Sharp Edges (31 page)

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Authors: K. L. Middleton

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Mystery

BOOK: Sharp Edges
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“How does Alex feel about all of this?” I asked. “Is he still giving you the silent treatment?”

He sighed. “Yes. He’s still pissed off that I’m hiding him from my parents. He just doesn’t understand. His parents are so freaken’ cool and mine are just…well,” he sighed, “mine.”

I was having a hard time understanding, why he didn’t just ‘come out’. Jesse had a decent job and his partner, Alex, was
well off. The only thing I could fathom was that Jesse’s monthly allowance from his trust fund was pretty damn considerable.

“Well, you’re going to have to break it to them, someday.”

“You don’t understand how intolerable my parents are, Sin, but,” he bit his lower lip. “You will.”

“Great, can hardly wait,” I answered, now wondering what in the blazes I’d gotten myself into.

We slid out of the Jag and into our roles right away, by strolling hand-in-hand towards the front door, where we were greeted by a very eloquent gentleman.

“Young, Mr.
Eddington,” beamed the older man.  “So nice to see you, again.”

Jessie stood straighter than usual.  “Thanks, George,” he answered, in a slightly deeper tone. “This is my girlfriend, Sinclair Jeffries.”

I looked at Jesse, trying to hide my surprise. The transformation, from prima donna to a heterosexual male was comical, considering I knew he hated every minute of it.

One of George’s eyebrows lifted as his eyes darted between us. “Charmed to meet you, Ms. Jeffries,” he said.

“Same to you,” I greeted him. “Just call me Sinclair or Sin.”

George’s eyes studied both of us for a second and then he nodded. “Very well, Sinclair.”

“Crap, I forgot our bags,” sighed Jesse. “They’re in the trunk.”

“No problem, Mr.
Eddington. I’ll go retrieve them,” said George, holding out his hand for the keys. “Will you be staying in your old bedroom, or,” he glanced at me. “One of the guest’ rooms with Ms. Jeffries, sir?”

“Sinclair,” I corrected him.

“Of course,” smiled George.

“I’m sure Mimi would prefer that we sleep separately,” said Jesse. “So, for
benefit, I think we can handle two nights apart.”

Deciding to have a little fun, I slid my arm through Jesse’s and pouted. “But Jesse, I don’t think I can handle a night without your strong, manly arms around me.”

He smiled, wickedly. “Now, Sin, I doubt my parents want us banging the headboard against the walls from dusk until dawn. You’ll have to live without this guy,” he said, pointing down towards his crotch. “For just a couple of days. Then, I’ll take you back home and
rock your world

I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. “Okay, but it’s going to be hard, not being together.”

He slapped my butt. “I’ll show you
come Sunday night, lover.”

George cleared his throat. “Very well, I will prepare the guest room, for Ms. Jeffries.”

“Thank you, George,” said Jesse. “Come on Sin, I’ll show you around the palace.”


He pulled me away from George, who was still watching us, curiously.

“Oh, my God,” I whispered, giggling. “I think your butler almost lost his composure there for a moment.”

“No, not George. He’s used to my brother bringing his trollops over.”


He rolled his eyes. “Fine, his hags, his… bitches.”

I pulled my hair to the side. “I knew what you meant, goofball. You’re just acting
so different now that we’ve entered your parent’s home.”

“Sorry,” he said, picking a piece of lint off of his light blue Dolce and
Gabbana shirt. “Something comes over me the minute I walk into one of my parent’s homes. It’s like I become an entirely, different person. Maybe that’s why they don’t have a clue that I’m gay. I just can’t seem to let myself really go when I’m around them.”

I smiled. “Don’t worry, Jesse, I can still see the real you behind those baby-blues.”

“That’s a relief. If I get too stuffy, however, drag my ass out of here.”

“You got it, sweetheart,” I said, grabbing his hand.






I watched from afar as the young couple strolled up to the front of the house, walking hand-in-hand. The smiles on their faces made my blood boil.

How could she do this to me?

This boy was barely old enough to drive let alone hold her hand in his, like a familiar lover. It didn’t make sense.

She was mine!

I studied his movements as they knocked on the door and it was then that it hit me. I smiled in relief.

Of course!

From the way he carried himself, any idiot could tell he wasn’t warming
bed at night. They were friends and nothing more. She still fancied me and was obviously waiting for me to make that first move.

And I certainly would.




Chapter Two







“Is this seat taken?”

I was lounging in the Marina Bar at LAX, drinking a beer and checking emails on my laptop when I looked up to find a gorgeous blonde smiling down at me. She had a come-fuck-me stare and a cleavage most guys would do anything to get lost in. 


I smiled. “Sorry, don’t waste your time. I’m happily engaged.”

She gave me a pouty look and leaned over the pub-table, offering a better view of her tits. “You sure?”

My pants tightened, involuntarily. “Yes. Sorry.”

Her eyes raked over me, appreciatively, and she licked her glossy lips. “Tell you what, handsome, I’ll give you a free wedding present. It will be our little secret.”

I chuckled; she literally drove a hard bargain. “Thanks, but I really can’t.”

She straightened up and tossed her hair to the side. “Fine, then. Your loss.”

I didn’t even bother to respond as her hips swung angrily out of the bar in search of another conquest. Instead, I shut off my computer and thought about my bride-to-be, wondering where the hell she was. She wasn’t returning my calls or texts.


I’d only known the twenty-three-year-old French model for six months, but she’d seemed to be everything I’d wanted in a woman- beautiful, sophisticated, and an energetic little wildcat in bed. Unfortunately, she was also spoiled out of her fucking mind with a temper that had already cost me thousands of dollars in china and fine-art. The last time she’d freaked out, I’d almost called it quits. But then she’d gotten down on her knees and stared up at me with her pouty lips, begging to suck my cock.

What could any red-blooded American guy say other than,

This week she’d went on another rampage, angry that I’d asked her to fly back to the states to meet my parents. Fortunately, she been on the other side of the world when I’d asked and it hadn’t cost me anything but a headache.


Really, what in the hell am I thinking?

Sighing, I tried calling her cell phone once again, with the same irritating results.



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