Shades of Shame (Semper Fi) (19 page)

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Authors: Laura Cooper,Christopher Cooper

BOOK: Shades of Shame (Semper Fi)
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Though she could feel them putting her into a wheelchair and pushing her to the Emergency Room there was nothing at all that she had to say about that.  She didn’t have a single care in the world; her mind was on her boat, sailing into the harbor on a slight breeze.  David was there with her, at her side for the last time, touching her face in the summer breeze and tenderly kissing her neck.  The boat was so beautiful; she’d taken such care to make sure that it was everything she’d dreamed of.  The Charleston Rice Bed had been painstakingly designed in so many pieces that it had to be fully assembled in the master stateroom.  The engines were the strongest and finest Cummings made, they’d last her forever.  The flybridge sparkled under the setting sun with new electronics, new canvas.  Every last detail of her boat had been created and exquisitely re-fitted just as she’d wanted.  As it pulled out of the harbor it left the 48 foot Whitby that David had bought her behind.  It’d been the family boat and they’d enjoyed it so much.  She could almost see Logan toddling across its helm, his curly blond hair rustling in the wind.  But this was her boat, not one she wanted to share with anyone.  She’s designed it, re-fitted it to her own fantasies and it was where she wanted to spend the rest of her days.  David could be with her if he wanted but she knew he would leave.  She would never leave this boat and David had to, his political ambitions would take him.  It didn’t matter; she no longer wanted him with her, not on her boat.  There was something missing now, she couldn’t place it but something was missing.  Suddenly she understood what it was; she was missing the anguish of knowing her husband took other lovers.  The humiliation of having to stand next to him in public when everyone knew he’d sought solace with other women.  She was missing the stress of political life, the physical pains that her brothers and father had given her when they’d beaten her… all of it was gone as long as she stayed on her boat.  She would never leave it, never again.  No, Elise McNarry would float on the ever changing tides without a single care in the world for the rest of her life… because it’s what she wanted.


Semper Fi

David McNarry climbed the stairs of his Georgetown townhouse; this trip had been particularly tiring.  He’d stopped to visit Elise at her care facility then came straight home.  Logan was supposedly here and the news from Gracie wasn’t ideal.  At the top of the stairs he found the door to his private room open, the light was on there so he walked to the doorway.

“Logan?” he said quietly.

His son was sitting on the floor amidst several damaged suitcases.  “What’s all this?” he asked.

Logan glanced up at him; David didn’t miss the anguish and fury in his son’s eyes.  “It’s Leila’s luggage, I got it from the car.  This was in her luggage Dad, anything to say?”

David’s heart skipped a beat as Logan held up a manila envelope.  He knew what was inside it.  “Son it was nothing, she broke it off when she fell in love with you.”  He knew he was struggling for words, he also knew he didn’t possess the right ones.

“You fucked Leila?” Logan’s eyes brimmed with tears; David noticed a bottle of his expensive scotch on the floor next to his son.

“It was before I knew… son it was before I knew you wanted her.  If I’d known…”

Logan shook his head and stood up, “what?  If you’d known what?  That I wanted to marry her?  Oh well in that case son I’ll stop fucking her?  Wrong!  There’s a date on these photos Dad, you fucked her after you knew I loved her!  From the looks of it you fucked her pretty hard.”  Logan’s voice was full of emotion, tears streamed down his cheeks.

“Son…I have a problem…I can’t help myself,” David muttered again, his heart was pounding and he instantly felt as if the weight of the world was on his chest.

“Yeah that’s right, you have a problem.  I’ll tell you what your problem is, you killed my fiancé, and you turned my mother comatose, hell even Patricia Johnson doesn’t want anything to do with you.  Other than making you pay her for her suffering, and by the way she came by and she wants a check.”

David’s eyes met his son’s, he knew he’d lost everything because he couldn’t keep his prick in his pants, he hated himself for it.  “I still have you Logan.”

Logan laughed wickedly, “no sir you do not!  I joined the Marines last week while you were running around trying to win votes.  I’ll be gone in a few weeks and you’ll never lay eyes on me again.”

“What?  Logan no!  Your mother…”  David grabbed his chest in anguish.  Elise had told him over and over again that joining the military was off limits.  She wouldn’t stand for it!

“My mother is drifting off in la-la land pops.  But I know what you’re thinking, she said it was off limits right?  Well it seems like I’m more like good old Dad than I’d like to admit, doing shit that’s ‘off limits’ gives me my kicks.”

“Logan, no, please don’t do this.  I’ll have no one!” The pain in David’s chest was becoming unbearable; his left arm was going numb.

“Not true Dad, I’m sure there’s already an intern waiting to fuck your brains out.  All you have to do is make a phone call and buy a rubber.”

David shook his head and leaned heavily on the wall beside him, “for the record I’m really sorry about Leila and about Elise.  I’m even sorry for Patricia.  But Logan you need to know one thing…Leila came after me, not the other way around.  I never told her she had to fuck me or lose her job or anything like that.  She wanted power, that girl was climbing a ladder to the top.  I doubt you could’ve held her for long, not unless you wanted my job.  She wasn’t right for you Logan.”

Logan stepped closer to his father, his face near him, “you knew nothing about Leila, and you didn’t care to know anything about her!  We loved each other!  She went to Boston with me, she told me everything.  She told he how you fucked her, how you treated her.  Then she got on her knees and begged me to forgive her…and you know what Dad?  I did.”

This was a no win situation and David knew it.  Life in politics had taught him when to walk away, only this time he had to walk away from his only son.  “Alright Logan, then sit here with her belongings and drink as much of my scotch as you want.  When you’re finished pick your ass up and run to the Marines for comfort… who knows maybe if you don’t get yourself killed you can actually hide from me there.”

Logan spat on the hardwood floor at his father’s feet, “Semper Fi motherfucker,” he spun on his heels and slammed the door in his father’s face.



The familiar sound of ice cubes hitting the empty Reed and Barton crystal glasses was a sad reminder that alcohol had become just about his only friend.  It seemed the only thing left at this point in his life that didn’t take from him the last remnants of his soul.  Certainly everything else he’d ever held important seemed to have been ripped from his grasp the moment he took this job.  However, it was just the way things were done here, and nothing he thought or wanted was going to change that.

David McNarry had been almost pushed into politics, and the harsh reality of it certainly transformed this humble war hero and loving family man into something that even he barely recognized at this point.  Still, the life of politics had its intoxicating aspects, and no matter what he said, he consumed it with a passion.

He slumped down into the overstuffed leather chair facing the huge plate glass windows that overlooked the streets of Washington.  These remarkable chairs were just another one of Patricia’s must haves’ when she redecorated his office.  She was right; they provided the comfort and solitude the Senator needed to relax.  His pager, another one of her ‘must haves,’ was constantly buzzing on his belt.  Sometimes he missed Patricia; of course she still held a pretty tight grip on bank account.  He didn’t give a damn; he’d pay her until he died, she
suffered and he owed her at least that.  He pulled the clip from his waist and placed the pager on the small table that sat exactly in between the two chairs next to the Swarovski crystal ash tray and in front of the telephone.  Damn, he thought, that thing will never stop.

Rebecca handed him his Aberlour Scotch as she passed by him, walking towards the window.  “You better answer it, or she’ll never stop paging you.”  He watched in silence as she slowly drew the heavy wool draperies closed, admiring the tight behind in the short black skirt in front of him.

She brushed past him, her perfume mixing wonderfully with the smell of his cigar and scotch.  With her body, it was no wonder he asked her to stay late again tonight.  He heard the distinct sound of the door lock, and then a scuffle of papers on his desk.  David sat quietly sipping his scotch and smoking his cigar, oblivious to anything that she was doing.

A moment later she was standing next to him, holding the manila package in her hand.  He placed his drink on the table, reached over the arm of the chair, and up the back of her leg.  Silk stockings, black, with a strong seam that ran up the back; his fingers barely touching her now as he slipped his hand inside her thigh, feeling for the lace atop her stockings.  She dropped the package in his lap as he continued to tease her.  Her weight shifted as she moved her feet further apart, allowing him better access.  His nimble fingers running across the lace before moving down her leg and ultimately out from under her skirt.  “What are you waiting for?” he asked as he slapped her on the behind.

She knew what he wanted; it was the same thing every night.  He pulled on the cigar before opening the package.  The pager, buzzing again, was about to drive him crazy.  Rebecca assumed her normal position on her knees in front of him, her hands sliding up his thighs.  He picked up the pager to shut it off when the message caught his attention.  “Call me now!”

“You want me to stop, sir?” Rebecca asked as she looked up with crystal blue eyes.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” he said as he glared at her.

David picked up the phone and hit speed dial #3.  It barely rang when Wendy Adams answered.  “It’s about fuckin’ time you called me.  Did you get the package?”

“Yeah, it’s here.”

“Well?  Did you even bother to open it?”

“I haven’t even considered opening it…”

“God Damnit, David, this is fuckin’ serious.  I can’t keep cleaning up your messes.”  Wendy sounded more than a little upset, and she had no problem letting him know that.  She was the one person who didn’t treat him like he was gold; the one person he knew would always be straight with him.  He’d had no problem choosing her to take Patricia’s job.  “Do you understand what I mean?  They got you in pictures this time, asshole.” She screamed into the phone.

“It’ll be fine, Wendy, calm down,” he said, peering over the package and watching Rebecca’s head bobbing up and down.  “Can I call you back in about fifteen minutes?

“You piece of shit!  She’s there right now, isn’t she?”

“No, no, no.  Of course not.”

Wendy knew he was lying; she could hear it in his voice.  “You know, you really are a son of a bitch!”

 “Just handle it.  Fix it.  Do your fuckin’ job.”

“You know, we’re about to start your re-election campaign.  This would be a lot easier if you pulled your pecker out of your intern and kept it in your pants!”

David hung the phone up and dropped the manila envelope on the floor.  Taking a big gulp of his scotch as Rebecca looked into his eyes from between his knees.  He rolled the cigar in his mouth and said, “Your mother is a giant pain in my ass darling… Continue.”

He drew a deep breath as her tongue toyed with his cock.


About the Authors

Christopher and I are from the coastal area of South Carolina, what the locals would call the ‘lowcountry.’ We live a quiet life nestled just outside of Charleston with our eighteen dogs and one cat (Jenny), who thinks she’s a dog.

Chris and I started writing short stories for each several years ago. As time passed, our stories got a little longer, and one might say a little more developed. With Christopher’s support, I was able to dedicate my time fully to writing, and with his help published my first book in 2010.

Our focus now is developing a more complete storyline filled with rich, robust characters. Concentrating on character development, scene development, and storyline development has been both challenging and rewarding. Most of all, the ability to work with someone who understands constructive criticism has hopefully made us both better writers with each attempt.

We love to get emails, and we’re working on a blog site where we can post some spoilers and such. We check into facebook periodically, and need to get back onto my blogs and, so look us up! Or contact us at [email protected] or [email protected]!

Like My Story?

I love to get emails, and I’m trying to keep my blog somewhat current.  Stop by and check it out at!  I’m trying to post spoilers and chapter excerpts.  Or contact me at [email protected] and let me know what you think!

Please leave a review and let the world know what you think about my story!

Thanks!  Laura


Other Books by Laura and Christopher Cooper

Click here to see all the books available at Amazon!


All Hands on Deck

Bed Warmers Volume 1

Bed Warmers Volume 2

Bed Warmers Volume 3

Change of Hands

City of Romance

Come Home with Me Part 1

Come Home with Me Part 2

Confessions of a Slut Wife Part 1

Confessions of a Slut Wife Part 2

Dream Lover

How I Became a Swinger

My Hot Bedtime Stories Volume 1

My Hot Bedtime Stories Volume 2

My Hot Bedtime Stories Volume 3


Pandora’s Box

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