Seeking Justice (19 page)

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Authors: Rivi Jacks

BOOK: Seeking Justice
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Stop it!
I sound like my mother lecturing me. I’m a modern woman, and Liam is—well, he probably thinks no less of me than any other woman who drops her panties for him. Okay, that thought doesn’t really make me feel any better.

A gust of wind whips my long hair around, and the door closes against my back. When I try to take a step forward, I find the door has closed on my hair. Caught up close, I’m unable to turn around.
I reach for the doorknob behind me.


It won’t open.

A huff of laughter escapes me. Well, this is a first. I’m trying to decide my next move when I hear a door open. From the corner of my eye, I see someone walk to the railing farther down the deck from me, and I assume that it’s Liam who has joined me. I immediately decide I don’t want him to see me this way. I flatten my back against the door and close my eyes, saying a little prayer that he doesn’t see me. For several moments, I listen to the birds chirping and the sound of the breeze ruffling leaves in nearby trees. There’s also the sound of cars from the street below, and just when I think he hasn’t noticed me—

“What are you doing, Cait?”

Oh, hell.
“Enjoying the sunshine,” I say weakly.

“Come here, darlin’.”

I squeeze my eyes tightly closed. Maybe he’ll just go away.

“Caitlyn.” His voice holds a warning note.

“I… can’t. I’m… stuck.” I open my eyes to find him in my field of vision now.

Holy shit hotness!

My mouth drops open as he walks closer. He’s dressed in a dark blue vested suit that brings out something in his eyes, which absolutely makes them a lethal weapon. His snowy white shirt highlights his dark hair, and the scruff on his jaw, just sets everything off to perfection. As I look back up to meet his eyes, I feel myself melt into their blue depths.

“You’re stuck?”

I sigh. “Yes. The wind blew the door closed and… my hairs caught.” The last ends on a plaintive note. His sensual lips turn up slightly at the corners.

“I see.” Is all he says as he stands looking down at me.

I knew he’d enjoy this too much, that’s why I didn’t want him to see me here. Although just who I thought was going to free me from my predicament other than him, I don’t know.

I give him an exasperated sigh. “Could you please go back in and open the door?”

He cocks his head to the side and brings his hand up to his face to stroke his jawline.

“Well now, I don’t know about that.” He steps right up against my front, and before I have a chance to bring my arms up, he’s gripping both my wrists to secure them behind my back in one of his large hands.

Damn, he smells so good. I inhale his scent deeply, and the most unbearable burn develops low in my belly.

“Nice T-shirt,” he says as he brings his free hand up to grip my chin, and his mouth comes down on mine in a soft kiss. Molding his mouth to mine, his tongue slowly parts my lips to slip inside. His hand releases my chin, caressing my jaw as it continues down my neck, sliding across my collarbone to cover my breast, squeezing firmly before his fingers pinch my nipple as he lazily explores my mouth. I moan, and the burn in my belly is now concentrated right between my legs.

He at once steps back, releasing me. I feel flush move over my body with my embarrassment. I’m panting with need, trapped on his deck dressed only in his T-shirt for anyone below to see, and he stands before me grinning.

“Yes,” he gloats, “this has possibilities.” His laugh is full of sensual wickedness, and I almost groan with the clenching of my well-used muscles. “But I have an appointment.” He turns abruptly and walks back across the deck out of my line of vision.

“Liam.” When he doesn’t answer, I call again, this time louder.

The bastard leaves me standing, trapped, for a good ten minutes.

When he finally opens the door, I’m on the verge of being pissed. I glare at him before marching back into the room, picking up my clothes on the way to the bathroom. When I re-emerge, he’s still in the room, standing in front of the balcony doors looking out. He turns to watch as I slip on my heels.

I’m trying to decide what to say to him. What do you say to a man after an incredible night of lovemaking… no, not lovemaking, sex.
Thank you for the great sex?

“I have something for you.”

I look up and once more, his masculine beauty floors me. “What?”

He steps close and holds out a folder.

“What’s this?” I ask as I take it. I open the folder and then look up as he steps even closer.

“It’s the results of the physical I had a month ago. Clean bill of health, no STDs.”

I frown and close the file. “Liam…”

“You’re the only one I’ve been with since then, Cait.”

I’m the only one he’s been with?

He takes the folder, reaches over to lay it on the dresser, and then pulls me into his arms. My hands slide up his chest over his vest as I look up into intense blue eyes.

“Cait… last night…” He gives a slight shake of his head, his lips tilt up at the corners in a small smile. “I have
lost control in that way.” His voice is low and reverberates throughout my body as his eyes search mine. “I apologize, darlin’, for my appalling attitude last night, and for my inexcusable neglect in my responsibility to protect you. I was just as shocked as you were when I realized I hadn’t used a condom.”

This totally knocks me off balance. I feel a warm glow at his words. An apology is the last thing I expected. Maybe he doesn’t think so badly of me.

“It would probably be a good idea to call your doctor, just to be on the safe side,” he suggests, his gaze holds mine.

“Yes.” I’d already decided to do just that. I’m sure there’s no reason to worry, but I’ll let the doctor make that decision.

He tips my chin up and gives me a quick kiss before releasing me. “I have to go.”

I follow him to the elevator.

“You don’t need to leave because I am. There’s food in the refrigerator,” he says as he presses the call button. His cell rings, and he fishes it from his inside jacket pocket as the elevator doors open.

“Justice.” Is all he says when he answers.

I step into the elevator and watch as he hesitates a moment before joining me.

“I’m on my way. All right, I’ll,”—he glances at me—“pick her up on the way.”


“Yes, I’ll bring it with me.” He glances at me as the doors open, and I step out. I keep walking and head out of his office, down the hall.

There seem to be more people here on Saturday than there is through the week at this time of day. I nod and return greetings as I head toward the back of the mansion for the exit. I just want out of here before I have to see Liam again. I almost make it too, but as I reach the backdoor, he grabs my arm, halting my escape.

“Cait, It’s not what you think.” I can hear the amusement in his voice.

I steel my expression and then turn to look up into his sparkling eyes. “I don’t know what you mean.”

He grins. “Don’t you, sugar?”

The door swings open and Liam drops my arm as we step back to allow the three female club members to enter. They all zero in on Liam, and I seize the opportunity to squeeze past them out the door. It doesn’t take him long though to catch up, and he walks beside me in silence as we approach the guard stand.

“Can you call me a cab, please?” I ask the security guard. Normally he would have already called as soon as he saw me headed his way. I guess seeing Liam with me, has him confused. I’m confused too. I leave the estate through the gates to wait for my cab, with Liam right behind me.
What is he doing?

“I thought you had a meeting.”

“I do. You’re making me late.”

I stop and spin to look at him. “Then stop following me,” I snap. My eyes narrow on him when he doesn’t say anything. “Liam, it’s broad daylight, I think I’ll be perfectly safe on my own.” I suddenly feel very vulnerable where he is concerned, and I feel a need to put into perspective how things stand between us. As if hearing his conversation earlier weren’t enough.

“Liam.” I look up into bright blue eyes. “It’s only sex. I know that.” I raise my shoulder in a small shrug. “No expectations.”

He frowns staring down at me, and then he grips my arm, yanking me close. I have a moment to gasp before he takes my mouth in a hard kiss. My hands rest on his chest as my traitorous body leans into his. When he lifts his lips from mine, he meets my eyes. “Cait…” I wait patiently and then he says, “We’ll talk about this later.” He takes a step back and turns me around as my cab pulls up. He leans forward to open the door and then closes it behind me after I climb in. He says something to the driver and then he’s walking away.

I look back as the cab pulls away from the curb. Liam has his phone to his ear, and when he turns, we make eye contact for just a moment before I turn back around. I settle back into the seat with an inexplicable need to cry.

Two things are perfectly clear to me. I’m falling in love with Liam Justice, and I have no idea what to do about it.

My cell rings just as I exit the cab in front of my apartment building.

“Hi Julie, I was just about to call you.”

“Oh, Cait, I’m running late, I had to stop by the office.”

I laugh. “Yeah, well I’m running late too, and I still need to shower.”

“Maybe we should plan on going to the market next Saturday.”

I feel relieved at her suggestion. “I think that’s a good idea.”

“Do you have plans, or do you want to do something tonight? We could check out a new club over off LaSalle Street. Some of the people at work will be there. Paul’s not too keen on going, but I bet we could talk him into it, maybe get a bite to eat beforehand.”

I take a deep breath, stepping into my apartment building’s foyer. No way am I going to let myself sit at home, dwelling on Liam. “Sounds fun.”

“Okay. You want us to pick you up?”

“Sure,” I say as I check my mailbox.

“Okay, see ya!”

I let myself into my apartment and toss the mail onto the hall table as I pass by, headed for the shower.

My late night hours and increased physical activity take its toll on me by late afternoon, and I lay down for a nap. When I wake, it’s almost dark. I stretch, feeling the soreness in my body. The thought of how Liam used me the night before causes my heart rate to speed up. I roll over onto my stomach burying my face into the pillow to smother my moan. I want him. Right now. I know he wants me too. He makes that perfectly clear. But, from his phone call earlier, he’s possibly seeing someone else, and if he is to be believed, it is not Miranda. And, he wants me to trust, that he’s not having sex with anyone but me. I roll over onto my back, closing my eyes tight as I envision his handsome face. I don’t want to delude myself into believing that he cares for me just because he’s not sleeping with anyone else. If I were smart, I’d stay away from him. But I know it’s too late for that.

I sigh as I slip out of bed.


We decide to eat dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, not far from the new club we’re checking out later. I’m determined to have a good time, having sworn off thinking about Liam. My second glass of wine helps with that.

“A couple of Chicago’s finest came by the magazine yesterday,” Paul says watching his wife as she steps over to another table to greet a client.

I sit forward in my chair. “What did they say?”

“Not much, they were there for
to do the talking.” His eyes meet mine. “They asked questions, moseyed around a bit.”

“They spoke with you?”

He nods. “They basically asked the same questions as Valerie’s lawyer.”

“Maybe I should go to them? I don’t want a detective showing up at Justice House to ask me about the last time I spoke to Valerie.”

We both look up as Julie returns to the table.

“What’s up with the short skirt?” Paul asks his wife, frowning as his eyes roam over her again.

I snort softly.

“You didn’t think it was short earlier.” Julie smirks.

Paul gives her a surprised look, and I smile behind my glass of wine.

“That was in private, for the enjoyment of your husband.”

“How about in the cab? You didn’t think it was too short when you hiked it up around my waist.” I sputter into my wine. “Cait’s dress is short too,” she continues, grinning over at me.

Paul doesn’t take his eyes from his wife as she laughs and then leans in to whisper in his ear. His lips lift in a smile, quickly replaced with a scowl. Paul turns to look at me, nodding toward the entrance of the restaurant, and I turn.

Holy Shit!

What is he doing here?

Liam stands in the doorway, a proverbial feast as my eyes move over his blatant masculinity. He’s still wearing the suit from earlier in the day, but now his jacket and tie are gone, with his shirt sleeves rolled to his elbows. Raw lust rears up inside of me, stealing my breath. But it’s his eyes that hold me in their thrall. There’s enough heat in the depths of blue fire to blister my soul.

As I stare, a woman swiftly walks up to him, clearly intent on engaging him in conversation, but he continues to hold my gaze before stepping away from her. With purposeful strides, he crosses the room to reach our table.

“Walk me to the restroom, Paul.” I hear Julie say, but I can’t pull my eyes from Liam. She places her hand on my arm. “If you need to go we understand. Right Paul?”

I look up and catch Paul’s frown. “Yeah. Stay safe and call us,” he says before he leads his wife away with a backward glance. I look back at Liam just as he reaches the table.

“Hi,” I say softly. Damn he looks good. My belly is aquiver with nerves. His eyes are intense, and I can tell something is wrong.

“Can you leave?” He asks his gaze holding mine.

“Yes,” I say without hesitation.

He reaches down and grips my arm as he pulls my chair back. “Let’s go.” He leads me a few steps from the table when I remember my purse.

He releases my arm, and I walk back to the table, conscious of his eyes on me. As I walk back to him, his eyes roam over my body. He motions for me to precede him, and as we step outside the restaurant he firmly takes hold of my arm as he leads me down the sidewalk. He doesn’t say a word, and I’m soon breathless trying to keep up with his long strides as we walk.

Liam abruptly stops beside a bright yellow, low-slung sports car, and pushes me against the door none too gently.

“Liam, what the—”

He forcefully pushes against me, and I look up in surprise into his blazing blue gaze.

“You, in this dress, is about to piss me off! I can’t decide if I should beat your ass for wearing it out in public, or fuck you right here to show all the men who are looking at you—just who you belong to,” he snarls. My mouth drops open, and then he’s pulling me away from the car to open the door. “Get in.”

I’m almost afraid to turn my back to him, fearful he’ll decide to carry out his threat out here on the street. I sidle around him and edge into the sporty convertible. He closes the door firmly before stalking around the front of the vehicle to enter on the driver’s side.

I watch as Liam starts his fancy car, the engine growling to life. He eases the car out of the parking spot onto the street before punching the accelerator, forcing me back against the seat with a gasp.

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