Shattered (9 page)

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Authors: Kailin Gow

BOOK: Shattered
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Chapter 10

“Good morning, beautiful.”

I recognized his voice, even his scent before turning to greet Torrid. Like clockwork he arrived every morning just as I finished my breakfast, ready to perfect every lesson he’d taught me. Though proud of what I’d achieved so far, I felt increasingly eager to get to Arcadia and the battle that continued to be waged.

Every day I heard a little of what was happening in my homeland. Warriors arrived every evening and reported to the king and queen of the Nethers, but the tidbits of information I picked up on were unsatisfactory, contradictory or unclear.

Overal , the only thing I concluded was how badly things were going.

“You looked miles away when I came up.” Torrid pul ed up a chair and sat beside me. “What’s going on your mind?”

I wanted to smile, wanted t figho be cheerful at the sight of him, but my heart wasn’t in it. “The same thing that’s been on my mind since I arrived here… Arcadia. You said I could go back once I’d perfected my skil s. When is that going to be?”

“I didn’t quite say you could go back. I said you’d be better prepared should we need to have you there. But the risk is stil too high, despite the advancements you’ve made.”

“I’m trying to be patient and understanding, Torrid, but…”

“I know. You want to return to your home, you want to fight your fight. Now is just not the time.”

“My mother is there. I feel like I’ve abandoned her. She has no idea where I am and she must be a wreck… and my friends, Jocelyn and Matthew and Sarah and…”


I looked at him, my love for him surging, but my need to help those I’d left behind surpassing that growing love. “Is that what this is real y al about?

Liam? Is that the risk you're worried about? Is that why you don’t want me going back?”

He reached for an orange and proceeded to peel it, his frustration dripping from his fingertips. “I know how you feel about Liam. Do I feel threatened by that? Not entirely. Do I want you spending time with him? Not real y. Is that the reason I don’t want you back? I can’t deny that it’s somewhere in the back of my mind, but no. The real threat is to your safety.”

“But what about the safety of my family, my friends? How long do you expect me to sit here sipping tea while they suffer? For al I know they could already be dead.”

Torrid nodded, but was far from convinced.

“Give yourself a few more days. Give yourself a chance to real y perfect your skil s, especial y barrier erection. It’s stil hit and miss, and a miss in a battle could mean your life.”

“Fine, a few more days… then…”

“We’l see,” he muttered.

I knew that I stil had a lot of convincing to do in order for him to al ow me back into Arcadia. We set off for the day’s lesson and I was more determined than ever to prove I was battle ready.

“I want you to be able to erect a barrier on a second’s notice. You can’t just walk around with a barrier constantly up. It’l exhaust you. So you have to be able to think quickly and erect a barrier the moment danger arises.” He stood several yards back and picked up a handful of pebbles. “I’m going to throw these at you, one by one. They are smal and non-threatening and you can let them come to you, but the moment I say danger, I want you to keep the pebble from reaching you.”

Readying myself, I nodded and concentrated on the coming pebbles. They painlessly nicked me on the legs and arms, some lightly tapping my abdomen, and when he cal ed out danger, the pebble fel to the ground just inches before reaching me.

Torrid cocked a brow. “You got it on the first try. I’m impressed. Let’s try it again.” Over and over he tested me, throwing the pebbles faster, cal ing out the cue word later and later until he was cal ing danger while the pebble was already airborne. I didn’t miss a cue and not one dangerous pebble crossed my barrier.

“You real y do want to get back to Arcadia,” he said. Then a look of jealousy crossed his face as I thought of Liam.

thought of Liam.

“I do.”

“You did wel , Kama, and I’m proud of you, but in a battle no one is crying out danger. No one warns you of what’s coming. While this is al good, it’s not yet enough.”

My shoulders slumped and I felt a bal of frustration rise to my throat. “If you have it your way, I’l never be ready.”

“Please don’t say that. I admit I fear for you, but I don’t want to intentional y keep you from doing what you think is best.”

“I’m General Adar’s daughter, Torrid.”

“I know.”

“He was once ready to sacrifice me.”

“I know.”

“It’s my duty to return, and General Adar should understand that.”

Torrid grasped my shoulders and looked into my eyes. “He may be ready to sacrifice you Kama, but I’m not. Not yet.” He held me tightly before brushing his lips across my temple and whispered,

“Not ever.”

Behind the trees we heard a sudden rustling of the leaves. Torrid instantly set up guard, his eyes focused on the intruder.

A Magical One cut through the dense underbrush and rushed towards me. In a flash I was caught behind a barrier with the devilish genie, bond and unable to move. For a second, panic fil ed me and I momentarily conceded; Torrid was right, I wasn’t ready. But an inner strength suddenly pushed through and al the lessons he’d taught me, al the days spent perfecting my skil s came to me.

I pushed the barrier back, much to the surprise of the Magical One. He put up another barrier, but I quickly smashed it, al with the power of m ned ty mind. Stil bond by the force of his magic, I concentrated on the tightness I felt around me. My arms held tightly to my side, I closed my eyes and slowly unraveled the ties that held me.

The Magical One snickered and threw a firebal my way. It was quickly extinguished and I’d barely focused at al . My skil s were honed, almost to the point of being automatic and instinctive.

I boxed the Magical One in a cylinder barrier much like the one Liam had erected when he was catching the Magical One and proudly put my hands on my hips. Turning to Torrid, I noticed his grin and realized he’d not lifted a finger to help me.

Just then, the Magical One in the cylinder transformed into Prince Rodin.

Torrid applauded. “Bravo, Kama.”

The cylinder barrier disintegrated and Prince Rodin came to shake my hand. “Congratulations. I do believe you are battle worthy.”

“My brother is about the fiercest enemy you could come across,” Torrid said. “He’s cunning and fast. He has the ability to outsmart and out maneuver any foe. That you were able to escape his binding is impressive enough, but the fact that you were able to encase him, and so easily…”

“You’re going to let me go to Arcadia?” I asked hopeful y.

“I don’t think I have a choice.” Torrid smiled though a hint of fear stil played in his loving gaze.

“I’ve rarely seen a novice with such talent.” Prince Rodin bowed. “Few have ever managed to encase me…and with the encasement of a Catcher’s.” Prince Rodin and Torrid exchanged amused looks. “You are indeed General Adar’s daughter, and he would be very proud to see what you're capable of. The battle in Arcadia is deadly.

Dr. Sanz is taking few prisoners and those he does take no doubt would have preferred a swift death.

His means of torture are notorious. It is a great fortune to learn not only do you have the magic of djins, but that you have the magic of the Catchers, too. No one in the Western Nethers have that type of magic, except you, Kama.” Prince Rodin looked over at Torrid. “Kama is special indeed. She wil be the one to capture the rogue djins. As sad as it is to hear how they became rogue, we must use every method on him, even using Catchers.”

Torrid came to my side. “Anger and the fear of defeat can turn the most sinister into veritable madmen. Dr. Sanz feels the impending defeat and is going to great lengths to win this battle, to keep Arcadia as it has been for so many years. Losing control is not an option for him. No matter what happens, don’t let your guard down, don’t trust anyone around him and don’t let yourself be fooled by the distractions Dr. Sanz is so good at.”

“I wil ,” I said, feeling giddy and excited by the prospect of going back. I wanted nothing more than to defeat Dr. Sanz, to see him ruined. Beaming to defeat Dr. Sanz, to see him ruined. Beaming nouldl ,, I looked at the two handsome princes.

“When do we leave?”

Chapter 11

Unlike every other morning since I’d arrived in the Nethers, the sun remained covered by a thick layer of mist. Crows flew high above, cawing their displeasure as they repeatedly circled. The lovely songbirds that had accompanied me during every breakfast were gone, or silent.

“The cal to battle is never a sweet one,” Torrid remarked, his eyes dark with worry. “Few songbirds venture out when a novice warrior prepares for her first battle.”

“I know you're worried, Torrid, and I appreciate that, but I’m General Adar’s daughter.

I’m so much stronger than you think. And I'm so much wiser since I arrived here. You're a wonderful teacher and you’ve trained me to be just as fierce a warrior as anyone out there.”

“Indulge me, Kama. I’m in love with you. What man wouldn’t fear for his beloved under such dire conditions?”

I brought my hand to his cheek and tenderly stroked it. “I’l be extra careful, just for you, I promise.

I want to help save the people of Arcadia. I want peace to reign. It’s so important to me, and I won’t let anyone stop me. I don’t think I even fear Dr. Sanz anymore; that is how determined I am.”

“Then fortify yourself, my love,” he said as he passed the platter of sausages and cheeses “for the battle ahead may keep you busy for a while.” An hour later, our bel ies ful and our plan of attack in place we set out for Arcadia. My heart beat fiercely in my chest, pounding out my anticipation.

As we flew over the Western Nethers, I gazed down, my love for this land already as powerful as my love for the man who escorted me back to my battle.

“You can stil change your mind,” Torrid said as we reached the boundary that separated the Nethers from Arcadia. “It’s not too late to turn back.” I smiled at him, touched by his never ending concern. “I’m fine, Torrid. I’m as ready for this as I’l ever be. Besides, as lovely as it was in the Nethers; the need for me to get back to see if my mother and friends were al okay was driving me nuts.” He chuckled his understanding.

The clouds thickened ahead, blotting out the view of Arcadia as we got closer. In the distance we could hear the sounds of war and my heart raced a little faster. I was ready, I told myself.

As though sensing my momentary lapse of confidence, Torrid gripped me tighter and kissed me tenderly on the temple.

Moments later we began our descent, piercing through the thick clouds that were now dark and ominous. The threat of a storm weighed down on us, rendering our first glimpse of Arcadia al the more bleak.

Ravaged by war, my homeland, the Arcadia that I’d loved al my life was barely recognizable. In the distance I could see the Governor’s Manor, its majestic dome shattered. Many lavish homes were reduced to piles of lumber and mortar. At first glance, it appeared the Diamond District had been hit the hardest.

We veered to the left, flying over the Sapphire District. Civilians ran through the street, shouting, crying and doing their best to outrun the Magical Ones who chased them. Those who were caught fought as best as they could, but were no match for the magical powers they faced. Those who escaped sought refuge in the few remaining homes that were not entirely barricaded.

“They have nowhere to go,” I said dismal y.

“They have no way to fight.”

“We’re doing the best we can,” Torrid said as he guided me further.

We descended lower and lower until I could see the field of wildflowers, the very same field Torrid had brought me to for my first magical lessons.

“Bring back any memories?” he said as we landed.

“Yes, but I wish we weren’t back here under such unpleasant circumstances.”

Several large tents were set up and dozens of djin soldiers mil ed about, some relaxing, some eating and others who were tending to their own wounds. Most looked battle worn while only a few maintained purposeful strides fil ed with confidence and a desire to battle further.

“This war is wearing us out,” Torrid said as he led me to one of the larger tents. “Getting food and led me to one of the larger tents. “Getting food and adequate medical care is becoming increasingly difficult. We try to get as many warriors back to the Western Nethers whenever we can, but we need to keep a minimal amount of soldiers here to ensure our position.”

In the distance I saw a large band of warriors, their armor bril iant and shining despite the heavy clouds that remained above Arcadia. I could sense their pride, their devotion and their desire to please General Adar. They were determined and eager to fight.

Would they be so eager when they returned, fatigued, wounded or maimed?

Torrid pushed the flap of the tent back and let me in. Inside, Prince Rodin stood at a tal table amidst a smal group of soldiers, a map of Arcadia rol ed out and pinned to the tabletop.

“Miss Kama, how delightful to see you this morning.” The prince excused himself from his entourage and came to me. “I hope you're not too discouraged by the sights that greeted you on the way in. Things may look hopeless, but we are inching our way to a victory. Unfortunately it’s taking a bit longer than we initial y anticipated. Dr. Sanz is smart. I have to give him that.”

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