right; I don’t understand him at all.

He leans close his lips at my ear. “Once I fucked you, you became mine.” I suck my breath in sharply and tremble slightly as his warm breath flows across my face, down my neck. “And what is mine—I keep.”


“I won’t allow another man to touch you.” He pulls my hair back over my shoulder and one long finger strokes down the side of my neck. “To taste you.” His open-mouthed kiss right below my ear makes my knees buckle, and his arm slides around my waist to hold me up. “Or take you from me.” His large hand encircles my throat, and I close my eyes with a moan. “Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“Yes.” I can barely whisper, his seductive voice weaves his sensual magic over me, robbing me of all coherent thought and reason.

He pulls against my neck, and I step back flush to his chest, his hand tilting my face up and to the side. His mouth comes down on mine in a punishing, possessive kiss that steals my breath. I turn in his arms, and he pulls me in tight against his front, never breaking our kiss. Pressing his hand against my bottom, he holds me against his rock-hard erection as he grinds against me. I mewl softly as I entwine my arms around his neck, my fingers running through his already messy hair.

When Liam breaks the kiss, pressing his forehead to mine, we’re both breathing hard.

“I thought you said…” I swallow convulsively. “No expectations.”

He lifts his head to lock eyes with mine.

“Do you want to belong to me, Caitlyn?”

I search eyes that have enthralled me from the moment I first caught a glimpse of them. The man totally captivates me, and I know there is nothing I want more than to be with him. But I’m frightened of what he wants from me and more so that I might give it to him.

“What does that mean?” I ask softly.

He brings his mouth close to my ear. “It means—that I can do with you—as I please.” I almost feel faint at how my body reacts to his whispered words. He strokes the side of my face with his finger, and I inhale sharply as blatant need claws at me. “You’re already mine, darlin’.” His voice is mesmerizing as he caresses my ear with his nose. “You just need to accept the inevitable.” He brings his lips to mine in a searing kiss that leaves me breathless.

“Tell me you belong to me.” His voice is rough and demanding. His hand slides up underneath my jaw, pushing my chin up, head back. “Tell me.”

“Yes,” I breathe.

“Say it,” he growls, his eyes ablaze with intensity.

“I belong to you,” I gasp.

Complete satisfaction settles over his features, and his hand encircles my arm in a firm grip as he hauls me across the room.

I give a little squeak at the suddenness of his action. Oh shit, is he taking me upstairs? My heart starts to beat erratically.

He doesn’t stop until we reach the elevator and he slides his card. The door opens immediately, and he pulls me inside, stabs the floor button—and then he’s on me, pushing me against the back wall of the elevator. He grasps my hands pulling them above my head to grip in one large hand as he buries the other in my hair fisting a handful as he jerks my head back. I cry out softly as his mouth comes down on mine almost violently, and I moan as his hot tongue delves into my mouth. When I mimic the movements of his tongue, a growl erupts from deep in his chest. He presses against my softness with his hard body, his erection thrusting against my belly.

Oh, please just take me right here, right now.

He suddenly steps back, releasing my hands, leaving me dazed. We’re quickly out of the elevator, and he’s pushing me against the wall of his entryway. I gasp, and my heart races at his bold assertiveness as he roughly grips both of my hands, raising them above my head, anchoring them to the wall. When he reclaims my mouth, I moan as he sucks and bites at my lips. His knee presses between my legs, nudging them apart as he ruts against me, hitting my clit. He’s so hard and forceful that I cry out.

“There’s not going to be anything gentle about tonight, darlin’,” he rasps against my mouth. “I’ve waited all day for you, and watching you dance with those other men, letting them touch you, I’m going to punish you.” My body quivers at his words. “I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”

Holy shit!

The sharp bite of arousal causes my stomach to clench in reaction as he grips my hand and pulls me through the apartment, not saying another word.

BOOK: Seeking Justice
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