Sharon Poppen (5 page)

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Authors: Hannah

BOOK: Sharon Poppen
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“Ma’am, what’re you doing?” The soft southern drawl came as such a shock that Hannah rolled over and lay sprawled with her head in the water.


From the corner of her eye, Hannah watched a dark haired man jump from his horse and rush toward her.

Hannah curled into a fetal position with her eyes downcast and said nothing.

“Frank, Daniel, give me a hand here.”

She watched two additional men dismount and start towards her. Hannah jumped to her feet and tried to run. Her legs and bloody feet protested by stiffening up. She fell on her face. By the time she rolled over, the three men stood above her.


Chapter 8

Hannah’s Payback

“Go away,” Hannah screamed to the three men standing over her.

“You need help,” offered the man with the southern drawl who’d come upon her, as she lay spent from vomiting up the bitter grasses.

“No. I can take care of myself.” Her desperate ballet in attempting to get to her feet brought a smile to the man.

“Well, I can see that.”

Hannah rolled over and began to crawl.

The man squatted down in front of her blocking her way. “Ma’am, name’s Liam Canady. My brothers and I mean you no harm. Let us help.”

Hannah realized what she must look like. She looked into his eyes and detected only concern. She listened to her common sense.
I’m many things
but not a fool. I do need help
. She managed to come to a sitting position and then nodded to Liam. “Name’s Hannah and I’ve had a run of bad luck.”



Hannah stared into the fire to avoid watching the men set up a campsite. Truth be known, she had no choice. Her blistered and bloody feet had reached their limit. Feeling a need to protect herself, she began a covert surveillance from the corner of her eye, head still down. The trio of brothers had happened along and offered help at the precise moment her body had succumbed to paralyzing cramps that screamed, “no more.”

The man who had introduced himself as Liam squatted down in front of her. “Hannah, I’m going to remove those bloody rags. Your feet need a good cleansing and maybe some of this healing ointment. It’s for saddle sores on the horses, but I reckon it’ll help your feet.”

With a painful wince, Hannah drew her feet closer to her. “I can take care of myself. Don’t need any ointment.”

“Yes, you do. Come on now, don’t be stubborn.”

“No. I’ll be fine. Let me be.”

She jumped at the finger that slid under her chin and gently nudged her head up until their eyes met. “Don’t be stubborn.” His eyes smiled. “It may help them heal faster so you can move on away from us and continue to take care of yourself.”

His last words ended with a full smile that encouraged a response. Guardedly, she managed a brief return smile. It only lasted a second, but she was surprised how much it eased her pain.

“Daniel, fill my hat with some river water and bring it here.”

Liam eased down into a cowboy, cross ankle position. He pulled her feet toward him and removed the bandages that she’d made from her shirtsleeves. Hannah’s body tensed at his touch and she pulled back.

“Please, I’m not going to hurt you.” His voice was gentle as he reached again for her feet.

She wasn’t sure if it was his calming tone or the painful throbbing in the soles of her feet, but she gave in and let him begin.

Liam dipped one of his thick, white cotton socks into the water Daniel had fetched and gently dabbed at her raw cuts and swollen bruises.

Despite the sting of the cold rag, the sensation was divine. Hannah watched him bathe her feet until he seemed satisfied that he’d done all he could. He opened a jar of white ointment and massaged her tender soles. All too soon, he put her feet down on a blanket that his brother, Frank, had provided. “We’ll let the air work on them for awhile, before we put a pair of my socks on you.”

Hannah nodded. “Thank you. It does feel better.” Though relieved to have his hands off her for the moment, she found herself actually looking forward to another treatment by those gentle hands.

He shot her a quick smile and then got up. “You’re welcome. Now rest. Frank’s coffee is strong, but we’ll load it up with some honey to boost your energy.” Before she could answer, he was off helping his brothers unpack the horses so they could start supper.



The sun had long set when they finished the roast jackrabbit and potatoes. She’d been warned to eat slowly. The grass she’d eaten that afternoon was all she’d ingested in over a day. The brothers felt that the rabbit wouldn’t sit well on top of it. But, it had smelled so good that after trying to refuse with an air of aloofness, her stomach announced it was not too proud to eat their food. Coffee was poured and the brothers began to discuss their plans for the next day. Hannah was savoring the rich aroma of the strong brew when an internal rumble announced a foul surge working its way up inside her.

Her “Oh...” brought Liam to his feet. He scooped her up, carried her to the river’s edge and set her down. When the remnants of Hannah’s stomach had floated down river, he handed her a tin cup filled with fresh river water to cleanse her mouth.

When she’d had enough, she pushed his hand away and turned her back to him. She was tired, sore, hungry and now embarrassed. Hannah broke. Liam sat alongside her and let her weep. After the tears stopped, vigor seeped into her bones, a renewal of sorts. She dabbed at her eyes and turned to Liam. “I...” she began.

“Shush. Look.” He pointed to a full moon cresting a distant mountain range. The display was accompanied by the clicks of cicadas and the occasional croak of a frog. Once the moon had risen, Liam’s gentle tone offered an ear. “Want to tell me why you’re out here in the middle of nowhere, by yourself, and who you’re running to or from?”

He didn’t press her when she didn’t respond immediately. Eventually, Hannah gave him a brief account of the death of her husband and her brother-in-law. She told him she’d been attacked, but kept the details to a minimum. She said she was making her way to San Antonio, but a terrible storm had caused her to lose her horse and all her belongings. She didn’t offer her reason for heading south and he didn’t ask. When her report ended, neither had anything to say, or to offer. They sat side-by-side in the quiet of the night.

Sometime later, through the shadow of the campfire at their backs, she saw him turn to look at her. Hannah turned from the star lit sky, met his gaze and began to speak. “Caleb and I had set our world afire with plans, and hopes and dreams.” She dropped her head and spoke to the reflection of the moon in the river. “Now my world is afire with a storm of revenge and a craving for death.” Again, the only sounds were from the desert and river creatures.

“Liam, where should Frank and I put your sleeping pallet?” Daniel called over to his brother.

“Set it near the fire pit. We’ll be along directly.” He turned to Hannah. “Let me carry you back. You need to rest.”

Once he’d settled her onto his sleeping pallet, he touched her cheek. Instinctively, Hannah recoiled and felt her stomach convulse and threaten more vomit. She winced.
So, now I pay.
Her lips curled in disgust and she narrowed her eyes in accusation. Liam’s eyebrows scrunched, but before he could say anything, Hannah asked, “Could your brothers walk down to the river until we’re through. Please, don’t let them watch.”

Liam pulled back. “Watch?”

Frank spit out a mouthful of coffee and Daniel dropped his cup, but both held their tongues at Hannah’s shocking request.

“Yes, please. I know you want payment for all you’ve done, but I have no money. Just don’t let them watch.” She undid the first button of her shirt.

Chapter 9

Drake Surfaces

Liam stood up and stared down at Hannah. “Leave your buttons alone! We don’t want any payment.”

She was startled to see his face flush in either indignation or embarrassment. “Then why would you help me?” Hannah challenged from Liam’s bedroll.

“Because, it’s...” She watched Liam struggle for an answer as he exchanged disbelieving looks with his brothers. “Why would you think ...”

“Because, Mr. Canady, out here the strong take from the weak.”

“We don’t.”

Hannah read indignation in Liam’s face. It surprised her, momentarily. Then, an image of her dead husband surfaced and the scarring from the bites to her breast began to itch. Her craving for revenge was renewed. Her eyes narrowed to an icy stare, her voice became a hiss. “You will. Texas does that to you.”

Liam winced. He looked up at the full moon for a moment and then down at Hannah. “It won’t.” Before she could answer, he continued. “Now, get some rest. We’ll talk more in the mornin’.” He turned and disappeared between the tethered horses.

Hannah glanced over at Frank and Daniel who quickly joined their brother. Settling into Liam’s bedroll, she tried to focus on plans to get moving again, on her own. She wiggled into the thick socks Liam had put on her feet after another application of the ointment. The itching and burning meant it would be a few days before she’d be able to walk. And even then, how far would she get without the boots and provisions she’d lost in the storm?

The brothers returned and she braced herself for ..., for what she wondered. They settled down in their bedding on the other side of the dwindling campfire. She turned on her side to observe them through the blur of the blistering embers. The dancing heat mirages dulled her concerns and she slept.



Liam eased himself from the horse he and Hannah had shared for the last three days. He reached up to lift Hannah off and carry her over to where they’d be setting up camp.

“Mr. Canady, I can walk now.”

Liam set her down. He’d held her a moment or two longer than needed, which made Hannah feel uneasy and protected all at the same time. Avoiding his gaze, she began wiggling her numbed feet and toes, asleep from the long hours in the saddle. The boots Daniel provided were too big for her, but with the thick socks, she managed to keep them on. He’d taken great satisfaction that his fore-planning in bringing an extra pair had proven to be a good idea. When she’d tried to refuse his offer, he’d insisted. Said it felt good to have the last laugh on his brothers who’d scoffed at his insistence on bringing them. She was pleased to find that most of the burning sensation was gone.

She turned and smiled at Liam. “I’m fine. How can I help?”

His expression matched her pangs of regret. When she’d relaxed, she’d enjoyed being cared for. The men had been gentlemen during her healing period. Her every need was seen to as though she were kin. Still, she needed to get moving, find the men who’d changed her life and set her on this wretched journey.

“Here,” Daniel handed her the coffee pot. “Can you carry this?”

Sensing Liam’s protective eyes, she almost sang at her regained freedom of movement.

“Should make San Antonio tomorrow.” Frank lounged back against his saddle, legs stretched out as he drank his coffee.

“Say howdy,” Daniel grinned. “I need a bath, a shave, a cigar and ah ..., well ...”

Liam laughed. “We all know what you need.”

The fire hid Daniel’s blush as he glanced at Hannah.

‘Well, I could do with a couple of hands of poker,” said Frank.

“Poker! You didn’t learn anything in Shreveport?” Liam shook his head.

Hannah refilled Liam’s coffee mug, set the pot down by the fire, then sipped her coffee and listened halfheartedly to the friendly banter. Over the past three days, she learned that the Canady brothers were from South Carolina. An uncle of theirs had served in the Civil War and had been sent to Texas. When the war was over, he’d stayed, married a Mexican girl and started ranching. He’d died recently and his childless widow needed someone to help manage the ranch. Leaving their tobacco plantation to their father and two older brothers, these three had decided to go help Aunt Emiliana. Hannah noted the siblings respected each other and strove to make the trip pleasant for everyone. She couldn’t help but compare their camaraderie to the betrayal her dead husband Caleb had received from his brother, even in death. Those thoughts brought on her dark mood of revenge, when a name managed to get her attention.

“What,” she sat up. “What’s that? What did you say that name was?”

She had all their attention, but it was Frank who asked, “What name?”

“The name of the gambler.”

“You mean Drake. If he’s in San Antonio, like he said he’d be, I intend to get my money back from the lousy, bastard! Damn card shark!” Frank ranted.

“Frank!” Liam nodded toward Hannah.

“Yes, Drake. You saw him in Shreveport? Describe him.”

“Sorry ‘bout the cussing, Hannah.”

“That’s all right, Frank. Anger has a mouth and mind of its own. But, please. Describe this Drake.”

“Big and ugly.”

Daniel laughed. “Frank, you were a little drunk. Everybody looked big and ugly to you that night.”

“Why do you want to know about this Drake fellow?” Liam asked.

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