Shadow Light (Beautiful Beings #3) (17 page)

BOOK: Shadow Light (Beautiful Beings #3)
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“You’ve stepped to the other side.”

“Have I died?”

“To the mere mortals of this earth, yes.  They’ve lost the human being they’d come to know as Lux.”

“My parents…”

“I believe they’ll understand what has truly happened to you.  They know of your nature.  They know of where you’ve come… and where you should ultimately go.  Worry not for them.”

I turned to him, my darling guardian angel.  “Lothario, have I become immortal?”

“It was not in the plans.  This was not how your destiny was to play out.”

“But now that I’m here…”

“I know what you will ask.”

“Then will you grant me permission?”

“Unfortunately that is something that I cannot do.”

“Lothario, they both mean so much to me.  They’ve given so much to fight at my side, to try to keep the demons at bay.  I would never have closed the portal without either of them.  Please, Lothario, you have to let me go after Moore and Brax.”

“I understand all that you owe them, and all that they’ve done.  The outcome of this latest battle saddens me greatly, of that I assure you.”


“But it is best that you forget about them.”

“You know I can’t do that.  I could never…”

“You are young and resilient.  Life will bring new people to you, new experiences, and these will fade away.”

“That’s lame and you know it.  For all the years I’ve given up having a normal life, for all the sacrifices I’ve made, this is how I’m compensated?  Not even a helping hand in retrieving the young men who’ve given their very lives to fight demons.”

“What do you propose to do, Lux?  Enter the portal yourself and go after them?”

“That’s exactly what I propose.”

A thick mist flowed between us, obscuring my vision of him and bringing a cool breeze.  Was this the life of an angel? Was this being immortal?

“Entering the portal could be dangerous, even for one who is immortal.  Is this really a risk you want to take?  Are you truly prepared to give up what you have on the off chance you save them?  Under these conditions, just finding them could prove impossible.”

“I have to try, Lothario.  No matter how slim the chances, I have to try.  What is the use of living eternally if it is to be with the guilt of having let them down?”

“I should have known you wouldn’t give up so easily.”  He grinned and though I knew he didn’t want me to go through with this, I could tell he was proud of me nonetheless.

“So you will help me?”

“I can show you how to enter the portal, however greatly that prospect saddens me.”

“I’ve fought through plenty of battles, this last one being the more arduous of all.  I’m strong, Lothario, and I think I can do this.”

“Hades is not going to be like any battle you’ve even known.  Be prepared for the worst.  Be prepared for a fight that will tax you to the limit.”

“I will, Lothario.”

“This past battle cost you dearly, Lux.”

“I know, and I’ll keep that in mind.”

“You’ll be outnumbered like never before.”

I nodded, realizing he was trying to get me to change my mind.  “Moore and Brax will be there.  They’ll help me.”

“If you can find them.”

“They’ll help me find them.  I trust them, Lothario, and they trust me.  No doubt they are already anticipating my arrival.  They know I’ll do anything to save them.”

“Fine, but don’t say I didn’t give you fair warning.”

“I’d never do such a thing.”

“The danger now, lies in the reopening of a portal.  You’ll have to consider the risks involved in opening the same portal again, or attempting to open another more distant one.  Either way, you’re going to need added protection.”

“More than being immortal?”  I didn’t want to sound naïve, but I would have thought being immortal saved me from… well, mortality.

“Yes,” Lothario said, answering my unasked question.  “You’ll succeed in living on, no matter what happens to you down there, but in what condition and under what circumstances?  Satan can easily make eternity a punishment rather than a treasure.”

I looked at him, and was moved by the depth of his concern for me.  “I realize that.”

“In order to give you added protection, you’ll need an Angel Mark.  It’ll save your immortal soul, but it is not something that is easy to come by.  If you’ll be patient and let me put the wheels in motion, I can help you get one.”

I was pleased beyond words.  My heartbreak and loss were painful enough without having to constantly question my ability to save myself.  With the added protection, I could enter the portal with a greater assurance of victory.

Brax and Moore had disappeared into the portal. It would take superhuman ability to save them now. The sacrifice was immense, but now I’m ready. Reborn. Reclaimed. I was now able to help save them as an angel.

“And one more thing,” Lothario, my angel from childhood said, “You’re not supposed to die yet, Lux. Neither are Brax and Moore. Think what you will about that.  It seems you have the advantage of fate on your side. And something all immortals dream of...a second chance.”





Lux, Brax, Moore, and Asher’s story continues in

Book 4 of Beautiful Beings Series




Angel Mark

December 2012




Beautiful Beings




Calling All Angels


Angels   Within Temptation


Mercy  OneRepublic


Someone to Save You (OneRepublic)


Someone Like You  Adele


Haunted Evanescence


Imaginary Evanescence


Weight of the World


Burned (Better Than Ezra)


Special  (Better Than Ezra)



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