Sharon Poppen (25 page)

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Authors: Hannah

BOOK: Sharon Poppen
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Liam kept busy with the snake, while the other adults exchanged glances over Cassie’s misery. When she calmed somewhat, she stayed in her father’s embrace, but eased back to look up at him.

“Are you mad with me?” she asked.

“No. Not mad. Maybe a little ashamed, because you had to keep secrets. Secrets that almost got you killed.” He pulled her against him again. Cassie’s arms circled his waist as she nestled into his comfort.

“How can I help?” His question directed at both the sheriff and Hannah.

Hannah smiled. “You already have. By listening to Cassie, you’re now in the loop. We just need you to keep your eyes and ears open to anything that might lead to more information on Drake.”

“That’s it?” asked Cooper.

“For now,” answered the sheriff. “We’ll let you know if we need anything more from Cassie.”

Cooper helped his daughter up onto her horse and then mounted his. Cassie smiled at Hannah.

“Thank you, Cassie. I appreciate your courage in coming to help Rachel. Take care of yourself.”

Cassie waved a shy farewell as her father said goodbye. “Ma’am, sheriff. Be careful. That Drake fella sounds like a real bastard. Hope ya find him soon.” Father and daughter urged their horses toward home.

The sheriff summed up their situation. “Well, thanks to Cassie, we pretty well know who probably did the killin’. I need to get back to town and get a wire off to the Rangers that we got a suspect.”

“Good idea, Sheriff.” Hannah turned to Liam who had just flung the skinned snake into the deep grass and was making his way back to his horse.

Holding the intricate patterned skin out for Hannah to see, Liam made an offer. “Need a belt?”

She shivered. “No. Don’t bring it any closer.”

“Aw, come on. It’s just some old scaly skin.” Liam continued toward Hannah with the snake stretched out in offering.

“Liam, no!” Hannah urged her horse a few steps back.

Liam grinned and continued forward. “Well, well, well. What have we here? Hannah is afraid of something?”

“Liam, please.” Again she backed up.

Liam stood next to his horse. He raised the skin up and was about to continue to tease when he locked onto her eyes. The genuine fear gripping her took all the fun out of his teasing. He lowered the skin and stuffed it into a saddlebag.

“Sorry, Hannah, I didn’t know there was anything that could scare you.”

Hannah shot a glance of fear-laced anger at Liam, jerked at the reins of her horse, and trotted off to join the sheriff heading back to town.

“Hannah, wait.” Liam called. “Let the sheriff go on. I think we need to check out the area a little more. Maybe there’s something we’ve missed.”

With her back to him, she slowed her pace. “No!”

“Come on. I’m sorry. It’s still early. We’ve plenty of time to do some sniffing about and still get back to the hotel by dark.”

The sheriff chuckled.

“You think what he did was funny?” Hannah reined her horse and shot the sheriff a look of surprise.

“Well, maybe not funny, but the boy sure cares about you and I think he was just trying to get your mind off this Drake fellow.”

Hannah risked a glance back at Liam who had his hand on his saddle horn, but didn’t seem ready to mount. He looked serious as he nodded his head toward the deep grass and touched his finger to his lip as if it were a secret.

She glanced in the direction Liam pointed and turned to the sheriff. She smiled. “Perhaps you’re right. I do get obsessed about Drake. I guess it would do Liam and I good to spend the afternoon checking out the area.”

“Good decision, girl. I’ll contact the Rangers and meet you for supper at Sadie’s. Hopefully, I’ll have some word back by then on what they intend to do. And, you can bring me up to date on anything you and Liam might uncover.” He spurred his horse and headed back to Blanco.


Chapter 34

Railroad Men

Hannah watched until the sheriff was out of sight, then, at a snail’s pace, she moseyed back to Liam. The grin on his face widened with each step of her horse until she sat above him. He leaned forward and kissed her thigh.

“Couldn’t resist me, could ya?” He reached up for her.

The warmth of his breath had dampened the material of her britches and generated a tingle to the skin below where the kiss has been planted. As always, his show of affection penetrated her attempt at control and she found herself at a loss for words. She allowed him to lift her from the saddle and let him pull her to his chest for a gentle hug. It lasted just a moment and then he reached for her hand. He began to pull her toward the grass.

“Wait,” Hannah pulled back. “Where’s that snake?”

“The snake is way over yonder.”

“I’ve heard they travel in pairs.” She refused to walk any further.

“Snakes don’t travel in pairs, city girl.” He tugged her hand. “Come on. I won’t let anything happen to you. There’s something you need to see.”

Hannah allowed him to pull her forward, but each step was agony. Her eyes searched the grass for movement. So intent was she in her vigilance that she rammed into Liam’s back. The impact was forceful enough to pitch them, face first, down into the mercy of the greenery.

“Damn, Hannah!” Liam groaned as he rolled to his side and gathered her into a protective embrace. “You don’t have to attack me, woman. You know I’m yours.” His lips moved to hers in a kiss so demanding, she responded with a warm, moist invitation that erased any thought of the tall grass or what it contained. Their kiss continued for a while with a back and forth intimate sharing.

Liam began to ease his shoulders back while pulling Hannah onto his prone body when something nudged him. All thoughts of romance disappeared as he rolled back onto his side.

“Hannah, come on.” He grabbed her hand. “Stand up. I want to show you something.”

Through the hazy fog of her interrupted pleasure, she followed his lead and got to her feet.

“Look,” Liam pointed to just above where the grass was trampled from their fall. “See that foot?”

Following his direction, Hannah stared into the grass. Her hand came to her mouth as she whispered, “Human?”

“I think so.” Liam took a step closer. “I found more. Look.” He eased forward gently parting the grasses. The foot was mostly skeletal and was attached to a body. There were traces of denim pants, a grimy, hole-pocked shirt and leather boots where the toes had been gnawed away leaving the foot bone exposed. Moving the grasses to the left of the body revealed another body and to the left of that one, yet a third one. They were partially buried and mostly bone, but traces of decaying skin and clothes covered some areas of the bodies.

“What is this?” Hannah asked. “Who do you suppose they are? Do you think they were murdered? Do you think Drake could have had anything to do with it? Do you think the sheriff –

“Whoa, girl! You and your questions! I spotted the foot when I went to get the snake.”

“Why didn’t you say something. The sheriff needs to know.”

“Probably. But the fact that they were buried so shallow makes me suspicious. Looks like a hasty job. Like maybe someone needed to get rid of these bodies in a hurry for fear of being seen in the area. And that makes me think someone local is involved.”

“You even suspect the sheriff?”

“No. I mean I don’t know what to think. Here we are trying to find a murderer amongst these warring sheep and cattlemen and we find some bodies.”

Hannah walked over to the first body and stooped down for a better look. “I guess we should try to find out if they died or were killed.”

Liam was at her side. “Don’t touch. Maybe they got sick and died. You know, like bad water, cholera or something.”

“Don’t think so. Look.” She pointed to the skull atop a collection of bones that appeared to be those of a man as tall, or taller, than Liam. A perfectly round bullet hole identified the probable cause of death.

Liam hunkered down between the other two bodies. “Hannah, these two got the same treatment.”

“In the head?”

“Same. Had to be an execution of some sort,” Liam speculated

“How long do you think they’ve been here?”

“Well, they’re pretty decayed or eaten…”

Hannah emitted a soft moan.

Liam touched her arm. “Sorry, you all right?”

She swallowed and got to her feet. “Sort of.” She glanced at the other bodies. “How long?” she repeated.

“Six months, maybe less exposed to the heat like this.” Liam stood up, but continued to scan the bodies. “Looks like whoever did it buried them too shallow and the critters got at them.” Using the tip of his boot, he nudged though the loose dirt. A long, narrow leather folder peeked out from just under the hip of the tall skeleton. “Well, what’s this?” Liam picked it up and untied the string around it.

Hannah moved closer as Liam pulled out several sheets of paper. They scanned the top sheet. Halfway down, Liam whistled. “My God, this fellow’s a railroad man.”

“Railroad? What would a railroad man be doing here? The closest train is down in San Antonio.”

The couple continued to read. They found the top sheet to be a letter of introduction. The second sheet listed the towns and populations in the area along with a balance sheet as to the assets of the major ranching and business trades. The third sheet was a map showing a draft of railroad tracks leading into Blanco and the route led right though this area.

“Liam, they were scouting out a rail line right thought here.”

“Yes, right though the grazing area for the cattle and sheep. Looks like someone didn’t take too kindly to the idea.”

“It certainly would have changed the area. Imagine how much grazing land would be lost. Both Rachel and Cassie’s folks would have hated it.”

“I wonder how bad they would have hated it. Enough to do this?”

“Oh, surely not.” Hannah looked back down at the bones. “But, somebody did.”

“Hannah, it’s getting late. We need to be getting back to town.”

“What about them?” She gestured toward the bodies.

Liam took her hand and started back toward the horses. “They’re been out here for awhile. Another night won’t change anything.”

“Do you have those papers?”

Liam tapped his chest. “Tucked them inside my shirt.”

“I think we should bring the sheriff in on this.”

“I agree.” He steadied her horse as she climbed aboard and then mounted his own. He reached over and touched his lips to hers. “You all right?”

She glanced back in the direction of the skeletons. “So much death.” She looked at Liam. “I’m sorry I drag you into all this.”

He reached over, slapped the hindquarter of Hannah’s horse and took off in a gallop. “You owe me a kiss if I beat you back to Blanco.”

She let her horse run at its own pace for a moment while she enjoyed the sight of Liam’s broad shoulders leaning into his run. She allowed her heart a moment of pure bliss to know she was in his care, but only a moment. Her heels dug into her mare and she called out to him. “Don’t count on it!”

Hannah was off her horse and handing the reins to the livery boy when Liam eased his mount into the stable.

“You cheated,” he accused.

She grinned. “Did you find my ribbon?”

He dismounted and handed his reins to the boy. “You know that I’ll find it in our room.”

“When did you remember I wasn’t wearing one?” She giggled

“The second my feet hit the ground and I heard you take off in a gallop.” In an exaggerated pout, Liam grabbed his saddlebag and rifle and draped them about his shoulder.

Hannah giggled again as she unpacked her horse. Liam gave instructions to the boy to feed and rub down both horses. As soon as the boy and the horses were out of sight, Liam grabbed Hannah’s arm and pulled her to him.

“You’re disqualified due to cheating, so the winner is none other than me.” He lifted her chin for his reward.

She didn’t hesitate and came up on her toes. “I accept defeat.” Hannah touched his lips briefly, but her grin belied her words.

He laughed. “Don’t think I’m letting you get away with that brotherly buss. You’ll pay more once were alone.”

Hannah’s grin was replaced by a look she hoped conveyed what was in her heart. “I hope so,” she whispered.

“Ah, there you are.” A voice interrupted their flirtation. The couple stepped apart as the obese livery boss wandered over to them. “Sheriff’s looking for you. Said to tell you he’d meet you at Sadie’s around six.”

“Thank you,” said Liam and stepped back to avoid the man’s liquored breath. “By the way, here’s a dollar for our horses for another night.” He extended his hand as far out as he could to keep his distance.

“Thank ya, kindly.” The money disappeared into his grimy shirt pocket. “The boy treat you right?”

“Yes,” said Hannah. “He’s been most helpful. He seems good with horses.”

“Good thing.”

Liam took Hannah’s elbow and headed for the street. She broke away. “Say, you don’t remember any railroad men coming by some time ago, do you.”

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