Sex, Lies, and Beauty Aides (29 page)

BOOK: Sex, Lies, and Beauty Aides
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She put on her favorite old movie,
in the DVD player. If they had enough time she’d put on her number two favorite,
An Affair to Remember

“Is there a relation to your name and the movie?”

“You could say that. My mother loved Audrey Hepburn. Her favorite movie was
, hence the name. Her second favorite was
My Fair Lady
. I was almost named Eliza. I’m glad she stuck with her favorite. I love the movie.

“It’s a cute flick. Remind me to thank her when you finally introduce us.”

“What makes you think I’ll introduce you any time soon?”

“Well, you’ll have to otherwise I won’t be able to ask your father for your hand in marriage.”

“Yeah right, nobody does that anymore.”

He mumbled a response. He’d been teasing, but secretly she wished he meant it.

“I’m going to make some popcorn. I can’t watch movies without it.”

She set out to make the snack, pulled the old-fashioned electric popcorn maker her folks sent her when they moved. Sure it was silly but she loved the ancient machine. She put a small pot of butter on the stove to melt.

“Tell me about your family, Sabrina. Other than knowing where your name comes from, where you work, and you like to torment boyfriends, I don’t even know if you have any siblings.”


She finally had boyfriend.

They talked across the counter. He took a seat on one of the bar stools as she maneuvered the kitchen feeling better than she had in a long time. “I have one brother, his name is Nickie.”

Trent picked up the other movie cover. “Don’t tell me. Let me guess? Her favorite actor is Cary Grant? And she loved
An Affair to Remember

“You guessed it.”

“That’s my mother’s favorite movie.”

“She has good taste.”

“If you say so.”

“What, you don’t like the movie?”

“Not really. It’s horror flicks, action, or blood and guts. You know the usual guy stuff. I haven’t watched a movie and actually paid attention since Rambo, First Blood II.”

“Not even on dates?”

“No one watches the movies on dates. It’s about the set up for the rest of the date.”

“You’re kidding.”

“Wish I was. I guess I’m a shallow guy now that I see it through your eyes.”

“I lived for movies. They are my sole source of entertainment.”

“You’re kidding me, right?”

“Nope. My brother was born with Down’s. Growing up wasn’t easy for him. Most Down’s kids are oblivious to stares and such. Not Nickie. He wasn’t comfortable around people, and since we’d always been kindred spirits I didn’t like to leave him alone. I babysat him after school, helped him with his homework, and when he finished I rewarded him with watching movies or playing video games. He wasn’t just my brother, he was my best friend.”

“Back up a bit. What do you mean by kindred spirits?”

“Ugh. Are you sure you want to hear this?

“Yes, go on.”

“Okay, but remember you asked for it.”

She didn’t want to seem like a coward so as the first kernels popped she shook the kettle and paid scant attention to the details she needed to deliver.

She told him about the car accident and how there was no spare money and insurance wouldn’t pay for cosmetic surgery. How she’d been teased and called ‘Scar face’ by the boys, and pointed to and was on the receiving end of Bride of Frankenstein snickers by the girls. Until she learned to completely ignore their bad manners and taunts.

“It wasn’t until college when I met Kat and Jill, and I found my first real friends. We each had our own insecurities and with us it was no problem to overlook them. Now you know how pathetic I am. Do you still want to watch the movies?”

“More than ever.”

“Really?” Completely stunned she hadn’t driven him away, she poured the popcorn in a large bowl, drizzled melted butter over it, and then stirred.

He came around the counter, took the popcorn bowl, placed it on the counter, pulled her into her arms and kissed her. He traced the scar on her right cheek then kissed it. “I won’t pretend you didn’t have a bad time of it. I’m sorry the kids you went to school with were cruel.”

“I’m not. If it hadn’t been for the way they treated me, my brother and I wouldn’t have been as close as we are. And even though I may have been sheltered by my folks and by myself, I like who I am. I’m what my father jokingly calls an odd peculiar. I know what I want and go for it. There is nothing phony about me. I may not be the most sophisticated woman, but at least I’m proud of who I am.”

“To tell you the truth, and don’t take this the wrong way, I’m glad things worked out the way they did. I can’t imagine anyone else I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

“You have to quit saying stuff like that, especially when you don’t mean it.” If only it were true.

“What makes you so sure?”

“Come on, Trent, cut the crap.” She tried to push away from him, but he wouldn’t let her go. “This is a pity date. I’m okay with that. We’re having some fun and I’m enjoying every moment with you. This isn’t for keeps. I can live with that too. But please don’t tease me, not like that.”

“You believe whatever makes you feel good. Leave the rest to me.” There was a twinkle in his eyes. She liked it because it made her feel gooey, too.

He grabbed the popcorn, took her hand, and led her to the couch. Sabrina put on her namesake movie and sat next to Trent. He pulled her onto his lap. She allowed herself to sit there for a few minutes before she settled next to him, with his arm around her, snuggling her close. It was nice. He fed her popcorn as the opening sequence played out.

They said not a word through the entire movie. However, she did feel several squeezes, received kisses on the head, and he nuzzled her neck once, leaving her to wonder what was running through his mind.

She waited until the credits rolled before she turned to face him.

“So what did you think?”

“I’m dumbfounded how much of your life parallels the movie. I can’t believe it.”

“I know. Do you have time for another movie or do you need to leave?”

“Sure, why not. I don’t have any meetings until the afternoon. Are you going to be okay though? Or will you be too tired in the morning?

“Well since you messed up my usual Monday schedule, I’ll be working from home tomorrow. I have some recipes to try for the next issue.”

“In that case you know who to call if anything goes wrong.”

She elbowed him in the side. “Brat.”

“I still have the mask,” he announced proudly.

“Are you kidding?”

“Nope, it’s on my nightstand. It’s been there since I brought it home.”

“You’re nuts.”

“Only about you.” And then he kissed her.

Sabrina took a bathroom break before she put on the second movie, curious if he got the common denominator. Both movies were represented by playboys and how the playboys tampered with the leading ladies life. When she came back from the bathroom Trent moved to the end of the couch and reclined. He pulled her down and spooned her as the second movie started. She only hoped she didn’t bawl at the end like she usually did.

He paid attention. Laughed in all the right places. But she hadn’t been able to keep the tears away when “Nickie” realized “Terry” was left a cripple from an accident.

When the credits rolled she got up and turned off the movie. Trent was so quiet she was sure he’d fallen asleep. She was pleasantly surprised to find he was not only awake, but seemed moved by the story. He didn’t cry, but he did sniff and was glad she’d seen that. Either way, he’d watched both movies without complaint.

“Thanks again for dinner and watching the movies with me, I know they aren’t your preferences, but they’re favorites of mine.”

“No problem.” He looked like he wanted to say something but for some reason couldn’t find the words. He just kept rubbing her hand with his thumb. “May I ask a favor?”


“I don’t want to leave tonight. I want to stay. No hanky-panky. I just want to hold you in my arms.”

Of all the reactions she’d imagined it didn’t even rank on her top ten list of possible endings for the evening.

“You’re serious, aren’t you?”


“I’d like that.”

Sabrina turned the lights out leaving only the light over the stove on for Kat when she came home. She took Trent’s hand and pulled him into her bedroom. She shut the door behind them.

Sabrina had a moment of panic when she remembered she didn’t have a decent nightie to wear. Trent used the bathroom first. When he shut the bathroom door she opened her drawer and found a Yale jersey, Trent’s alma mater. Kat strikes again. When Trent came out she disappeared in the bathroom to change and give Trent the privacy to get in the bed. She had no idea if he slept in the raw or in his underwear or what.

The night was full of surprises.

She edged out of the bathroom to find Trent in her bed. How many times had she dreamed of this moment and never believed her wishes would come true. Standing next to the light switch Trent whipped the sheets back and gave her a view of him in black boxer briefs, lounging on his side, sexy as hell. His pose should have been on billboards, he was that damned hot. She turned off the overhead light. Only the light on the nightstand was still lit. She crawled in next to him and snuggled up close, her head resting in the crook of his arm, her knee bent on top of his legs.

Trent turned off the light.

This was heaven.

Everything about him felt so right. If only she believed he planned on a future for them.

They shared a passionate good night kiss before she settle against him for the night, pulse racing, aching for more.

And even though it was all new to her, she laid awake listening to his even breathing while he slept, drawing circles on his chest. Loved the feel of the light smattering of hair scattered across his stomach. She reveled in the heat from his body, the feeling of bliss simply lying in his arms. She stayed awake long into the night relishing each impression.

She fell asleep in his arms feeling unexpectedly lucky, and praying it wasn’t the best damn fantasy on record.

Step five. Make him see you in a different light. Check.





Her brain was fuzzy when she awoke. Warm all over and totally at peace. She lay on her side nestled comfortably in Trent’s arms, his hands cupping her breasts. It wasn’t a dream.

Other than the few times she awoke to his male anatomy thumping her backside, he was a perfect gentleman.

Damn it.

She wanted to know a man wanted her, needed her, had to have her. She wanted to be able to incite some serious passion.

She was hesitant to move. She didn’t want to wake Trent, but she needed to pee like a pregnant racehorse. Geez, Kat was rubbing off. She slipped from the bed headed for the bathroom and did her business. At the last minute, she ran a comb through her hair and brushed her teeth. She tried to slip back in only Trent was wide-awake by then. He pulled the covers back and she climbed in.

Trent pulled the covers up over them and drew her close, lying on their sides, face-to-face.

“Morning beautiful.”


Trent kissed her. As the kiss deepened, a certain part of him pressed against her. It was scary and exciting all at once. Maybe this would be the day.

Trent rolled on top of her, settled between her legs, which automatically reacted, wrapping her feet to the back of his thighs. Trent gazed into her eyes and smiled.

He kissed her again. She felt an unfamiliar urge and raised her hips, pressing into him. Trent let out a ragged breath.

She liked the things she was able to do to him. She was truly amazed at the power she had over him.

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