Sex, Lies, and Beauty Aides (30 page)

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He reached between them and slowly pushed her underwear past her hip.

It was finally going to happen.

Kat burst in the room. “Sabrina, you’re going to be late for work.”

She leaned around Trent’s head and said, “I’m working from home today and thanks for the wake-up call. Now get out.”

“Oh-my-God, you two were doing the horizontal hula? And I walked in on it. Ew. I think I’ll go gouge out my eyes.” Kat slammed the door with her retreat. Her laughter echoed all the way down the hall.

“Some days, I really hate her.” Trent dropped his forehead to rest between her breasts.

“No you don’t. She’s your cousin and you love her. I, on the other hand plan to kill her.”

Once the mood was dead or rather he was, they rose.

As she fixed breakfast, her mind replayed the previous evening. She needed to go shopping. Time to tune-up her lingerie. She knew exactly where to go and who to take.

“Trent, what time do you have to be at the office today?”

“I don’t have anything important until three this afternoon when I meet with finance.”

“Can you spare some time?”

“Sure, what did you have in mind? Wait a minute. Aren’t you supposed to be playing with your recipes today?”

“I can do them tonight. Instead, I have an idea for another article. Care to go shopping with me? Fun, huh?

“Your idea of fun is shopping? Typical woman.” He dodged the punch to his arm, shook his head, and chuckled.

“The kind of shopping I had in mind is definitely fun. I guess if you can’t be bothered, I’ll pull my concession card.”

Trent sighed deeply and dropped his head. His chin practically ricocheted off his chest. “Okay, what are we shopping for?


“Well, hell, why didn’t you say so?” He rubbed his hands together and continued his breakfast with gusto, grinning like a fool.

Completely clueless.

“That’s what you get for jumping to conclusions.”

“I’m all yours, baby.” He winked.

She’d told him the truth about a new article. Only the more she contemplated the idea, her evil mind whorled into the fun spin she’d add and implement several more steps. As Trent finished breakfast, Sabrina slipped into the bedroom and called Angel. Between bouts of laughter and shock from Angel, Sabrina managed to get her point across.

She hung up with Angel’s promise to have everything and everyone in place. The notes she’d taken regarding her ideas were sure to turn into a fabulous Valentine’s articles.

But, would they print it?

How could they not?

* * * *

Trent was shocked to find he was lingerie shopping. A first for him. On the drive over Sabrina told him of the great boutique she’d found. She said it was where she found the perfume he loved so much. It was bound to be an experience.

The shop was on a tree lined street. The neighborhood was picturesque. Historical buildings with newly renovated facades. A multitude of stores and shops updated for the times while keeping with the old Sacramento quaintness. The store front of Angeline’s was one shop mixed among others. Each with architectural similarities and yet a hint of individuality in window design. He started to question what he was in for when he saw the small sign on the door stating an age restriction. What’s that about? He held the door for Sabrina then followed her in.

He was in trouble at first sight.
Angeline’s, my ass
. The store was a fricken adult toyshop. Albeit classy, but a toy shop nonetheless.

Concessions aside, he was determined to do what she asked of him. First he wanted to understand. He pulled her aside. “I’m not arguing and I said I’d help, but can you give me an idea of what you have in mind for this expedition?”

“Simply put, I want to show my readers that by involving their—ah—other half they can turn a typical shopping trip into a—how shall I say it—an erotic experience.”

There was a fiendish gleam in her eyes. So she was still hell bent on her plans for revenge. The fact that her plans hadn’t ended the night before told him he was in trouble.

Sabrina introduced him to the owner, Angeline. Angel. A pretty lady, though not as beautiful as Sabrina.

“Sabrina, what brings you to the store today? Did you need anything special?” The woman called Angel asked, trying way too hard to be casual.

She was obviously in on it too. The woman might be pretty but had a terrible poker face. This was planned and if he was right, for his benefit alone or rather his suffering?

Sabrina, the little minx, he loved every devious bone in her body. If this is what it was going to take to satisfy her thirst for revenge, he was ready to play her game. Besides, how much chaos could she cause on a shopping trip? Wait a minute. Hadn’t he asked himself that question only to discover the truth?

He’d be wise to keep his eyes open.

“Trent loved the sample fragrances you recommended. His reaction gave me an idea for a couple of articles. When we choose our perfumes and colognes, we choose what smells good to us. What about our other half? Maybe they’d think something else smells better. I brought Trent along to help me prove a point and make some selections. And I promise to add a note listing the store’s location and you the proprietor.”

“What a terrific idea. Sure, I’ll be glad to help.”

It sounded simple enough. Too bad it just didn’t feel right.

“Angel, what I want is to have you help us. I want to you explain to Trent how the aromatherapy works.”

“Aromatherapy?” Angel squinted then her eyes grew to the size of saucers. “Oh yeah. Aromatherapy.” Angel snapped her fingers.

The ladies shared a conspiratorial look with Angel turning away as Sabrina rolled her eyes. Yeah, that was subtle. What were they up to now? He stood his ground.

“Bring it on, ladies.” He jammed his hands into his pockets and rocked onto his heels.

Angel sprayed several slips of paper for him to smell. She explained how the fragrances changed slightly on the wearer. He smelled the paper, the fragrance on Angel, then on Sabrina. It was true the scents did change, but he wasn’t stupid. He knew all about pheromones. He read the labels, added two and two and came up with one. One delightfully amusing, clever and adorable female.

And he loved her.

It suddenly occurred to him, she had been using him to push her agenda to lose her precious virginity. To push him over the edge except she was trying to shove it down his throat. It would happen, just not the way she planned.

New Years was only three days away. She wanted romance and she’d get romance alright, big time.

Let her tease him and taunt him all she wanted. They’d each win in the end. For now he was curious as to how far she’d be willing to push him to get what she wanted. He admired her gumption, her spirit, and no matter how innocent she appeared, she’d been willing to experiment and learn a thing or three. And damned if he wasn’t the lucky man to teach her.

The fragrance testing was followed by Sabrina asking to see a selection of lingerie. He was game. No problem.

“What did you have in mind?” Angel asked.

“There were several items that caught my eye last time I was here, only I’m not sure what Trent might prefer. It occurred to me this is another good experiment, you know show him and get his opinion.”

Her suggestion sounded tame enough. Sabrina’s eyes lit, filled with a conspiratorial flame that made her green eyes twinkle, like giant emeralds worthy of the crown jewels.

Here we go again

The racks of delicate lace, silks, satins, and colorful underclothes were exquisite. In Boston or New York she’d make a million bucks. Sabrina led him to a table loaded with bikini and thong underwear, every color of the rainbow, along with matching bras. The styles ran from daring to suggestive to downright decadent. He avoided the costumes completely. Not his idea of fun. He’d leave them for the drama queens.

He perused the racks, tables, and shelves, pointing out what would look great on Sabrina. Holding colors to her skin to pick the right shade of each. The mound of delicates piled up fast.

Angel was an inspiration. He continued to discover what an intelligent woman she was. Too bad Travis had left for the east coast. He’d love to put his brother in her capable and willing hands. Travis would never survive. Oh he liked that idea. He’d have to give it a bit more consideration.

She definitely had talent. As he learned more of her story, his appreciation grew.

He’d dated a few Victoria’s Secret models. The magazines used an airbrush and the women were too high maintenance for him. Not interested.

He strolled through the aisles in an attempt to get a better idea of what they might have in store for him. Sabrina called his name. He hadn’t seen her or the pile of clothes that disappear. He followed the voices to the back of the store and froze. God help him, Sabrina was in the dressing room. Was she calling him in?

He was in deep shit.

“Trent, have a seat. I’ll be out in a minute.”

Whew, she was only trying them on. Instead of taking a seat, he paused to check out the spike heeled slippers. Sabrina in any of those outfits and these heels would make his worst day, sensational.

“Oh, I’m glad you like those, see if you like this color on me.”

He turned and wished he’d been in a chair. His legs turned to jelly, barely able to hold him. He moved stiffly to the nearest seat. Holy damn Sabrina was modeling the lingerie for him. He’d never survive.

She had him by the balls, squeezing them tight.

She strutted past him in a baby blue, spaghetti strap, full length, flowing nightgown. It covered every inch of her torso but being somewhat sheer it still taunted him. He sat up, adjusting his slacks, grateful he hadn’t worn jeans. The fuzzy blue spiked slippers only added to the turn on.

“What do you think?”

“Uh. Ah. Nice.” He didn’t have words. His mouth was stale as a dirty gym sock.

Sabrina’s smile told him he was in for more than a teeny bit of trouble.

Next, she showed off her dynamite body in a black teddy. The teddy against her naked skin drove him nuts. He tried to cross his legs, attempting to act cool, only to find out they wouldn’t cross. Not even close. His breath grew rapid.

Her next selection was a candy apple red, thigh length confection. All he could do was nod. He didn’t even have enough saliva to swallow. He was bone-dry.

Followed by a pristine white gown, tea length in front, tapering to the floor in back. Striking. It was beyond sheer. Every mole, freckle, and outline. He needed not one ounce of imagination. It was like a private peepshow. As if she didn’t already turn him on. Damn. If he didn’t stand soon and adjust his pants, he was going to have to risk the chance of cutting off the circulation to his crotch.

Finally, she came out in a pale pink baby doll held together with a single satin bow between the breasts, leaving her belly button exposed. The matching panties, barely a triangle covering her patch of hair. He wanted to take her home, back to her bed. On second thought, they’d go to his place. It was closer. Besides, he didn’t want Kat walking in on them again.

His breath hitched at the sight of her in the pink.

A bell tinkled. The implication didn’t fully register until he blinked at the blue-haired old ladies who came to stand beside him. Where’d they come from?

“Oh Angel, why didn’t you tell us you were having a fashion show today?

He turned. The two old ladies stared at Sabrina.

Angel responded, “Hi Mitzi, Vera.” She looked at her watch before she continued, “your bus must have been late. Sorry you missed the other selections. This is the last one.”

“Well, damn,” came from the one called Mitzi.

The one called Vera ohh-ed and ahh-ed, fawning over Sabrina as if Sabrina was her cherished granddaughter. “Oh honey, that’s beautiful. Is it for your honeymoon?” The old broad turned to him, “Oh sweetie, you are going to have so much fun. That is the most gorgeous concoction I’ve ever seen.” She patted his arm and turned back to Sabrina, “Honey, what else did you try on? I want to see if there’s anything I might want.”

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