Shattered (7 page)

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Authors: Kailin Gow

BOOK: Shattered
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His eyes held mine, heated with an emotion I’d never seen before; never on Liam or any other man. Just when I thought I’d melt right there in front of his parents and the whole Nethers gathering, a stream of entertainers entered the large bal room.

Three jugglers, dressed in skin light multicolored leotards, threw glimmering swords of crystal into the air, catching them with impressive precision. Clapping like a child I watched them, my breath stopping every time they teasingly al owed a crystal sword to almost fal to the floor.

“They’re funny in addition to being so talented,” I said, my eyes riveted to their every move.

When they moved on, a smal band of acrobats took up the floor, tumbling, twirling, and jumping. Perfectly synchronized, the mesmerized us with their flexibility and daring bravery.

My heart almost stopped when they threw a young girl high into the air. For the longest moment she was suspended as the band below formed a new configuration ^

A bel y dancer fol owed them, rol ing her tummy, swaying her hips and singing with her arms and hands. Her movements were liquid, grace flowing right down to her fingertips.

“I’l bet this is the entertainment you find most amusing.”

“She does have a lot of talent,” Torrid said.

“But I bet you could give her a run for her money, with just a bit of training.”

“Is that an offer?”

He laughed. “I wish I could. Unfortunately my dancing skil s are quite what my culinary skil s are.” The dancer approached us, turned her back and let her long and luscious hair flow over the top of the table. Her shoulders shimmied while her hands danced high into the air. Just as quickly as she’d shaken her body to us, she sashayed away, leaving a trail of golden dust in her wake.

Before we al had time to catch our breath, the next act arrived. A threesome of attractive young women arrived each holding a leash, each leash attached to a long, lean and breathtakingly beautiful wildcat. With only a feather whip to control the huge beasts, the young women had the cats jumping, rol ing over and yawning, a great way to expose their impressive teeth, on command.

When one of the young women brought the big cat to our table, it stood, put his front paws before me and leaned over to lick the tip of my nose.

I was delighted, reaching over with my hand to pat the great beast.
You were magnificent.
I said with my mind to the beast.

The great cat nodded as though he understood, and he let out another large lick of my face before pul ing back.

The entertainment softened into soft trickling The entertainment softened into soft trickling music. The sweet melody played on the simple strings of a guitar, calmed the excited crowd and al owed us to get our fil of sweet desserts.

I patiently awaited the arrival of the cherry tort, and when it came, I greedily took two servings.

“Can’t resist my cooking?”

I poked my fork into the warm tort. “Let’s wait and see.” I took a bite and cocked an impressed brow. “Hmmm, that is good. Did you real y do this or did you get help from your mother.”

He gasped in mock shock. “How dare you insinuate such a thing? I made them, from scratch, and, dare I say, I had you in mind the whole time.”

“You knew I had a sweet tooth?”

He leaned in close, almost tasting the cherry tort straight off my lips. I swal owed the bal of heated sensation that suddenly fil ed my throat. At any other moment I could have easily blamed it on the warm tort, but I knew Torrid was completely to blame.

“I know a lot more about you than you can imagine.”

The festivities faded to the background, and the gentle music seemed to play just for us.

“Then I want to learn more about you. You have an unfair advantage. What were you like as a boy? What do you dream of? What kind of pets did you have as a child? When al this battling is over, what do you want to do with your life?” He grinned. “Al in due time, dear Kama.” Taking a firm hold of my hand, he guided me up and led me to the dance floor where many party goers had gathered. His hold was firm, yet gentle as he swirled me around the floor. Locked in his arms and enjoying the music that wafted through the enchanted air, I never wanted to evening to end.

For the first time in months, I felt carefree and happy. No worries about Life's Plan. No need to wonder what my destiny held. Al I needed to do, wanted to do was enjoy the moment.

“You seem rather happy. Can I dare hope to be the cause?”

“I guess you could. This evening has been absolutely magical, in every sense.”

The song came to an end and Torrid led me away from the crowds. “How about a breath of fresh air?”

Nodding I fol owed him outside. The stars, sparkling in pinks, yel ows and lavender, fil ed the sky. The moon, a faintly glowing orb of muted violets hung low on the horizon.

“This is real y the most perfect way to end such a beautiful evening, Torrid. I’ve never seen a sky like this. You know, in Arcadia, the nights were something I rarely saw in my youth. We were al heavily shielded from the dangers of the night, though I never real y could imagine what they could be; after al , Arcadia was supposed to be perfect.

What dangers could possibly lie in the dark?”

“Funny how something so seemingly perfect can turn out to be so unbelievably flawed.” My hand was warm in his strong hand and my heart did somersaults with too many emotions. A hint of guilt suddenly struck me. Being happy felt so wrong when so many people were going through such turmoil.

“It’s selfish of me to be here, Torrid. That world is flawed, yes, and I should be there, taking part in the fight, helping the people I grew up with. I shouldn’t be here. I shouldn’t be this happy. I shouldn’t be blissful y strol ing under a beautiful night sky.”

He stopped and took both my hands in his.

“You're wrong. I understand how you can believe you should remain in Arcadia, but you're wrong. This day, this night, it shouldn’t bring you guilt or shame.

This is just a quick respite in an otherwise very difficult journey. Were we to only think of the fight, of the ugliness of war, we’d go mad. You need this time of joy… if only for one night. We al do.” He led me on and we strol ed past the gardens, through an apple orchard and past a meadow that glowed under the heavy moon. We reached a low stone wal and Torrid stopped suddenly and pul ed me into his arms.

We were far from the palace, far from the noise and far from curious eyes. Being alone with him reminded me just how I’d longed to be with him again. Unable to resist, unable to wait any longer, I wrapped my hand around his neck and pul ed him to me, eager to taste him, to show him how I felt.

Our lips col ided and the electricity that coursed between us confirmed just how right we were for one another. Fierce and commanding one moment, Torrid was quick to gain control and slow the pace. His lips softened and, when he brought his the pace. His lips softened and, when he brought his tongue to meet mine, a simpering groan escaped from my throat.

“It’s been too long, Kama,” Torrid said hoarsely, his hands playing over my skin, running down my arms and back up to my shoulders. “I’ve thought of this moment, so many times. I questioned your feelings. I know of Liam and of the hopes you had for a Life's Plan with him. But I know you belong with me.”

Chapter 9

The evening was magical, and on so many levels. The intimidating prospect of meeting Torrid’s parents, the excitement of the varied entertainment, and of course, the delectable dinner that had surely left five extra pounds on me.

At the end of it al , however, it was my time with Torrid that that was the most magical of al . He brought out emotions in me that I didn’t know I had.

He made me see things differently than I’d ever had, even making me see things I’d never noticed before. My senses were heightened with every added moment with him.

“What are you smiling at?” Torrid asked as he guided me beyond the wal that surrounded the palace.

T ^

“The blue ones are my favorite,” Torrid said.

“There’s something unearthly about their glow. It’s softer, more muted than the reds, yel ows and greens.”

“But I don’t see any blue ones.”

“I guess that’s part of what I like as wel .

They’re rare. Funny how we always seem to cherish what is so few.”

I looked at him, amused by his insight. “Al my life I’ve had a certain degree of security. My mother was always there for me. I had plenty of friends. I guess I was lucky; I was wel -liked.”

“That’s not luck, dear Kama. It’s who you are. You attract affection with your kindness and good heart.”

“Thanks. That’s sweet of you to say. Anyway, though al of that was important, I have to admit, somewhere I took it al for granted. No matter what, my mother was there at night when I went to bed. No matter what, I’d arrived at school and my friends would be there to greet me, to cheer for me.”

“But something was missing?”

I laughed softly. “You're always so perceptive.

Yes. As much as I loved my mother and everyone in Arcadia, it was the thoughts, the dreams of my father that I cherished. I know a great deal of what I thought was pure fantasy. I didn’t know anything about him, so I created him.”

“No doubt you created a great and honorable man.”

“Of course. He was the personification of quiet strength, capable of fending off the worst foe yet able to hold my tiny little hand in his with the greatest tenderness. I loved him. No matter what had brought him to leave me, to leave my mother, I loved him.”

“You weren’t too far from the truth.”

“Maybe deep inside, I instinctively knew the kind of man he was, the kind of man my mother would fal in love with. She wouldn’t have anything to do with some dishonorable, dishonest or evil person.” I thought suddenly of Pim. How could she have loved someone like General Adar then turn and fal for someone so completely different? I shook my head, not yet wil ing to burst the bubble of this perfect evening with thoughts of Pim.

“When I was in fifth grade, we were asked to draw our favorite hero for art class. I knew immediately who I wanted to draw.”

“Your father.”

I nodded. “I wish I could show you that drawing; a warrior with a huge saber, his armor shining, his gaze fierce and confident. For years that drawing hung on my bedroom wal .”

“I’m impressed.”

“Torrid,” I said. “Tonight has been as close to perfect as an evening can be, but I have just one disappointment.”

He bit his lip and gazed sadly at me. “I was wondering when you’d bring it up.”

“Throughout the evening I thought he’d show up. I know he must be busy. I know the uproar with Arcadia must take up a lot of his time, but… you're here, Prince Rodin is here and so many other warriors. Why didn’t he want to be here tonight… the night I was here?”

“Please don’t take it personal y. Believe me, General Adar would have liked nothing more than to spend this evening with his daughter. Unfortunately, the situation with Arcadia just didn’t al ow him one moment to come back. My own presence here is limited. Before long every warrior wil have to go back.”

“And what about me? When do I go back?”

“And what about me? When do I go back?”

“For now your place is here. I want to take a bit of time to fine tune your magical skil s. I want to ensure you’ve mastered the more important skil s.

Like blocking your thoughts, conjuring various objects, objects that are a little larger than a cup. I also want to show you how to avoid getting caught by a Catcher. It can be rather tricky, but it’s vital.”

“So that means I wil be returning to Arcadia.” He grinned and pul ed me into his arms.

“We’l see. If there’s no need to involve you, I have to say I’d be very happy with that. For now, al I want is to have you in my arms and hold you.” He pressed his lips to mine, heavy with longing. Spreading his fingers through my hair, he held me tight, keeping me close while his lips and tongue played wicked games in my mouth.

Loud voices coming from the palace broke us apart.

“The festivities have come to an end,” he said, grasping my shoulders with the remnants of passion that stil simmered through his fingertips.

“You’l be expected to return to the palace, to your room.”

“Wil you stil be here tomorrow?” Suddenly, the thought of being without him was suffocating. In addition to wanting him so much, I hadn’t realized just how much I needed him. I felt alive with him, strong and capable of anything.

“Absolutely. I’l be at your door, bright and early, so be ready for your fi fto h" farst lesson.

Tomorrow we tackle the Catchers.”

He brushed my lips with a final kiss before leading me back to the palace.

Though the night was fil ed with a variety of dreams, al involving Torrid, I awoke early the next morning, ready for whatever Torrid brought my way.

The sun rose, promising a beautiful day, but as the morning wore on and Torrid didn’t appear, I began to fear he’d returned to the battle in Arcadia.

Just as I prepared to spend the day alone, I saw him approach the palace. I’d just finished my second cup of tea when he rode up, a perfect white stal ion carrying him right to the table.

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