Sex Ed (2 page)

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Authors: Myla Jackson

BOOK: Sex Ed
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Lacey's mouth set in a firm line. "That's your cue." She herded Kendal to the door, grabbing the tank top from the floor. "Don't be too obvious too fast, it tends to scare men off. Remember Plan B.

Make him think you're after someone else. Make him jealous enough to cross the brother line. Trust me, there wil be no returning."

Lacey practical y shoved her down the stairs.

Halfway down, Kendal got cold feet. Real y cold feet. Okay, so the cool wood against her bare feet felt good compared to the heat rising up her neck into her face. She couldn't do this. She'd never been this forward in her entire life, always playing the good girl, refusing to give her brother any trouble after he'd taken on the huge responsibility of raising her when their parents had died in a car crash. Having just graduated high school, he'd barely been able to tie his own shoelaces and he'd never tied hers.

But Connor learned and attended the smal col ege in town while showing up at al of her school events, shuttling her to and from soccer practice like any other soccer mom. He'd grown up before he'd had a chance to be a kid.

Kendal made life as easy on him as possible.

She understood the sacrifice he'd made by giving up a scholarship to the University of Texas to stay home and care for his kid sister.

As soon as she graduated and was safely accepted to the local col ege, he'd gotten his commission into the U.S. Army and left Temptation, Texas. He'd only agreed to go on the condition his best friend would look out for his little sister.

Therein lay the problem. Some of the reasons for which Kendal had fal en in love with Ed were the same reasons he wouldn't look at her as other than Connor's little sister. He was loyal to his friends, protective to a fault, and he kept his word no matter what. And four years later, he was no different.

Connor had managed to miss being deployed for the first three of Kendal 's col ege years, but now he was deployed and Kendal was about to graduate. If she was going to get Ed to notice her, it had to be soon.

She'd hoped when she turned twenty-one, Ed would start seeing her as a grown woman, not a kid sister. Two months had passed since her birthday and nothing had changed. After a come-to-Temptation meeting with her best friend, Lacey, she'd made the decision to take matters into her own hands and push the issue.

Thus Plan A of Operation Sex Ed. Let him see what he's missing.

Kendal stil wasn't al that sure that standing practical y naked in the window had done the trick.

Ed had reacted just like Ed always reacted, al protective and big-brotherly.

Enter Plan B.

Kendal stood in front of Ed's door, her hand poised over the wood. "I can't do this."

From above, Lacey cal ed out, "Yes. You. Can."

Kendal jumped and knocked on the door before she could change her mind. As she waited for Ed to answer, she realized she was stil naked and carrying the tank top. Her heart palpitated as she shoved her arms through the shirt. She'd just pul ed it down over her breasts when Ed jerked open the door.

He wore nothing but a towel wrapped around his middle, his hair and body dripping from his recent shower.

Desire slammed into her bel y, spreading like wildfire, frying every brain cel to a crisp. For a moment, she couldn’t remember why she’d come down the stairs, then Lacey’s words echoed in her head.
Remember Plan B.
Smoothing the panic out of her face and voice, she smiled up at him. "Got a minute?" Without waiting for a response, she waltzed past him, inhaling the fresh scent of soap and Ed. As she sidled by, she swung her hips in such a manner as to invite just about any hot-blooded male to rutting season with a grown woman, not a little girl. She'd purposely not pul ed her shirt over her rear, leaving her naked ass exposed to his view. The thong between her butt cheeks didn't count for anything.

"Got any clothes?" Ed asked, searching the hal way before he closed the door, turned and leaned on it. "Please tel me you don't run around like that in front of the kid that left as I was getting home?"

"Cory?" She faced Ed, twisting the hem of her tank top, drawing it up enough Ed could see the triangle of black lace that was the bulk of material in the thong panties. "He likes it when I dress like this."

She stood straighter, her unbound breasts natural y jutting forward. "I didn't come to talk about Cory, I came to ask for your help."

"My help?" Ed glanced down at his towel. "Could it wait until I'm dressed?"

Kendal shrugged, her lips twisting in a teasing smile. "Dressed or undressed doesn't matter to me. I need lessons, and I can't think of anyone that I trust as much as I trust you to teach me."

"Exactly what kind of lessons did you have in mind?" Ed pushed away from the door and strode through the living room to the bedroom.

Kendal had to resist the urge to grab the towel and yank it loose. Her blood raced through her veins, molten hot for the man, and he wasn't aware she existed as anything other than Connor's sister. Why was fate so cruel?

She fol owed him, standing in the doorway of his bedroom, imagining lying naked in his bed, making mad passionate love. An ache built in her core, fortifying her determination to make Operation Sex Ed work.

Ed reached into his closet for a pair of jeans.

Kendal launched Plan B. "I need lessons on how to attract a man."

He spun to face her, dropping the jeans to the floor. His towel slipped and he barely caught it before it ended up with the jeans around his ankles.


Her gaze swept over his thick thighs and narrow hips, her pulse pounding in the vein at the base of her throat. "I want lessons on how to attract a man,"

she repeated more slowly, as if speaking to someone with limited faculties.

"I heard what you said, but what are you talking about?" He clutched his towel in front of him, the effect displaying a significant amount of leg, thigh, hips and groin.

Kendal licked her lips, her gaze fixed on the position stil covered by the towel, wil ing Ed to expose even more. Her pussy creamed at the mere thought of seeing his cock. How would it be to hold it in her hands? Kendal ’s breath caught in her throat.

In an attempt to concentrate, she pul ed her glance up to his face. "I think I'm in love with a guy, but he doesn't have a clue I exist. I want you to help me attract his attention."

"Aren't you a little young for playing games with guys?"

"I'm not seventeen anymore, in case you hadn't noticed, and these," she pointed to her breasts, the nipples puckering on cue through the thin material of the tank top, "aren't getting any action. I need help."

Ed ran a hand through his hair, his gaze glancing off her breasts and hitting every corner of the room without looking back. "Tel me you didn't just say your...your…oh, hel , aren‘t getting any action."

"Boobs?" She raised her brows and stared at him. "I'm al grown up, Mr. Judson, not the little girl that used to fol ow you and Connor around."

"I know you're al grown up, but—"

"I'm twenty-one, single and almost finished with col ege." She jammed her hands onto her hips. "I deserve a sex-life just like anyone else. If you aren't going to help me figure this out, I'l find someone who wil ."

"Whoa, wait a minute."Ed held up his hands.

"Just exactly what is it you want me to teach you?

Not that I'm agreeing to this lunacy."

"I want you to show me what turns on a guy. Kind of like a sex education class for dummies. Only I'm not planning on practicing the abstinence part." Her hands skimmed over her breasts, curving down over her hips. "I want the ful -blown, how-to-make-him-hot-for-me lessons."

"Holy Hel , you're kidding, right?"

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" She tapped a bare foot, realizing it probably wasn't making a big impression with her bright pink toenail polish. "Not only am I not kidding, I want lessons to begin tonight.

And in payment for lessons, the pizza is on me."


The knock on the door couldn't have been timed better.

"Right on time." She smiled and fished the twenty-dol ar bil out of the triangle of her panties. "I'l be right back. Don't go anywhere, we have work to do."

"Pizza?" Ed stood for a moment as though rooted to the floor, his hand stil clutching the towel around his middle, his face pale, probably in shock.

. Kendal turned toward the door and cal ed out, "Coming!"

She hadn't taken two steps when Ed caught up with her, ripped the twenty from her fingers and shoved her back in the bedroom. "Stay," he commanded.

Then, wearing nothing but the towel and carrying the twenty, he opened the door to the apartment for Jason, the pizza delivery boy.

"Nice towel." Jason shoved the pizza box at Ed.

For a moment, Ed fumbled with the towel, the twenty and the pizza box.

Kendal fought back the urge to giggle, silently praying he'd slip and drop the towel.

Sadly, Ed managed to pay for the pizza and close the door behind Jason, towel intact around his middle.

Kendal came out into the living room, crossed her arms beneath her chest, giving them a little added lift. "So what's it to be? Wil you teach me everything you know about making love, or do I take my pizza elsewhere?"

Chapter Two

Ed's cock twitched, tenting the terrycloth draped around his middle. He felt like an idiot, dressed in a towel, holding a pizza and answering a dynamite-loaded question from the little girl whom he'd promised to protect from lecherous males.

Only Kendal wasn't a little girl anymore and she wanted his help to seduce a man. His tongue wouldn't work, he couldn't find the words needed to talk her out of her cockamamie plan. Instead, he nodded. "Let's have pizza and talk about it."

"First, your promise." She threw her shoulders back and braced her bare feet apart. "I don't want to waste my time and pizza if I need to find someone else who has the experience to teach me what I want to know. Are you up to the chal enge or should I check with Whitey Ross. I'm sure he'd show me a thing or two."

Anger boiled up in Ed's craw. "You wil do no such thing."

"In case you didn't hear me, I'm single, over twenty-one and capable of making al of my own decisions." She ticked off the list on her fingers. "I just thought that you might be a better choice, given you're not interested in me, and I can trust you not to take advantage. Any more than I deem necessary to learn, of course."

He carried the pizza into the smal kitchen and laid it on the counter, immediately regretting his decision. Without the box to run interference, the tent his dick caused jutted out prominently. How could he talk Kendal out of this crazy scheme? He needed time to think through this, time to come up with some plausible reason she should abstain.

"You do realize having sex can lead to—"

"Spare me, wil ya?" She rol ed her eyes. "I had this conversation with my brother ages ago. I’m on the pil , I have my own supply of condoms, and you wil not talk me out of this." She marched toward him, her breasts bouncing with each step.

Ed held his breath, his cock swel ing even more the closer she came.

She stopped in front of him. "Are you in, or not?"

She planted both hands on her hips and tipped her head to the side. Her determination made the light in her green eyes dance.

Ed wanted nothing more than to be in, al right.

But she was Connor's
little sister

"Fine. I'l take my pizza elsewhere." She made a grab for the box, leaning past him, her arm sliding across his naked torso.

At the contact, Ed groaned and grabbed her wrist. "Okay, okay. I'l do it. Against my better judgment and barring any lightning bolts from heaven."

Kendal straightened, facing Ed, her breasts pressing against his skin through the thin tank top, the tips, poking out as though teasing him for being weak and agreeing to her scheme.

Was he out of his mind to agree to this? The little girl had definitely grown up. Hel , she sported what...a size D cup, more than a mouthful and…and...he sniffed. A light, citrusy scent curled around his senses, tempting him past redemption.

Normal y, he hated perfumes, found them usual y too strong and annoying, preferring the natural aromas of living things like roses and horse manure. "What's that smel ?"

"Must be my perfume. Do you like it?" She tipped her chin and pul ed her long blond hair to the side, exposing the graceful line of her neck.

Oh, yeah, he liked.

Too much.

He grabbed her arms and set her away from him. "Quit wearing it. Wear something like Chanel or Candies. Your man should like that."
If he didn't gag
. "And apply it thick."

Kendal frowned. "Are you sure. Don't you want to smel it again, just to be certain?" She closed the distance and stood on her toes, her body snug against him from her hips to her breasts.

Jaw tight, Ed fought the urge to press her even closer. His cock nudged against her bel y as if taking on a life of its own. "Who is this guy?" Ed said through gritted teeth. He grasped her arms and pushed her a safe distance away from him and his randy dick.

She smiled down at the tent his towel made.

"Are you always after a shower?"

He glanced down at the embarrassing tent.


"Why don't you lose the towel? I'l need to get used to seeing a man naked. You might as wel be the man. One male body looks pretty much like the rest." Her lips twitched, her gaze rising from his stiff member up to his dropped jaw. "Don't you agree?"

"No." Ed's mouth snapped shut. "Not al men are built alike."

"So, how are you different from other men?"

He liked to think he was larger—hel , he'd seen other guys in the locker room after footbal practice—he had the right to think it. Looking down into little Kendal Mason's bright blue eyes, he coughed. "It's not just the equipment but what you do with it." He shook his head. "Real y, are you seriously going through with this?"

Kendal pouted. "Absolutely. I think this is the real deal. I'm in love with a guy that doesn't quite know I exist. I need help attracting him and I don't want to risk screwing it up."

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