Sex, Marriage and Family in World Religions (97 page)

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children, 246, 264, 269–71, 408, 446–47;

School of Shammai, 30

marriage as contributor to, xxiii, 87–88,

Schopen, Gregory, 308

107; religious role in, xxi–xxii;
see also
Seclusion of women in Islam, 207

Class, social; Custom

Second-hand woman in Hindu marriage,

Soul vs. body,
Dualism, mind-body 253–54

Spiritual development: and Christian kinship

Secular vs. religious authority, xx–xxi, 64–66, ties, 85; and divine marriage as model for

74–75, 88, 139;
see also
Modernity humans, 255–61; and eroticism of spiritual

Sefardic vs. Ashkenazic Jewry, 8, 9

ecstasy, 87, 119–20; family as distraction

Sehra¯ bandhi
ceremony, 275

from, xxv, 7, 49–52, 56, 82–83, 93, 96–97,

Self-control: Greco-Roman focus on, 90;

104–5, 304, 316–18; and Jewish identity,

within marriage, 101; and marriage as

73–75; and
in Hinduism, 228, 229; channel for sexual desire, 87, 104, 123;

love as spiritual experience, 43–45, 52,

and morality of sex, 140; and Paul of Tar—

97–98, 123; and marital attitudes, 37; ressus, 95;
see also
Fidelity, marital urrection theology and Christianity, 79,

Senior wife in Hindu marriage, 253

83, 93–94, 96

Sensual pleasures, Buddhist avoidance of,

State, the, and secular vs. religious authority, 314–15, 319, 320, 321;
see also
Erotic enjoy-xx–xxi, xxvi, 64–66, 74–75, 88, 139;

Minority vs. majority religion status; Separation of sexes: and Confucianism, 421;


in Islam, 207; in Judaism, 27, 56–57

Statutory rape in Confucian society, 424, 428


Stoics on sexuality, 90

Sexuality: and Buddhism, 306, 311, 347, 348,

Súddhodana, King (Buddha’s father), 330,

356; in Christianity, 7, 77–78, 85, 86–87,

332, 335–36, 338

91, 94–97, 110–11, 112, 116–18, 130–33, 140;

Suja¯ta¯, 338–41

Sumedha¯’s Songs,

and Confucianism, 370, 371–72, 373–74,

Summa Contra Gentiles
(Aquinas), 116–19

376, 378–79, 384, 387, 420, 423–38;

divorce, 224n35

Greco-Roman anxiety about, 78, 90–91;

sources, 153, 204, 223

in Hinduism, 229, 231, 235, 241–42, 243,

Sunni vs. Shi’i approaches, 154

250–55, 284; in Islam, 77–78, 161, 167–68,

Sun Shuao, 412

184, 197, 206–11; in Judaism, 2–3, 5–7, 9,

Suprabuddha (Buddha’s grandfather), 335, 336

10, 14–18, 30, 49–52, 55–56, 59–62, 91–92;

Su¯rya¯ and Soma, marriage of, 232–36

and modernity, 89; overview of attitudes,

The Sutra on the Difficulty of Repaying the
xxii–xxiv, xxv–xxvi; and situation ethics,

Kindness of Parents,

see also
Adultery; Erotic enjoy-The Sutra on the Filial Son, 354–56

ment; Fidelity, marital; Fornication

The Sutra on the Profound Kindness of Par-Sha’rawi, Sheikh Muhammad Mutawalli,



Shensheng, 379

Shi’i vs. Sunni approaches, 154

Talmudic sources, 6–8, 28, 31–35, 38–40

Shi jing,

Tamez, Elsa, 145

Shlomo ben Issac, Rabbi (Rashi), 41

Tang, Lord of, 380

Shouzi, 379

Taoism, 370, 442

Shulhan Arukh
(Karo), 45–46

Tatha¯gatagarbha Sutra,

Shun, 392

“The Epistle on Holiness,” 59–62

Shuo, 379

Therapeutae of Egypt, 5

Siga¯laka, 343–44


Siga¯laka Sutta,

Torah study vs. family life, 7, 50–51

Síla¯rohana pu¯jana
ceremony, 285–87

Tosafists, 41

Situation ethics, 138–42, 228

Tranquility, mercy, and affection: as basis for

i n d e x

Islamic marital relations, 152, 157, 159, 166, Xian of Jin, Duke, 379–80

168, 177, 196–97; and kindness as essential

(filial piety), 375

to Jewish marital relations, 36–37, 54

Xiao jing,

Twenty-Four Filial Sons,
370, 404–5

Xiaozi Jing,

Xing’an huilan
(Zhu and Bao), 436–38

Udraka Ra¯maputra, 335

Xiqi, 379

Union, marriage as psychospiritual: in Chris—

Xuan of Wei, Duke, 378–79

tianity, 87, 106, 121, 123, 148; in Hinduism,

Xuepen Jing,

229–30; in Judaism, 2, 14, 52; overview of,


Yagnopavı¯ta dha¯rana
ceremony, 279

Yan Wu, 405

Va¯mana Pura¯na,

Yan Zhitui, 371, 405–8


Yasa, 339, 340–41

Vipassı¯, Buddha, 347–51

Yasśodhara¯ (Buddha’s wife), 329, 331, 336,

Virginity: Buddhist virgin birth myth, 348; as 338

Christian virtue, 99–100; and consensual

Yi Jiang, 378–79

marriage in Islam, 170; as freedom for

Yiwu, 379, 380

contemplative life, 78, 83; and Hindu

Yousheng Chun, 386

marriage, 283;
see also
Celibacy Yuan Cai, 371, 414–16

Viva¯ha mandapa
ceremony, 278

Yuan Gu, 405

Vlantasis, Richard, 146

Yuanshi shifan
(Yuan), 414–16

Yulan Pen Jing,

Wedding ceremonies: Christian, 125–28, 135–

Yu Quizi, 411–12

38; Confucian, 388–91; Hindu, 231, 232–

40, 260–61, 270–91; Islamic, 171–74; Jew—

Zeira, Rabbi, 55–56

ish, 5, 33, 36–37

Zengzi, 370, 392

Western culture vs. traditional religious cul—

Zhao Xun, 405

tures, xviii–xix;
see also
Modernity Zheng, Miss, 408

Widows and remarriage, 380, 418–19, 438, 439

(loyalty to sovereign), 444–46

Wilson, James Q., xxii

Zhou, Duke of, 397

Wisdom literature, Jewish, 22–24

Zhuang, Duke of Qi, 380

Wisdom of Ben Sira,
4, 22–24

Zhuang, King of Chu, 411–12

Wolf, Margery, 354

Zhu Ming, 404–5

Wolfe, Alan, xx

Zhuozi, 379

Womanist theology, 142–46

Zhu Qingqi, 436–38

Women: biblical empowerment of African

Zhu Xi, 371, 416–23

American, 142–46; in Buddhism, 318–29,

Zhuzi yulei
(Zhu), 417, 421–23

338–41; Confucian treatment of, 400–4,

Ziliu, 392

408–14; educational rights of, 58, 218–20,

Zilu, 392

402, 421; Hindu treatment of, 250–55, 292,

(sexuality outside marriage), 207;
293; Islamic treatment of, 181, 183, 190–91,

Adultery; Fornication 192, 195–96, 197–200, 216–18, 220–22; Jew—

Zionism and Jewish culture in Israel,

ish treatment of, 2, 7, 14–15, 18–19, 24; as


temptresses, 6–7, 17–18, 23, 56–57, 207–8,

Zirar, Malakah, 166, 167, 172, 174

356, 378; widows and remarriage, 380, 418–

Zishang, 391

19, 438, 439;
see also
Gender relations; Zisi, 391

Ideal wives; Obedience, women’s duty of


Wu, Duke, 379

Zuo zhuan,


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