Sexual Politics (9 page)

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Authors: Tara Mills

BOOK: Sexual Politics
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To their surprise no one was waiting when they got to Sean’s. They didn’t have to worry about being accosted on their way in.

They made out in the elevator. Justine didn’t care if there were security cameras on them. She couldn’t keep her hands to herself. She dragged the front of his shirt out of his pants then slid her palms up his warm torso.

“Your nipples are hard,” she murmured, kissing his throat. She gave them a little pinch.

Sean groaned. “So are yours.”

He ought to know. His hands were inside her bra with them.

“You have the softest skin. Silky.” He licked her ear and made her shudder.

“I have softer skin than that,” she whispered wickedly.

He gave both breasts a luxurious squeeze and moved his teeth over her sensitive neck. “I know.” The timbre of his voice was deep and delicious. It did things to her.

The elevator dinged and the door slid open. Sean yanked his hands free and adjusted the front of his loose shirt to cover his pronounced bulge while she hastily tucked her breasts back into her bra. Chuckling like naughty teenagers, they hurried to his door and he fumbled with his keys while she stroked his ass with one hand and fondled him through his fly with the other.

“You’re driving me crazy, woman,” he muttered, appearing to have some difficulty getting his key into the lock.

“Stick it in already,” she ordered with a teasing laugh.

“You’re not helping.”

“Should I stop?” She ran her thumb and fingers up and down his obvious erection.

“Never.” He got the door open and spinning, hooked her around the waist and pulled her inside, attacking her neck as the door swung closed.

She gasped as he ground his pelvis against her. “Bedroom. Now.”

They made their clumsy, disjointed way to his room, losing coats, freeing buttons, and tugging zippers as they went, pausing off and on for more kissing and caressing. The bed was exactly as she left it that morning. Good.

Squirming out of her borrowed pants, she let Sean draw the shirt off her arms. Her bra followed.

He paused to stare. “You’re not wearing underwear.”

“All I had when you dropped me at my sister’s house were the clothes on my back. And they were dirty. I didn’t feel like wearing a pair of Jeannie’s panties. I love her and all but…”

“Say no more.” Chuckling, he dipped to kiss her, then again while she wiggled his pants down his legs. She was already stroking him by the time he stepped free.

is silky,” she said with reverence.

Cupping her right breast, his free hand went exploring. She moaned at what he found, what he did with his fingers. Without being asked, she spread her feet a little wider for him. She’d never been touched like this. Using his long fingers, Sean gently caught her lower lips between them and teased them out, stroking up and down, back and forth until she was moving impatiently against his hand.

“I love your body,” he said, licking and nipping at her mouth. “I
your body.”

“Mmm, my body wants yours.” Using her thumb, she toyed with the slippery drop on his tip.

He kissed her again. She sank against him, needing the brush of his warm skin against her, around her, and most definitely inside her.

Reading her right, he moved her against the bed then shoved her backward. She flopped down on the mattress and he followed, tugged along in her firm grip.

Kissing her jaw, her throat, he murmured, “You should let go of me.”

“But I like how you feel.”

“You’ll like me even more if you let go.”



She opened her hand and stroked up his side instead, then back to his chest. Her other hand played idly in his hair as she slowly opened her legs to him. He was right there, ready to explore. Then he stopped.

Her head came up from the bed when his body moved off hers. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong. I want to play bee to your Georgia O’Keeffe.”


“I want to get up close and personal with your sexy flower. Now be quiet.”

She laughed softly and dropped her head back to the blanket. “Ohh…that’s what I thought you meant.”

And he was good. He dipped, he tasted, he flicked, and he savored before finally plunging. She gripped him by the hair, gasping for breath as he pleasured her with his mouth and drove her insane with desire.

“Enough!” she shouted. “Enough.” She almost pleaded the second time. “Don’t tease me anymore.”

Kissing the inside of her thigh, he looked sympathetically back at her. “That was not my intention. Do you want

“No. I
you now.”

Her insistence made him smile. “That’s the second best thing I’ve heard today.”

Moving over her body, he held her head with one hand and positioned himself with the other. “Going down on you was as much for you as it was for me.”

“What do you mean?”

“Unless you’ve been using toys, this might be uncomfortable for you at first. Celibacy will do that to a person.”

“Sean, I’m ready.”

Kissing her, he nodded. “I know you are.”

With that he pressed into her, forcing her body to give way and accept his possession. She’d never wanted a man more. It was the most pleasurable sensation she’d ever experienced.

Her breaths were fast and shallow, her heart rate soaring when he came to a full and complete stop inside her. Holding steady, he caressed her face, gently sweeping the hair back from her eyes.

“Justine,” he said softly. “Even though you still carry another man’s name you’re mine now. And I’m yours. You know it. I know it. Tell me you agree.”

“You’re mine. I’m yours.”

The look of love in his eyes at her words made their next kiss even sweeter. Then he began to move inside her. Arching upward, she met his deep, steady thrusts, their eyes locked on each other, panting the same breath between them.

How had she fallen in love so fast? Her feelings for Sean were intense, impossible to deny, and beautiful to the core. She felt rich, blessed, and grateful for his love.

Feeling their bond grow with every murmur, every glide, it didn’t take either of them long to reach climax. Falling asleep in each other’s arms afterward, they eventually lost track of how many times, ways, and places they reached for each other that weekend.

Justine didn’t even blink when Sean asked if he could get one of his cameras. She did, however, bound out of bed and pull on his robe for old times’ sake. When he came through the door and stopped short at the sight of her, she smiled seductively and dropped the robe.

True, he was the one who pounced. But she’s the one who growled when he threw her down on the bed. She’d never doubt herself sexually again.




The senatorial race was called earlier than expected and the whole ballroom seemed to shudder with spontaneous screams and excited cheers. Balloons dropped from the high ceiling, horns blew, and streamers flew. The energy of the crowd expressed itself physically.

Sean leaned close and kissed Justine. “Nice job, honey.”

They watched Senator Gary Hubbard take the podium. He held up his hands, rousing the crowd even more. The man owned the stage. He owned the cameras sharing his victory with all the supporters in their home state. His grin seemed bigger than humanly possible.

Laughing, Justine added her loud whoops and arm punches to those around her. “He did it,” she said, glancing at Sean.

“He couldn’t have done it without you.”

it without me,” she disagreed.

After his acceptance speech, Gary made his determined way over to them. The consummate politician, there wasn’t an outstretched hand he didn’t shake, slap, or kiss along the way.

Seeing it all from the impartial sidelines, Justine had to laugh. “He’s good.” Then she turned to her husband. “But you’re perfect.”

Sean kissed her temple and tenderly caressed her round belly.

Gary threw up his arms when he saw them, absolutely ecstatic. “It was the women’s vote that put me over. I

“You certainly do,” she chuckled, admitting the obvious.

The senator swept Justine off her feet and gave her a big, theatrical kiss. “This couldn’t have happened without you. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to continue campaigning for me. Having you in my corner made all the difference.”

Amazed he realized it, she cupped her cheek and gushed, “Well, shucks.”

Laughing, Sean piped up from the sidelines, “You can put my wife down now.”

Loving his possessiveness, Justine was smiling when she found herself back on her feet.

That’s when Gary threw his arm around Sean and leaned in confidentially, though the noise level in the ballroom guaranteed even a bellow wouldn’t be overheard. “Did you see? I’m at the top of the most eligible bachelors’ lists!”

Sean slapped him on the back and grinned. “Congratulations. Stay on them.”

Gary laughed then his attention strayed to Justine’s pregnant belly. “So when is the baby due?”

“Six weeks,” the O’Donnells answered at the same time then grinned at each other.

“No kidding.”

“No kidding,” Sean confirmed.

“That’s great.” Studying her, Gary’s expression softened. “You’re going to be a terrific mom, Justine.” Looking at them both, he shook his head in wonder. “I couldn’t have done this without you two. People respected me for stepping aside for love. I never expected that.”

“Neither did I,” Justine admitted. “You did a beautiful, decent thing for us.”

“It worked out for all of us. And it was the right thing to do. Aren’t you glad I hired Carter now?”

She nodded. To learn it was Gary’s hatchet man who suggested he make the announcement that effectively changed the course of all of their lives for the better was the biggest shock of all. It was a savvy move, granted, but she had a hunch Carter was a nicer guy under his gruff exterior than anyone realized.

Looking around, Justine asked her ex, “Are you seeing anyone?”

The senator laughed. “Lots. But nothing serious.”

“It’s probably better if you stay single,” Sean advised.

“That’s the plan.” He looked at Justine and gave her an apologetic smile. “You know, I did love you, Justine. I’m just not the marrying kind.”

Touched, she nodded. “I figured that out. Stay away from diamonds and jewelry stores. They’re your kryptonite.”

Chuckling, he pretended to shudder. “Amen to that.”

Laughing himself, Sean offered his hand. “Congratulations, Senator Hubbard.”

Gary looked back and forth between the couple. “Congratulations to you both. Let me know if there’s ever anything I can do for you or the kid, okay?”

Chewing her lower lip, Justine gave Sean a playful wink. “Do you want to ask him or should I? It was your idea.”

“I’ll do it.” Sean threw his arm around the senator. “Funny you should bring that up…”


About Tara Mills


I write the kinds of stories I enjoy reading—contemporary romances with identifiable characters and themes. Life is difficult. Love makes it bearable. If you like stories with heat and humor, I have a title for you.

In the real world I’m a pampered wife, lucky mom to three amazing sons and one wonderful daughter-in-law, and I’m a new nana.


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Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5


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