Sekhmet's Curse (Pearl Vampire Chronicles) (31 page)

BOOK: Sekhmet's Curse (Pearl Vampire Chronicles)
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I nodded as I sat down and put my head in my hands, “I will,” I mumbled.

Cameron gently placed his hand on my back, “Never a dull moment in a vampire’s
is there?”

I tried to smile as I looked up at him, “I guess that’s too much to ask,” I said as I fought back my sobs.

Cameron grabbed two pints from the microwave.  I watched him as he slowly made his way into the clinic towards Matt’s bed.  I wiped a bloody tear from my cheek as I reached my mind out to Carlos, ‘
You there?’

‘Always for you.
   What’s up, hun?  Wait!
Are you crying?  What’s wrong?’

‘It’s Matt.  He’s awake, but there’s a problem.’

‘His memory?
  We expected that, Sarah.  We’ve seen that before.  It’ll come back.’

‘I know that and it’s not his memory.  Well, not exactly.’

‘What do you mean?  Tell me what’s going on.’

‘Well, not only does he not
who he is, Carlos.  But it seems that he doesn’t remember what he is.’

‘What do you
he doesn’t remember what he is?’

‘He doesn’t know that he’s a vampire, Carlos.   He asked for a burger when he woke up.’

‘He did not.’

‘Yes, he did.’

‘Holy shit.
  A vampire who doesn’t know he’s a vampire.  He’s like a newborn all over again.  You’ve got to be delicate, Sarah.  Tell him everything too quickly and he might become angry and bitter.  Look, you’ve never help someone adapt who’s been turned without knowing first, I have.  I’m going to come home right now.  I’ll
catch the first flight home in the

‘But don’t you still have to go to Istanbul? You only
just got to Paris.  Have you even met with, what is her name again?  Oh yeah, Sissy.  Have you found her yet?’

She’s with me right now.  And that’s going to have to be enough. 
This is different, Sarah. 
could get his memory back but be a completely different person. 
Angry, vengeful, uncontrollable and
without a speck of love in his heart.
  Do you want that?  Do you really want to risk that?’

‘No, of course I don’t, honey.  I just don’t want to seem selfish in the eyes of the others.’

‘Sarah, nobody could ever see you as selfish. 
  I’ll be there as quick as I can.  Whatever you do, don’t tell him what he is before I get there, okay?  Promise me that he won’t find out.’

‘I promise.  I love you, Carlos.’

‘I love you, too, Sarah.’

I inhaled as I felt him leave my head.
I missed him so much right now
that it left an ache in my heart that made it hard to concentrate but I knew that I had to focus on Matt
I glanced out into the clinic and saw Cameron hanging the pint on the IV stand. 
Even with the scent of blood there, Matt still didn’t know
what he was
, he didn’t event glance at the blood
.  God, this is so weird.  I glanced at myself in the mirror on the wall and wiped away the last traces of blood from my face.  The last thing I needed now was for Matt to see me crying bloody tears.
As I walked out I listened to Cameron’s conversation with Matt, “I know you’re hungry, Matt.  But, I’m telling you, if you ate right now, you would just throw it all back up a few minutes later.  Your stomach isn’t ready for food, and the medication we’ve got you on wouldn’t help either.  Just lie back and relax for a bit.  Your hunger will go away soon, I promise.”

“But, Doc.
  I’m frickin’ starving.  How is this just going to ‘go away’?”

“Trust me.  Please?”

Matt glanced over at me as
walked up to his bedside.  I blushed slightly as I saw him ‘check me out’  “Um,
Sarah, right?  So, tell me, Sarah.  Does this guy really know what he’s talking about?”

“Who, Cameron?
  I trust him with my life.  And he’s saved mine more than once.”

He stared at both of us for a few seconds, then finally nodded his head, “Okay.
But somebody is going to
have to keep me distracted from this hunger.”

Cameron looked at me and we both smiled.  “I’ve got other patients to see,”
he said.

“That’s fine.  I can keep you company

I said.

“You sure?
  There’s not a husband or boyfriend who’s going to get mad?”

Flirting? I thought as I smiled.  He’s flirting with me? 
  I decided to flirt back, and play coy.  “Don’t worry about me, Matt.  I’m here to help you get better.  Getting
is all you need to worry about.”

I saw him smirk
, but then his expression changed
to fear
.  “Why can’t I remember anything, Sarah?”
he whispered.

“You were really sick, Matt.  You almost died.  Healing completely will take a little time. 
Your memory will come back.
need to be patient.”

“But, not knowing who you are really sucks, Sarah.”

, Matt.  Why don’t we try
  Why don’t you tell me what you do
  Do you have any memories at all?”

“I keep seeing a waterfall. 
And a shower.
   I’ve seen a beach in a few of my dreams. 
And a guy with
a funny smile and dark brown hair.”

I smiled, “That’s your best friend, Carlos.”

“And he’s someone very special to you.
I can tell because your face just lit up.

“He is
, t
o both of us.”

“And you?  You’re what to me?”

I gently placed my hand on the back of his, “Matt, don’t push this too hard.  Your memories will come back soon enough.”
He nodded and la
his head back on the bed.  Suddenly his hands balled up into fists.  He pounded them on the bed and cried out, “
damn it,
this sucks!”

I stopped myself from reaching for him, “I know it does.  But you’ll get through this.  I promise you will.”

“But you know everything about me.  And I know nothing. I can’t remember anything, Sarah.  I don’t even remember when the last time was that I went to the bathroom!
  Or when the last time was that I ate.  I’m having a hard time remembering what food even tastes like.  How stupid is that?”

“It’s not stupid at all.
Healing takes time, Matt.”

“Fine, whatever.
  Can you help me to the bathroom?  I have to pee.”

“Excuse me?”

“I have to pee.  Will you help me or not?”

“Umm, let me check with Doc
first to see if it’s okay for you to get out of bed.  Can you hold on a second?”

“Okay, but hurry please?  My bladder feels like it’s going to bust.  Honestly, I feel like I haven’t peed in years.”

“Okay.  I’ll hurry.” 
I turned and
moved through the clinic and found Cameron checking on Stacey, who was still unconscious, but doing better.  “Cameron?”

“What is it, Sarah?”

“Well, Matt says he has to pee and he wants to know if it’s okay for him to get out of bed.”

Cameron stared at me, open mouthed, for a full thirty seconds, “You’re kidding me, right?”

I shook my head, “No, I’m not. 
What’s happening to him

“I don’t know.”

“But the treatment we’re giving him has a lot of
blood in it, Cameron. 
Aquila still has
many human bodily functions
, including urinating.
  Is it possible that he’s mutating?  Becoming part

“I don’t know, Sarah.  I suppose it’s possible
that he’s getting some of those abilities temporarily
.  But I’m going to have to run some tests to confirm.
And if he is I doubt it will last.
I don’t want him peeing in a toilet.  If he’s producing urine again, I need it for samples.  Bring him a bed pan and bring it to me when he’s done, okay?”

Are y
ou sure you can’t do it?”

“Sarah, you’re married to the guy.  You can help him with this.”

“But he doesn’t remember that we’re married.  I don’t want to embarrass him.”

“He’ll get over it.  I’m busy here.  The nurses are all busy with other patients. 
David is doing an autopsy on Taylor.”

“Taylor?  But he was doing better yesterday.  I thought we caught it in time.”

“I thought so too.  But we only slowed the damage this time.  It didn’t stop it.  He died last night. 
This blend of yours and
’s blood seems to work
on many, but not
.  We still don’t know what it is about your blood or
’s that seems to make you immune to the disease.  We’re still studying that in the lab. 
Which reminds me.
  You need to feed soon.  It’s time for another blood draw. 
I need you to feed on Aquila again.

“I will. 
As soon as Matt falls asleep.
  I promise.”

I grabbed a bed pan from the shelf, thought for a second then grabbed two more, before I headed back to Matt’s bed.  He watched me as I approached, then rolled his eyes when I was only a few feet away. 
  He won’t let me get up to pee?  But I feel fine.  I feel fantastic actually. 
  I feel like I could run a marathon.”

“I know.  But he needs your urine for samples.  He needs to run some tests.”

He grabbed
a bed pan
from my hand, “Fine.  But turn around please. And have another one ready
.  I’m probably going to fill at least two.”

I nodded and turned around as he pulled the lid off and brought the bed pan under the sheet.  I expected to hear nothing.  I expected him to act frustrated because nothing was happening.  I didn’t expect to
hear pee going into a bed pan.  I gasped then quickly clamped my hand over my mouth.   “What?  You’ve never heard a man pee before?  Hand me another, this one is almost full,” he said as he grunted when he stopped his flow.  I handed him an empty one as he handed me the full one.  I put the lid on it, set it on the table then readied the third one, just in case.
  I caught Cameron staring at me.  I nodded my head then turned back to Matt
  “Need the third one, please,” he said, grunting again as he cut off his flow.  We switched out full for empty once more.  “Do you think you might need another one?” I marveled.

“No,” he said as his flow finally slowed to a trickle, “I think I’m almost done.
God, that
felt good.  I feel so much better now.”  He handed me the half-full third pan.  I put the lid on it then picked up all three.  “I’m going to get these to the lab.  I’ll be right back.”

As I turned to go, he placed his hand on my wrist, “I’m sorry I don’t remember you, Sarah,” he whispered.

I smiled at him, “Don’t be sorry, Matt.  Just get better.  Okay?”

“Okay,” he said, nodding
as he
slowly pull
his hand
away.  “Take your time at the lab, Sarah.  I’m exhausted.  I think I’m going to try to sleep for a while.
  Thanks for keeping me company.

“No problem, Matt. 
Would you like me to come back to see you in the morning?”

He opened his eyes and stared at me for a moment, “Honestly, Sarah?  I don’t know what I like or don’t like.  I don’t know what I want or don’t want.  I don’t know much of anything right now.  But I do know that it makes me feel good when you’re around, so, yes, I think I’d like you to come back to see me in the morning. 
If you don’t have other plans.”

I smiled, “No plans, Matt.  Sleep tight.  I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Night, Sarah.  And thanks, again.”

“Goodnight Matt.  And you’re welcome.”

Carlos’ lips gently closed on mine.  I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.  “Welcome home sweetheart,” I mumbled.

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