Seth: Futuristic Spy Romance (Cyborgs: More Than Machines) (18 page)

BOOK: Seth: Futuristic Spy Romance (Cyborgs: More Than Machines)
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Teeth gritted
, he battled the waves of pleasure threatening to overcome him, determined to bring her along with him when he went over the cliff. Sink, pull back, thrust, retreat. Each motion was a delight and a step closer to bliss. The head of his penis butted against her G-spot, and each time he struck, she clamped down tighter, and tighter. Exquisite didn’t come close to describing it.

“Faster,” she urged. “Harder.”

Had he mentioned how perfect she was? Their bodies moved in sync, her legs, still locked around his shanks, giving him no choice. As if he’d move away now!

Her panting cries grew more frantic
, his breathing ragged. A flush enveloped them both, and when her climax hit, so did euphoria. As she let out a keening scream and clenched her channel around his cock, he shuddered himself, unable to hold back. He gave a final thrust, sinking balls deep before spurting wetly inside her.

He said the words that sang in his heart
. “I love you,” and she replied with a sensual, “Ditto.”

Chapter Twenty

Anastasia would admit she
hadn’t replied in the most romantic fashion after his second declaration. She couldn’t, even if she felt it. Never mind she’d told him during the throes of sex, during the cool down, reality reasserted itself. While she’d gotten over the misunderstandings of the past and come to the realization she still loved Seth, and would lay down her life for his, she still couldn’t let go of her primary mission, her one goal in life.

To see the man responsible for her
cybernetic state pay for his crimes—in other words, die, while screaming, preferably with lots of bloodshed. What she didn’t expect was for Seth to agree to help her, after his mini meltdown.

“Ditto? Ditto!” Seth dumped her on the bed so he could jump to his feet, six f
eet plus of naked splendor pacing in a confined space. It was visually entertaining. “Is that all you have to say?”

Fine. I care for you.”

“Says the girl who said she loved me not even five minutes ago during sex.”

He would bring that up. She sprang from the bed feeling at a disadvantage and scrounged through his meager closet for something to wear. “I never meant to imply I didn’t, but I can’t abandon everything I’ve worked toward these last few years just to be with you.”

“Who is asking you to?” He paused in his pacing to direct his laser
-blue gaze on her.

“I’m sorry. I’m confused. Don’t you want to be with me again?”


“But being with me means ditching Joe and the others, especially if they don’t agree with our plan to meet up with the rebel cyborg alliance on earth.”

“If they don’t like it, then they can make plans without me.”

“What do you mean Joe and the others can make plans without you?” She paused in her dressing, the borrowed garments not exactly the most seductive of items given the
T-shirt was a few sizes too large and the pants baggy in the ass and requiring a roll of the cuffs so they wouldn’t drag on the floor.

Is your cognizant chip malfunctioning?” he replied with a quirk of a brow. “It means, even if Joe doesn’t agree, I am still going on this mission. We’ll meet up with this jerk you used to date, use him to get us into this factory or research lab or wherever it is they make these ships, and take what we need.”

“And after?”

“What do you mean after?”

“My primary goal still remains finding the head of the company. What if we don’t find him there?”

Seth reached out and grabbed her hands, enveloping them in his and forcing her to face him, his expression serious. “If we don’t find him, then we keep looking. However long it takes. Which means, even once we get the cloaking technology into the hands of my brothers and friends, where you go, I go.”

“But I thought—”

“Thought what? That after finding you again I’d ever want you to leave my sight? Not happening, gorgeous. Meeting our creator obviously means a lot to you. And, oddly enough, I find myself curious too. Curious and not averse to the idea of meting out some punishment. While I don’t entirely hate my state of being, I mean being a cyborg after all does have its perks, I don’t like the way they went about it, or the methods they used. I think they could have achieved many of the same results if they’d only asked. Plenty of humans would have volunteered to become super men and women. So, yes, I do want to look the a-hole in the eye and ask him why.”

“But what about Joe and the others? I thought they needed you.”

“They do, but I’m not so vain as to realize that others can step into my shoes. They probably won’t wear them as well, or appear as dashing, but that’s the problem with trying to replace perfection.”


His eyes twinkled with mischief. “You disagree? Because I thought I recalled someone mumbling something along the lines of ‘oh my god.’ That, to me, implies greatness.”

Or a problem with my programming. It’s been a while since my last maintenance check.”

“You are not defective, gorgeous. Just in love.”

She made a moue. “I guess.” The expression on his face made her laugh. “Okay fine. I’ll admit it. I love you, even if you are a goof. So are we really going to track down the son of a bitch behind the origin of the cyborgs?”

“Track him down. Make him pay. And
, if we’re lucky, show the world that we’re not the monsters they’ve made us out to be.”

“Maybe we’ll even find this mysterious source of all cyborgs like you’ve hinted at.”

“The source? What source?” His brows drew together in a puzzled frown.

She pursed her lips. How could he have forgotten?
He was the one who’d told her about the source, something she could still only vaguely recollect. Cyber units never forgot anything—unless something in their programming made them. What was it about this source that— She blinked and opened her mouth, only to shut it.
What was I about to say?

“Cat got your tongue?” he teased.

“I’d prefer if a certain spy I knew took it.”

And there went her second set of borrowed garments
, from covering her one moment to tattered rags the next. Ah well. She could cobble another ensemble together later. Right now, she had more important things to do, such as making up for lost time with her husband.

Her initial mission might not have gone the way she planned, and the future remained uncertain, but
, as Seth said, later while she lay cocooned in his arms, “From here on out, we will face whatever the universe throws at us, together.” Words she clutched with all her mechanical heart.

f course, being Seth, he had to ruin the moment. “Well together except for when we meet this guy Adam. Him, I want to spend some time alone with so we can
his association with my wife.”

Lucky her, life would never be boring again.
Or lonely.
I’ve got a second chance at happiness, and this time, I’m not letting anyone fuck it up.


To Seth’s relief, he didn’t have to make an actual choice between his wife and his friends. Once apprised of the situation and the newest events, Joe approved of their plan to invade the earth facility creating the cloaking devices, because as their leader so eloquently put it, “We need to fuck over the bastards and even the odds.”

However, a
trip to earth, while exciting, required careful planning. They couldn’t just fly into restricted air space and expect to land without anyone taking notice. What they could expect according to the hypothetical models they ran was to get their asses shot down. However, where there was a cyborg will, there was a way. Somehow they’d find a way to make it to the surface and find this group for the ethical treatment of cyborgs. And find Adam.

, that aspect of their mission was only part of the virtual meeting they held in the control center of the
. Much had happened since Seth had left his cyborg home world. Aramus’ mission had recovered some cyborgs. Anastasia had also increased their population by one, and the intel they both brought to the holographic table blew more than a few circuit boards, at least in those present for the meeting.

The announcement of alien life being responsible for
the new technology and possibly their origin caused a stunned silence.

Of about two seconds.

“I knew it! I fucking knew it!” Kyle crowed. “I am like superman, only without the tights, and forget kryptonite. Metal makes me stronger!”

No one begrudged Aramus the slap he gave
Kyle across the back of the head.

It took a few moments for Joe to regain control.
“All of this is very interesting and gives us a new direction in which to look. Despite the possibility of our location being compromised, I don’t think we should move quite yet. Einstein’s been working on the cloaking issue baffling our sensors and has come up with some innovative ways of combatting it. We’ve also begun dispersing the population and dismantling some of our key installations. I’ve got the cyborgs spreading out over the continent and onto some of the nearby planets to ensure we’re not sitting ducks waiting to get picked off.”

Great counter measures, especially once you add in Einstein’s plan to seed trip alarms in the air space leading to the planet, but we still need the cloaking tech if we want to move from a defensive position to an offensive one,” Seth pointed out.

His image wavering as the signal fluttered, Joe nodded.
“I agree. We need to see what we can do about not only getting our hands on it but also destroying the installation where it’s made so the military and the company can’t use it.”

A certain brash cyborg showed an interest at this point
, now that the talk had gone from blah blah recap to actual action. “Did someone say we needed to blow some shit up? I’m in,” Aramus volunteered.

I kind of figured you would be. However, this operation requires stealth and finesse. Seth and Anastasia, I want you to be in charge of that part of the mission. In other words, you sneak in, get the intel we need and then get out before Aramus turns the factory into a crater.”

A!” Aramus actually did a fist pump, which left more than one mouth hanging open.

But dead silence prevailed when Joe added, “I’d also like you to bring along



The surprise in the room could almost be felt. “Yes,
I want you to bring Avion. Avion, you know firsthand what the company was up to. Your knowledge might be invaluable.”

“No offense,” Anastasia interrupted. “But you’re talking about bringing a blind cyborg on a mission of stealth.”

“I know. Not exactly ideal, but I’ve talked it over with Einstein. He doesn’t know if he can help Avion. However, there is a chance this installation might have a cure. They figured out how to turn the nanos off, so maybe they know how to turn them back on. And as we all know, Avion needs to turn on his nanos if he wants to survive.”

sobering reminder that their cyborg friend was currently in a race against death sobered them all. Cyborg technology wasn’t worth shit without the nanos to back it up. Bit by bit, Avion’s body would shut down. They had time, but not much, to save his life.

“Talk about bringing the party down. I can tell even without eyes that you’re all
feeling sorry for me. Don’t. I’m tough. It will take more than a few unresponsive bots in my bloodstream to bring me down. Let’s worry more about getting our hands on the cloaking device.” Brave words. Avion’s smile and attempt to lighten the mood only served to highlight his frail health.

Oh shut the fuck up you altruistic bastard. We’re going to save your ass just so I can kick it,” Aramus rumbled.

I’ve already set a course for earth,” Aphelion announced.

Excellent, however, you’ll only be doing a drop-off of Seth, Anastasia and Avion.” Joe held up his hand before Aramus could protest. “Before you blow a gasket, rest assured that you will probably be needed to blow the place up, but while we give our landing team a chance to do their job, I’ve got a different mission in mind for you. Judging by the reports you gave me and some information I got elsewhere, I might have found the location for at least one of the aliens we suspect the company has gotten their hands on. I need you to find them.”

“And do what? Ask them to hand over their technology or I’ll blow them up?” Aramus asked hopefully.

“I’d prefer you try and form a treaty instead of engaging us in another war on a different front if you don’t mind, which is why Aphelion is going as your second and Kyle as our interspecies relations officer.”

hoo! A promotion.” The second smack to Kyle’s skull went unchallenged as well.

Anybody got anything else they want to say?” Joe looked at everyone around the virtual table.

If he expected dissension, he wouldn’t find it. There wasn’t a cyborg in that
control center or back home who wouldn’t lay down his life for the good of the colony and all cyber units universe wide. And it went without saying that they all had a burning desire to find out more about their origin. Born of a human mother and father, reborn of what?

That remained to be seen. With Anastasia by his side, Seth couldn’t wait to find out. And plant his fist in this Adam’s face.

Love might conquer all for humans, but he was cyborg, and no amount of programming could cure him of his impulse control, or jealousy.

Bring on the adventure and danger. Booyah!






The walls of her prison never changed. Dull metal all around, a lead compound with no conducting abilities, smooth as glass, impermeable to all attempts to gouge or scratch. It also blocked all attempts to call for help. It was the perfect prison. A cell no one could escape from, not even a cyborg.

Light did not exist in this space. The only sounds were those of
her own making. She had spent an eternity alone. Or so it seemed. Her internal clock said it had been nine months, seven days, six hours, and five seconds since the last time they’d checked on her. But did time matter when everything else seemed to stand still?

Am I mad yet?
She should be.

Am I dead?
Perhaps the silence and darkness meant she’d finally passed on.

Doubtful. Those who
’d recreated her had built her too well. They’d defended her against all sorts of harm. Made her impregnable. Daddy’s little girl, perfect in every way, except for one thing. In her father’s quest to save her, he’d taken her humanity and freedom.

What was the use of being perfect if she couldn’t be free

But even if she were, what would she do? Where would she go? She was alone.
Even Daddy had abandoned her in the end.

“You are no longer my daughter.”
And whose fault was that?

Once upon a time
, that memory had the ability to hurt. That time had long passed. She no longer felt anything, just fatigue, not a bodily one, but one of the mind, not the spirit. Of that the scientists seemed certain. The term godless and without a soul had been applied. It seemed that being a cyborg, no matter her human origin, took away her soul.

No morals? No conscience? No soul?
In that case then that meant no going to hell. She was free from the sins of humans. In reply to the scientists belief, she tore off their faces and limbs. Essentially anything that came within reach. It was messy. But fun.

Her rebellion
had been sadly short-lived but even now, proved pleasant to reminisce upon.

The grating sound from above her saw her craning to peer upward. Had they finally solved the riddle of her existence? Did they finally have a solution to their problem of how to kill
? They kept trying, but in the end, nothing worked. It was why Daddy had stuck her in the hole.
It’s for your own good, sweetie.
She could see the lie, but she’d gone anyway. Why not? She had nothing better to do.

A bright light angled down, the proverbial white tunnel, or something else?
Aliens coming to take me away?

She almost giggled.

I am mad. Mad as the hatter. Mad as the AI from that space movie. Crazy, crazy, nuts.

And alone.
All alone.

Or was she
? In the brief shining moment when someone called down and asked if she was still there—like duh, where else would she go?—a mind touched hers. A single mind out of hundreds. A single personality that actually

Who are you?
he asked.

Good question. She no longer even remembered. All she had was
the identity they’d given her.
I am known as One.
She didn’t need to see him to perceive his puzzlement.

Where are you?

Hidden. A prisoner. One without hope.

There’s always hope.

Not for me.
How sad to admit to another, the first true contact she’d had in who knew how long.

Don’t give up. I’ll

The contact was abruptly shattered as they slid the grate back over her prison.


And somewhere deep in space, a cyborg who
tried to hold onto hope, even if all seemed lost, sat bolt upright in his bed. Heart pounding. Pulse racing. The end of his promise spoken aloud, “—find you.”


The End, of this story, but stay tuned because we’ve not seen the last of the cyborgs.


Author’s Note:
I hope you enjoyed this latest story in the Cyborg series. If you did, I’d love it if you took a moment and left a review. To know when my next story will be available, please join my
new release mailing list
Thank you for reading.
~ Eve


Previous books in the series, Cyborgs: More Than Machines:

Come see me at
Romancing the Capital (RTC2015), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, April 17
, 2015 (
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