Sex Ed (4 page)

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Authors: Myla Jackson

BOOK: Sex Ed
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Ed lathered up with soap then his hand closed around his aching dick, sliding up and down, thrusting long and hard, faster and faster until he burst over the edge, his body shuddering with the intensity of his release. Not the best release a man could have, but it would have to do. He had to do something about his lack of female companionship or these crazy, mixed-up sex education sessions with Kendal would kil him.

As he stepped out of the shower, he heard his phone ringing in the other room. God, he hoped it wasn't Frankie. Or worse, Kendal . After jerking off in the shower, he didn't want a repeat hard-on. He wrapped a towel around his waist and ran to catch the cal , dripping across the floor. Ed pul ed the phone out from under a throw pil ow and checked the cal er ID. Connor Mason flashed across the screen.


Guilt gnawing a hole in his gut, he hit the talk button. Was it fate that had Connor cal ing tonight of al nights? Or was he psychic and reading Ed's lust-fil ed thoughts of his baby sister? Ed swal owed hard and forced a cheerful tone. "Hey, buddy, when you comin' home?"

Connor laughed. "I just got here a month ago, and the tour's for no less than fourteen months, you know that. Why? Things getting to you back home?"

"No, no. Nothin' like that. Just askin'." He ran a hand through his wet hair, trying to pul himself together. Connor needed to know everything was going great at home. He had enough to worry about dodging bul ets in the Middle East.

"How's that kid sister of mine? Causing you any grief?"

Ed stifled the groan that immediately rose in his chest at the "grief" Kendal had caused him in the past two hours. Keeping in mind the need to keep Connor oblivious to any strife on the home-front, Ed gritted his teeth and lied, "No, not at al . She's being a perfect angel."

"Ha! Now I
you're lying."

Crap, he'd laid it on too thick. "Real y, she hasn't dropped out of col ege, she's stil working nights and I check on her every day. I'd know if something was up." Ed crossed his fingers and prayed his friend wouldn't question him about Kendal 's love life.

"What about guys? Is she seeing anyone?"

"She may have a crush on some guy from one of her classes."

"Real y?" Connor's voice tightened.

Ed could kick himself for even mentioning it.

"Yeah, they study together at her place."

"Damn. She needs to finish her degree before she gets involved with some jerk."

"Not to worry." Not to worry much, and not at al if Ed could help it. "I'm keeping a close eye on her."

"Got a feeling it'l take more than that. Kendal is too pretty for her own good. She doesn't need to be alone with a guy. You know guys are only thinking about one thing—gettin' some."

Ed’s cock throbbed in agreement. "Yeah, pretty much. Although I real y think they're studying." But he wasn't sure and he couldn't be sure unless he was at the house al the time. "Besides, she's twenty-one and legal. She can do whatever she wants. No matter what we say."

"I know. I just wish I was there to advise her."

Connor sighed. "That's why I asked you to look out for her. She respects you and turns to you like a brother. I know I can trust you to take care of her."

That wad of guilt twisted in Ed's gut. "You can count on me, buddy."

"Do me a favor, wil ya?" Connor asked.

"Yeah, anything?"

"Check out this guy. Let him know her brother carries a big gun and has friends who'l take him out back if he doesn't treat Kendal nice."

"Wil do."

"Wel , I gotta go. Tel Kendal I said hel o. I'l try to cal when she's not at work. Damn, I miss you guys."

"Same here." Ed missed his friend. Right now, the best he could do for Connor was assure him that he'd take care of his only living relative, Kendal . He ran a hand through his hair. "Don't worry about Kendal , I'l make sure she stays out of trouble."

"Thanks, Ed. I feel better already."

Ed could hear voices in the background over the phone line.

"Hey, Ed, I gotta go. We're moving out for patrol."

His mouth dried and he swal owed hard. "Stay low and come back safe." Ed's words sounded so trite, but he meant them from the bottom of his heart.

"I plan on it. I don't know when I'l get the chance to cal again. I wil as soon as I can. Later."

Ed hit the off button and stared down at the cel phone, more depressed than when they'd started their conversation. Connor was like the brother he never had. He and Kendal were the only family he had since both his parents had died. If anything happened to Connor...Wel , that possibility didn't bear thinking about.

Not one to wal ow in depression, Ed pul ed on a clean pair of shorts, a t-shirt and jogging shoes. He'd worked hard al day at the ranch and didn't need the exercise to keep in shape. Instead, he needed to walk, to get out and think through everything that had happened that day.

He set off down the street, casting a quick glance up at Kendal 's apartment window above his.

She'd be at work now, serving beer and shooters to patrons of the Ugly Stick Saloon. Would her new boyfriend be there, waiting to see her after work? Ed walked faster, the frustration he'd felt earlier returning instead of receding.

Kendal was headstrong, stubborn and beautiful.

A kil er combination to try to keep up with. The kicker was that she had every right to do whatever the hel she pleased. Ed could do nothing to stop her. If he told her not to do something, she'd probably go out and do it, just to spite him. His only option for coming between her and this mystery boy was to plant himself right in the middle. If they didn't have time alone together, they couldn't build a relationship. And they sure as hel wouldn't have time to get it on.

If playing the part of Kendal 's sex education teacher kept her too busy to pursue her new love interest, so be it. He'd take on that responsibility, no matter how many cold showers required to get through it or how many times he had to masturbate.

By the time he turned and headed back to the house, he realized he'd been walking for over two hours. He might actual y sleep better, but he'd be exhausted at work the next day. At least, his libido had calmed and he wasn't thinking of a naked Kendal anymore. Just the comfort of his bed where he planned to fal to sleep immediately.

As Ed approached the house, he noted the light on in Kendal 's window. The shade was drawn, but he could see her moving around, the silhouette of her body clearly outlined. She reached behind her back and unclasped her bra, letting it slide down her arms.

Ed groaned. He didn't need to see that. Al the walking he'd done to get his lust back in line just flew out the window. His cock sprang to attention, pressing against the thin fabric of his jogging shorts.

Holy Hell
. The next thirteen months would be the death of him.

With heavy resignation, he trudged up the steps and entered the house, going directly to his apartment and an icy cold shower.


Kendal stripped naked and stepped into the shower. Tuesday nights tended to be slow at work and her boss had sent her home early. She'd had far too much time to think through her first sex education lesson with Ed, and she didn't know if she could maintain a teasing distance for long. Lacey assured her that keeping Ed on the edge was a surefire way to make him want her as much as she wanted him.

With the added jealousy angle with a potential boyfriend in the background, she'd have his love, or at the very least, Ed's lust in the bag, or sack, by the end of the week.

In the meantime, her body ached with a need so powerful, she thought she might explode if she didn't get some relief.

The warm shower spray only made her hotter and more excited as soap suds sluiced over her breasts and down her ribs. Her fingers brushed over her nipples, the taut, nubs begging to be suckled by a man. One man…Ed.

Her hand slipped lower, the soap slick and smooth, catching in the fluff of hairs over her pussy.

How she'd love to have Ed's hands stroking her as she stroked herself. She parted her folds, flicking at her clit, pretending it was Ed's tongue, lapping at her core, drinking in her juices, nipping and nibbling at that oh-so-sensitive bit of flesh, over and over, until she screamed out her release.

Kendal could imagine taking a sudsy shower with Ed. Naked, foaming, incredibly hot. He'd push her up against the cool tiles, wrap her legs around his muscular waist and thrust into her, hard and fast, his cock thick, stretching her channel, their bodies sliding together under the shower's spray. They'd make love until the water turned cold, then he'd dry every inch of her body, and carry her to his bed where they'd make love al night long.

Oh, sweet Jesus
. She couldn't wait until her next lesson.

Kendal turned off the shower, grabbed for a towel, barely even dried her body as she headed for the door to her apartment. When she yanked open the door, she yelped and jumped back.

Lacey stood with her hand raised ready to knock. Her brows rose and her gaze swept the length of Kendal 's naked body. "Going somewhere?"

"I have to have him now. I can't wait." Kendal pushed past Lacey but was stopped by an elbow hooked into her arm.

Lacey yanked her to a stop. "Oh, no you don't."

Her skin cooled as the air dried the water droplets. "But I can't remain celibate for an entire week, when he's right downstairs." She tugged against the arm holding her. "Let me go."

"No way." Lacey put herself between Kendal and the staircase and pushed Kendal back into her apartment. "Take a deep breath and tel me what happened with Plan B."

Kendal stared at her apartment door, her blood raging through her veins. The fact that she stood in front of her friend without a stitch of clothing on should have been an indication she was losing it.

She was past caring, her rampant desire pushing her to the brink of sanity. "I'm on fire." Kendal 's hands crossed over her breasts and ran down to the apex of her thighs. "Al I can think about is him taking me, again and again. This sex education plan is making me even more crazy than before. How is that helping me?"

Lacey took Kendal into her arms and hugged her. "Shh, baby. It'l be okay."

"How, when al I can think about is sex? I barely functioned at work, I can't focus on homework. I couldn't even shower without getting the female equivalent of a hard-on. I need him." Kendal wailed.


"What you need is a good vibrator with fresh batteries."

"No, I need Ed, his cock between my legs, fucking me like there was no tomorrow."

Lacey's eyes widened. "My, my. We are in a tizzy, aren't we?"

"I'm going down there." Kendal headed for the door again. "Don't get in my way."

"Okay, go ahead." Lacey crossed her arms over her chest, her lips pressing into a thin line. "And if you go down there like you are now, you'l frighten the poor boy into the next county."

Kendal 's hand closed around the doorknob before she froze. "Sweet Jesus." She leaned her head against the wood paneling. "I can't take this."

Lacey's hand smoothed along her back. "Let me help you take the edge off."

Kendal turned and leaned against the door.


"Close your eyes."

Kendal looked at her friend skeptical y then shrugged. "Fine, whatever." She closed her eyes and waited. "But I don't see how that's going to help."

"Just pretend I'm Ed." Lacey's lips closed around one of Kendal 's taut nipples, sucking the tip into her warm, moist mouth.

Desire tugged at Kendal ’s’ core, and her eyes opened wide. "What are you doing?"

"Saving you from making a big mistake." Lacey grinned up at her. "You liked that, didn't you?"

Kendal frowned at Lacey, but she couldn't deny it. "That doesn't make me love Ed any less."

"I don't want you to love him less, and I have no intention of stealing you away. I'm just helping you keep your sanity until phase two of Plan B." Lacey tweaked the hard little button on the tip of her nipple.

"Now shut up and close your eyes again. I'l even lower my voice if that helps."

"No, no." Kendal sucked in a quick breath as Lacey's lips closed on the other nipple and she bit down gently. Her breasts flushed, and swirling heat gripped her low in the bel y. "This is doing it."

"Good." Lacey continued to suckle on her breasts.

Kendal moaned. "This is only making me hotter."

Lacey straightened, her brow furrowing. "I guess there's nothing to it but to give you the works."

Kendal 's heart skipped several beats. "The works?" she said, her voice breathless, her pussy creaming at the thought.

Lacey pul ed her shirt up over her head and dropped it where she stood. She turned her back to Kendal . "Would you get the clasp on my bra?"

Was Lacey a lesbian? She’d always shown interest in sexy men. This was Kendal ’s first inclination that her best friend might have different tastes in sexual partners.

The thought titil ated Kendal . She’d never been with a woman before. She reached out and unhooked the bra while Lacey shimmied out of her denim skirt, revealing a decadent lack of panties, her smooth, creamy ass bared to Kendal 's view.

"Oh, this can't be right," Kendal whispered.

"Why not?" Lacey faced her, a hand on her hip, her ful , rounded breasts pushed out, ripe and ready for tasting. "You need release, and it's been a long time for me too. What's wrong with helping out each other? We're friends, aren't we?"

"I've never been with a woman."

"That makes two of us." Lacey's lips twitched.

"But when you marched through that door al wet and naked..." She shrugged. "I have to admit, you turned me on." She held up her hands. "Don't worry, it's just a sex thing. I know how much you love Ed, and I'd never do a thing to come between you two. But damn, girl, I'm so horny I could die."

"Wel ...your breasts I am...fuckin' hot, but..."

"Wait." Lacey held up her hand. "Hold that thought. I have something that wil help."

She tore open the door and raced across the hal and into her own apartment. The cool night air filtered through the open door, curling around Kendal 's breasts and pussy, making her excruciatingly aware of her own nakedness. And damned if she didn't like it. Maybe she'd walk around naked more often.

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