Sex Addict (36 page)

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Authors: Brooke Blaine,Ella Frank

BOOK: Sex Addict
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And dirty as all hell.

She was his equal in every way imaginable.
And he knew exactly what she wanted.

He took her hand in his and brought it to his lips, where he kissed her fingertips before gently nipping at them. He then started to lower them down between their bodies and matched her smile with a deviant one of his own. Her eyes dilated, and her mouth parted on a sigh.

Oh yeah, your filthy fuck is here to stay.

“I think I’ve changed my mind about drinks,” he told her as he pushed her hand lower, her fingers disappearing beneath the waist of her pants. “I’m in the mood for a little finger food…”


7 weeks later…

“SO LET ME GET this straight.” Dr. Glover lifted the end of his pen to his lips as his eyes narrowed over the top of his glasses. “You tracked this man down, went home with him the first night you met him, got him a job working with you, and lied about your identity to get him to fall in love with you. Is that right?”

Reagan’s eyes went wide and she looked over at Evan. “Uh…when you put it like that—”

“Yes or no?”


“And Evan,” Dr. Glover continued, “you admit to bouts of uncontrollable sexual urges, and destructive thoughts and behavior. Is that right?”

“Is he always like this?” Reagan whispered, and Evan squeezed where his hand was resting on her thigh.

“Yes,” he said to Dr. Glover before turning to Reagan. “And yes.”

“So we have a liar and a sex addict. How’s that working out for you two?” Evan’s therapist asked.

“Well, I keep him satisfied on the sex front because, clearly, I’m not eligible for admission at the local convent.”

,” Evan said. But Reagan continued as though he hadn’t said a word. “And since I was busted the first time I withheld the truth, it’s pretty obvious I don’t have a good poker face. So you could say it’s working out well. Right?” She turned to Evan, who nodded.

“You don’t seem to regret giving an illusion,” Dr. Glover said.

“Look at him. I doubt I’m the first to tell a few white lies to get close to him.”

close,” Evan piped up.

She sat up straight and then twisted toward Evan. “Mhmm. But I
be the last,” she teased, and gave a flirty wink. When a delicious smile morphed his lips, Reagan shifted on the seat.

“So, Reagan, you’re proud you lied?” Dr. Glover asked.

Reagan heard Evan cough behind her. “He’s enjoying this a little too much, don’t you think? He’s definitely the troublemaker of the two of us. Shouldn’t you ask him a few questions?”

“Oh, I will, but first, you have to answer mine.”

Reagan shrugged. “I wouldn’t call it lying. I’d call it…hiding the truth. But if you’re determined to use the label, then hell yes I fucking lied, and I’d do it again.”

Evan’s laugh was loud as it echoed around the walls of the office. “So unapologetic,” he said. “Just admit it. You lied to get in my pants.”

Reagan’s mouth fell open, and she pointed an accusatory finger at him. “I didn’t
to lie to get in your pants, thank you very much. Remember, we’re here talking to
therapist, Evan James.”

“Who knows aaaall about your dirty ways.”

Reagan let out a sigh and looked over at the doctor to see his lips twitching in amusement. “I’m glad you find this so amusing.”

“I have to admit—I do. It’s nice to see how far he’s come,” Dr. Glover said. “Now if you don’t mind, I’ve got a few more questions for the two of you.”

“I mind,” Reagan replied. “This is more stressful than a job interview.”

“Unless you’re trying not to imagine your interviewer naked and straddling you like she was the night before. Then it’s
, and yes, the pun is intended,” Evan said.

Dr. Glover stared at Evan. “Well, I, for one, am grateful you are not picturing that for me. Now, Evan, what would Reagan say is the one thing you do that drives her crazy?”

Evan cocked his head to the side. “I’m pretty fucking perfect, but if I had to pick something…it would probably be leaving my wet towels on the bathroom floor.”

“Wrong,” Reagan said. “It would be always choosing a horror flick knowing I can’t stand them.”

Evan burst into laughter. “There’s a good reason for that.”

“I’d love to hear it,” Dr. Glover said.

“She’s too scared to watch the movie, so she focuses her attention…elsewhere.”

“Jesus,” Reagan said, rolling her eyes.

“What? It’s true.”

“Okay, come on you two.” Dr. Glover chuckled, peering at her over his glasses again. “Reagan, what traits would you say Evan admires the most about you?”

“That would be my fierce independence and my dazzling mind,” she said.

“And also her ass,” Evan chimed in.

Dr. Glover looked annoyed. “That’s not a trait, Evan.”

“Well it’s an
et. But really, I do appreciate how intelligent she is. Reagan is one of the smartest people I know. She conducts business better than any man I’ve ever seen, and sometimes I can’t believe she is the same little Jenny Spencer I grew up with.”

“Aw, that’s so sweet,” she said, and leaned over to give him a kiss. And then another. And another.

“All right, knock it off. We’ve only got a few more minutes on the clock, and then I’ll let you lovebirds ride off into the sunset. Reagan, same question to you.”

She pulled away from Evan and smiled. “His ability to overcome adversities in his life. It hasn’t been an easy path, but he takes it one day at a time, and I respect him for that. I love him because of that. He’s stronger than anyone I know.”

“Aren’t you a sappy little thing. You forgot to mention filthier than anyone you know.” Evan wrapped his arm around her waist and planted a kiss on her neck.

“I think that goes without saying,” Reagan replied.

Dr. Glover set down his notepad and steepled his fingers. “I never would’ve guessed things would work out this way, so thank you. Thank you for surprising me.”

“You had a lot to do with helping me work through my issues, so I appreciate it. Even though you’re a blunt bastard,” Evan said.

“It’s nice to see that I’m doing something right.” Dr. Glover got to his feet and motioned for them to do the same. “All right, time’s up. I’ve got to take my wife out for dinner. What do you two have planned for Valentine’s this evening? Or should I even ask?”

Evan ushered Reagan toward the door, with a hand lightly pressing against her back. As she stepped through and out onto the front stoop of the brownstone, he looked back over his shoulder and winked at the good doctor. A mischievous smile pulled into place as he replied, “You
shouldn’t ask.”


As always, there are several key players when it comes to putting a book together, and we were lucky enough to work with the an amazing crew for Sex Addict.

To our beta readers: Judy, Stacy W, Jen G, Donner & Bianca! Without your awesome eyes reading over Sex Addict, this book would’ve gone out in hot mess form. We can’t thank you enough for always being there to lend a helping hand and support us on each project we put forward. You are all unique and wonderful human beings, and we consider ourselves extremely fortunate to have you in our lives.

To Jay Aheer, our cover designer and the woman who has the patience of a saint. Seriously, a saint. Thank you so much for not balking at the impossible task we came to you with. You listened to everything we told you and then came back with something completely amazing and not at all like we wanted. It was, in fact, a million times better! You are a creative genius, and we bow down to you. Also, thanks for putting up with our ten thousand font changes!

To Arran, our editor. We are purposely adding things that are grammatically incorrect here just so you can roll your eyes (at Ella, of course LOL), because let’s face it, the smartass comments you leave us are always accompanied by an eye roll…right? Yeah, we thought so. Seriously, though, thank you for always being available to answer our (not silly at all) questions and for your insane turn around time. Speed-reader extraordinaire.

To Mickey, who edited Part One of Sex Addict. You know we couldn’t do this without you, and this book is what it is due to the collaborative powers of both you and Arran. You seriously rock!

A HUGE thank you to Erika Wilde and Carly Phillips who gave us the courage to do what needed to be done and told us to be BOLD. We are so thankful that we get to call you two friends, and count ourselves as extremely lucky authors to be able to call you colleagues.

Finally, to all of you who have read, reviewed, and supported us in our first co-authored series—a HUGE THANK YOU! We appreciate every tweet, every shared post, every review you leave us, and every email telling us how Evan & Reagan made you feel. It means the world that you joined us on this journey.

We hope you enjoyed SEX ADDICT. We cannot wait to bring you many more collaborations over the years to come!

~Ella & Brooke


If you’d like to get to know Ella and Brooke better, you can find them getting up to all kinds of shenanigans at:

The Naughty Umbrella

About Brooke

You could say Brooke Blaine was a book-a-holic from the time she knew how to read; she used to tell her mother that curling up with one at 4 a.m. before elementary school was her ‘quiet time.’ Not much has changed except for the espresso I.V. pump she now carries around and the size of her onesie pajamas.


Brooke enjoys writing sassy contemporary romance, whether in the form of comedy, suspense, or erotica. The latter has scarred her conservative Southern family for life, bless their hearts.


If you’d like to get in touch with her, she’s easy to find - just keep an ear out for the Rick Astley ringtone that’s dominated her cell phone for years.

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About Ella

Ella Frank is the author of the #1 Bestselling Temptation series, including Try, Take, and Trust and is the co-author of the fan-favorite contemporary romance, Sex Addict. Her Exquisite series has been praised as “scorching hot!” and “enticingly sexy!”

A life-long fan of the romance genre, Ella writes contemporary and erotic fiction and lives with her husband in Portland, OR.  You can reach her on the web at
 and on Facebook at

Some of her favorite authors include Tiffany Reisz, Kresley Cole, Riley Hart, J.R. Ward, Erika Wilde, Gena Showalter, and Carly Philips. 

Ella’s Links

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